
By kishu6926244

8.7K 498 835

"I have been shouting your name for so long. You heard and still ignored me." The girl didn't like his ignora... More

chapter 1.1
chapter 1.1 ( republished)
chapter 1.2
chapter 1.3
chapter 1.4
chapter 1.5
chapter 1.6
chapter 2.1

Chapter 1.7

452 39 55
By kishu6926244

I know I should have updated sooner and I had planned to but I got vaccinated and some of you might know what happens after that.

In this chapter your love birds are going to meet. 🥰🥰🥰

So please don't forget to comment.

I shall start updating proclivity from day after tomorrow continuously. 💜💜

Please comment.
"Hey, have you met Vishwajeet?" Karan asked Vishal.

"Has he already arrived?" Abhinav bumped with wide eyes between them before Vishal could speak.

All the brothers were at their regular spot in garden where they usually gather.

"Yes. He came to meet mother as soon as he reached. That's where I met him too." Karan said looking away.

"I had no idea about his arrival otherwise I would have gone myself to meet him first." Vishal was sincere.

"I didn't know you are so fond of him." Parakram scoffed.

"It is not about fondness. He is my elder brother. Being a younger brother, this is what I must do." Vishal wrapped his arm around Abhinav's neck. "Abhinav, we both will go together."

"Don't expect me to go to him." Abhinav detached himself and stood away.

"Why? Are you so afraid of him?" Karan laughed.

"Why wouldn't I be? Of course I am very much afraid of him. I have heard so many things about him. I have heard his stories of cruelness and brutality. I don't want to even see him." Abhinav shivered.

His reactions were giving a nice show to all of his brothers.

"What if he comes to you himself?" Karan teased him but Abhinav got scared.

"Why would he come to me?" Abhinav was really fearstruck.

"Who knows? Maybe for punishing you for having such thoughts about him." Vishal also joined Karan.

"You both are scaring me. How dare you to do that? Abhinav pointed at both of them being angry. Have you forgotten that I am your elder brother?"

"Just like Vishwajeet is our elder brother. Are you expecting us to be scared of you like you fear him?" Karan and Abhinav were not taking name of sparing him.

Parakram, Anmol and Deepak were just enjoying their bickering.

"You little brats. Come here. Let me show you what it is really like having an older brother." Abhinav ran after his younger brothers but soon he finds Vishwajeet standing in front of him.

Even Vishwajeet's normal face was enough to scare him.

Vishwajeet's arrival caught everyone's attention there. Abhinav couldn't bear standing so close to Vishwajeet and ran to sit beside Anmol.

"Hello Vishwajeet. Welcome home." Anmol greeted Vishwajeet with smile.

Vishwajeet just smiled in response.

"Hello third brother." Vishal touched Vishwajeet's feet. "You should have notified us about your arrival. I would have come to escort you." Vishal said with respect.

Vishwajeet just patted his shoulder.

Parakram is as same as always and Deepak doesn't feel any need to greet him as he is always busy in being a bootlicker.

Abhinav was still trying to get away from Vishwajeet's eyes but.......

"Abhinav." Vishwajeet called him in high voice making him shudder.

"Come here." Vishwajeet gestures with his two fingers.

"Who? Me?" Abhinav tried to confirm pointing at himself.

"Who else is Abhinav here! Of course you. Now come here within a second." Vishwajeet ordered.

Anmol hesitantly walked to him.

"What is wrong with your face? Who did this to you?" Vishwajeet  held his jaw and asked seeing light purple mark on the side of his eye.

Abhinav and Anmol remembered that this mark must have been the result of what Karishma tried to flee.

"It's nothing third brother. It's nothing." Abhinav got away from Vishwajeet.

"The left side of your face is all purple and you are saying that it's nothing. Did you really get beaten up by someone? Who did this to you?" Vishwajeet was vexed even with the thought of Abhinav being harmed.

"No one has beaten me. It was just an accident." Abhinav muttered looking down as he is very easy to get caught when he lies.

"Are you telling me that someone punched you just by accident?" Abhinav really didn't make sense to Vishwajeet.

Now, this was the time for Anmol.

"That is right, Vishwajeet. It was really an accident. That wasn't something intentional." Anmol interrupted.

Vishwajeet might have not taken Abhinav seriously but he believes Anmol's genuineness a lot.

Vishwajeet got a bit closer to Abhinav and made him look in his eyes.

"If you to let someone touch your face then I would punish you first before going after that someone. Do you get it?" Vishwajeet threatened him.

Abhinav gulped.

"Ye...s. sss..Yes ....third brother." Abhinav somehow managed to speak.


"Yes third brother." Vishal responds with attention.

"Come with me." Vishwajeet said before walking.

Vishal nodded and followed him.

"He is scary even when he is shows concern." Abhinav signed catching his breath.

"I tried to take over things in the new hospital but parakram didn't let me in." Vishal was speaking to  Vishwajeet and Shiva in Shiva's room

"Do you think he has some motive behind it?" Shiva asks him.

"I do. The way he is trying to handle each and every thing there, I highly doubt him." Vishal isn't Reluctant while speaking as he usually is.

"Didn't you ask father that you want to handle new hospital's affairs?"Vishwajeet questions him.

"I didn't as I already knew that I won't be listened." Vishal answered in low voice looking down.

Vishal has always been looked down upon but everything is different when he is with Vishwajeet. Of course, he considers Vishwajeet as his elder brother and he respects him a lot but at the same time his rapo with Vishwajeet is better than with anyone else.

"Did you see or feel anything suspicious?" Shiva asks in reference of hospital.

"I have not gotten to enter there yet."

"What do you think we should do now?" Vishwajeet asks Shiva.

"First of all, we must have a good look around the new hospital. Parakram is very cunning. He must be doing something there."

"But how are we going to do that? No one is allowed to enter there except Parakram and few employees." Vishal speaks his doubt.

"Your father has given me the responsibility of new hospital this morning only." Shiva placed a file on table in front of them.

Vishwajeet took that file in his hands and scoffed.

"Sometimes, I feel as if you are his own son not me."

"It's just fruit of hard work." Shiva winked at Vishwajeet's comment.

Vishwajeet wanted to answer Shiva but suddenly something strikes his mind.

"Vishal. Do you think that Karan is colluded with parakram?" Vishwajeet asks.

"I don't think so. I have not noticed any changes in him lately. But yes, I am sure that he knows something and as far as about being colluded with Parakram, Karan is not that kind of person." Vishal was sure about Karan.

"You never know when people change their kind." Shiva commented.

Shiva has not always been like this since beginning. His personality has changed a lot all over those years which he spent with Vishwajeet and his family.

"When are we going to work on our plan?" Vishal asks.

"From tomorrow morning itself.
I have included you in my medical team. You and I will go there and see the things on surface Vishwajeet will sneak in there to know about what's going on under grounds."Shiva speak the blueprint of his plan.

"Why would he sneak? He can go there openly too." Vishal couldn't understand the logic behind it because Vishwajeet is eldest master's own son.

"I cannot. That will make other feel like I am interrupting. And I am not planning to go from here this soon." Vishwajeet smirked.

"So, that's it. We shall proceed with the plan." Shiva kind of declared.

"Are we not going to tell Kritika didi about it?" Vishal expresses his confusion.

"Actually...." Vishwajeet wanted to answer him but was interrupted by Shiva.

"No. There is no need." Shiva's reply was quite blunt without having any expressions on his face.

Vishwajeet didn't like his stone when he talked about his sister but he didn't say anything in Vishal's presence.

"Fine. I shall take leave now." Vishal nodded and went from there.

Shiva turned to go from there but his feet stopped at Vishwajeety voice.

"Your 'no' sounded very blunt. Stop being so rude when you talk about my sister."Vishwajeet expressed his displeasure.

"And you should stop being a puppet of your sister's fingers." Shiva said expressionless without turning.

Vishwajeet opened his mouth to say something but suddenly Shiva turns.

"It is not mandatory for her to know every move of yours. All she cares about results. She doesn't care about the steps. Then why do you bother to let her know about each step that you take." Shiva kind of roared.

Usually, Vishwajeet and Shiva are everything for each other but sometimes Shiva is quite mysterious to even Vishwajeet. Sometimes his unpredictable behaviour makes Vishwajeet wonder what what has gone wrong with him. Vishwajeet thought that he knows everything about Shiva which he does but Shiva really seems to have some wounds in his heart that he had been hiding for a long time.

And Vishwajeet is scared to touch those wounds.
Throughout the night, Karishma kept understanding about all the information about medicines from the head nurse and her team.  She started studying around 10:00 in the night.  It was now 3:00 but the sleep in her eyes was not far away.

Karishma was very excited about this work as it was the first time that she was given any work here and she wanted to prove herself in the eyes of Anmol.  She wanted Anmol to know that the Karishma is well capable to adjust here.

Karishma had understood one thing very well that if she wants to stay here, then whatever happens, she does not have to offend anyone.

At 4:00 in the morning, Karishma along with the nurse and her team was getting all the medicines packages kept in the car.

The sounds coming out broke Anmol's sleep as he is a light sleeper.  Anmol looked at Sonam who was sleeping next to him.

He stepped out of the apartment without disturbing Sonam's sleep.

There was a glow on Karishma's face but her heavy eyes were clearly telling that she had not slept for the whole night.

Anmol understood what would have happened here.

The way Karishma was counting each package and placing it in the vehicles with her hands, Anmol felt that perhaps he was a bit too harsh with Karishma.

He walks towards Karishma.

"Good morning jijaji." Karishma greeted him.

"Do you need any help?" Anmol asked. He was really feeling guilty that Karishma had to do this much.

"No. Thank you so much but everything is almost done." Smile was not leaving her face.

And her smile was the thing that was making Anmol feel even more guilty.

"You should have notified me. This is not something for you to do." Anmol said.

"Says who? Why can't I do this work? Is it because I am your sister in law and you consider this work a bit lower according to my status?"Karishma laughed.

Her laughter puzzled Anmol.

"Jija ji. There's no account that classify people with the work they can do and they cannot. No work is is lower or upper as long as the dedication to do remains accelerated. I am glad that because of me doing this work someone can pay attention to her family. So you are not needed to feel otherwise." She says her heart out and again gets engrossed in her work.

Karishma words were refreshing to Anmol ears. Anmol has been brought up up in the surrounding where people are just and treated according to their status. Also Anmol has always believed what Karishma said but in practical life he has never practiced it.

Sometimes due to reluctance and sometimes due to what others would think. He has always heard people talking about what suits them according to their position.

He was amazed to see that how this little girl is so vocal about what she actually feels.

How can someone can be so himself every time?

How can someone put smile on their face despite being so tired?

With the first ray of dawn,  Karishma and Vishwajeet leave for the hospital.

Karishma was in the van with the rest of the nurses and Vishwajeet was coming towards the hospital on a bike from a different path.

Here Karishma comes out of the van and on the other hand Vishwajeet enters the hospital building, avoiding the eyes of  workers.

This hospital was still under construction.

Karishma was carefully sending the packages of all the medicines to the storage room.

Vishwajeet cleverly cracks the lock of the room whose password was not known to anyone except Parakram.

Different types of chemicals were kept in this big hall.  It was clear that it was going to be an experiment lodge.  Vishwajeet knew very well that Parakram was not so stupid that he would keep the evidence of his mistakes openly like this.

The purpose of Vishwajeet's coming here was not to find evidence but to guess the next step of his brother.  Somewhere Vishwajeet suspected that Parakram might have got Ankit attacked.  Vishwajeet had not told Shiva anything about this till now because even though Parakram see him as an enemy, but for Vishwajeet, Parakram is his real brother whom he does not want to get into any trouble unnecessarily.

Vishwajeet very thoroughly inspects the entire hall.  No one else had come to this hall before today except Parakram.  Vishwajeet was about to leave when he saw a screw on the floor tiles which was loose.

Vishwajeet moves towards that tile with very slow and light steps that only then, breaking the tile, a man comes out of it and immediately runs towards outside.

Vishwajeet does not get a chance to be great vigilant, so this man manages to run out of the room.

Vishwajeet was ran behind him.

Due to the early morning, the work of the laborers had not started yet, due to which this man was not facing any problem in running away.

This man was going through the stairs to the top floor.  Vishwajeet was continuously running after him to catch him.

This man was running when suddenly Karishma appears in front of him with a packet of medicines.  This man only meant to run away.

For 1 minute even Karishma was completely frozen.  She didn't understand what was happening here.

This man pushes Karishma due to which Karishma is unable to handle herself and not only does the package of medicines fall from that floor from her hands, but she herself falls on the edge of the balcony, hitting a nearby pillar.

There was only a gap of 1 second between Karishma and her falling down, that's only then Vishwajeet's hand grabs Karishma's wrist.

When Karishma, who was afraid of falling down, looks into Vishwajeet's eyes, her fear gets buried in Vishwajeet's eyes.

The wind passing by touching both of them was feeling light.

Karishma's legs were almost fixed, with the help of Vishwajeet's hold.

While Karishma's throat was drying up with fear, Vishwajeet's grip on her wrist was so strong that it ached.  But the feeling of this pain was less than the fear of falling down.

Vishwajeet was trying to recognize Karishma.  He felt as if he had seen Karishma somewhere before.

The morning sun seemed to rise right between these two.  The redness of this rising sun was separating them from the world, deepening their appearance.

Like there is no one else in this whole world apart from these two.
This is the last part of chapter 1.

Now I will update proclivity continuously.

I hope you have not forgotten to comment.

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