BTS Imagines

By VetVictoria

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It is what it is. Short stories about BTS members in AUs. There will be no requests allowed here as I only ta... More

Into It
Bullying: V x Bullied Reader
Mafia AU: Jin Mafia/Doctor x Artist Reader
Artist/Idol: Suga Idol x Reader Artist
IRL BASED AU x Traveling x Yandere: RM x Y/N/ Meena Kim x ?
IRL Based AU x Traveling x Yandere: RM x Y/N/Meena Kim x ? II
Yandere Insecure YN x JH: You're My Dandelion
Dream Fantasy AU x Yandere: Gods Maknae Line x Water Goddess Y/N
Psycho x Professor x Chubby x Body (+): Hobi x Chubby Reader x ?
Fairytales Retold AU x Chubby: Little Red Riding Hood- RM x Chubby Reader x JJK
Part 2 of FR AU x Time Warp x Chubby Reader: RM x Y/N x JJK x ?
IRL AU X Body (+): Jin x Chubby Reader (W/ED) x Jimin x ?
IRL AU X Body (+) II: Jin x Chubby Reader (W/ED) x Jimin x ?
IRL AU x Body (+) III: Jimin x Jin x Reader x ?
Criminal AU: Criminal Yoongi x Chubby Single Madre Y/N
Fantasy AU x FR AU: Pocket Thief JK x Thicccccc Belly Dancer Y/N
IRL Based AU: RM City Mister x Y/N Country Chubby Woman x V
Meet Cute At A Party: Chubby Reader x Jin x V
Fantasy x Horror AU: Chubby Doll Reader x Single Father V x Yan. JK x JM
My Precious SnowDrop
Bunny Hold Me Please
Squished Between The Big Bad Boys: Chubby Y/N x MY x RM
Squished Between The Big Bad Boys (II): MY x Chubby Y/N x RM
IRL Based AU: Being Leftover- V x Single Mom Reader x ?
- 1Verses P~1 -

Criminal AU II: 'Criminal' Yoongi x Chubby Single Madre Y/N

59 1 0
By VetVictoria

Make sure to support YOONGSVT  they took my initial requests and made good imagines out of it. I'm just going to make a series out of it where I use the same concept except I do my own twist to it. If you're listening to the music above please listen to it with headphones/earphones.

*Trigger Warning: There will be obscene language and also mentions drug dealing, kidnapping and organ trading. Reader discretion is advised. Also, need I remind you that the characters mentioned in this imagine doesn't reflect the real character of the people that do exist and that includes Y/N, you, as she will not act like the person you are, but for the sake of the situation, drama and the plot I purposely scripted to pan out a certain way, please don't bother shaming these characters for their choices and focus on the root of the problem- evil- and that evil can come in many shapes and forms and we as human beings should be wary and aware of who we trust.

Now without further ado, I want to continue this story.


Yoongi's POV:

I didn't know what to expect. If Miss Warden was lying or I were to be gone before I could even live out my dream.

If I died, my parents would then use my name as precedent to my siblings and other children as to why they should never leave home.

Why you should remain in the nest that nurtured you and work like a hard-wired hornet even if it's a job you don't like- you won't end up in a shameful fate like my son.

I could hear more through a distant echo. But more than that, if I only had a few moments to spare, I would tell them that I still love them.

I still love all of them inspite of breaking away from them for nine years.

If I had a time machine, I wonder if I would be able to reset my steps to prevent myself from being here.

"Prisoner 1171," a guard who I think is around the same age as my father called me and I was off put by his voice. "You've got a visitor."  

I nodded and slowly stand up, brushing the dust off of my orange jumpsuit prison uniform before going out to see who is this mysterious visitor.

Can it be my older brother?

Mom? Dad?

Nah it can't be them.

My heart pounds as the guard opens the door and once I went inside to see who it was I was shocked to see and Savitri.

I couldn't say a word to them and remained silent.

"I came by to say thank you for saving my daughter." I see her look down as if she's ashamed to speak with me, "If it weren't for you being there, I wouldn't have known what could have happened."

I paid attention Savitri's distant eyes not paying attention to her mother and I. Her fingers and palm condensate on the unbreakable glass. Slowly I reach my hand out to hers and once I did I saw her bubbly eyes shine in awe and she smiled at me and in that moment I couldn't stop myself from cracking myself up with one too. "It's not that big of a deal." I reached and put her hand up, "I know what's going on and I know things her are tapped. I don't want to just say thank you next and go on with my life." She says and I just chuckled, "Lady it's okay. I will probably be here to-"

"No. I'm going to get you out." She said with her eyes intensely looking at mine.

"I want to be able to return the favor and get you out. You have much to live and love from your own life and to remain here isn't doing any justice to you or anyone."

My eyes divert back to her hoping she'll read my eyes and leave with Savitri.

But she goes, "So what other options do you really have?" She asked and I just shrugged. "I've just gotta wait it out and see."

"Don't you have a lawyer?" She asked me and he just simply just cocked his head, "so what? I can't afford any legal team to defend me, so I have to-"

"No you don't." I say and he just looks up at me.

"I will be your lawyer Yoongi-sshi. I'll take on your case." She smiles at me but I simply can talk believe it.

She was a lawyer this whole time.

"Yeah, I do own a private firm and I'm still willing to take on your case because I want to."

"Well, let's see what you got Miss Ambitious."

"Alright then." I get up carrying Savitri with me before exiting from the cell, "I will get you out of there and clear your name." I just scoffed to then watch Miss A+ and Savitri tiredly leaning on her shoulder.

If the glass window wasn't up, I wish I could have went out with them. 


Your POV:

"I just finished up meeting with him." I said to Officer Kang and Officer Han to which they nodded before helping Savitri and I get into the car.

As we're driving down the road, I noticed how Officer Han was panicking behind the wheel. Her forehead beads with sweat and Officer Kang notices her discomfort.

I am intrigued by what's going on between them and before I could prepare myself or my daughter, we were brushed by something at the back.

I turned myself around to see black cars chasing us down in high speeds almost attempting to overthrow this car.

Are they the ones who tried to kidnap my daughter?

Officer Han kept making swerves in different directions to try to loose the cars that were gaining speed on us. If there's anything I want is to protect my daughter.

"Honey crouch down and don't get up. Okay?" I say to her before I buckle my seatbelt.

"Mommy where are you going?" She asked and I went over to Officer Han, "Now's the time to be doing target practice," I say to both officers who looked at me confused, but as soon as I took over the wheel, they understood my protocol.

Officer Han and Officer Kang went out of passenger seat window to shoot and punctured a few car tires, preventing 3 cars from chais g us down, yet there were more to come.

They still kept unloading gunfire until they realized that they've ran out of bullies. 

"Dammit, we need bullets!" Officer Han yelled to which Officer Kang was looking around to see if there were any around- 

I swerved the car into another alleyway and like all action movie cliches-

We're trapped and doomed.

"Ugh!" I yelled and decided to reverse the car however, two cars trapped us.

"Well, well look what we have here. If it isn't Miss Lawbook with her police friends who has done her late part,"I wasn't surprised to hear the voice came from none other than Amanda.

So she had so stake in it too. Just how much?

"You have something of mine you would like to return to me." She sneakily replies to which I spat on her face,"In your dreams."

"We'll suit yourself then. Savy is all mine." Savitri starts crying when Amanda puts her in her arms and tries to drag the screaming child with her.

However, I was able to use my girl's tantrum as time to fight back. Officer Kang and Officer Han did the same thing. Fighting off the goons hired to hold us down and I had to find a way to end this bitch once and for all and have my daughter safe in my arms.

Suddenly I see Amanda smack down with none other than Yoongi who has a backup of other police force behind him.

"Savitri!" I cried and rushed to hug her in my tight embrace.

I don't want to let her go now and we stayed like that for who knows how long.

I opened my eyes to see the police doing their work, bordering their tape along this alleyway and I head over to see Yoongi just standing there.

"I know I keep saying 'thank you' so much that I realized I have forgotten to give you your salary as a babysitter."

"Please I don't-"

"I insist. You'll need it." I say to him and he just laughs while taking in the money. "Thanks. Warden Chae let me out on parole, so as soon as she heard from Officer Kang, we had to bring back up including me."

I let out a sigh. "I promised you Yoongi. I'm gonna get you out of there with my team."

"I'm not gonna argue with you anymore. As I don't want to stay in prison for too long."

I chuckled. "What's so funny?" He sternly asked. To which I say, "these past few days have been the craziest I've dealt with. But I'm grateful that it led me to meet someone as awesome and cool as you are."

"You think I'm dope?" He asked.

"Why you got any?" I asked to which he scoffs at my dark humor. "Haha very funny to make light of my situation."

"How long do you have until you've got to go back?" I asked him to which he responds, "I can't. I have to go immediately."

Ah what a bummer to part ways so soon.

But I'm grateful that my baby is alive and with me.


For a while it's been difficult to manage what it was like to be involved in a case where my child almost was trafficked for organ trading and not to mention as I was defending Yoongi's case, I gathered up medical information about recent blood donations, since he thought that it would be good for his health and well-being to donate his own blood to aid people once a month.

And the months prior to his arrest, his samples came clean. There was no sign of the drug in his urine, blood and even collected hair sample.

Eventually the judge dropped the case and acquitted Yoongi along with dropping the charges and essentially eradicating those charges on his permanent record. 

He's now a truly free man.

"Good work Missus Persistent Lawbook. You've done released me!"

"Yoongi-sshi what did I say about referring to me that way?" I chastise him.

"That I shouldn't," he pouts cutely, "That is right" I nod my head to which he swiftly holds my hand.

"Hey! What's going on?!" I asked him where he ultimately closes me in to his embrace as I stack myself with the folders I carried around.

"I was thinking now that I'm free, would you want to go out with me?"

I shocked him by pulling him in closer and I pecked at his left cheek, "I won't mind at all. Let me know the time and date." I say to him to which he whispers in my ear, "how about now?" He asks and sure enough I say "What about Savitri? Who's gonna take care of her?" 

"Then we can enjoy our date at home. Besides I'm a homebody anyway."

"So you wanna spend the night at my place then?" I ask him eagerly hoping he would say yes.

"Are you sure?" He asks and I nod 'duh' yeah I want you to stay.

He chuckles as we walk towards mg car, ready to go to my house to spend time, "Then I'll crash in for today."


Need I say much more on this man. He's been incredible and I honestly though he was a God given sent.

Man does this guys have intelligence, talent, charisma, suave, swag, and passion unlike any other individual I've ever seen.

And he's been great to my baby too.

Overtime, I egged him on to send out his best track to labels to only hear back that they've rejected or didn't like the sample until one e-mail had a renowned pop artist enjoy his work and they wanted to collaborate with him on a new project.

He was quite hesitant at first but as soon as I nudged him to go for it, he went soaring.

He was invited to many events, meet new people, and now is working on several projects at a time for his career.

I'm happy for him as he always wanted to pursue his path and I stood busy minding my cases. There was one where a 12 year-old child bullied and extorted $3000 from a 10 year-old child. They both went to the same elementary school and my heart goes out to the parents that had to go through this.

Eventually local court settled it to have the defendant pay the total amount extorted and for additional medical fees sustained by the plaintiff.

Still, I miss when we could just simply chill out with each other without any distractions.

Just us..

As for grandma, I do check in her from time to time, making sure she ain't moving anywhere without my or the caretaker's help. I've been wondering if I should just let her back to my house but then Savitri has terrible night tremors and granny loves her sleep.

And even down a few years on our path to understanding and loving each other, Yoongi-sshi never made it feel forced or unnatural. We just simply flowed along to the groove until one day he asked me," , I was wondering if I could take you to see my parents?"

I looked at him in shock. "When?" I asked him to which he replied "This Sunday." And to that I had a client erring that would last from 12-4.

"Okay, I may be arriving late because of a client meeting I have."

"Can't you reschedule it?" He asked me to which I shake my head, "We both already planned this months earlier and to suddenly cancel that appointment would be..."

"Bad." He finished and I know I upset him, however I let my arms open up and ask him "hold me please. I'm getting tired of standing here and watching you sulk."

"Okay. Come here." He hugged me tight squeezing all air out of me.

"Yoongi-sshi, I'm dying." I beg to him to which he says, "Don't you feel it?" He asked me.

"Feel what?" I say and he whispers, "Don't you feel the light being invasive? I want to switch them off, but turn you on."

Where did he learn all this dipshit?

Before he could try anything, Savitri called, "Mommy!"

We both break up the hug and I go to see my girl, while glancing back to see him blowing his steam off but once he catches my sight, he smirks seductively as though this isn't over just yet.

A/N: Okay I'm gonna end it here. A rushed chapter, yet I did this on my phone and I will definitely change the Y/Ns once I publish this chapter so I don't loose my work.

I do use my phone and computer and it's frustrating because they don't synchronize with some of my edits and revisions that I've done can be on my phone as a version and another version on my laptop.

It's simply frustrating yet I decided that I should update this story for you all to read and enjoy.

How has your day/night been?

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