The Broken Hero

By LadyTempus

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Perseus Jackson, the hero and two time savior of Olympus sacrificed himself to defeat Gaia and her children... More

Chapter I
Chapter II
Chapter III
Chapter V
Chapter VI
Chapter VII
Authors Notes
Chapter VIII
Hey Guys
Chapter IX
Chapter X
The Bad And Good News
Chapter XI
Chapter XII
Chapter XIII
Polls So Far
Hot Dam

Chapter IV

13.1K 346 242
By LadyTempus

So my Spring Break is over, it was early I know, anyway chapters might not come out as fast since I will be having school and work now. I will try and update as soon as I possilbly can. Thank you all so far, and thank you PikkieSmit for your votes! I no Rick Riordan.

Somewhere in Another Dimension  

Luke POV 

 I was walking to Lord Aether's office along with my best friend, Gennaíos. I am the commander of Lord and Lady Aether and Hermera's Army of the Light. My name is Luke and I have been here for a little over five millennia. Lord Aether and Lady Hermera brought me here after I died from Earth to be the commander of their army. At first I said no, because I believed, and still do, I didn't deserve it. I mean I was Luke Castellan, traitor of Olympus. They had disagreed saying that I was misled and was a hero in the end. They had told me that I could bring some of the people back from Hades to be in the army. I immediately brought back some of the people that had died due to my betrayal. Silena Beauregard, Bianca di Angelo, Charles Beckendorf, and Zoe Nightshade. Later I brought back more, but those were the first I thought of. They were all weary at first about me, but I apologized and eventually they forgave me after I saved all of their lives on a mission on another planet. We made the Elite Unit of The Army of the Light. Around two and a half millennia ago Gennaíos appeared.

His appearance was sudden. It happened when Lord Aether and I were in his office. Gennaíos appeared on the floor in a flash of black. He was curled up on his side, his brown hair in disarray. He had his eyes closed and he was naked. Lord Aether and I had rushed to his side as Lord Aether put a blanket, which he had made appear, over him.  Gennaíos's eyes opened and he looked scared as he sat up. He noticed he was naked and grabbed the blanket, which had fallen when he sat up, to cover himself. We had asked him his name and where he had come from. He didn't answer and we found out he was mute. He also didn't remember who was nor where he was from. Lord Aether had placed him in Elite Unit with me and as we were near each other an unbreakable friendship grew. Gennaíos wasn't that strong, but he made up for it in his loyalty and heart. After all this time I was glad to call him my best friend.

 Lord Aether had called me to a meeting. I was dressed in my white and gold armor as Gennaíos was wearing his white and sea green, matching his eye color. The first time I had seen them they had reminded me of Percy, except for the brown hair. We walked into the office to see both Lord Aether and Lady Hermera and bowed to them. They both scowled.

"Lord Aether and Lady Hermera."

"Stand both of you and don't call us Lord and Lady. You know that we do not need nor like you to." I laughed.

"We just like to respect you and be a pain in your ass." Gennaíos smiled and nodded. They both shook their heads.

"So what can we do for you?"

"It has come from our Aunt Gaea that our Mother, Father, and Uncle Tartarus have teamed up with the Titans to control Earth. They have framed Aunt Gaea and have turned Camp Half Blood, Camp Jupiter, and the Hunt against her. They have sent their champion blessed by all three of them to control the camp. From what I understand he had done this. I want you and your unit to go down and see if you can reason with the demi gods and gods to join our side and if you have to kill the champion." I was furious. How dare they take over camp in a deceiving my friends and family!

"I understand and want to help, but I don't understand how we can convince them. I was a traitor and no one I know is alive."

"That isn't true the gods blessed six and the head counselors of the cabins with immortality." I know my mouth dropped as Gennaíos made it shut with a smile.

"They are alive? Wait what about six, I can understand the counselors, by why the other six?"

"Aunt Gaea was tricked by our parents and Uncle Tartarus to try and take over the Earth. Seven were prophesized to stop it. They did and put Aunt Gaea back to sleep. She later found out about the trick and due to her losing they are trying again to frame her."

"You said seven. Why wasn't the seventh person given immortality?" Aether and Hermera gave me a sad look.

"Perseus Jackson sacrificed himself to stop Aunt Gaea. He swore on the Styx to go with her peacefully and then as he approached her he cut of her head, putting her back to sleep. He was instantly transported to Tartarus." Tears gathered at my eyes. Percy was a great hero and did not deserve that. Suddenly Gennaíos dropped to the ground holding his head and writhing in pain.    

"Gennaíos!" I knelt beside him and Aether and Hermera came over. Hermera touched his head and he instantly calmed. He opened his eyes and sat up. He gave us a puzzled look. He wanted to know why he was on the ground.

"Dude you grabbed your head and dropped to the ground in pain. Are you alright?" He nodded and smiled. I turned to Hermera who looked at Gennaíos with a confused look. She turned to Aether who nodded.

"Gennaíos how about you go lie down. I don't know what happened, but we want you to be ready tomorrow to go." Gennaíos nodded and left.

"So honey, what did you want to say?" Aether turned to Hermera.

"I saw many flashed of memories when I touched his head, but they passed too quickly for to see any of them.

"So his sudden pain came from his memories temporarily flashing through his mind," I asked. Hermera nodded.

"Yes, and at the end was darkness, which blocked me from further inspecting his memories. Whatever his past was he and someone else does not want him to remember. Just be careful. I didn't see anything malicious coming from him, but whatever blocked his memories blocked them for a reason."

"I understand." She nodded and then looked absentminded. I guess she was trying to sift through the quick glances she saw. I turned back to Aether.

"Be ready to go tomorrow. I know that will be a week on Earth, but Aunt Gaea wants it this way. We will help her save Earth. Go let your team know."

"Yes, Aether." I smiled at him and left as he took his wife in his arms. I made the decision to tell everyone and then go check on Gennaíos, though knowing him he was with the rest of the unit and not resting. I walked into what we call the entertainment room. It had books, TV, and games for us while we were on our down time. Zoe and Bianca were playing a hunting simulator that they usually played and Charles and Silena were playing a card game.  Gennaíos was sprawled out on the couch reading. Well at least he was resting.

"Alright guys another mission had come up." Everyone paused their game to look at me. Gennaíos kept reading since he already had the information.

"We have to go back to Earth to save the planet from Nyx, Erebus, and Tartarus. They have framed Gaea and thus have gain Camp Half Blood, Camp Jupiter, and the Hunt under their control using their champion that has been blessed by them. We are to go tomorrow and convince them that they have been tricked."

"I will kill them," Zoe said. She looked like she wanted to murder someone now. I understood though, they were messing with our home.

"It also looks like we will be seeing old faces that have been granted immortality."

"Was Nico," Bianca asked.

"Aether said that the head counselors along with six others were granted immortality, so I am betting yes." She looked happy.

"You don't look as happy as you should," Silena said. She was keen on this stuff.

"That is true. Sadly, Percy won't be there. Gaea was tricked into attacking Earth and seven were prophesized to stop it. Percy sacrificed himself and was sent to Tartarus after breaking his oath on the Styx." Silena started to cry as Charles held her. Bianca started to cry too and Zoe, who had tears in her eyes, gave her a hug. I heard a thump and looked back to the couch to see Gennaíos holding his head in pain again. I went over to him.

 "Gennaíos." The rest came over.

 "What's wrong," Silena asked. Instead of answering her I grabbed Gennaíos's arm, who instantly stilled. He was breathing hard, but no longer seemed to be in any pain.

"Are you okay?" He opened his eyes and nodded. He looked exhausted. I picked him up bridal style, taking care of not hurting his wings. He surprisingly didn't object. Instead he laid his head on my chest closing his eyes and fell asleep.

"Is he alright," Bianca asked. He was like a little brother to all of us and they were worried.

"He will be fine. It has something to do with his missing past. Someone has blocked his memories and they have started to resurface. I am going to go lie him down. I suggest you guys get ready. We leave tomorrow." They nodded as I left taking Gennaíos to his room. I laid him down and he didn't wake. I hoped he was alright and if he didn't feel better tomorrow I would make him stay here. With that I went and packed.

 Ani̱leí̱s POV 

I felt horrible. I knew I was shaking as I moved along. I hadn't wanted to fall asleep. I knew what was to come, but couldn't stop it.  Annabeth had woken me up and I wasn't certain it was her or not. It had scared me. After waking up I always felt like he was still down in that cell. I never wanted to sleep again. I was now at the beach and decided to sit on the sand. The beach was looking better and that meant that Poseidon was getting better. It was a risk for me to be here, but I wanted to stay. The sun was warm and I laid back down not afraid of falling asleep this time. No one came to bother me as I laid there thinking of nothing. I kept my mind blank and never noticed the passage of time.  

The Next Morning 

I had made everyone meet at the arena so that Rachel could give out the quest. The gods, immortal campers, Thalia, and I stood in the arena waiting for Apollo to bring Rachel in, while everyone else sat in the stands. He flashed in with her and everyone quieted. She looked around before coming over to our group. When she did she started to glow green.

A Passage That the Dead Come Through

One That Can Only be Found by a Select Few

Daughter of Wisdom Will Lead the Way

As Son of Trickery Comes to Play

The Head Huntress will Fight

Son of Death Shall Help the Plight

Here Torture Will Stay

Only to Help Along the Way

Look to the Skies to Find the Road

The One that the Huntress will Bestow 

Rachel fell and I caught her. She felt small in my arms.

"Well what does it mean," Clarissa asked.

"It looks like I will lead the way," Annabeth said, "Aiden, Thalia, and Nico will come with." She looked sad, but thankful at the same time.

"What about Torture," Jason asked. Annabeth looked at me.

"I am pretty sure that refers to you. You will stay at camp, but help us when we need it." I could do that and I knew she was right. They needed to find the path, but I could help along the way.

"What about the last part," I asked her. She seemed puzzled about this.

"I guess that is what we will have to figure out, though since it said Huntress I think Thalia will be the one to find the road." It felt wrong when she said it, but I left it go. They would eventually figure it out. I made it so that I was carrying Rachel bridal style.

"Get going as soon as you can. You have a week to be back here." I over to Apollo who took Rachel gently. He flashed out with her, my guess is to take her to the infirmary to wake up. The four left to go get ready and leave. The gods were whispering to another, the immortal campers were doing the same, and the rest in the stands were gossiping to themselves. There seemed to be tension.

"What is wrong?" Hades looked at me.

"Many times when there were more than three in a quest, at least one of them died. My daughter died in one, Artemis' huntress in the same, and Percy in the last. We are afraid one will die."

"Well good thing they are all immortal and will reform right?" Their eyes widened. Poseidon did a facepalm as did Hades. I tilted my head and realized what just happened. "You forgot about this didn't you?"  All the gods nodded. I gave a snicker, which made them all freeze.

"Did you just laugh?" I was shocked myself. I hadn't had the faintest feeling besides pain and anger since he had died. I then shrugged.

"You were being dense. Why wouldn't I give a snicker? All of you including the goddess of wisdom forgot something that was obvious." Athena wasn't impressed by my statement as she huffed. The children all gave into small laughs at this. At that moment the four came back from gathering their stuff. Annabeth came over to me.

"How are we supposed to contact you when we need it?" I conjured a necklace made of shadow. I made it a simple black chain necklace and handed it to her.

"Touch the necklace and call out to me. I will appear." She looked skeptical, but took the necklace and the Son of Hermes put it on.

"Alright where do want to start to look Daughter of Athena?" She thought for a moment and then looked at Thalia.

"What do you think? It says the Huntress will bestow?" Thalia shook her head.          

"Yeah, but it also says look to the sky."

"Well your Father is the Lord of the Sky." They looked at Zeus who shook his head.

"Even if I could help I do not know what the quest is referring to. Sorry." I was getting annoyed. They needed to pick a spot and start. They had a time limit.

"Well," I growled causing everyone to look at me. "They have a week to destroy the place and come back. They need to make up their minds now." Athena, Artemis, Demeter, Hermes, and Hestia glared at me. I didn't flinch even though if their eyes could shoot lasers I would be dead.

"You know what fine. They can leave out of the front. I won't send them anywhere to start. As soon as they are gone I expect every one of you at Zeus's Fist." With that I left the arena and went to Zeus's Fist. I sat on it defiantly, which I could care less about. About fifteen minutes later the camp and gods started to show up. When everyone was there I started them on a run. I told them that they could stop when I said. I got many glares and panicked faces at this. None defied me though, as they ran. I made them run for a solid hour only taking one five minute break for water.

"Stop," I called and many collapsed to the ground. They thought it was over, they were they mistaken. "Grab a drink and then go to the forest and grab a branch to do a hundred pull ups." I heard many groans. "Shut up and do as you are told." I got glares at that and then a big surprise. Hestia came over to me. Each step she took left a bald spot on the ground from her fire footsteps. She had a red aura of flames around her as she marched up to me. She gazed up at me.

"You DO NOT talk to my family that way! They have been doing everything you ask with the rarity of disobedience like asked. Can you not be like a normal person and ask respectfully?" Her eyes were aflame, but I was not backing down. I let my wings extend.

"Do you know what my name means? It means Merciless. That is what I am. I do not have the emotions be anything else, so this is me respecting all of you. Get over it goddess of the hearth." I suddenly had the all of the Olympians at my throat with their weapons all pointed at my throat.

"You will not talk to my sister in such manner," Poseidon hissed. I gave a dark snicker.

"You all know you cannot take me, but here you are defending your family member. You are insane."

"No you are insane," Hera said. "Of course we are loyal to her."

"Like you were loyal to your children? The ones who died to protect you and did hardly anything to mourn their deaths. How about all that you have punished and will not release them even if they have done things that should have erased their past mistakes, such as Calypso. Why did Kronos get so close in destroying you in the second war? Where were your loyalties then? Where were they when Zeus took his older brother and sister's thrones away, the sister you now protect out of so called loyalty? Why was there no loyalty then?" By the time I finished my rant the majority of the gods looked ashamed, except Hestia not having done anything of what I just blamed them on. They knew what I had said was true and they could not escape that. "You think five hundred years of trying to make up with just your children, brother, and sister will make up for all the neglect that you gave before? That is what is insane, dear Hera. Now, shall we continue with the warm ups or will you fight me and lose. If you try to fight me I will defeat you and then leave you to die in the hands of Gaea and her allies." There was no sound at all as everyone watched what the Olympians would do. Would they fight or would they yield? The gods of old would have never yielded, so now was the question of had they matured or not. The first to back down was Poseidon, for he knew that they could not make an enemy of me. The next was Athena and then the rest, until Hestia was the only one standing up to me.

"Hurt my family and I will hurt you."

"So much like your Percy Jackson." Poseidon couldn't take that as he swung his trident at me. I merely caught it. He looked like he wanted to kill me.

"You will NOT speak of my son in that manner. You know of his story, but nothing of him. You have no right to do so. You are so much lower than him."

"You are right Poseidon, I have nothing on him." With that I wrenched the trident out of his hands and turned it on him, aimed at his throat. "I am, however, higher than you who couldn't even help his favorite son when he was beaten day after day by his stepfather." Poseidon paled at this.

"You are lying. I watched when I could. I never saw anything."

"Ignorance is bliss." He turned to Apollo.

"Is he lying?" Apollo flinched and gave a sad look.

"He is not Uncle." I sneered over him.

"See Poseidon, YOU have no right." I flung the trident back at him. He couldn't even process what was going on as it fell to the ground. Hestia and Demeter ran to his side comforting him. I ignored them as I turned back to everyone.

"I hope you got a drink. Go to the woods and start now!" All but the gods, rushed to do so. Hestia and Demeter took Poseidon away as I faced the rest.

"I suggest you run or do something. This fight is one you cannot win and is over. All what I said was the truth and you know it." With that I spread my wings and flew up into the sky. I watched below as the gods didn't move, but watched over their children so I could not hurt them as well.

 Artemis POV             

The boy was a monster. Most of what he had said had a ring of truth to it, but it didn't need to be put in the way he said it, nor did he have to tell Uncle Poseidon about Percy getting abused as a child. It had hurt to hear that he had been, but the past was the past and Uncle Poseidon had just started to get over Percy's death. How far would he fall back now? The monster had flown up in the sky and hovered there. We could all feel him staring down after telling us to do something. Normally we would all just flash back to Olympus, but we did not want to leave the children here with him. We didn't want the monster to hurt more of our loved ones. Soon the children were done with the pull ups and he came back down.

"Eat lunch and then go to the fighting stations. The only difference today is that there will be no course and Ares and Athena will teach weapons. You will practice for the rest of the day. Tomorrow there will be warm ups and then tournaments." A shadow appeared and he walked through it leaving us alone.

"Do as he says for now. We will try to make the situation better. We are sorry there isn't much we can do," Zeus told them. They children listened and went off. We got the stations ready. The gods who would not be watching the course like usual decided to split off into the stations so that there were extra teachers when the children were ready.

This chapter has been edited! If there is something that I have missed please let me know.

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