Fern x Reader

By doingyourmom3000

9.7K 252 114

this dude needs more love🤨☝️ last chapter is from July 2021..started working on this again tho recently More

Stuff About This Fanfic
What happened..? part 1
What happened..? p.2
Do No Harm
Harm Still Has A Way
High Strangeness
Update ig??? idk just a AN
Islands, The Invitation
Adventure Time! Y/n and Fern addition
A Party, Part 1
A Party, Part 2
im back👋🏽
Patience St. Pim

Whats going on?

509 14 7
By doingyourmom3000

hey everyone[happy] Hope you're enjoying this fanfic so far! anyways sorry for the slow updates again lol i've been just hanging out with family n stuff so uh yeah.

I'd also like to say im thinking of writing another adventure time fanfiction so if you have any recommendations for characters lmk!

here's the characters im thinking of writing about

•Tiffany Oiler OR Tiffany with the undertaker job in the new Adventure Time (gender neutral reader or male reader)
•Ice Finn (gender neutral reader)
•Lemongrab (male reader)
•Flame Prince (male reader)
•another Fern x reader (different plot) (male reader this time)

Those are the characters im thinking of writing about! if you have any character recommendations jusg comment ot smth. if you just want a oneshot I have a oneshot book. Okay thats all, enjoy this chapter!


Your POV:

what the.....


Did I fall asleep?


What happened??

"Do you think they're awake??"

I know that voice

"Their eyes are opening!"

That's another voice I know

??? POV:

Y/n's eyes fluttered open as they sat up.
They were laying on the ground as if they passed out.

When they looked at around they saw they was a green boy and a gingerbread-like robot?

"Whats going on..?" Y/n rubbed their face with their hands as everyone looked at them.

"Hiya buddy! Whats your name?" The green one asked, Y/n of course noticed his voice, "Fern? What are you talking about?" Y/n's vision was blurry as they just woke up, they didn't get a clear look at everyone.

"Fern? Who's Fern? I'm Fun!!" As
Y/n's sight was coming back to them they got a better look at the two that were in the room with them, "Fun..? Fern, what are you talking about? And why are you a candy person? What's going on?" Y/n was looking at the two with a confused face, "Did one of PB's experiments go wrong?" They then noticed that the treehouse was made of candy, "Am I going crazy..." Y/n whispered to their self.

"You silly billy bean! Everythings always been candy!" A worm crawled onto Y/n's leg, "You should know, you're made out of bubblegum! Just like the tower!"

"Shelby?" Y/n couldn't understand what was happening, "That's me! Shelby the worm, the GUMMY worm!"

Y/n got up and looked out of the closest window, everything was made out of candy.

"What....Everythings candy? How did this even..." Y/n was talking to their self for a few seconds then Fern popped up behind them and put his hand on their shoulder, "Hey friend, I don't understand why you're confused but things have always been like this! Maybe you have some sort of memory loss? I mean you haven't told us your name, maybe you forgot that to?!" Y/n looked at him with a confused face, "So
you seriously don't remember? This isn't a prank?"

"Nope! So are ya gonna spill the beans?" Fun asked with smiling, "My name is Y/n..!" They then turned to what use to be Neptr, "Uh...Whats your name?"

"Im Nectar, the little robot!" He said happily, "Alright Nectar, Shelby, and Fun..Okay...Well, i'm gonna go to my room and get ready to find the princess because I dont see my sword anywhere. Bye—-!" Y/n started to leave but then Fun grabbed their hand, "Hey wait Y/n! That was your sword? I know EXACTLY where it is, follow me!"

He started bringing them to Finns room, "I put it in here, in my room..But the problem is....I can't remember where I put it!" He did exaggerated poses as he spoke, "I see...Well don't worry about it, i'll just get the spare sword. I don't need mine specifically."
When Y/n started walking out Funs face went from happy to sad..But he quickly shook his head and said, "Hey! I can go—-" Fun got cut off by a bell ringing, "Oh boy!!" He started jumping happily, "What could that noise be?!" He then grabbed Y/ns hand and started running to get outside as fast as he could.

As soon as they got outside they saw a pink lemon horse..? It reminded Y/n of Lemongrab.
Behind it held a lemon cart but as soon as it stopped it opened up and showed...Lemongrab was in it?

"Lemongrab..?" Y/n said with a confused voice, "Actually it's me, Lemonpink!" He then started laughing.
"Pink kinda suits you...outfit-wise at least. I mean with what you're wearing? I don't know, I just like the color pink."

Fun nudged Y/n, "He was in the lemon!!" He let out a small laugh as
Y/n looked at him, "Do you know what he sells?" Y/n whispered to Fun, but they were kinda loud because Lemonpink heard and said, "MMMM DRINK UP BABYS!! SQUEEZE~" He then squeezed his head and shot pink lemonade into the cups in front of him.

He then started screaming, "YOU KNOW, I USE TO HAVE A LOT OF FEAR AND SADNESS..BUT NOW IM FINE~" Y/n was freaked out by how he was acting, sure he was way crazier before but he was getting better if anything. He hasn't acted this crazy in quite some time.

Fern grabbed two cups and handed one to Y/n as he started to drink his, "Uh...No thanks Fer-..Fun. That's literal body juice. I'm usually up for pink lemonade but this isn't right." Fern shrugged, "Suit yourself!" He then started to chug the second cup.

Lemonpink squinted frowned, "MMMM WHATS THIS? You don't want to take part of my juice?" He creepily smiled at Y/n, "No..?" Y/n backed up a little, "I think SOMEONES feeling a little sour!!!" he started laughing a pointing at Y/n, "Sours get the tower!" He started chanting

"Wuh woah! I guess I should take my new friend to the tower. Can't have someone sour!" Fun grabbed Y/ns hand and started walking away from Lemonpink

When they got far enough from Lemonpink Fern stopped walking and let go of Y/n's hand and turned to them, "Do you want to go to tower?"
They were confused with this question,
"Well..Is Princess Bubblegum there?" They asked, "Im...uh....I don't really know! But chances are that she is so let's go!" He held their hand again and went off to the Candy Kingdom.



Your POV:

This is so...Strange.

Earlier everything was fine but now everything's crazy. Glob why couldn't today just continue to be normal? Everything was going great for me up until the princess went missing.


I guess im done climbing I can see the top


Let's see if PB is here.

??? POV:

Whenever Fern and Y/n made their way up the tower Y/n shouted, "Princess!! Princess are you here?!"


Princess Bubblegums face then appeared, "Oh hello!! How are you enjoying your-" Y/n cut PB off and started, "Princess, what happened?! Why is everything candy!!? You were throwing a party like yesterday and now everythings crazy..Did something go wrong in your lab—-"

"Ah..I see my sweetness has not affected you! Here let me try this..." Pink started going up through Y/n's body, "PB, what are you doing?" They started freaking out, "Don't worry! You trust me right? I mean we're family, I wouldn't do anything to hurt you. Just let this happen.."

Eventually the pink went all over and Y/n was......

.....Still their self? All the happened was a outfit change, "What? This shouldn't be happening..You should be turning into some kind of—- Different candy? Are you sour? I mean, I made you! You shouldn't be sour." PB was obviously confused, but not as confused as Y/n and Fern.

"Ooo, Your outfit is nice!" Fern sounded confused and happy, "Uh..Yeah thanks"

Princess Bubblegum then tried to turn them into a different kind of candy again, but it failed, "No, no, no...This is so..Weird. Maybe Patience St. Pim will know, she did have you kidnapped too. You'll have to go and ask her for me! See you later sweetheart."
Princess Bubblegum started slowly pushing the two off, "Wai—-Wait! What happened to you?!—-" Before Y/n could get a answer they were falling.
As they fell Fun grabbed onto Y/n and held them.

Right before they hit the ground a smore monster caught them, "A smore?" Y/n questioned as they landed. The smore kicked them off and turned back to normal, "Marcy?!" Y/n shouted, "No silly! It's MARSHY! Marshmaline the Campfire Queen."
Y/n then said, "Marcys a marshmallow now.." They meant to say it in their head but didn't notice, "Whaaat? I've always been this way! You're such a jokester. So what's your name?" She asked.

"Oh, uh, i'm Y/n." They felt strange introducing their self to someone they already knew again, "Hey! Did you come from the tower or something? You're both bubblegum!"

Y/n awkwardly laughed and looked to the side, "Nope! I, uh, Princess Bubblegum—- The tower? Made me. She's my sister...Kinda? I see her as my sister? At least as family..Anyway I kinda did come from the tower? Not specifically the tower—- Like a lab?
Jeez i've never had to explain this."

Marshy laughed, "I was just playin! Don't worry about explaining. Anyways, want a lift to the ice kingdom? It's a pretty long walk!"
"That's super nice of you!  We'd—" Fun cut Y/n off and said, "Thank you the offer Marshy, but we can walk! I'd like to become good friends with Y/n here. You're welcome to join but we don't need a ride. I'm sure it isn't THAT far away!"

Marshmaline looked a little disappointed but said in a happy tone, "Got it! Well i'll be here if you change your mind. Bye friends, have fun!"


The next chapter will probably be about Fun and Y/n kinda getting to know each other ig??? idk Ferns kinda a whole different person as Fun so I thought i'd have y'all get to know each other or smth[thinking]

Okay bye! Have a good day/night [yummy]

JULY 5th

Words: 1716

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