Karry Chronicles

By bobjoetoes

1.8K 50 64

As the title suggests, a series of struggles Kara and Barry go through with raising a family. Filled with act... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12

Chapter 1

366 6 4
By bobjoetoes

Brown eyes focused on nothing as they fell into a daze and brown hair flew all over, the wind moving around Bella's body while she floated in the sky. The young alien was out for a midnight stroll, more like flight, to clear her head of mixed emotions. She had been going out every night for the past year, ever since her mother had begun to date Barry Allen. Bella believed he was trying to replace her father, or who she thought was her father, Mon-El otherwise known as Mike Matthews. Mon-El was sent away so that he wouldn't die, which is all Bella was told that happened. She lost him when she was five and Bella proffered Mon-El over Barry since he was her favourite thing in the world.

Bella shook her head to clear her thoughts when she heard Lena leaving L-Corp, and diverted her attention to what she wanted to do. She had been watching Lena for months out of a strange suspicion of the Luthor being evil. To be honest, Bella suspected everyone that Kara wanted to be friends with out of a protective instinct. Tonight was the night that she was going to investigate Lena's private lab that was located in the Luthor's office.

She quietly flew threw the balcony and floated to the lab, sliding the door open, slipping through, and going back down to the ground. Bella went deeper into the lab only finding equipment such as microscopes and other scientific tools. The brunette heard a loud "Bang," and turned around to see angry green eyes paired with crossed arms. The door had closed and the lights turned off. "I knew that you would come so I pretended to leave in order to catch you. Do you want to tell Kara or should I?" Lena spoke with a strong, demanding voice.

Bella lowered her head "It was wrong of me to come and investigate your lab, I wrongly assumed that you were like Lex, but please don't tell my mom." Bella didn't want Kara to find out knowing that would lead to greater problems in her life other than Barry Allen.

Lena raised an eyebrow keeping her straight posture. "Why is that? I would have you arrested for breaking and entering if she wasn't my friend so think before you speak."

"I...um...S-she's too busy with B-Barry," the young girl stuttered from nervousness. The only excuse she could think of was to mention her mother's love life.

"I am sure she would love to know what her daughter has been doing on her free time. This is what we'll do..." she paused stepping towards Bella until she circled around her. "You will go home and tell Kara exactly what you did, and she will decide how to punish you. Knowing Kara, it will probably be something like no potstickers for a week. However, on top of that, I'll have agents loaded with Kryptonite darts follow you around to ensure that you don't cause any problems. If you don't I'll tell Kara myself and it won't be pretty, is that clear?"

All Bella could manage was a fearful nod. Lena intimidated her and she completely understood that the Luthor always acted on her word. The lights suddenly turned on as Lena walked in front of Bella giving her a smile. "Perfect, it's getting late miss Danvers so I would love for you to leave, or I can have security escort you."

"I can walk myself," Bella muttered before leaving L-Corp and flying home. Bella spent the entire distance between L-Corp and her apartment thinking about what to say to Kara. She then decided it would be best to talk to her mother in the morning when she was less tired.

Bella landed on her front deck with a small thud letting the familiar wood touch her feet, and the wind to stop causing her hair to fly up. She opened the door and walked in planning to go to her room straight away in order to talk to Kara in the morning. Bella headed towards her room when someone grabbed her arm with quite then strength and a speeder ran in front of her. She groaned "I was trying to avoid this conversation until tomorrow morning."

"Where were you?" Kara asked with a hint of worry in her voice though she was trying to sound stern. Barry stood awkwardly in front of Bella scratching his head unsure of what to do.

"I broke into L-Corp to investigate Lena's lab. I thought she was still evil so I went to check it out and she told me to tell you. She also said she's going to have guards watching me at all times and that you should punish me," the youngest Danvers replied. She knew that Kara would be mad about her doing all of what she told her, but she also knew that telling the truth was better in this situation.

"You did what?!" Kara's voice changed from worried to aggravated in seconds. "Bella, I've told you many times how Lena is a good person! You're grounded for one day and no potstickers for a week!" The Kryptonian paced her blonde hair bumping up and down.

"I know and I'm sorry. At least I told you this time and was honest, more than I can say for your boyfriend!"

"Barry hasn't done anything wrong! Bed, now! We'll speak about this after you're done with being grounded!" Kara pointed towards Bella's room. The brunette slumped over while climbing the stairs up to her room, before belly flopping onto the bed and covering her face in the pillow. She cried for a few moments thinking about her life being unfair...
To be continued...

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