Escape The Night S3 - A Fanfi...

By difyeva

42.7K 564 992

Y/N L/N keeps a quiet life, with a YouTube platform of over 10 million subscribers. When a letter is delivere... More

Welcome to the Town of Everlock (FINISHED EDITING)
The Clowns Here Kill Part 1 (FINISHED EDITING)
The Clowns Here Kill Part 2
Venomous Affections
The Man With No Name
Strong Like A Demon Part 1
Strong Like a Demon Part 2
Twin Dolls
Wicked Witches
The Carnival Master
Book 4

Control Issues

1.9K 40 60
By difyeva

Previously on Escape the Night...

The adventurers are getting closer to saving the town. "We have one artifact left". But one among them has been corrupted, and they lose another friend. Meanwhile, Y/N is getting closer to discovering the truth of her connection to this town.

November 27, 1977

"I cut off his fingers; I cut off his toes. I cut off his-" A young woman in a straight jacket sat in a jail cell staring into nothing. She lets out a small laugh before repeating the same sentence again and again. "I cut off his fingers; I cut off his toes."

She cuts herself off as the Carnival Master starts appearing all around her. "No, Daddy, not again!" she wails, terrified. She crawls over to the jail cell and props her head between two of the bars. "My precious child," starts the Carnival Master, appearing next to her. "What you have done has proven you're worthy of my love."

"He begged me to stop, but I couldn't. I don't want to do anymore, please!" cries the Carnival Masters daughter.

"She won't stop hurting you until you let go and accept me." The Carnival Master then places a cursed collar on the neck of his daughter. "Now, close your eyes. You'll be in control." The Carnival Master disappears as a police officer walks into the jail cell. She puts the end of her baton up against the girls head as she quivers.

"Whatcha doin' in the corner, Lucy? Hm?" asks the police officer. She then hits Lucy on the back with her baton, and Lucy cries out in pain. "You know, they found your boyfriend's hand in the mayor's mailbox. It's missing two fingers. That's my nephew, you crazy bitch!" The police officer then hits Lucy twice more on the back with the baton in a rage. "Why'd you do it, Lucy!?" she yells as she hits her.

Lucy then screams as she erupts into a golden glow. She stood up and grabbed the police officers face, and rips out her eyeballs. Lucy then, with a maniacal smile, walks out of the cell.


"Okay, guys, we have one more artifact to go. We got this," says Joey. "Yeah, one of us still has to die," exclaims Matt. "It probably should be you. You did die once already," says Nikita. I, while leaning my head on Matt's shoulder, glare at Nikita. "I mean, he does know what it's like." They all then get into an argument about Matt being expendable, and I stare off into space.

Nikita: "So, like, while we're arguing, Y/N's just staring off into space. I've made it very clear that I don't trust her and that I believe she's the one that's been corrupted, but it's like, the rest of the group is oblivious."

"Listen, listen, listen, I've been in three times. And I swear, if I go in a fourth, someone's after me."

After a lot of talking, everyone FINALLY decides to look at the map, so they go and take it off the wall. However, I remain on the couch. I can see Calliope and Mortimer watching me, but I ignore them. I reach into my pocket to feel the "MISSING" poster, and it's still neatly tucked into my pocket.

Suddenly, I hear the sound of something opening, and it seems like they've already found something. I quickly run over to look at what it is, and I see that it's the eighth artifact.

Y/N: "So I completely blanked out for a moment, but it seems like the eighth artifact was in the room all along?"

"The Collar of Control must be worn by one of you to begin the cleansing process. Choose wisely, as the collar cannot be removed without help," reads out Joey.

Joey: "This collar looks like it's made from skin. It has eyeballs. It has teeth. It is not cute."

Matt: "Any piece of clothing that's made of flesh and eyeballs, probably not a good thing."

"You must re-attach the four metal rings to fully purify the collar," finishes Joey.

"I would like to say that I feel like Nikita, you have maybe, some more experience with this type of stuff. I think it's time for you to just-"

"Okay, woah, woah, woah. I'd gladly wear one of these, but honestly, Y/N here needs to prove herself. I mean, did you see her just now? She just sat there and let us do all the work to get this stupid thing. And where was she earlier when we were with the witches? She joined us incredibly late!" exclaims Nikita, cutting off Joey.

"You know what? I agree," says Manny. Joey shrugs. "You okay with this?" asks Matt, putting a hand on my shoulder. "Yeah, I've worn one of these before. It's fine," I respond.

"Are we sure we don't want to put this on Manny?" suggests Matt. Manny gives him the evil eye. "It's okay, let's just put it on me," I say. Joey then puts it around my neck. "Too tight?" "Not tight enough".

He then secures it. "Oh wow, it doesn't look bad, actually," says Joey. "Yeah, it's kind of like a turtle-neck," agrees Manny. "Works well with your skin tone," says Matt. "Do you feel any different?" "I mean, it makes me a little light-headed-" I start before a woman in pigtails, and pom-poms cut me off comes jumping into the room with some weird dog-monster thing next to her.

Joey: "All of a sudden, this crazy, psycho, lunatic woman and her dog come barging in."

"Y/N! Come here!" yells the girl. "Wait, she's being pulled?" My body then starts moving me over to where the crazy girl is.

Y/N: "She calls me like "Y/N! Come here! And my body is moving on its own. Hello? I think this collar has something to do with being controlled here."

Manny: "The girl, I'm like, you need Jesus. And her demon dog was so terrifying. But I did notice that she was feeding him candy, and it looked like she had full control over him."

"Kneel". I kneeled in front of her. "Make a kissy face." I proceed to do what I'm told. "Bigger. Bigger! Lean over. Kiss my ass!"

"Y/N, don't do it!" I then...kissed her ass. "What do you want with her?" asks Manny. "Y/N, can you come here?" asks Matt.

The girl then pats me on the head several times. "No wonder he's kept you alive," she whispers into my ear.

Y/N: "I hate that no one's giving me answers! Why is he keeping me alive?"

"There's something wicked about you, pretty boy." "What?" gasps Mortimer. "You let something creep inside of you." She then sticks her hand down Mortimer's pants, and the boys and Nikita let out disgusted groans and turn away.

"I don't know what the hell you're talking about," he exclaims. "I think you do. No matter. The Carnival Master will be free soon and will rip your goddamn throats out. You should be ashamed of how slowly you're progressing."

"Bullshit!" yells Calliope. The dog growls at Calliope, but she spits in his face. "We have seven of the artifacts. And you're the only one standing between us and the last one. So move your ass before I beat the crazy out of you," finishes Calliope as she shoves Lucy back.

Lucy starts laughing and retrieves a baton, and starts hitting Calliope. They then proceed to beat each other over and over again. As this all happens, I feel the collar controlling me again, and I start to feel like I'm losing consciousness.

Third POV

Y/N grabs Matt as the demon dog grabs Joey. "Demon dog, out!" yells Lucy.

Matt: "So Lucy grabs Joey, and I'm at the mercy of Y/N."

Lucy then starts running with Joey, and Y/N starts running with Matt. "Come on, Y/N, this isn't you!" Matt yells, trying to reverse the effects of the collar somehow, knowing it's useless. Lucy and Y/N then tie Matt and Joey to two poles and leave them.

Manny, Nikita and Mortimer are running away from the demon dog. Mortimer tries to distract the demon dog from the two when Y/N walks out and grabs Mortimer. Luckily, Manny and Nikita manage to run into a drugstore.

Finally, after some time, Joey and Matt manage to free each other from the ropes. Manny and Nikita reunite with Joey and Matt, along with Calliope, and they look into the tent where Mortimer has his, um, shirt off.

"I don't think I'm old enough to watch this," whispers Matt. "I mean, it is your girlfriend," whispers back Joey.

Joey: "Something weird is going on here. Like some crazy, kinky stuff."

Manny: "Oh, my God, I'm kind of jealous."

The group watches as Y/N and Lucy have some um, fun with Mortimer as Matt shields his eyes. Suddenly, Lucy spots them.

"How did you get free? Y/N! Bring them to me, now!" she screams. Suddenly, Y/N looks straight at us and runs at full speed in our direction.

"Now's our chance. We have to grab her," says Calliope. The group split up, hiding from Y/N and Lucy. "Guys, someone hug her from behind!" calls out Joey.

Joey: "Because if she touches us, our name goes into the voting pile."

Y/N runs after Joey. "Come here, blondie, come here!" she taunts.

Manny: "So what we need to do is all be able to touch her at the same time while Calliope takes off her collar."

As Manny grabs Y/N from behind, the rest of the group runs towards her and grabs her. Y/N starts screaming hysterically, almost like she's about to get murdered, but the groups' grip is firm.

Finally, Calliope manages to rip off the collar, and it glows and Y/N stops screaming.


Y/N: "All of a sudden, I kind of awaken, and they're all grabbing me, and I'm, like, what is going on?"

"You're back!" says Matt happily, pulling me into a hug. I slowly hug him back in utter confusion. "Was I gone?"

"Long story, but you were possessed by the collar, and Lucy was controlling you and stuff, but, anyway, you're okay now, and we need to go into the church and cleanse the artifact," explains Joey.

"But we gotta watch out because the Carnival Master is in there-" starts Matt before being cut off by a roar from the Demon Dog as he runs out from the drugstore. We all start screaming and scramble into the church.

The doors to the church burst open as we all stumble into the room. However, the Demon Dog doesn't follow. "He can't come in," says Manny. We all sigh in relief at this fact. Joey, Manny, Nikita, and Matt start taunting the Demon Dog, but I'm distracted by a colossal amber case.

"It's him." Everyone turns around and looks at where I'm looking. "That's the Carnival Master." "He's encased in Amber," says Calliope.

"I mean, here he is, but should we look around?" asks Matt. We all nod and start to look around the dusty room. "Oh, look, we've got handcuffs."

"To claim the first ring, two of you must make a sacrifice by placing one hand each inside the altar and closing the metal ring around it," reads out Nikita. "Two of us have to get locked in," says Manny.

"Well, I'll gladly do this if I have to prove myself more because I know I probably haven't been acting like myself lately, zoning out and shit," I say. "So yeah, I volunteer."

"Well, Matt, you should be handcuffed to your girlfriend," says Joey. "Alright, as long as we can take these off later," he says. So Matt and I place our hands inside the altar as they lock us in, and the box opens up and gives us 1 of the four rings that will purify the collar.

There's a note, and Joey picks it up and reads it aloud to the group. "So many in this town took a dirty secret to their grave. The second ring can only be seen once you have re-united five of them with their secret fetish."

Joey: "So basically, we need to figure out where the fetishes go on each gravestone."

"Guys, in case you forgot, there is a fricking crazy-ass dog outside the door, how the hell- sorry, forgot we're in a church, how are we going to get out to get out of here?" I ask. "And one more thing," says Matt, and he lifts the hand that's been handcuffed to mine, and we jingle the chain.

As we do this, the dog growls at us. "Oh my Jesus of the christ almighty, I am in a church of god," says Nikita. "Well, I guess I'll distract the demon dog while you guys go to the graves," says Joey. "If you get tired, I'll take over," says Matt. "Technically, we'll take over," I add.

Just as the demon dog starts to look through the windows, Joey runs out of the church, yelling at the demon dog. The creature runs out and follows Joey as the rest of us quickly make out way to the cemetery. "Guys, he's quick!" yells Joey as he runs.

We start seeing things scattered on the grass. "I think this is like a ball gag," says Nikita, shining her torch on it. "Here's a heel," says Manny.

Matt leans down, forcing me to lean down too, and he shines a torch on the grave. "Sally Swanson. Loved to gossip. You had to force her to enjoy some peace and quiet," I read out. "Do you guys have the ball gag?" calls out Matt. Manny and Nikita run over and place it on the grave.

"I'm going back to the church!" screams out Joey as he runs past us with the demon dog behind him. All of us manage to get back inside the church. "Did you get it?" asks Joey, referring to the second ring. "No, not yet," we respond. "We need more time," I say.

"Let's rotate," says Manny. "Yeah, so we're looking for other fetishes?" asks Joey. "Yes, we are. I saw binoculars for the peeping tom," I respond.

Joey: "So we switch roles, and now I'm helping the group while Matt and Y/N distract the demon dog."

"Hey, demon dog, we're cat people!" calls out Matt.

"Cats are so much better than devil dogs!" I yell.

Y/N: "At this point, we were all exhausted. The last thing I want to do is run even more, especially since I'm handcuffed to Matt, so it's harder for us to run in sync, so instead, we tried to lure him with candy to the front of the church and keep him in that area."

Matt throws the piece of candy down at the church step, and we both just manage to jump into the room. "Y/N, which is the peeping tom?" yells out Joey. "It's the one with windows!" I yell back.

"Do you need me to unwrap it, demon dog?" asks Matt. Matt unwraps the piece of candy and holds it out for the demon dog, but instead of eating it, the creature lunges at Matt, and he stumbles backwards, bringing me down with him.

My head hits the floor hard, and I groan in pain. "Oh, my gosh, are you okay?" asks Matt, but I start laughing at how completely ridiculous this night has been going. Matt starts laughing with me, and eventually, I'm gasping for air.

"Hey, go catch this bitch!" yells Calliope, throwing the piece of candy somewhere in the grass. The demon dog wanders off to find the sweet, and we all run back to the cemetery.

"We just need to find the last one," Joey informs us. We already have the leather skirt, so we run around reading all the tombstone inscriptions. "Brilliant designer who always liked to keep things as short as possible," reads out Joey, and he slams the leather skirt on the grave in excitement.

One of the graves Matt and I are standing in front of glows, and something falls out of it. I pick it up, and it's the second ring. "Guys, we've got the second ring!" I call out.

"Meet back at the church!" yells Joey, and we all hurriedly run back to the church. We reunite quickly, and there's a note attached to the ring.

"The Demon Dog holds the third ring around its neck," reads out Matt. "Of course it does," groans Manny.

Joey: "So we have to figure out how to trap this guy and how we're going to kill him."

"You'll need to find the hunter's trap in the trees. Lure it inside with a tasty human morsel, and then impale it with an iron rod. The iron rod from the gnarled tree. The trap is on the other side of the cemetery," finishes Matt.

Y/N: "We run outside and manage to grab the iron rod quickly, thank god."

"The trap is on the other side of the cemetery. Let's go."

As we run to the other side, we also lure the demon dog to follow us as we go. "Oh, shit, he's running," says Nikita, and we all start running.

"Run in the middle of the trap!" yells Joey. However, the demon dog refuses to. "Hey baby, we have candy," calls out Nikita. We start teasing him with the candy, but still, the demon dog doesn't step in the trap.

"Guys, back to the note. It said "human morsel". I think one of us have to step into the trap," I groan. Manny then steps into the trap, and the dog slowly starts stalking towards the trap. Manny jumps backwards as the dog steps into the trap, and Joey pulls the rope, causing the net to close around him.

Matt and I run towards the dog, and I stab the demon dog with the iron rod in my hand. The demon dog lets out a terrible squeal in pain as I stab it, and Matt managed to grab the ring. "I'm so sorry," I say. "Don't apologise to him!"

"I feel so bad for it. I do not support animal cruelty!" I scream as we run back to the church.

"No!" screams Lucy, running towards her precious pet. "What have you done?" she screams.

"She's pissed off," says Joey. "I just killed her dog. I don't blame her."

"And we took away her new minion,
Y/N," says Nikita. "Might as well just put her out of her misery, huh?" asks Matt. "She's having a bad day," agreed Nikita. "So we have the third ring, now what?" I ask.

"We need one more ring," replies Joey. Suddenly, Manny gasps. "What, what do you see?" Matt asks. "Oh, my God." We all walk towards the altar and see our cards, with our faces on them. We all let out sad sighs, and Manny picks up the note.

"To claim the fourth ring, two must be selected by vote to beat Lucy at her own game. Be warned. You're nearing your final confrontation with the Carnival Master."

"Guys, I thought there was going to be a twist," says Joey, sadly. "I didn't think this was going to happen again." "Discuss amongst yourselves, please," says Calliope. "Is there even a reason to discuss this privately?" asks Matt. "We all know we deserve to be here. You two are never going to vote against each other," I point at Manny and Nikita. "Joey is the secret lynchpin. We just revived Matt, so it would be unfair for him to go into the challenge. I know I'm going in. So it's a question of who's going with me?"

Y/N: "So, of course, to get the fourth ring, it requires a final sacrifice. We have to choose two of us to go up against Lucy."

"I don't know. This is tough. How about we all just vote for ourselves to go on in?" Joey suggests. "Yeah, we'll just let the cards decide," I say, agreeing. "So should we go with that?" We all nod in agreement.

"Calliope, do you want to just put one of each of our names in?" asks Joey. "If that's what you wish." "That's what we wish."

As Calliope holds up each of our cards, we nod. "I will now shuffle and draw two."

"Please be on my side for once," mutters Nikita.

Calliope starts shuffling the cards, placing one on top of the other repeatedly. "The first person going into the challenge is..." She takes the top card and displays it to us. "The Record Producer."

Manny looks down and nods as if expecting this, which is what we were all feeling right now. "The second person going into the challenge is..." She again whips the card into the air.

"The Rockstar."

"No, no, no, not again," I say as I start shaking. I wasn't even sure if it was from the cold or fear.

Y/N: "Of course, out of the four of us, Manny and I, the people who have gone into the most challenges, gets chosen. However, even if I don't make it, it's nice to know that Matt will make it out alive..."

"Come, I will lead you to the challenge," says Calliope.

We walk into the tent, and Lucy lets out a crazed giggle. She has a baton to Mortimer's throat. However, there's something wrong with Mortimer's chest. In the middle, there seems to be this dark patch of...dark...magic?

Lucy hops over to us, and Matt and I raise our handcuffed arms. "You have the key to this?" I ask. She unlocks us from the handcuffs, and I shake my wrist. "Mortimer, what's that on your chest?" asks Matt, also shaking his wrist. "Please, let's just get this over with, please," he mumbles out, handing Manny a piece of paper. "Okay, Mortimer, you need to chill or something," Nikita says.

Joey: "This is so hard to watch. These are two of my closest friends. I don't know who I want to win."

"There are nine boxes and nine keys among the pool," Manny and I read out together. "One box holds salvation. Pop your balloon to be free of your straight jacket. Find the right key before your friend, or this might be your end."

Lucy puts both Manny and I into straight jackets. "Alright guys, good luck!" calls out Joey. "Before we start the challenge..." starts Nikita. She grabs a handful of popcorn and sits back down. "I'm looking forward to watching Manny kick Y/N's ass."

"Wowwwww, thanks, Nikita," I say sarcastically.

"Good luck, guys. Slightly better luck to Y/N!" calls out Matt.

"Thanks, honey!" I call back.

Manny: "So Y/N and I are about to start, but we're both, like, tied down. They tell us that if you pop your balloons, you can get untied."

Y/N: "I have nothing against Manny. We've done collabs in the past. I just have something against his best friend."

"Go!" yells Lucy, and both Manny and I run to jump on the balloons.

Y/N: "I hate the sound of balloons popping, but this is a matter of life and death. My ears will be okay."

"Five! I got five! Unlock me!" I yell after popping all my pink balloons.

Manny: "We jump in, we both pop them, basically at the same time."

"Wow, they are deadlocked," says Matt as we are untied.

Manny: "They help us undo our arm straps."

"Come on!" I yell at Lucy, who was doing it slower than Mortimer. "Cheater!" yells Matt at Lucy.

Right away, Manny finds a key, and I let out a small scream in frustration. I keep looking around, but I also have one eye on Manny to see if the box he opens is the right one.

"Ugh, I don't see anything," I mutter. "Look under things, move the balls out of the way," says Matt. "Tread slowly, don't necessarily throw it out of the way! Because you don't want the key to be thrown away with the popcorn."

Manny opens his box, and I watch as he just throws out a bunch of hay.

Manny: "I open my box, and there is nothing in it, and I'm already so frustrated."

Manny immediately comes back to finding keys, and he starts kicking some of the confetti and popcorn in my way. "Manny, stop!" I yell.

"Sorry, Y/N, I've lost once. I'm not losing again," he responds. "You are not playing this game with me," I say, and I grab a handful of popcorn and start shoving it at him. I even catch one of the balls and throw it right where he was looking for the keys.

Y/N: "I can't find one key, and I'm starting to freak the *BLEEP* out!"

"Oh, my Gosh, this is literally like finding a needle in a haystack right now, but it's a corn-stack," comments Joey. "Wait, wait, he found something," says Matt. Manny picks up a key and runs to the boxes, and I slam my hands down before quickly throwing things, forgetting Matt's advice, and try to find a key.

"This is hopeless!" I yell. "Don't give up, Y/N, you got this!" calls out Matt supportively. "Ooh, let's see what happens!" giggles Lucy.

Y/N: "I'm so close to giving up and letting Manny win at this point. I just can't."

Manny opens his box, and thank gosh, it's just hay again. "Another one!" calls out Lucy, happily. "Nothing?" asks Matt. Manny shakes his head and goes back to looking for keys. "We'll be here until the carnival master wakes up."

Y/N: "I start checking every small place I haven't checked before, going into the corners and just going into every little nook and crevice I can see."

"Yess!" I scream in joy.

Y/N: "And I FINALLY find my first bloody key."

"Yes, Y/N!!" cries Matt. I stumble towards a box and jam the key into the lock, and open the box.

I let out a groan in annoyance as I throw out hay from the box.

Manny then starts lifting heavy boxes to check under them. "Woah, Manny, there's that strongman," says Joey. As Manny lifts a box, I quickly dive to try and find a key and see a little glow of silver. I grab it and hold it up. "Found another one, yes!"

With no time to spare, I run towards another box. "Please, luck, be on my side," I say as I manage to get the key into the lock, and I turn it. I lift the box open. Suddenly, I hear Manny scrambling to get to a box next to me.

"Ooh, who's it gonna be?" shrieks Lucy. There's no hay in my box, but there's a note. "Kill yourself or kill your friend to claim the ring. You decide how this ends."

I look up at Manny, who looks crestfallen. "Wait, she gets to decide?"

Y/N: "I have the choice, to either kill myself or kill Manny."

Under the note, there is a pink gun, and I hold it up. "Manny..." "No..." "Manny, I'm sorry."

"No, don't shoot me. "Manny, I'm so sorry." "Please, Y/N!" "MANNY, I'M SORRY!"

I then look away and repeatedly shoot Manny several times in the chest. I drop the gun and start breathing heavily, almost as if I had just finished running a marathon. "You shot him!" yells Joey in shock.

Matt: "Did I see that coming? Absolutely not. But I gotta say, she looked fabulous while doing it, as always."

Matt then runs over and grabs the final ring from a glass box that opened up. Mortimer then gets the collar and holds it up to Matt as he attaches the ring. "Hurry, hurry," says Mortimer hoarsely.

"It wasn't supposed to go like this!" squeals Lucy through heavy breaths. "You're all going to die now!" Lucy starts smoking, and her chest starts to glow before evaporating into a flurry of smoke.

Joey: "We did it! We finally got the final artifact! We can finally go home."

"It's okay, it's okay, it's okay," says Matt as he and Joey wrap an arm around my shoulder, leading me out of the tent. I'm still in shock at what I've done. "I murdered him," I say through heavy breaths. "Mortimer, come on!"

I throw off the straight jacket. "Are you okay?" I shake my head, tears blurring my vision, threatening to fall down my face. "You did what you had to do, it's fine, don't worry about it," Matt says, rubbing my shoulder in an attempt to calm me down.

Suddenly, Mortimer grabs my arm and drags me in the opposite direction of the group. "Mortimer, what the hell?!" I yell, attempting to snatch my arm away, but his grip is strong.

"Mortimer, what are you doing?" asks Calliope. "What?" "He has the collar! He has the final artifact!"

Mortimer stops and looks at the group before dragging me towards the church. "What are you doing?" I ask him. "You'll see."

He drags me inside the church and the doors shut. After a few seconds, the doors slam open again, revealing the group. "Stop, don't come any closer," warns Mortimer. "What are you doing?" asks Joey. "I'm freeing Nicholas."

Y/N: "Funny, my father who died when I was young was called Nicholas."

"It's the evil inside you talking," says Calliope. Suddenly, Matt starts to look around the room. "Oh, my Gosh! All the artifacts are in here!" he yells. "Don't tell me what to do!" yells Mortimer and I jump a little. "Please!" pleads Calliope.

"It's already done." Mortimer then starts to place the collar down on the pedestal next to the others. "Mortimer, no!" yells Nikita. Suddenly, from under the artifacts, a light starts to glow. We all turn our heads to the Carnival Master encased in amber, as the front slowly starts to dissolve.

It broke. Then the Carnival Master walked out.

His skin was blue, and he had two large horns growing out of his head. In the middle of his chest, was a glowing blue crystal. My mouth drops open at the sight of this...thing. What even was he?

"I've done all that you asked," says Mortimer, bowing slightly.

Joey: "Inside the chest of the Carnival Master is this crystal, and for some reason, it's calling to me."

"Come," says the Carnival Master. Mortimer walks towards him. "Turn around."

"Traitor!" says Joey. "We trusted you!" yells Nikita. The Carnival Master then starts waving his gloves around Mortimer and Mortimer's eyes start to glow red. "You...are so easily manipulated."

"What is going on?" asks Matt. "I don't know, I'm so scared," replies Joey. "Mortimer, resist it!" yells Matt. Calliope then runs forward and grabs the gun from Mortimer's pants. The Carnival Master then snaps Mortimer's neck and he tumbles to the floor.

"No!" we all scream. Calliope then starts shooting repeatedly at The Carnival Master's chest. The Carnival Master jolts each time a bullet hits him, but it wasn't working. Calliope then attempted to lunge at him but The Carnival Master grabbed her by the neck and started to choke her.

"I don't think so little lady. Did you not think I prepared for this?" The Carnival Master yells as he squeezes tightly on Calliope's neck. There's an awful cracking noise and Calliope falls to the floor, next to Mortimer's body. The Carnival Master walks towards Matt, Joey and Nikita. "I can smell the stench of the society all over you. They called you into a war that's not yours!"

Then he turns to look at me.

"But at least one good thing came out of this." I gaze up at him, frozen.

"At least I got my daughter back."

A/N: I finally updated! So, what did you guys think of the twist?

Anyways, see you guys in the next chapter!

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