All stories told are black an...

By fantasytiger123

78.2K 1.7K 192

10 years ago the Potters did something they regretted. A secret they took to their graves. They stole someone... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Vote for Harry's ship
Chapter 9
Chapter 11
Update coming soon
Chapter 12
Update delayed
Chapter 13
Sooo Sorry

Chapter 10

3.1K 87 8
By fantasytiger123

Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter. All credits belong to J.K Rowling.

He found his way to platform 9 and was about to take a look around when he felt someone tugging on his arm. He turned around quickly to find himself staring into familiar stormy grey eyes. Draco's eyes.

Chapter 11

"Harry! Come on! Your going to be late. We only have 3 minutes left." Draco said hurriedly. He like Harry had a brown Hogwarts bag around his shoulders and was wearing a plain white t-shirt with black trousers, a waistcoat and a robe over it with a Hogwarts crest on it.

"Draco! Thank God!" Harry was relieved to find someone he actually knew. However, Draco was frantically pulling him through the barrier between platform 9 and 10 so he wouldn't get late.

"We go through here. Come on you first. Oh, Auntie Bella and mother will be so sad we didn't have time to say goodbye. Oh well. Through the barrier, Harry. Take it at a run. Its much easier." Draco all but shoved Harry through the barrier then ran in himself. "Crabbe! Goyle!" Harry covered his ears at Draco's screams. Almost instantly, two other boys appeared and took Harry's owl cage and helped him place Hedwig in the right place before one of them took Harry's schoolbag and handed it back to Harry who swung it over his shoulder. As soon as they were on, the doors slammed shut and the train began moving.

Harry, Crabbe, Goyle and Draco all found an empty compartment and sat down, taking off their bags and dropping them next to where they were sitting. They all soon settled down to enjoy the ride.

"I was worried you were going to miss the train. I had been waiting at the barrier for half an hour. Thank goodness you came when you did. It certainly wouldn't make a good impression for us to be late on the first day." Draco said. Suddenly his face fell and he continued, " Poor aunt Bella. She must be devastated. That's twice she wasn't able to see you properly again. She wasn't able to talk to you in Diagon Alley because you had to leave and now she wasn't even able to send you off on your first day. She cried for hours the first time."

" Uhh... Thanks for waiting for me. You didn't have to. Wait what do you mean be see me again?" Harry questioned confused.

Draco suddenly sat up straight looking shocked, " I shouldn't have told you! Aunt Bella will kill me! She wanted to tell you herself first. Please, just forget I said that." Harry was so bewildered by the sudden change in mood he instantly agreed barely having time to think it over. Draco nodded and started speaking again, " Thank you. Oh! Where are my manners? This here is Vincent Crabbe and Gregory Goyle." Each boy indicated to nodded at Harry as their names were spoken to which Harry murmured back a quiet , " Hello."

"So Draco tell me about Hogwarts."

"Well the first thing you have to know is that..."

"Mind if I sit here Malfoy?" A venomous voice interrupted. Harry turned to the newcomer with a raised eye brow and hidden surprise. The last time he had heard such venom in someone's voice was when a foster kid decided it would fun to attack him. The newcomer had fiery red hair with freckles and was tall and gangly. Harry instantly disliked him.

"Oh. It's you. Listen why don't you be a good boy and sit with all the other Weasleys. These seats are taken."

" You don't get to hog the whole compartment Malfoy."

" I have other friends coming Weasel. So leave."

" Like you have any friends Malfoy." Draco spluttered in indignation while the boy turned to Harry, "You must be Harry Potter. The whole train has been talking about you. I'm Ron by the way. Ron Weasley. Why don't you sit with me in my brother's compartment for the remainder of the time? You don't have to sit with a scum."

" So I take it I should stay here then. Don't want to sit with a scum now do I? Thanks for the advice by the way." Harry said smirking.

"Are you calling me a scum?" Ron asked turning red making him look oddly like a beetroot.

"Sounds that way . Get out of here Weasley!" Draco laughed. Crabbe and Goyle shoved Ron out of the compartment and slammed the door shut. Draco turned to Harry, " Now where were we?"

Draco answered Harry's questions non stop until the food trolley arrived then continued after purchasing some snacks. He covered the four houses( to which Harry personally thought Slytherin was the best), Quidditch ( something Harry was eager to try) and after school practices if you made it onto the team as well as all the different lessons and teachers. Sometime during their conversation, some of Draco's friends popped in. Draco introduced them as Daphne Greengrass and Blaise Zabini. They stuck around for a while, generally talking about school. When they left, Draco started talking to them about the different types of Wizarding sweets they were eating. They soon struck up a conversation about Bertie's Botts every flavours beans and chocolate frogs to which Draco wrinkled his nose when Harry got Dumbledore with Harry silently mirroring his expression.

Not long after they were nearing school, the compartment door slid open to reveal a bushy haired girl with rather large front teeth.

"Have you seen a toad? A boy named Neville's lost one." Harry then noticed the tearful boy standing timidly behind her and smiled a little at him to which he shyly smiled back.

"I'm sorry," Draco answered, " There is no toad here. Longbottom is it?" The boy nodded slightly, "I'm sure your toad will turn up. I'm Malfoy, this is Harry and there is Crabbe and Goyle. And you are?" The bushy haired girl looked at them.

"I'm Hermione Granger. Its nice to meet you. We would love to stay but we're off to find Neville's toad." With that she turned and walked out of the compartment with the boy behind her leaving an awestruck Draco in her wake.

"Sh-She's amazing. But who is she? I've never heard of the Grangers before" Draco asked. The other boys simply shrugged.

"Does someone have a crush?" Harry asked smirking evilly.

"No! N-No!" Draco protested as his cheeks taking a light pink blush.


"No! Please come on. I don't even know her."

"Fine. Okay. Wait why didn't you introduce me by my surname like the rest of you."

"Isn't it obvious?" Harry shook his head. To be honest he didn't know why he was famous and what people wanted to do with him. By any chance, maybe he was lucky he managed to dodge the crowd full of crazy people who all wanted to see him for some bizarre reason. Draco sighed and continued, " Everyone knows your name but not your face. I figure it would buy you some more time at being a normal person before everyone starts hanging out with you because your Harry Potter."

"Yeah. I guess your right. Thanks for that. I appreciate it."

"Your welcome. Its no problem." Suddenly a voice echoed through the train.

"We will be arriving at Hogwarts in five minutes. Please collect all your belongings. Leave any owls. They will be taken to owlery separately."

This was finally it.

He was ready.

Ready to begin his next journey elsewhere.

Hi! Thank you so much for reading. I'm sorry about the slight delay. I was just so busy and didn't have enough time to update. Anyway I hoped you liked the chapter. Keep the positive comments coming. I would love to hear suggestions you might have for me as well. Hope you have a wonderful rest of the day.



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