Harm Still Has A Way

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??? POV:

As the grass boy, bubblegum person, and dog were going to this mystery place it got grassier and grassier.

"Huh. This place feels kinda familiar somehow" Jake stated

no one said anything back

while walking, there was a puddle and you has caught that grass Finn stopped quickly and looked at his reflection just to do a smallish stomp on it. Jake had caught it to and so he looked in the puddle

right after some grass worm thing came out of a portal and pushed Y/n down and soon after grass Finn
Soon after it went after jake
"ahuhh one of you- help me"
Jake quickly said while getting attacked
"Jake?!" grass Finn then said in worry
"Jake hold on!" Y/n then said
both Y/n and grass Finn pulled their swords out while his was the grass sword and Y/n had a normal one.
Grass Finn jumped and cleanly sliced the grass worms head off

"H-Hey! Great job man!" Jake then said
the grass boy then let out a happy "hmm" and smiled

Fighting these worm things went on for awhile

by the time they reached thr middle,
Y/n had grass stains on them with some cuts
Jake was fine of course
and grass Finn seemed fine had a smile on his face

"So you've fought your way to the middle of the maze. But to pass this gate, you must answer my deadly riddle"
the giant grass monster started
"what stands with-"

He got cut off by getting sliced and falling apart

grass Finn put his sword down to his side and said, "Time."
"the answer was probably time, right?"
he questioned
"Good job, man" jake made himself smile in a uncomfortable way and made a thumbs up
Y/n just smiled at grass Finn
"Real good job.." Jake said while looking back at the dead grass things from before

while they all were walking towards the gates the now in peices monster said, "aw, come on." and soon after grass Finn pushed him away with his sword

Fern stretched his arm to open the gate
and once it was open he took in a deep breath and said, "this- is where the evil is."
jake looked at grass Finn as they walked towards what seemed to be a grass house
" and im-a gonna kill it!" he smiled

"Hey..why dont we take five? Y/n seems pretty ti-" he got cut off by noise of the grass house. someone then said, "WHOS OUT THERE?"

"Busting into the Grassy Wizards grass fortress?!" he said angrily "USE YOUR HEAD- Hey. Do i know you?" he cut himself off to ask grassy Finn
"Uh, Duh! Im Jake the dog.Everybody knows me" Jake smiled at the last part
"No- i think he means me." grass Finn said while looking down

"He.." the boy froze mid sentence and he stayed with like that for a few minutes.
When he snapped back into reality he looked shocked and shook his head, "He made me."

"I did? I DID!" he sounded confused at first but then he sounded proud
"The, uh - - the - - the - - the...the grass sword!"  "Geez, my memory is bad." he mumbled the last part

"Okay, guy, i got a lot of big questions for you." he pointed at the grass wizard, "Why did you make me?" he was walking towards him while jake looks worried or upset, "Am i bad?" he put his hand down but kept walking, "Am i apart of a conspiracy hatched by one of Finns enemies?!" He then pointed at himself, still walking closer, "OR- am i a eternal curse sent by the globs?" at this point he was in the grass wizards face pulling his beard slightly

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