Wings of Fire Lemons | Rare P...

violetrose84 द्वारा

59.9K 340 2K

Uncommon, rare, or non-existent pairings will be posted here. Slow updates. I don't take requests. अधिक

Winter x Glory
Turtle x Icicle
Clay x Moon
Fem!Deathbringer x Addax
Strongwings x Glory
Tsunami x Peregrine
Snowfall x Riptide
Blaze x Cirrus
Peacemaker x Fem!Jade Winglet
Narwhal x Moon

Flame x Fem!Turtle

4.3K 27 135
violetrose84 द्वारा

It was a regular day at Jade Mountain Academy. Turtle had woken up like usual, fixed herself up a bit, and headed to class with her friends. There, Qibli teased Winter like he always did, Kinkajou was a ball of sunshine, Moon smiled at them all fondly, and Turtle stayed in the background. Even though this had been her routine for the few months she had been at Jade Mountain, it never got boring or repetitive, not once.

As the Jade Winglet left their final class for the day, Turtle headed straight back to her cave, wanting to finish her homework first thing. Before she could make it though, Qibli called out to her.

"Hey Turtle!"

Hearing her name, the Seawing princess turned around to find Qibli walking up to her.

"Oh, hi Qibli," she replied. "What's up?"

"Can you do me a favour?" Turtle's eyes immediately narrowed at this. Whenever Qibli asked for a favour, he was bound to do something stupid.

"What do you want?" She asked, suspicion in her tone. "Is this for another prank? Because last time you-"

"What? No! It's not for a prank, why does everyone assume that?" Qibli protested. "Don't answer that," he added after Turtle opened her mouth.

"Okay, then. What do you need?" She questioned again.

"Can you pick up the newest Scaly Potter scroll from the library for me?" He asked. "And before you ask, no, I can't do it myself. I pissed off Starflight the last time I was there, and I don't want to go back until he's cooled off."

"You- you know what? Not even going to ask. I'll get it for you." Qibli grinned toothily, brushing wings with Turtle.

"Thanks, Turtle! I appreciate it. Once you've got the scroll, you can drop it off in my cave. Now, I've gotta run, sorry. Need to do something. Later!"

Turtle waved goodbye as the Sandwing darted off. She then began walking towards the library, eager to get this over with so she could work on her homework.

As she entered the library, Starflight turned his head in her direction as he heard her talonsteps.

"Turtle?" He guessed.

"Yeah, it's me," she responded. A small satisfied grin formed on Starflight's face.

"Well, welcome to the library! Do you need something? A scroll, perhaps?" Turtle nodded, before remembering he couldn't see it.

"Yes, a scroll," she confirmed. "I'm getting it for a friend. I think it's called... Scaly Potter?"

Turtle could tell Starflight's face lit up, even with the blindfold over his eyes. "Ah, great choice from your friend!" He praised. "Which part in the series would he like?"

"Uh... I think he said the newest one."

"The newest one? Hm, I think it's located in the second shelf from the end on the left, at the very end of the shelf," he provided.

"Right. Thanks, Starflight."

"No problem."

Following his directions, Turtle went over to the second shelf from the end, and walked down until she reached the far end of it. Looking around, she searched for the scroll, until she finally saw it on the highest part of the shelf. Reaching for it, she found that it was too high up for her to get.

Huffing in frustration, Turtle cursed her slightly below-average height (she was not short!) as she jumped, trying to reach the scroll without making too much noise.

"What are you doing?" A rough, grouchy sounding voice suddenly appeared from behind her, surprising Turtle and causing a little yelp to escape from her mouth.

"Ack!" She cried. Turning around, her eyes widened as standing right behind her, was a tall Skywing with a scar running across his face. Flame, one of the most infamous students in JMA, most notably for his temper.

Though Turtle knew who he was, she hadn't actually come face-to-face with the Skywing yet, only ever seeing him from a distance. Now, up close, Turtle realized how intimidating Flame was. Though, with a tilt of her head, she saw that he was also quite handsome, even with the scar.

Wait, where did that come from?

"...uh, hello?" Blinking rapidly, Turtle realized Flame was talking to her. "I asked you what you were doing? Are you there?"

Blushing in embarrassment, Turtle answered. "Oh! Heh, sorry. I was distracted for a second there. Um, I was just trying to get a scroll," she explained.

Flame raised an eyebrow. "By jumping up and down like an idiot?"

Turtle huffed. "It's not my fault! The scroll's on the top shelf, I... can't reach it," she admitted.

Thinking he was just going to laugh at her, Flame surprised Turtle by moving over to the shelf, and reaching up.

"Well? Which scroll is it?" He asked impatiently.

"Huh? Oh, it's Scaly Potter," she said.

Turning back to the shelf, Flame looked for the scroll, easily grabbing it with a muscular arm once he found it.

"Here, short stack." Flame handed it over to Turtle, who mumbled a thanks before glaring at him.

"I'm not short!" She protested. Flame rolled his eyes, before walking away.

"Yeah, sure."

Growling in annoyance, Turtle went to leave, muttering under her breath about not being short.

"Turtle? Is that you? Have you found your scroll?" Starflight's voice drew her out of her thoughts.

"Yeah, I did Starflight. Thanks again!" She replied. Starflight smiled.

"Anytime. Come again!"

Leaving the library, Turtle went over to Qibli's cave, and placed the scroll down on his bed. As she headed back to her own cave, she found that her mind kept drifting back to Flame for some reason. For the rest of the day, all she could think about was the handsome scarred Skywing, his rough, deep voice, and the way his well-built muscles rippled with every movement. She knew she shouldn't be thinking this way, especially about Flame, but she couldn't help herself.

Unbeknownst to her, Flame was feeling the same way. The image of the pretty Seawing dragoness wouldn't leave his mind, no matter how hard he tried. The memory of her delicate, curved snout, her big, innocent eyes, and her adorable face when she blushed filled his thoughts constantly, and he didn't know why.

For the next few days after that, Turtle saw Flame a lot more. They didn't interact, but whenever she saw him, he was always gazing at her with a thoughtful expression on his face, before looking away quickly once he realized she caught him. Turtle tried to ignore it, but for some reason her heart always started to beat quicker when he was looking at her.

The next time Turtle came face-to-face with the Skywing was during a regular lunch time. She had decided to hunt for some food outside instead of in the prey center, stating that she wanted to stretch her wings. Kinkajou offered to come with her, but Turtle refused, wanting some alone time.

Flying off, Turtle headed to a nearby forest with a lake, craving for some fish. Diving in, she looked around in the water until she spotted a few, and eagerly swam over. Grabbing them before they could swim off, Turtle surfaced, ready for a fulfilling meal.

Only to come face to face with Flame.

"AHH!" She yelped, nearly dropping her fish. "F-Flame? What are you doing?"

Flame at least had the decency to look sorry. "My bad," he said. "I was out hunting, when I saw some ripples in the water. They looked weird, so I came to check it out. But it was just you."

"Yeah, it was just me," Turtle muttered. "Scare the life out of me, will ya?"

Flame smirked. "Aw, is little Turtle afraid of the big bad Skywing?" He teased.

Glaring, Turtle was about to snap back, but found herself staring at Flame's smirk instead.

"Wow, he's really hot when he's smirking like that," she thought, before feeling her cheeks heat up in embarrassment. "Wait, what am I doing?" 

Flame was looking at her weirdly now. Before he could say something, she snapped, "I'm not afraid. I was just startled, that's all."

Flame raised an eyebrow, like he didn't believe her. "Sure," he said. "Anyways, you wanna eat with me?"

Turtle looked up in surprise. Did she hear that right? Did Flame of all dragons ask to eat with her? Well, contrary to his reputation, he was acting nice to her. Or at least, he wasn't being mean or angry. Turtle went out hunting for some alone time, but she supposed she wouldn't mind some company.

"Fine with me," she shrugged. "But I'm not sharing." She took a possessive bite out of a fish.

Flame laughed. "Whatever. That fish crap tastes like shit anyways. I'm gonna go catch some real food." He then flew off into the forest, his large wings shaking the trees with his powerful beats.

It was only after he had left that Turtle suddenly realized her heart was beating rapidly, slowing down in the absence of the Skywing. Confused, she wondered why she was so nervous just then.

"Wait, I got calmer after Flame left," she thought. "Was it because of him? He is pretty scary..." She took another bite. "But... just now, I wasn't scared at all, actually. And now that I think about it, I wasn't afraid when I first met him in the library as well. Then why am I so nervous around him?"

Turtle felt herself blush as she came up with a reason why. "No, there's no way..."

Before that train of thought could continue, strong wingbeats in the distance alerted her to Flame's imminent arrival. Ten seconds later, he landed next to her, carrying a large goat in his talons.

Dropping the dead animal onto the ground, he looked at her expectantly, like he thought she was going to be impressed or something.

"Uh, good job?" She tried. "Are... you just gonna leave it there?"

Flame looked momentarily bewildered, like he was expecting a different reaction, before glaring at her.

"Of course not!" He snapped. "It's my lunch!"

"Then why were you looking at me like a weirdo just then?"

"Shut up!" Flame turned away angrily, a scowl on his face, while Turtle was just perplexed. Why was he acting so strange? Granted, she didn't actually know what his 'normal' was, so this could be regular behaviour for all she knew. But from her own interactions with him, this was definitely weird.

Deciding not to bother Flame, Turtle left him be, and finished off her meal. She then sat there in silence for a bit, before it got too awkward for her to handle.

"I'm going to go for a swim," Turtle announced suddenly, startling Flame a bit. Without waiting for an answer, she went over to the lake and dove in, relishing the feel of the cold water.

Twirling, spinning, diving in and out, Turtle moved in the water like it was a part of her, smooth and graceful as can be. As she swam around, she failed to notice a certain Skywing's eyes on her, entranced by what he was seeing.

Finally, after a few minutes, Turtle got out of the water. Looking towards Flame, she found that he was still staring at her, before he turned away quickly once she caught him. Shrugging it off, she walked toward him.

"You finished eating yet?" She asked. 

"Hm? Oh, uh, yeah," Flame answered, stumbling his words a little.

"Great! Now we can get back to the Academy. Come on, let's go." Turtle made to leave, before Flame stopped her.

"Wait!" He shouted. At Turtle's confused expression, he continued. "There's still some time left before we have to go back. Why don't we... fly together for a bit before that?" Flame looked nervous as he waited for her answer.

"Sure, why not?" The red Skywing visibly relaxed as she agreed, standing up straighter.

"Right! Come on, let's go this way." Turtle followed Flame as he took off, heading in the direction away from Jade Mountain.

As they flew, Turtle was noticeably slower, lagging behind a bit.

"Hey!" She gasped. "Wait up!"

Flame laughed, doing a midair spin to taunt her. "What, you tired already? Makes sense, with those tiny Seawing wings of yours."

Turtle growled in annoyance. "My wings aren't tiny! You Skywings just have giant wings!"

Flame kept laughing. "Yeah, whatever you say!"

Turtle huffed as Flame flew circles around her, trying to think of a way to prove him wrong, when an idea came to her.

"How about this? I have a challenge for you." Flame stopped, flying in place as he looked at her curiously. "It's a simple one. I'll fly to the lake we were at, and you have to catch me before I reach it. I get a ten second head-start." Turtle crossed her arms as she waited for Flame's response.

"Alright, fine. I accept your challenge." Flame grinned. "Prepare to get your ass whooped, Seawing!"

Turtle rolled her eyes. "We'll see about that," she muttered.

Facing toward the lake, Turtle prepared to fly as fast as she could. She felt an adrenaline rush, and with a burst of speed, she took off, sending nearby birds squawking away.

Flame watched as Turtle flew off. He was slightly impressed by her speed, but he had complete confidence he could catch her, due to her small size and the fact that she was a Seawing, whose strength was in the water. Silently counting to ten seconds, he flew after her with an even greater burst of speed, determined to win.

Turtle grinned as she flew, already halfway to the lake. The closer she got, the more sure she was that she would win. As she reached the three quarters mark though, she heard distant wingbeats behind her.

"No way, is he that close already?" She thought with a surge of panic. "Ugh, calm down, Turtle. Even if he's close, there's no way he can catch up at this point." As the wingbeats increased in volume, though, she was beginning to doubt herself. Pushing herself as hard as possible, she was at her limits in the final stretch.

"I can do it!" She felt herself grin in glee. "I made it! I-" 

Her thoughts were rudely interrupted when a heavy force slammed into her from behind, large talons wrapped around her body. They tumbled to the ground fairly hard, Flame taking most of the brunt of it.

When they finally stopped, Flame moved himself on top, pinning the smaller dragoness beneath him.

"Hah! Got you!" He shouted triumphantly.

Grinning, he watched as Turtle futilely attempted to escape, before giving up.

"Okay, fine. You got me, you won." Turtle pouted. "Now can you get off?"

Flame pretended to think for a moment, before saying, "No."

Turtle growled in annoyance, struggling against the muscular arms holding her down. "I said, get off! Or I'll-"

"You'll what?" Flame's voice suddenly turned dangerously low, and the Skywing leaned down, moving close to Turtle's head. "What are you going to do, Seawing? I have you pinned down, at my mercy." Flame's voice was a purr now, and Turtle felt her heart race at the predatory look on his face.

Then, just as Flame moved close enough to touch, his eyes widened in shock, and he quickly got off her, like he hadn't realized what he had been doing.

"Wha- I..." His words failing him, Flame instead proceeded to take off, flying back to Jade Mountain as fast as possible, leaving Turtle blinking and confused on the ground.

"What... just happened?"

Turtle didn't see Flame for a whole week after that incident. She rarely saw him normally, but Turtle was actively trying to find him this time, yet she couldn't catch a glimpse of him at all. She knew he was avoiding her, and she was determined to find him.

Unfortunately, she was going to have to take a little break from her search. The teachers had called an assembly, (no Flame there) and notified the students that the Skywings were due to have their heat in a couple days.  Protocol stated that whenever a tribe's heat starts up, all other tribes are to vacate the school until the heat ends, to prevent any incidents. This has worked so far, with the Sandwings having their heat the first week of school, with nothing going wrong.

Well, two days later, and today was the day. Turtle was waiting outside with Kinkajou and Moon. She didn't bring anything with her, as there wasn't anything of use to bring. Though, for some reason she kept thinking that she was forgetting something.

"Oh, will you relax, Turtle?" Kinkajou lightly chided her. "You're probably just nervous."

"Yeah," Moon added. "This is supposed to be fun! Four days away from school, four days of no homework!"

Turtle didn't relax, but she agreed anyway. "Yeah... I probably am just nervous." She subconsciously rubbed her necklace her mother gave her.

Only to rub nothing instead.

Panicking, Turtle looked down, and saw that her necklace wasn't there. 

"Kinkajou! Moon!" She cried. "My necklace! It's gone!" She looked around frantically, trying to see if it had fallen off somehow.

Her friends didn't look worried at all. "Calm down, it's probably in your cave or something. I didn't see it on you this morning," Kinkajou reassured.

"No! You don't understand, it's my lucky necklace, I need it!" Turtle turned back to Jade Mountain. "I'm going back in. I have to get it."

But before she could take a step, she was stopped by Moon and Kinkajou, who had stood in front of her.

"Woah there missy!" Kinkajou exclaimed. "You can't go back!"

"Yeah, the Skywing's heats have probably already begun by now," Moon added. "The teachers won't let you back in, not even Tsunami."

Turtle crossed her arms. "Who said they have to know?"

Moon smacked her forehead. "You can't be serious..."

"Come on, guys, it'll work! I know a secret way into the school that I found on the second week. Not even the teachers know about this! I'll get in, I'll get out. Easy peasy."

Kinkajou and Moon stared at her for a long time, before finally looking at each other.

"Fine." They said in unison. "But be fast. I want you back here in twenty minutes max, alright?"

Turtle nodded quickly. "Got it."

Moon sighed. "Okay, get a move on already."

Rushing off, Turtle carefully maneuvered out of sight of everyone. Looking around to make sure no one was watching, she flew off toward the side of Jade Mountain, where the secret entrance was. There, she crawled into a small tunnel, and after crawling for a minute, she finally reached the end, where she ended up in a large underground cave with a lake.

Heading out of the cave, Turtle moved silently through the halls toward her room. She had a few close calls with Clay, who was patrolling, but she managed to remain undetected. Arriving at her cave, Turtle's eyes lit up as she spotted her necklace sitting on her bed. Grabbing it, she put it on, feeling herself calm down by the second. She would've loved to stay in her room with her necklace, but remembering Kinkajou's words, she quickly left her cave, and made to leave.

She would've went back the same route she came in, but she remembered that Clay was probably patrolling that hallway at the current moment. So, she was forced to move through the student caves instead, where the Skywings were at.

Walking quickly, Turtle was beginning to believe she could make it out without any trouble, when a sudden groan pierced the air as she walked by a cave.

Freezing, Turtle slowly turned her head toward the cave. Her curiosity getting the better of her, she peeked into the room.

And saw a familiar red Skywing moaning in discomfort.

Turtle was so surprised she stumbled back a bit. "Flame?" She gasped. "Is that you?"

Flame's head snapped up, eyes widening in fear as he saw her.

"No!" Flame shouted. "The hell are you doing here? Get lost!"

Ignoring him, Turtle walked into the cave, where she gasped again in shock. She knew heats were bad, but not this bad.

Flame was curled up in the corner, panting and breathing heavily. His cheeks were so red it was visible even through his red scales, and his face was scrunched up, like he was in pain. Every few seconds, he let out a long low groan.

"Wha- moons, Flame, you..." Turtle trailed off as Flame groaned again.

In the back of her mind, Turtle knew that she shouldn't be here, that she should be heading back to her friends, like she promised. But seeing Flame like this, in what seemed to be serious pain, Turtle knew she had to do something.

She blushed hard as she realized what that 'something' would have to be.

Walking up to the Skywing, she carefully attempted to touch Flame, before he flinched away.

"Wha- what are you doing?" Flame hissed.

"I- I'm... helping you," was Turtle's embarrassed response. Flame's jaw dropped as he realized what she was implying.

"Huh? N-no, you can't..." He curled up even tighter as pain racked his body again.

"See? Come on, let me help you," Turtle insisted. "That's what friends do, right?" Turtle didn't actually know whether they were friends or not, but she didn't care.

"I'm not sure this is something that friends do," was Flame's reply, before he slowly uncurled himself, looking away in embarrassment as he revealed himself to Turtle.


That was all the Seawing could think as she stared at Flame's member, already rock-hard and slick with precum. Turtle wasn't as innocent as she looked, she knew what a penis was, but Flame was... big, to say the least.

Reaching out a talon, she hesitated a bit, before brushing Flame's cock with her finger. A small grin formed on her face as she watched him squirm at the light touch. Her confidence building, she reached out her talon again, and this time wrapped it around the member, her small talon somewhat struggling to fully wrap around his large girth. At this, a loud moan escaped from Flame, and Turtle snapped her head towards the entrance of the cave, afraid someone might've heard it. When it was clear no one was coming, Turtle turned back to Flame, who was panting hard.

His cock already slick, Turtle had no problems with sliding her talon down and up, slowly pleasuring the Skywing. As she worked, she occasionally squeezed the base slightly, watching Flame's face as he moaned softly.

"Is this good?" She asked. Flame nodded quickly.

"Y-yeah," he breathed. "F-fuck, you're good..."

Flame was probably exaggerating since he was in heat, but Turtle appreciated the compliment nonetheless. Especially considering this was her first time servicing someone like this. Inwardly, she smirked as she wondered what her mother would think of this. Her daughter, the Seawing princess, giving a talon job to some Skywing like a common prostitute. She shivered as heat flowed to her lower region.

Pumping faster, the soft shck shck sounds of Flame's cock increased as she jerked him off, adding another talon as Flame tossed his head back in pleasure. He reflexively thrusted into her talons as she worked, his member itching to burst.

Eventually, after a few more moments, Turtle removed her talons from Flame, much to his dismay. A second later though, he wasn't dismayed anymore when Turtle replaced her talons with her mouth, licking the pink tool from base to tip.

"AH~ Holy shit..." Flame cried, as Turtle serviced him with her tongue, eventually switching to her mouth.

The Seawing took the member in slowly, unsure of what to do. Bobbing up and down gently, she sucked as moved, which seemed to be the right thing to do judging by Flame's reactions. Adding her tongue, she swirled it around the thick cock, savouring the taste of it as Flame twisted in ecstasy above her. Turtle couldn't take much of the member, only reaching about halfway due to her inexperience and small snout, but it was enough for Flame.

As she sucked, Turtle suddenly felt talons on her head, and without warning they pushed her down, forcing her to take more of the member, almost gagging in the process. She was then let up a bit, before being forced down again, this time with Flame thrusting into her mouth in tandem.

Turtle knew she should've been annoyed that Flame didn't even say anything before doing this, but found that she didn't care as she was face-fucked by Flame. She found herself loving it, her folds dripping wet with arousal as Flame thrusted into her mouth again and again.

By the way his thrusts were becoming more erratic, and how his cock was releasing even more fluid, Turtle guessed that Flame was close to his limit. A few seconds later, she was proven right when Flame pushed her down one final time, and cum burst out, right into her waiting mouth. 

Turtle struggled to swallow it all, some cum leaking out from her mouth as she gulped it down. After a moment, Flame released his hold on her, letting her come up, gasping hard.

The two laid down, each taking a bit to recover from the intense experience. After they did, they stared at each other, before Flame let out a chuckle, followed by Turtle.

"I can't believe we just did that," he said. 

"Yeah, me neither. I don't know what I was thinking," Turtle admitted. She could still taste Flame in her mouth.

"Well, you probably should get going now," Flame looked to the entrance. "Clay's dumb, but if you stay here any longer he's definitely going to catch you, and we'll both be fucked if that happens."

Turtle nodded. If they were caught, Tsunami would have a breakdown, her mother would have a breakdown, and Flame would be executed for 'defiling a princess' or whatever. And she certainly did not want that to happen.

"Yeah." Turtle stood up, shooting a small smile back at Flame. "I guess I'll see you soon, then?"

"Wait!" Turtle stopped in her tracks at Flame's voice, watching him curiously as he rummaged inside his bag, and pulled out a cloth rag. "There's some uh... stuff, on your face. Probably want to get that off." He held out the cloth for Turtle to take.

"Uh, how about you do it?" Turtle suggested. "Cause I can't see my own face, and I don't want to miss a spot."

Flame blinked. "Hm? Oh, sure." 

Moving close to Turtle, he moved to wipe off some fluid from her mouth, before stopping himself. A smirk formed on his face as a thought passed through his mind.

"Actually, you know, maybe you should just leave it all on you," he said. "You look a lot prettier covered in my cum."

"What?! Oh, you little-!" Turtle angrily snatched the cloth, and began cleaning herself off. Admittedly, the suggestion was a little tempting. Turtle struggled to hide a smirk as she imagined what Moon and Kinkajou's reactions would be if they saw her come out with sex fluid all over her face. She wasn't suicidal, though, so she wiped down every part of her face before giving the cloth back to Flame.

"There, did I get everything?" Turtle asked. Flame looked at her, before frowning a tiny bit and reaching out his talon, brushing her snout with the cloth. 

"There, that's everything," he said. 

Turtle smiled at him. "Thanks."

Flame laughed. "I should be the one thanking you!" He motioned toward the cave entrance. "Also, you should really be going now."

Turtle nodded. "Right. See you later, Flame."

"See you later, Turtle."

"WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN?!" As soon as Kinkajou spotted her, the Rainwing dashed over, crushing her in a tight hug. "I said to be back in twenty minutes! How long have you been gone? FORTY!" Kinkajou leaned back, scales red in anger. Behind her, Moon walked up to them.

"I'm sorry, guys, it wasn't my fault!" Turtle hated lying to her friends, but there was no way she could tell them the truth. "I got to my cave pretty easily. But when I went to leave, Clay was there! So I had to wait in my cave until he passed, and just my luck, Sunny arrived right as he was about to leave, and the two spent twenty minutes talking to each other. So yeah." Turtle shrugged. "Couldn't really do anything about it."

Kinkajou nodded in understanding, but Moon was looking at her like she didn't quite believe her. Once again, Turtle was glad for the skyfire that blocked her mind-reading.

"Alright, then." Moon spoke. "You got your necklace, and that's all that matters. We have a full day ahead of us, why don't we have some fun?"

Kinkajou grinned at the word 'fun'. "Yeah! Let's go!"

Turtle then spent the rest of her short break having fun with her friends. She was grateful for Kinkajou's boundless energy, as it distracted her from that afternoon with Flame. Don't get her wrong, she enjoyed it. But now that she had the benefit of hindsight, she really shouldn't have done it. They easily could have been caught if another teacher was patrolling, or another student could've heard the noise and checked it out. Not to mention the fact that even though she and Flame were on friendly terms, she barely knew anything about the Skywing.

Turtle would never regret it though, and after the Skywing's heats were over, she sought out Flame as soon as possible.

Spotting him in the library once again, Turtle went up to him with a smile on her face.

"Hey," she greeted. Flame looked up from the scroll he was reading, and jerked a bit in surprise when he saw her, a small blush forming on his cheeks which thankfully couldn't be seen.

"Oh, it's you again," he replied. "What's up?"

Turtle sat next to him. "Just wanted to talk." She jerked her head at the scroll. "Didn't peg you for a reader."

Flame looked down at the scroll, before curling it up protectively. "And why's that?" He asked. "Wait, don't answer that."

Turtle giggled, which caused Flame to smile a bit, she noticed. "Yeah, I don't think I need to. Anyways, what scroll is that?"

Flame moved the scroll out of sight. "Nothing, just some dumb stuff," he dismissed casually. Turtle raised an eyebrow.

"Oh really? Just some dumb stuff?" She questioned. "Then why are you reading it?"

Flame glared at her. "Shut up! I can read whatever I want!"

Turtle sighed, deciding she was going to have to use a different tactic if she wanted to find out what the scroll was. Sitting up straight, she looked at Flame with the most innocent expression she could manage, eyes wide and blinking.

"Please, Flame?" Turtle begged. "Can't you tell me what it is?"

Flame took one look at her face, and promptly gave up. "Fine!" He growled, throwing the scroll into her waiting talons. "You want it so bad? Here!"

Turtle smirked, her plan having worked much better than expected. She made sure to file away 'look cute' in her mind if she ever wanted anything out of Flame in the future.

"Thank you," she said smugly, unrolling the scroll. At seeing the title, she had to cover her mouth to avoid bursting out in laughter.

"My Little Dragon?!" She cried. Flame grit his teeth.

"So what?" He scowled. "I read it for the plot."

"B-but it's a dragonet's scroll!" Turtle exclaimed. "What plot is there?"

Flame hmphed. "Ugh, you wouldn't understand." He grabbed the scroll back. "What do you care anyways?"

Turtle shrugged. "I don't know. Just wanted to know more about the dragon I gave a blowjob to, I guess."

Flame sputtered at the casual mention of the little stress relief session they had.

"Wha- that's-!" He looked around frantically to make sure no one heard. "Don't say that out loud!" He whispered.

Turtle grinned. "Huh? Why not? Why can't I talk about how I suc-"

A scroll smacked her on the head before she could finish that sentence, and Turtle sent a faux glare towards the Skywing who threw it.

"How rude," she sniffed dramatically. "I could have you executed for that, you know."

Smirking, Flame threw another scroll at her. "Of course, princess," he teased. "Speaking of which, how is it being royalty? Much be pretty sweet."

Turtle rested her head on her talon. "Not really," she admitted. "I mean, it's a good life, sure, but you don't really have a lot of freedom. You can't make friends with anyone you want, because of your image. You have to remain prim and proper all the time, because of your image. You can't have fun or play games, because of your image. The list goes on." She sighed. "That's the main reason I came to Jade Mountain in the first place. So I could have freedom and do whatever I want."

Flame nodded. "Yeah, that's a good reason. I was kind of forced here by my mom."

Turtle looked up in interest. "Really?"

"Mhm. She said it would be 'good for me'. That I could 'make friends', and 'grow up'. Ha, what a load of shit." Turtle frowned at his words.

"That's not true," she protested. "You have me, don't you?"

Turtle caught a small smile on Flame's face. "Yeah, I guess I do."

The two spoke for a while longer before Turtle had to leave. Saying her goodbyes, she found that she really liked talking with Flame, his crass personality amusing her to no end. He was an interesting dragon, one that not many knew due to his reputation. Despite his rough exterior, Flame was secretly much softer on the inside. He liked reading, though he insisted he only does it because Starflight tells him to, he liked caring for animals, and he liked gardening, which surprised Turtle the most.

"Watering plants and stuff relaxes me, you know?" He had explained. "I like watching plants grow. Makes me feel like I'm doing something good."

So for many days after that, Turtle continued to hang out with Flame, growing closer to the Skywing every time. She found it easier to speak with him, to laugh with him, as did Flame. They touched more frequently, brushing wings, talons, and even putting their arms around each other's shoulders. Each time they spoke, Turtle found herself staring at Flame more and more, admiring his handsome, sharp, and defined features. She'd even caught herself subconsciously touching and squeezing his muscles a few times, much to her embarrassment. 

As Turtle imagined Flame's face, and how his mouth would feel pressed against hers, she suddenly came to a realization.

She was in love with Flame.

Oh no.

Slightly panicking, Turtle tried not to show it while she talked with her winglet. They were all flying outside after classes had ended, talking about whatever was on their minds.

"So, that's how I pissed off Tsunami for the seventh time." Qibli finished recapping the tale he was talking about. "So, now I have to avoid her for a week or two. It's definitely gonna be harder this time, she knows most of my hiding spots."

Winter rolled his eyes. "Idiot Sandwing. What do you have to gain from that anyways?" He asked.

Qibli grinned. "Nothing! It's just fun! The face she makes when she gets mad is so hilarious!"

"Qibli, I know you love pranking people, but I'm gonna have to ask you to stop bugging my sister." Turtle flew next to him. "I swear, she gets mad one more time, she's going to burst a vein."

Qibli shot her a playful look. "Hm. I'll consider it, but no promises!" He flew off before Turtle could swat at him.

"That Sandwing..." she thought fondly.

"Huh, the sun's setting already." The winglet looked to the sky at Moon's observation. "We should probably be getting back soon."

"I agree," Winter added. "I have work to do that I've put off for long enough already."

Kinkajou frowned. "What work? The teachers barely gave us any homework today."

Qibli nudged Winter before the Icewing could speak. "This frost-face puts so much effort into his work, you wouldn't believe it. Remember when Sunny gave us that writing assignment? We only had to write like five sentences, but this guy over here wrote twenty!"

Winter huffed. "Of course I went above and beyond what was necessary. In the Ice Kingdom, if you don't put forth your best effort, you would never make it to even the fifth circle."

"Yada, yada, Ice Kingdom whatever." Qibli rolled his eyes. "But this is Jade Mountain, not the Ice Kingdom. Those rules don't apply here!"

"Yeah!" Kinkajou agreed. "You're so uptight all the time. Why don't you relax for once?"

"I'm not uptight!" Protested Winter. "You- ugh, whatever. It's too late to argue, I'm going back inside." The Icewing then flew off back towards the academy.

"Sorry about that, guys," Qibli smiled apologetically. "Winter's been in a mood lately. I think he's worried about his family or something, but I'm not sure. Anyways, I'll catch you guys later, alright? See ya!" Following after Winter, Qibli headed back to the school as well.

"Aww, I was hoping to stay out for a little while longer," Kinkajou pouted. "Eh, that's fine. Come on girls, let's head back!"

Flying after the Rainwing, Turtle and Moon arrived back at the academy. Walking down the halls, Kinkajou waved goodbye, wanting to get an early night's rest.

"So, I guess I'll see you later then?" Moon smiled at Turtle. 

She nodded. "Yeah, later." Before Moon could leave, though, Turtle changed her mind. "Actually, Moon, can I talk to you for a quick moment before you go?" She asked.

Moon turned around, and for some reason she didn't look curious, only resigned. "Sure, of course. What do you want to talk about?"

Turtle hesitated, nerves suddenly in full bloom. She stood there for a moment, trying to figure out how to say what was on her mind, before she decided to just bluntly state it.

"I'm in love with someone."

"You did it with Flame."

The two dragonesses stared at each other, words leaving their mouths at the exact same time. It was only after a couple seconds passed that Turtle finally registered what Moon had said.

"You-! How did you- I- WHAT?" She blurted out. Real smooth, Turtle. "No! I- I didn't-"

Moon gave Turtle a knowing look. "Don't lie to me, Turtle. I saw it in Flame's mind." Turtle thought she saw a tinge of red of Moon's cheeks as she spoke. "I know what you did. Or, who you did, I suppose."

Turtle blushed. "That's-! That's not... okay fine, I did it," she admitted. She risked a glance at Moon. "...Are you mad?"

Moon sighed. "No. But I can't say I'm happy either." She rubbed her forehead. "So you say you're in love with someone? Am I right to guess that someone is Flame?"

Turtle looked down, embarrassed. "Y-yeah, you are. I- I know you're probably confused why, but I promise you, Flame's a wonderful dragon, despite his reputation. You just have to get to know him."

Moon nodded. "Yeah, I know. I see it in his mind," she explained. Turtle blushed again.

"Wait, so you've seen everything?!" She cried. She knows about all the times we've hung out?! Moon shot an apologetic look at her.

"Not everything, but... a lot of it, sorry. Flame is... really loud with his thoughts about you." She pointed to the skyfire on Turtle's wrist. "You should probably give him some skyfire so I can't read his mind," she suggested.

"Right..." Turtle picked at her bracelet. She couldn't believe Moon knew about her friendship with Flame, but it was kind of her fault. She should've realized Moon would hear Flame's thoughts and given him a skyfire earlier.

"Wait," Turtle looked up. "You said his thoughts about me are... really loud?"

Moon smiled. "Yeah, you're all he can think about most of the time. I think your feelings for him are reciprocated."

A hopeful feeling bloomed within Turtle. Flame loved her back?

"I think you should talk to him, tell him how you feel," Moon said. "I'd never thought I'd say this but... I think he's good for you."

A wide grin formed on Turtle's face. She rushed toward Moon, wrapping her in a tight hug. "Thank you, Moon." She said.

Moon hugged her back. "No problem. Now go get 'em, alright? And don't forget to give him skyfire!" 

Waving goodbye, Turtle rushed off to her cave. There, she grabbed an empty necklace she brought along, and attached the skyfire rock to it. After that, she left and headed off to find Flame. After running around for a minute, she finally found the Skywing in his cave, where he was reading a scroll.

Taking a moment to look calm, she knocked on the wall before entering the cave.

"Hi, Flame. Can I come in?" She asked.

Flame looked surprised for a second, before a smile graced his features. "Of course. What's up?" He put down his scroll.

Turtle held the necklace, and tried not to look anxious. "Flame... we're friends, right?"

Flame looked confused. "Huh? Of course we are, Turtle. Why're you asking?"

Turtle smiled, relieved. "Oh, no reason. Just... wanted to make sure." Now Flame was looking at her a little suspiciously, but he didn't say anything.

"I... wanted to give you something," Turtle said. "We've been spending a lot of time together recently, and I just wanted to give a little gift. You know, to commemorate that."

Flame raised a curious eyebrow. "Oh, really? What is it?"

Turtle held out her talon, to reveal the necklace with the skyfire. Tapping her talon on the ground in anticipation, she watched as Flame carefully took the necklace, studying the jewelry closely.

"Wow, it's... beautiful," Flame whispered. "Is the rock the same one from that bracelet you always wear?"

Turtle nodded. "Yes, uh... I thought it would fit, that we would both have matching jewelry. Go on, try it!"

Flame gingerly brought the necklace up, and wrapped it around his neck. After a brief struggle, he finally put it on, and showed it off to Turtle.

"Well?" He said. "Does it look good?"

Grinning, Turtle moved closer to Flame. "You look very pretty," she reassured. "It matches well with your scales."

Flame chuckled. "Thanks. This might be the first piece of jewelry I actually wear for once."

"Oh, please do."

Turtle and Flame stood there for a moment, just grinning at each other before they realized what they were doing. Looking away in embarrassment, Turtle spoke again shyly.

"Hey, Flame. Can I tell you something?"

"Of course!" Flame replied. 

Turtle paused for a few seconds, trying to figure out how to confess to her friend. 

"Like I said before, we've been spending a lot of time together," she started. "And every time we've hung out, I've been feeling these weird feelings in my stomach. At first, I thought it was just something I ate, or nerves. But, after some thinking, I've realized something." Turtle took a deep breath. "I really, really like you, Flame. No, I'm in love with you."

Confession over, it felt like a huge weight was lifted off her shoulders. Still, she waited anxiously for Flame's response.

The Skywing was staring at her, with a look of disbelief on his face.

"Really?" He whispered. Turtle nodded.

"Really. I love you Flame."

Staring at her for a moment longer, a huge smile broke out on his face.

"Me too, Turtle. I love you too."

Even though Moon had predicted it earlier, hearing it in person was a completely different story. A smile forming on her face as well, Turtle laughed.

"Wow, that's... that's amazing!" She exclaimed.

The Seawing was then caught off-guard when Flame leaned down, and brought his mouth to hers in a passionate kiss.

Surprised, she recovered after a second, melting into the kiss. She wrapped her arms around Flame's neck for support, as he placed his talons on her waist. 

Turtle wasn't expecting it to go any further than that, so she was pleasantly surprised when Flame licked at her mouth, asking to enter. Happily obliging, she moaned quietly as Flame met her tongue with his, twisting and turning around. The air was filled with the sounds of groans as the two dragons kissed, the atmosphere getting more and more heated by the second.

Reluctantly, Turtle pulled away after a bit, needing to take a breather. But as she looked into Flame's eyes, and saw the growing lust in them, she shivered involuntarily as she imagined what he could do to her.

"Flame," she breathed, voice wavering as her arousal grew. "I want... I want you. Please."

A hungry grin was on Flame's face as he realized what she meant. "Gladly," he purred.

Pulling her in for another kiss, this time he ran his talons all over her body, feeling up her curves, her slim waist, and her shapely hips. As Turtle shivered and twisted under his touch, Flame could only wonder how such a gorgeous dragoness wasn't already taken.

Large, strong talons running across her scales, Turtle jumped in surprise when a finger suddenly brushed over her folds, sending a jolt throughout her body.

"Ah~" She squeaked, as Flame repeated the action, rubbing his talon over her slit. As he pleasured her, she could see his member growing in size, and blushed as she recalled how large it was.

This time, it was Flame who pulled away, with Turtle whining in protest. Just as she was about to say something, the Skywing spoke first.

"Turn around," he said, voice taking on a husky tone. "I want to see you. All of you."

Understanding his implication, Turtle shyly obeyed, and lifted her tail, exposing her pink, puffy, wet entrance. She could hear Flame draw a sharp breath as he took in the seductive sight, moving closer.

"Good girl," he praised. Turtle shook slightly at the authoritative tone. "Now, bend down. Show me everything."

As Turtle bent down, slowly raising her rear higher and higher, dripping wet entrance on full display, Flame was suddenly struck with an urge. A primal urge, to slam his cock into this female, to claim her, breed her, make her his.

Subconsciously growling, he went up to the small female, cock throbbing painfully hard at seeing the Seawing present herself like this. Turtle was short, and Flame was tall, which meant that he towered over two heads over her. It also meant that his cock was huge compared to her own entrance, and just imagining his member pounding into Turtle, spreading her open wide, ruining her, was almost enough to do it for Flame. Summoning every bit of self-control he had, he tried not to bust before he even did anything yet.

Wrapping his arms around her waist, Flame mounted Turtle, and the tip of his cock pressed against her folds. Leaning close to her ear, Flame whispered to Turtle.

"You ready?" He asked. Turtle nodded frantically.

"Yes, I'm ready." She bit her lip. "You can do it."

"This is probably gonna be a little uncomfortable..." Was all the warning Flame gave before he pushed forward, slowly entering Turtle.

Legs almost buckling, Turtle gasped at the new sensation, as Flame pushed further in. The Skywing was right, the feeling was uncomfortable, being stretched like this. But as she adjusted, the discomfort was quickly replaced by pleasure instead.

His member halfway inside her now, Flame began thrusting in and out, beginning a slow, steady pace as he made love to his mate. Quiet gasps and moans escaped the Seawing, as her unfathomably tight walls squeezed around his cock.

Grunting hard, Flame began fucking the small dragoness at a faster pace, gradually thrusting a little deeper every time. The smell of sex and sweat filled the air as they moved, and any poor dragon who walked by the cave would be treated to a once in a lifetime sight, of a large Skywing pounding into a much smaller Seawing, a princess no less.

An indescribable pleasure filled Turtle's body as Flame slammed into her, again and again, his large member almost disappearing inside her each time he thrusted. Unintelligible noises were the only sounds she could make as Flame utterly ruined her, used her, slid in and out of her tight, pink walls. A distinct slapping noise was made each time scales met, Flame going as deep as he possibly could.

As they fucked, Flame tightened his grip around her waist as he sped up.

"I'm... getting close!" He managed to get out between moans.

"M-me too! D-don't stop!"

Eagerly obeying, Flame continued his pace, as he felt his climax approaching. Turtle could barely think as she was pounded to oblivion, her limit getting closer by the second.

Finally, after a long, passionate session of lovemaking, Turtle came hard, her walls clamping down even tighter than before. This sudden squeeze was enough to pull Flame over the edge too, and with one deep thrust, he finished inside of her, filling her up.

The two lovers stayed in this position for a minute, as they waited for their climaxes to finish. After they ended, Flame pulled out, cum coating his cock as he flopped over from exhaustion.

"Ah... best first time ever..." He mumbled. Beside him, Turtle giggled.

"Yeah, that was incredible, wasn't it?" She leaned in for a soft kiss, which Flame reciprocated.

"It was..." He stared down at his now limp member, which was still slick with fluid. As he looked, though, his eyes suddenly widened as he recalled something.

"Oh shit! I'm so sorry babe, I finished in you, fuck! I just realized!" Flame cried. "Moons, I'm such an idiot, I should've been paying attention, I-"

"Flame!" Turtle interrupted his hysterical rant by cupping his face gently, forcing him to face her. "It's fine, don't worry about it."

"What?" Flame gasped. "But I- I finished in you! You're probably pregnant now, how is that fine?"

Turtle looked sheepish as she looked away. "Flame, there's something I need to tell you..."

Never, in all of Flame's life, had he imagined having a princess for a girlfriend. Never mind a princess girlfriend who was an animus. Never mind that animus princess girlfriend being kinky as hell, that kinkiness being shown as she was currently sucking off Flame in full view of all the teachers, slurping and sucking noisily.

Flame let out a long sigh as Turtle worked her amazing tongue around his length. He couldn't have asked for a better girlfriend. When she had initially came to him that morning and proposed this idea, he had thought she was joking. But one tiny spell later, and he and Turtle were now invisible to every dragon other than themselves, free to do anything, to be as loud as they wanted without anyone seeing or hearing them. They could still be touched, though, so they had to be careful. But that added to the thrill factor, so Flame didn't care.

Moaning long and hard as Turtle deepthroated him, he rested his arms around the back of his neck as he leaned back against the wall, the Dragonets of Destiny completely oblivious to the fact that one of their students was getting head from another, right next to them.

Ah, life is good.

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