A Wolf In A Sheep Costume

By LuciaSabor

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This tale is about a girl named Nyru Satomi, who uncovers the mystery of herself and her surroundings. Learni... More

A Wolf In A Sheep Costume
Chapter 2-Too big of an OMG
Chapter 4- Meet your other half, Nyria Satomi

Chapter1-New school, New task

36 0 0
By LuciaSabor

Chapter1-New school, New task

At this moment, I'm stressing over about a acceptance to Aburbo Academy, a school that is still unknown about its whereabouts. Never seen it, never heard of it. Pretty much, I didn't knew the academy even exist. But my biggest problem is that I'm a mortal. All of this happen just about a day ago. The date was August 23, 2009.

I was having my usually chat with my best friend Takahara Naoki near our moon pool in the Faerie Forest that's near my manor. Taka-Chi, that's my cute little nickname for him, is what most people in the underworld would call a warlock. He has golden god like hair that shimmers in the sunlight at every angle. And his eyes, oh my god, his eyes are like the mystic lakes that cover the Faerie Forest, as if I ever stare into them, I would probably drown in them. I would allow myself to date him, but he play's for the other team. In other words, he's gay. But that's another episode for another time.

Here's what happen, we were looking through our mail when my fingers stumble through a post that was from an unknown person. That can obviously mean it's from the nymph organization, what does nymph even means? Well, I open the missive to find myself completely frozen. I felt myself being drain from my magic. I felt all the color drain from my face, and I bet Taka-chi notice and rushed towards me. When I thought that this was the end again, the pain stopped. I felt so relieve but still fell to the ground, gasping every little air I can take in.

Taka-chi wrapped his arms around me, repeating over and over in my ears, "it's alright, everything is okay."

But my eyes kept on spinning inside my skull. I felt weak, like I was going to puke everything up, even my soul. Taking bigger, deeper breaths, my eyes still squinting, I caught a glimpse of the post, and my eyes got huge at what the letter said. I read it out loud to Taka-chi cause I know that he's listening.

"Dear Mistress,

We are sincerely apologetic for this inconvenience, but due to the fact that you only have one person left to kill, you wouldn't be needing the powers that were given to you when you were reborn. But rest assure that you will have some magic to protect yourself. On the back of this letter holds a script that you have to recite to call upon the power. But we will allow you to figure out your powers on your own. The name of your next victim is "Kagami Akai". So with that, congrats on the end of the quest, and once your finish, we will grant your most dearest wish. Beata."

My mind was blank, but on the bright side I was finally able to breathe.

"So, what are you waiting for? Flip it over and recite the damn thing." Taka-chi was urging me on, while sitting on a nearby tree stump.

I did what he ask, and said with confident,

"Bring forth the sun and give me the power

Give me the strength of the quarter moon

Then the everlasting light to embrace me

And touch my heart with the night

Emit me to the tengu's eyes'

Gods from above and below

Give me the power to conquer

Bring me the power of life"

Once I had finish, I felt a rush of cold air through me, and I felt myself losing my balance, and little did I notice, I was out cold.

"Nyru, Nyru!" I heard a faint sound of someone trying to summon me. "Nyru! Don't do this to me!" It was Taka-chi, and he was shouting in my ear.

Come on!' I thought to myself, 'just move your head a little to let him know that you're still alive. But, unfortunately, I couldn't move any part of my body. I was paralyze.

"Nyru! Please don't do this, your freaking me out!" He started to sound more worried than usual. By now, I started to hear sniffles, that means he's crying, I made him cry...awesome.

You stupid demon! I shouted in my head as loud as I could. You're so pathetic! I'm not dead, and you should never cry. Tears are a sign of weakness, and you know well enough about that, cause you're the one who told me that! And stop shaking me!

This make the rumbling stop, and in a little whisper said, " Nyru? How did you talk without moving your lips?"

What is he going on about now?

"There you go again. Nyru, am I dying or something?"

Come on, hand move! Focusing really hard, my right hand was finally able to move, and I searched for Taka-chi's face. When I recognize his cheek flesh, i then rested my hand on there for a minute.


Just slap me awake you stupid cry baby! And with that, I drew my hand back, and smack him. I bet I left a mark, cause my hand stung with pain and I heard Taka-chi staggered back. Just whack me like that, and I would have woken up.

"Nyru! I could never slap you, or harm you in anyway...Unless that is your wish?"

Yes, just slap me and we would be done.

"Alright then, as you wish." He said, with slight of a hesitation.

I heard him drew back his hand, but i didn't feel anything for a while. Hurry up and sm-.

He gave a striking blow at my right cheek. My eyes fluttered open at an instinct. Staggering back while clutching my swollen cheek. I used my tongue to examine the inside of my mouth. Everything seemed to be fine, and all teeth were all a lined. "Thank you, Taka-chi, for following orders."

Taka-chi bowed as low as he could to show respect. "I will always be in your dept."

Before I could reply, I heard some movement in the tress behind me, I turn sharply and position in my defensive mode, only to set my eyes upon a crow, perched on Taka-chi's head. "what is that?"

"It's a crow, obviously."

"I mean, what's it's doing on your head. I know what a crow is, I read a poem about them."

"Caw...caw." Sounded the crow who was still sitting on Taka-chi's head. "Letter of acceptance for Lady Nyru" It said, "letter of acceptance for Lady Nyru"

I was shocked, and I could almost see Taka-chi gape at what just happen. The tengu talked. After a minute or two, I suggested, "so, it's a mailing bird. Guessing that the underworld got budget cuts." I said, very disappointed, "let's see were I was accepted to." Taking the letter out of the crow's pouch, and skimming through it, I was confused.

"What does it say?" Taka-chi asked anxious to know.

"I got accepted to Aburbo Academy."

"Ba Ba BAAAAAA" The crow chimed, as I made my way to my house to pack for the gakuen.

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