Transformers: Prime's Daughte...

By BeMine_YoursTruly

62.1K 2K 347

Life for you has always been a mystery. You never really knew why everyone was being so secretive and quiet a... More

Everything has a Beginning!
Chapter 2: Open Doors
Chapter 3: Revealed
Chapter 4: Brave
Chapter 5: leaving
Chapter 6: Alone. . .
Chapter 7: A New Beginning.
Chapter 9: Fight for Survival
Chapter 10: We will be Waiting. . .
Chapter 11: We will rise.
Chapter: 12 (Secrets)
Chapter 13: Unlocked
Chapter: 14: Do we go home?
Chapter 15: Freedom is our Right. (Last Chapter)

Chapter 8: Capture for Questioning

2.6K 117 7
By BeMine_YoursTruly

(A/N): Hey Everyone! Just want to say a big thanks to everyone who has been reading this story. I really hope you like it!:) But without any further interuption here is:

Prime's Daughter chpt. 8

Scarlett's POV:

Running as fast as I could, I noticed a person ahead of me. He looked to be a civilian so I decided to try my luck and get his attention.

"Hey! Help me!" I yelled, only to notice that he was behind something. It was like glass, a glass wall maybe? Running up to it, I tapped on glass, noticing the other sides be raised up. What the heck?

Seeing Cemetery Wind pull up around the box, all their guns were drawn on me. I saw man came up to the box. He was a tall man, had a graish white beard, he was wearing glass pearing up at me.

"Why am I in here! Let me go, I didn't do anything? I'm innocent?" I yelled just as the man hit a button, making the whole box feel like an electric shock. Who the hell is this guy? I fell to the ground laying there as the four walls around me disappeared, leaving me exposed to them.

"Boys, pick her up." The man yelled, seeing them walk over and hold me up. I couldn't move, I felt weak, seeing that my vision was a little fuzzy. Why can they just leave me alone?

"What's happening to me." I said trying to raise my arm for my weapons, but completely failed. He walked over to me slowly, noticing the symbols on my arms glow even brighter then before. I was furious, my spark racing as he studied me.

"That is the effect of our new serum. It makes it so transformers, like yourself, not injure us." He told me, looking me in the eyes.

"I like I would hurt you." I lied, knowing I would blast him in one shot.

"Is that so. . . Then tell me Scarlet, where is the others?" He questioned.

"I don't know. You probably killed them, you freaking murderer!" I screamed at him.

"Savoy" he called, seeing a man with black hair and tattoos walk over to me. Savoy looked at me and then punched me in the jaw. Holy cow that hurt!

"What the hell was that for! I told you the truth." I screamed, seeing him take a needle out of his pocket jacket.

"You see Scarlet, your unique to us. A transformer that can change into a human now that's a different story. So how about . . . " He said when I cut him off.

"What?, what are you going to do? What more could you want from my kind?"

"All we want to do is ask you some questions and get answers to this." He said in a clam deep voice, he walked over to me before I felt a shape pain in my arm seeing the needle slowly being taken out.

"Never." I whispered, feeling the effects of being tired. They soon brought me into a helicopter, before I was out.

. . . Beep . . . Beep. . . Beep. . .

Where the heck am I? Am I dead? Is this what my dad said the Well of All Sparks looks like because if so, I'm so out. Hearing the sound of people taking made me, open my eyes.

People were dressed in hospital uniforms. What the heck were they doing? I was strapped down to a cold metal table that was tilted up a little. Looking around I saw people taking video, some taking notes, and most, well they were running test. Feeling a little more awake I saw some guy looking at something blue. Wait a second! That's my blood! What!?

"How is she Dr. Langur?" A voice asked. Hey, I know that voice. Hearing footsteps walk over, they stopped in front of me.

"Test Subject 2146, her vitals look good." He commented. I have a name! Don't they know that?

"That's good, Joshua will be looking forward to seeing her. Now, has she said anything?"

"She can see and hear, but her ability to talk is limited due to the drugs in her system. They will ware off in a few hours." He explained making me struggle with the restraints holding me back.

"Mr. Attinger! I have found something." A lady at a desk said. She was looking at my symbols on a computer. He walked over to her as I could barley hear them. What are they talking about?

"Matching the prime, I see." He said, walking up close to me. Slowly, he touched my check gently tilting my head. "My, my, my. . . What do we have here?" He looked behind my ear seeing the distinct marking of the Autobots. Moving my head back, I looked into his eyes. "Shut her down boys, will see her again in the morning." What? It's night?

Seeing a man walk over with a needing in his hand, he slowly put it into my IV. "Sweet Dreams, Scarlet." He whispered, making me furious. The effects of the drug care quickly. Before every one left I slowly felt my way get heavy. No, no one.

Morning came and I was wide awake. Luckily only a small amount of people were in the room. My wrist were sore, as I tried to break the restraints off earlier. "Can I get down now?" I asked, hoping one of they answer me.

. . . Nothing. Everyone in there ignored me.

A few miutes later passed and more people entered the room. Gosh, I feel like I'm in prison.

"Good morning, Scarlet." Mr. Attinger said, walking in with a cup of coffee in his hand. He set it down in a table before walking over to me. I wish I could eat something, its been like a forever. Hmm, maybe if I play nice they'll let me down.

"Good Morning." I said, looking at him with a fake smile.

"How are you feeling this morning?" He questioned, as the table tilted back so I was laying down. Looking up at the bright light that nearly blinded me, I felt hands loosening the restraints.

"To answer your question truthfully. I'm feeling hungry." I told him, seeing that I could finally sit up now and stretch. He watched me, making sure I didn't pull anything.

"We'll get something to eat later, but first will you follow me?" He asked, as I hopped down. I noticed I was dressed differently. My old clothes, seemed to vanish. I walked behind him as we walked out of the room and down the hall. People stared at me, some a little frightened as they noticed my symbols glowing. Alien, they probably thought. Mr. Attinger pushed me in to a room that was twice the size of the other, the walls were white. There in the middle of the room was a chair and a table. He motioned me over and told me to sit.

"How old are you anyways?" He asked randomly, making me gulp. I was 18 in human years, but I stopped aging at age 16, for now. So I looked a little younger, but it was whatever.

"I'm 16," I lied, making him nod while walking out of the room leaving me there with the guards. A few minutes later a man waked in. I knew him. . . Joshua Joyce. A trader in my eyes. Two of the guards walked over to me after that, chaining me up against the wall.

"Wow, Scarlet is it?" He asked, making me stare at him with hate. "Well my name. . ." I cut him off.

"I know who you are." I told him.

"Great, will just skip introductions then," he said, looking at me in awe. "Just look at you, its truly amazing. Who would of thought, a transfomer would be able to take the shape of a human."

"What do you want?" I asked, just as Mr. Attinger walked back in.

"Isn't she amazing, Joyce?" He exclaimed, walking over.

"Yes, quite a marvel. Now you said she had all the parts of a human, correct?" Joyce questioned, tracing the markings on my arm.

"Yes, she has everything accept for a heart." He told him.

"Intreresting. Now tell me Scarlet, who created you?" Joyce asked, making me look at him like he was serious. Really? Like I would tell him. "Let me refrase that. . . Who's daughter are you." A guard walked over and handed him pictures of Autobots.

"What is this?" I said, trying to break free.

"Are you Ratchet's," He started, seeing an "X" across Ratchet's face. He flipped to the next photo after that, seeing me clearly fustrated. "How about Ironhide's?"

"No!" I yelled, making him flip though pitures, trying my best to ignore him. The nexted photo wanted to make me scream.

"Are you Optimus Prime's daughter." He asked, flipping through pitures of him being beaten up, shot at. I felt my spark racing after he said his name. He was my dad, nothing could replace that. I looked up at him, feeling my face wet from the blue tears that streamed down my face. Sadness, was replace with fear, as that was replaced with anger. "It's Optimus isn't it?"

"The daughter of a Prime." Mr. Attinger exclaimed, as I felt myself transforming. They both backed up, seeing my tiny form shift into my real one. "Hold your fire!"

"My name is Sapphire, and I'm the real daughter of Optimus Prime. But sadly for you, I must be leaving." I smirked, then jumped. . .

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