family // bnha

By elisimone_

549K 19.4K 8K

bnha x big sister!oc class 1a needs more adult support, let's be honest... AU where eli midoriya, pro-hero, a... More

an exciting (for me) update


12.2K 393 169
By elisimone_

Eli sat in the teacher's meeting room, a tired look in her eye as stared at the centerpiece of the table. She wanted to check on Shouta, and then go home to her brothers who were very opposed to her even being here right now. She also was not in any way interested in listening to whatever assumptions they were going to make about this Tomura Shigaraki character. 

"The police have investigated the group calling themselves the League of Villains, and there does not appear to be anyone registered with the name of Shigaraki in their 20s or 30s with a Quirk that lets him disintegrate whatever he touches," Tsukauchi, a police detective explained. 

"It is the same with the villain called Kurogiri with the Warp Gate. They are probably not citizens and are using false names. In other words, they are people with unregistered Quirks who are part of society's underbelly," he finished off. 

"You mean, we don't know anything..." Vlad trailed off with his arms crossed. 

"We must hurry," Snipe grunted out. 

"Once their ringleader, Shigaraki's wounds heal, they'll definitely try again and it'll be a pain. We'd have a little more time if somebody hadn't caught 2 of them," Snipe said, making them look over at Eli who sat there with a tired look on her face. 

"Well their ringleader was acting like a child so I assumed he was one. I wasn't going to let you put 4 bullets in somebody who I thought was child Snipe, so if you're gonna sit here and be petty we can always take this outside," Eli threatened, a hard glare on her face as she looked at him. 

Many flinched at her tone, not use to her talking like this or even wearing such an expression for longer than a couple of minutes. But she'd been like this for the entire time she'd been here. Her eyes softened when she saw this, and she sighed and apologized softly before going back to saying nothing. 

"Their ringerleader, huh?" Toshinori said. 

"What is it, All Might?" Nezu asked All Might after he'd cleared his throat, snapping himself out of the worried glances he'd been giving Eli. 

"It was a bold attack that normal people wouldn't carry out even if they thought of it. And to suddenly go on and on with such wild statements like that... Although he didn't reveal his own Quirk, he bragged about that Nomu's Quirk. And when things didn't go the way he wanted, he was visibly upset. Well, the incident with the Quirk was to also force my hand, but..." All Might said and Eli had to bite her tongue for the time being before she spoke, knowing what she was going to say was going to cause a stir, but it had to be said. 

"Even so, it was foolish to throw away the advantage of having unknown Quirks when fighting against heroes," Nezu pointed out. 

"He made immature, wild statements with a straight face. He bragged about his possessions. He thought everything would simply go his way. Adding that to what I saw of him when he carried out the attack, the picture I get out of Shigaraki is someone who hasn't gotten rid of his childish sense of omnipotence-- a man child," All Might spoke. 

"Eli-san, you spoke to the man, what would you say?" Nezu asked her, making her look up at him and around the room. 

She let out a small sigh before she leaned back against the chair she sat in, and adjusted her wildly unprofessional clothes that only consisted of a pair of jeans, brown converse, and a large dingy green zip-up jacket. 

"Let's start with the obvious. He hates you All Might, a lot. So I'm guessing he's been through something overly traumatic due to the nature of his Quirk, especially with a Quirk like that. He called the hand on his face father, so maybe look into any family incidents that involve a child with a pretty destructive Quirk. Come to think of it, he's probably the guy who did that to the front gate. Maybe any child abuse records that have to do with someone with T.S. initials because it's uncommon for vigilante turned villains or vice versa to have names too far off from their original," she started with. 

"I agree that he had this thing with incessant ranting. He went on for a minute about his problems with hero society as a whole, so it sounded like there's usually somebody to listen to him when he rants because he didn't even hesitate. So, honestly, I wouldn't be surprised if there's someone even bigger backing all this up," she continued. 

"I doubt he's what you think though. This guy isn't just some lunatic, because he was right," she said crossing her arms. 

"Right? How could you justify the actions of a Villain?" Nemuri, the Pro-Hero Midnight, argued. 

"Because Midnight this isn't just some villain. This is a guy who was clearly wronged not only by hero society but by society as a whole, just like most of the population on this planet. He said that he was upset that we were allowing and training children to be a part of a corrupt organization. That means he wasn't really going after the kids, he was going after the Hero Commission and All Might,"

"Believe it or not but to a lot of people, All Might is a lot of things, but the Symbol of Peace is not one of them, because the peace that he's created is centered around Quirks, and that's regardless of whether or not that was his intention," she said with a sigh.

"Eli... what exactly are you trying to say?" Hizashi asked her. She sighed. 

"I'm just saying that we may be looking at this the wrong way. I'm not sure if any of you know, but 2 of my brothers could've died because of their Quirk circumstances. Izuku was stabbed, and Hitoshi was basically left to die," she explained. 

Many grimaced at her words, a cold shudder going through their bodies at the thought of children being subject to such hate. 

"It doesn't matter that they still want to be heroes even after all this because even though that was bad, it's still not even close to how bad it could've been. I'd guess that this Shigaraki guy is just a wronged child that was groomed into being what he is now," she said. 

"Eli... may be right," Nezu said and Eli quickly spoke up again him. 

"I'm not saying that Shigaraki isn't wrong for the things he did the other day, I'm saying that even though I only spoke to him briefly, I noticed that when I treated him like a person, he acted like one," she said with a sigh before she stood up. 

"My apologies for having to leave the meeting early, but my back still hurts so I have to go see Recovery Girl," she told them before she stood up. 

She bowed to the patrons of the room and left. She went to go see Recovery Girl and was given a kiss on the forehead, which eased all of her pain. Luckily, due to the nature of her Quirk, she never got too tired whenever Recovery Girl healed her, but they did always deal with her bigger injuries in parts as to not overstress her body. 

With that, she left U.A. and was already on her way home, her mood picking up on her way. 

Eli didn't know what exactly was going on with her. She'd told her brothers everything, she was healed, and Shouta was going to be okay. Maybe it was the conversation that made her feel so... ugh. Talking about issues like Quirk Discrimination and all the issues that heroes both ignore and cause was always difficult for underground heroes. 

Shouta and Eli had worked with vigilantes, even worked with villains on occasion to ensure the success of the mission and the safety of those who needed it. It was clear that many heroes, especially with the sudden inflation of heroes, still didn't seem to understand the reality of their society. And even though Shigaraki was a bad guy, Eli worried. 

She couldn't help but think about her brothers, about how easily it could've been for them to be badly influenced because of their circumstances. About how left their lives would go had it not been for her presence. About how left her life would've gone if the Hero Commission got their hands on her instead of Inko and Hisashi.

She smiled a little to herself, feeling a little happier as she neared her home. 

Guess she was pretty lucky. 

If that's what you consider luck anyway. 

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Eli was supposed to be resting apparently, as per request from her brothers. The school had been temporarily closed after the USJ incident, and now it was back in session. She didn't understand why she had to rest, especially since all of her wounds had healed, but that was beside the point. 

So instead of resting, she sat in the class behind her desk, looking through work. Today she'd slicked her hair back instead of it being in its usual afro that covered most of her face, figuring a small change for today would be nice. Which took a lot of work by the way. It was quite early, but Eli couldn't help herself as she found herself taking a break and wheeling the chair towards the window. 

She sat there for a while, eventually leaving the classroom to go to the teacher's lounge where she encountered All Might sitting and drinking coffee. 

"Ah, young Eli! Would you care to join me?" he asked. 

She smiled at him as she nodded, retrieving a ceramic cup of decaf coffee before she sat next to him on the couch. 

"I take it your recovery went smoothly," he said with a sheepish smile. 

"Yea, couple of bruised ribs, and an injured back. Nothing Recovery Girl couldn't handle," she said with a shrug and a smile before she took a sip of her coffee. 

"I never got the chance to thank you for what you did at the USJ," he said but she just waved him off. 

"There's no need to thank me. I know you have your time limit and I just didn't want it to get any lower fighting some weird creature," she said. 

"Plus I was a little angry, but weren't we all?" she said, making him nod with a sheepish smile. 

"Still, I must thank you! You're really strong, we should spar sometime!" he said suddenly poofing into his buff form making Eli giggle a bit. 

"I'd love to! If I beat you, does that make me the no. 1 hero?" she asked playfully as she grinned at him. 

"Yes it would, but I promise to be a better sport than Endeavor," All Might said as he pats her head. 

She couldn't help but smile and chuckle a bit at the thought of their one-sided rivalry before she sighed a bit and sipped her coffee. 

"A-All Might, I hope what I said yesterday didn't make you feel bad. I honestly do think you're an amazing hero, it's just-" but he cut her off. 

"Don't apologize, what you said was true. My entire career, I've only been focused on saving those in front of me and building a world where people aren't afraid to walk out their doors. But... I've made many mistakes, and I've fixed as many as I am able. From the looks of it, this power will not last long, and there will be a day when I am no longer All Might, but maybe I can fix this. And if not in this form," he said before he deflated into his smaller form. 

"Then I'll use this one," he said as he sipped his coffee. 

"I guess I can see why Izu adores you the way he does," she said as she shook her head, a weird sense of pride filling her as she looks at All Might. 

"No, I can see why Izu adores you! You're all he talks about honestly, whether he's telling me something or mumbling," Toshinori said, chuckling once more. Her eyes widened a bit before she smiled softly and looked away. 

Peering at the time, she stood up. 

"Well, we should do this again sometime. It's always nice talking to Toshi," she told him with a smile and a wave. Toshinori smiled at her widely, always enjoying their conversations. 

As they said their goodbyes, Eli poured another cup of coffee, this time not decaf, and began her walk back to class. She felt her spirits lift as she walked, and eventually, she was outside of the classroom. With a small smile, she slid back the door only to see that everyone was already there. 

"ELI-SENSEI!" multiple students said loudly, making everyone turn to look at her form in the door. 

"BELL?!" Katsuki yelled. 

"Oh, good morning," she said with a small smile. 

It wasn't long before Mina and Denki had their arms wrapped around hers and multiple students were asking her questions and making comments. 

"Eli-sensei, are you sure you should be here?" Mina asked. 

"I agree, shouldn't you be resting?" Momo asked, concern laced in her tone. 

"Eli-sensei, what you did back there was so manly!" Kirishima cheered. 

"Of course! Eli-sensei is simply magnifique, her hair even sparkles," Aoyama said with a happy smile and a sparkle in his eye. Eli grinned at the boy, reminding herself to talk to him about his naval laser, see if she could make it so that he could use it longer without getting a stomach ache.

"When she landed that kick, I thought I almost accidentally activated my Quirk. She literally blew me away!" Ochaco cheered along with Toru.

"Yea, did you see her take out that Nomu, nobody in their right mind would mess with our sensei," Toru cheered. 

"Eli-sensei, we made you these!" Sero said with a basket in his hands, a tape bow wrapped up at the top of it. 

"Yes! We wanted you to have both a speedy and restful recovery," Iida said cheerfully, chopping his hands through the air. 

"What-" she tried but she couldn't say much before the basket was in her arms and Hitoshi had snagged her own coffee away from her like she expected him to. 

Katsuki and Izuku could only sigh. They knew that she was healed now and that technically she was fine, but still, they worried for her. Shoto wasn't absent from this, he too was worried for his sister since he'd also seen her scars when they removed her hero costume. 

He winced at the memory of them, wanting to ask her about them, but he wasn't sure if he should. He absentmindedly rubbed his left shoulder, wincing at the bruises on his arms.  

Inside the basket were 20-30 get-well-soon cards with lollipops taped to some, all decorated in different ways. Denki even drew a picture of a Pikachu on the front of his. Her lips quivered, just a bit. 

"Guys, this is... why would... you guys are the best," she said softly. 

"You guys even made some for Shouta, oh," she said with a happy grin on her face, a melodic tone in her voice which made the students around her beam. 

"I'll make sure to give it to him," she said. 

"It was Tokoyami's idea!" Tsu said with a bright smile, making Eli turn to look over at him with an appreciative smile. 

"I-" Fumikage tried, but he was interrupted. 

"ELII, do you really like it?!" Dark Shadow asked as it erupted from his back. 

"I do, I really do," she said, tears pricking her eye which she quickly blinked away, petting the shadowy creature softly before she looked over at the clock

"Shouta doesn't really like sweets, so how bout everyone gets a lollipop huh?" Eli offered, which was followed by some cheers before everyone took turns to take a lollipop out of the class. 

"Eli-sensei, since Aizawa-sensei is still recovering, do you have any idea who will be covering the class," Iida asked with his choppy hands. 

"Hm, nobody told me anything about somebody covering the class, so I just assumed I was," Eli said as she sat behind the desk.

"I could be wrong though, sometimes they don't tell me everything," she said with a shrug. 

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Eli kept a wary eye on Shouta as he was telling the class about the Sports Festival. Maybe during lunch, she'd leave so the kids wouldn't come to eat in the class with her, just so Shouta could get some extra rest. 

"Is it okay to have a sports festival so soon after the villains snuck inside?" Jirou questioned nervously. 

"What if they attack us again or something?" Ojirou asked, with a similar concerned look on his face. 

"Apparently, they think of it as U.A. showing that our crisis management system is solid as a rock by holding the event. Security will also be strengthened to 5 times that of previous years. Above all, our sports festival is a huge chance. It's not something that can be stopped by a few villains. Eli, please explain further," Shouta said as he peered over at her concerned face. 

By security being strengthened 5 times, he meant that this year Eli would be attending. 

She blinked her eyes rapidly and nodded, eyeing Shouta as he sat down in the chair beside her before she got up and went to the podium where he'd been standing. 

"But that's a good reason, isn't it? It's just a festival of sports," Mineta uttered out nervously. 

"Mineta, have you never seen the U.A Sports Festival?" Izuku asked him. 

"Of course I have. That's not what I meant!" Mineta said again. 

"Our Sports Festival is one of Japan's biggest events. In the pre-Quirk era, the Olympics were called the festival of sports, and the whole country was crazy about them..." Eli began to explain the significance of the sports festival to the class and when she was done, she dismissed them. 

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Eli sighed as she looked at the sea of students outside the classroom before she glances at her students. Peering over at the time she sighed as she gently began to push past her students so that she could head out for patrol. 

"What business do you have with Class A?" Iida asked timidly. 

"We can't get out! What are you here for, anyway?" Mineta shouted as he pointed his finger at the large group in front of him. 

"Scouting out the enemy, small fry," Katsuki said as he rolled his eyes. 

Eli turned around to look at him, seeing Hitoshi and Izuku alongside him, all of them standing behind her. 

"We're the ones who made it out of the villain's attack, not to mention our TA saved All Might. So, they probably want to check us out before the sports festival," Katsuki hissed at the last part. Eli grew uncomfortable at the access amounts of eyes on her, choosing to just roll her shoulders, and sighed as she saw him walk forward and stare down at the kids at the door. 

Also since he saw how uncomfortable Eli looked. 

Eli contemplated stopping him, but she couldn't decide if it was exactly her place. This is their sports festival, and she knew that the intense competition was a part of not only being the festival but of being a hero too. 

She never really understood it, now or when she attended UA, given she wasn't a hero to compete with people, but that didn't matter right now. Plus, her job was to teach them so they had a shot at winning at being great heroes. 

"There's no point in doing stuff like that. Out of my way extras," Katsuki growled. 

"Okay, geez Kat calm down," Eli said taking a couple of steps towards him as the rest of the class shouted at him for calling them extras. 

"ELI-CHAN!" somebody shouted within the crowd that made Eli freeze before she blinked and now a man with bright blonde hair and purple eyes was in front of her and holding her hands. 

"Oh, hello... Tamaki," Eli said with a nervous laugh. 

Tamaki Suoh, the Pro-Hero Prince Charming, was a faculty member, having graduated from U.A a year before she did. His Quirk was Charm, meaning he could naturally charm anyone around her when he used it, not that he ever dared use it on her. 

He had a crush, he wasn't an asshole. He'd taken quite a... liking to her over the years, that liking turning into a huge and obvious crush on her. One that, at the very least, annoyed Shouta and Hizashi given that she was like their own little sister. 

"Agh, you're so good! I heard about what happened at USJ, I was so worried about you Eli-chan! Are you okay now? Please be okay! I would simply die if you were to so that our souls would meet in the afterlife. Anyway, please date me!" he said holding her hands tightly and inching his face towards hers with every word he said. 

"Uh, what?" she asked, eyes wide as she stared at Tamaki with a confused laced through her flustered state. 

"Oh my gosh, you are so cute," he beamed. 

"OI! Who the hell are you?" Katsuki yelled, pointing his finger at Tamaki. 

"Hey, don't talk to our TA like that!" said a guy in the crowd with white eyelashes and silver hair.

"Maybe stop your TA from flirting with ours then!" Katsuki yelled back at the silver-haired boy. 

Hitoshi, Shoto, and even Izuku gave the guy a mean glare as they took a few steps to stand behind her. Older or not, flirting with their sister was just a no. 

Eli stared at the man with wide eyes, as a nervous sweat went down her forehead at the confused, and irritated stares of her brothers, students, and kids she didn't even know. 

"Sorry Tamaki, but I have to go on patrol, bye!" she said in a rush before she snatched her hands from him. 

"See you guys at home," she told her brothers as she backed away quickly, maneuvering around the rest of class 1A, before jumping and tipping out the back window. 

Her brothers stared at her figure with sweatdrops on their forehead, as the rest of the class hastily made their way to the window in a panic. I mean anyone would, she had just jumped out of a fucking window. They calmed when they saw her land safely and take off at hyperspeed. 

Now here she sat on a building, staring up at the night sky, taking a small break after stopping a couple of muggers and stuff like that. 

She heard footsteps behind her making her turn around to see a familiar face. She couldn't help looking at him with a small smile. 

"Hey Dabi," 

3866 words. 

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