You're Like Coming Home

De merderland13

116K 3.2K 559

Meredith and Addison are best friends, and about to go to college. You can maybe guess a set of male best fri... Mais



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De merderland13

Derek took a deep breath as he stood at the front of the makeshift alter. White folding chairs were set up in the garden of the church where he had grown up. Mark was standing at his side, and his mother was smiling proudly from the front row, Kathleen at her side. Derek swallowed hard as he looked towards the end of the aisle, where Caitlin was beginning to make her way down the aisle and he could see a flurry of activity through the flaps of the white tent set up.

He watched as each of his sisters made their way down the aisle, smiling softly at each of them as they moved to stand on the opposite side of the altar. Addison stepped out of the tent as Liz stood at the altar, and he heard Mark inhale a sharp breath from beside him as he laid eyes on her. Addison glanced over her shoulder for a moment before she made her way down the aisle, her eyes locked with Mark's. Derek kept his eyes focused on the tent, waiting impatiently for Meredith to step into his sight.

When she finally did, he felt his breath catch in his throat, and suddenly every fear, every tiny doubt he'd had in his mind completely vanished. All that mattered was the amazing woman in the white dress, walking towards him with a small smile as she clutched the bouquet of lilies in her hands.

She was amazing.

When she was close enough, he took a few steps forward and offered his hand, smiling widely as she laced her fingers through his.

"Hi," she whispered, stepping closer to him and resting her forehead against his.

"Hey," Derek whispered, his eyes locked on her. "You look amazing."

"So do you," Meredith whispered back.

"Hmmm, let's get married."

"Okay," Meredith giggled as he led her to the white archway where the Shepherd family priest stood, waiting to bless their marriage. She handed her flowers to Addison then turned to smile at him, gripping both of his hands tightly in hers.

"We are gathered here today..."

Derek didn't bother listening to the words as he stared at Meredith, her fingers laced tightly through his. As he stared at her, he couldn't remember why only moments before he had been freaking out about this. There was no way he could live without the woman in front of him, without her amazing giggle and her ability to make him see the world in ways he couldn't by himself. He needed her, everything about her.

"Derek and Meredith have decided to write their own vows for one another," the minister continued, shaking Derek from his reverie. "And it has been requested that Derek go first."

Derek wondered briefly when and why it had been requested that he speak first, but his quickly shook his head, trying to remember at least some of the vows he had spent weeks preparing. He looked down into her eyes, smiling slightly before he inhaled deeply.

"Meredith," he said, her word coming out in one soft breath. "Meredith, there are no words to describe how I feel about you. You have been such an amazing part of my life for the past four years, and I know that without a doubt you have made me into the man I am today. I'm proud of who I am, Mer, and even though you're probably going to roll your eyes and think I'm saying that to be's not true. I'm proud of who I am because you made me this way. You bring color into my world, and while I see things in black and help me to see the rainbow. I love you so much, Meredith, and I honestly don't think that anyone has ever felt this as strongly for another person as I do for you. So today, I want to promise you forever. No matter what happens, no matter where life takes us, I will always love you. Forever and always."

Meredith swallowed hard as she looked up at him, squeezing his hands as she willed herself not to cry. She couldn't ruin her make up now, not before she had to say her own vows and take pictures with her...husband.

"Derek," she breathed softly, her voice shaking slightly. "I know...I know I'm sometimes hard to understand, and I'm not the easiest person to have a relationship with. But I'm so grateful for you, because you have always loved me. Even when I made it hard for you, even when I pushed you away, you've never stopped loving me. And that means so much to me, Derek, because no one has ever done that for me before. You're the only person who has ever loved me, and for that I owe you...everything. I have no idea where I would be without you, and I'm so glad your lame pick up lines actually had some kind of charm because you're the most amazing thing that has ever happened to me. And I can say with quite a bit of certainty that...I definitely love you more than you love me."

Derek laughed slightly as he squeezed her hands gently, silently thanking her for her honest words.

"I never thought I would be here," Meredith whispered. "And now that I have to know that I can promise you with everything in me that I will love you for every single day until the end of forever. I promise, Derek."

He swallowed hard as he tried to rid himself of the lump in his throat. It was all he could do to remain in control of himself and not pull her close to push her passionately.

"And now the ceremony of the rings," the minister continued, turning to Mark. "Mark?"

A slow smile appeared on Mark's face, and Derek kicked him in the shin, silently warning him not to be an idiot. Mark sighed before he reached into his pocket, handing the rings to the minister, who quickly blessed the rings, then turned to Derek. "Derek, place this ring on Meredith's finger and repeat after me," he said softly. "With this ring, I thee wed."

"Meredith," Derek smiled as he gently eased the ring onto her left hand. "With this ring...I thee wed."

"And Meredith, place this ring on Derek's finger and repeat after me. With this ring, I thee wed."

Meredith blinked back tears as she slid the ring onto Derek's hand squeezing it tightly. "With this ring," she whispered. "I thee wed."

"Alright, by the power invested in me by the State of New York, I now pronounce you husband and wife," the minister smiled. "You may..." he trailed off as he saw Derek already holding Meredith tightly in his arms, kissing her firmly.

"Derek," Meredith giggled against his lips as she ran her fingers through his hair. "People. People are watching."

"Don't care," he whispered as he kissed her again, only vaguely aware of the clapping in the background. "We're married."

"Married," Meredith whispered as she moved to wrap her arms around his neck. "God, Derek, we're married."

Derek leaned forward to kiss her again before he felt Mark gently pull him back. "Dude, you have to wait until the wedding night," he said. "Or at least until the priest's gone."

Meredith giggled as she stepped back, hooking her arm through Derek's. "Let's go to our reception, Der," she said as they walked down the aisle, both smiling widely as the minister announced the first appearance of Mr. and Mrs. Shepherd.


"Meredith, I swear if you cry one more time, you're going to have to spend the rest of the evening looking like a raccoon because I am not doing putting make up on you again," Addison said as she leaned back from her best friend, capping the mascara.

"I'm sorry," Meredith sighed. "I's been an amazing day."

"I know," Addison smiled. "But that's the third time I've had to do your make up today."

"No more," Meredith shook her head. "The toasts are over and so is seeing Emma, and the only thing left is the dance, and...I won't cry during the dance. I promise."

"Good," Addison nodded. "I'm happy for you, Mer. You and're so great together, and you're going to be so happy."

"Thanks," Meredith said, reaching out to hug her friend. "God, I'm going to miss you, Addie. You've been so amazing keeping me sane this week."

"I'll miss you too," Addison smiled softly. " But no crying, remember? This is a happy day."

Meredith giggled as the door swung open and Nancy walked in. "Mer, you've got to get back out there," she said. "Derek's stalking the door like some kind of creeper waiting for you to come out. He told me to make sure you were okay."

Meredith smiled as she turned to look in the mirror one more time, satisfied with her touched up appearance. "I'm going," she smiled.

When she opened the door, she saw Derek leaning against the wall across from her, arms crossed over his chest as he waited. When he saw her, his eyes turned warmer, and a slow smile spread across his face. She swallowed hard as she stepped towards him, trying to control her emotions and desires. He was hot. Her husband was hot.

"There you are," he said with a smile as he reached out to take her hand and kiss her gently.

"Nancy says you're stalking the ladies room," Meredith giggled.

"Well, I wasn't planning on letting you out of my sight at all today, so you should just be glad I let you go in there," Derek said.

"Let me?" Meredith asked, eyebrows raised. "Is this some kind of 'I'm your husband now so you have to do what I say' routine. Because that, Derek Christopher Shepherd, is not going to fly."

Derek laughed as he leaned down to kiss her gently. "You know that's not true, Mer," he said. "I know better than to try and tell you what to do."

"Good," Meredith nodded. "Now we have to go the dance thing or whatever."

"I'd rather just...sneak away," Derek murmured, pulling her close.

"Oh no," Meredith shook her head, pulling her hips away from his growing arousal. "No sex at our wedding reception."

"You didn't say that at Nancy's wedding," Derek frowned.

"And after that disaster there's no way I'm ever doing that again," Meredith said. "My dress was stained, Derek. Wrinkled and stained, and that's not going to happen to my wedding dress."

"Fine," Derek sighed dramatically. "Let's go dance."

Meredith smiled as they made their way back to the small reception hall where their family and friends were waiting for them. As soon as the band saw their entrance, the first notes of Can't Help Falling in Love echoed through the room.

Meredith blushed slightly as Derek pulled her onto the dance floor, wrapping her tightly in his arms. "Hmmm," she sighed in contentment.

"This is perfect," Derek whispered softly as he held her close, leaning his forehead against hers.

"Completely," Meredith agreed. They moved in slow circles for a moment before she whispered, "Derek?"


"Where are we going for our honeymoon?"

He laughed as he pulled back to look at her, moving a strand of hair behind her ear. "You think I'm really going to tell you?" he asked.

"Well...yes. I'm your wife now. You have to do what I say."

Derek sighed as he rested his chin against her shoulder. "If I tell you now, can we leave soon?" he whispered.

Meredith giggled, her hands moving up and down his back. "Depends on where we're going."

"Kauai," Derek whispered.

"Kauai?" Meredith repeated, pulling back to look at him. "Kauai, as in...Hawaii?"

"As in the honeymoon island," Derek smiled, pressing his lips against hers. "So there will be...lots of honeymooning."

Meredith giggled as she ran her hands through his hair. "This is...amazing."

"I know," Derek whispered.

They turned together for a few more minutes before the song slowly came to an end, and Derek led Meredith off the dance floor, her hand nestled tightly in his.

"Derek, Meredith, I am so pleased for you two," Emma sighed, tears coming to her eyes as she approached the newlyweds. "You're amazing together. Just like your father and I were."

"Mom," Derek smiled softly, giving her a tight one armed hug. "Thank you. For everything. I couldn't have asked for a better mother, and I'm so glad we're going to be closer to you now."

"Yeah, now Derek has somewhere to go when he's being stupid and I kick him out," Meredith giggled.

Derek frowned, but Emma laughed as she pulled Meredith from Derek's embrace into her own. "I am so glad that Derek has you," she whispered. "I couldn't think of anyone better for him. And I'm so incredibly overjoyed to have another daughter welcomed into this family."

"Oh," Meredith breathed. "Thank you...Mom."

"Hey Shep," Mark boomed, coming over to them. "The limo's here, and I'm assuming you want to get in it so you can..."

"Mark Sloan, do not even finish that thought," Emma warned.

Mark sighed. "Fine," he said. "But the limo is here."

"Okay," Derek nodded. "You ready to go soon, Mer?"

She smiled slyly up at him. "I think you know it," she whispered, causing a tingle to run down his spine.

"Okay," he said, turning to his mom. "We're going to go. But...thank you, Mom. You really are amazing."

"Have a wonderful honeymoon," Emma smiled. "I want to hear all about it when you get back."

Addison and Mark walked with them out to the limo, the rest of their guests trailing behind them.

"Have an amazing time," Addison giggled as she hugged Meredith tightly. "And don't forget the sunscreen, especially for Derek's...well, you know."

Meredith giggled as she hugged her friend back. "Thanks, Addie," she said. "I'll see you in a couple weeks." She pulled back to Derek and took his outstretched hand as he helped her into the limo. She smiled as he climbed in behind her and they moved towards their new life, together.

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