
By KimGits

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"Why do you always wear this mask? You look no less than a cliché criminal." "Atleast it lets you not fall fo... More



138 48 52
By KimGits

R A I N  S P A R K | 비 스파크


You sat gazing idly at the clouds floating by. Somethings conquired your mind, it prevented you to think otherwise. A little flock of birds appeared at you the edge of the wide glass wall of the restaurant, chirping, sprinting and hopping for some quarrels. You eyed them nicely. "They are the best. Atleast they are not bothered about the daily chores. I wish I could fly high in the sky..."


Your skull drooped down as your chin slipped out of the crest of your palm. A young lady jammed into the seat right across to yours. Her naughty, tickling stares forced you to store a giggle.

"Hey Aera," you smiled warmly.

She trotted her hand towards the one that you had been laying flat on the table and overlaid it. "Why do you look so thoughtful? Is your grandma okay?"

"I'm fine just -" you straightened up on your seat, pulling the chair closer to the table and startling the opposite woman. "Do you have any idea about how thieves look like?"

"You mean pick pockets?"

You slid your head sideways, "No, no, no. I mean real thieves, the bigger criminals."

"Hmm," she pushed herself back to rest her spine while she brooded over her opinions. "Well according to my knowledge, they must be having big red eyes, beard, moustache, curly damaged hair and dirty teeth. They would be really ugly as hell!"

"Huh? Seriously?" you pondered over the thoughts of the man you met this morning at the car workshop. He was quite handsome and smart, unlike what Aera described just now. You become pretty assured that he was not the one you have been looking for. But her explanations were not so satisfying from any angle.

"Are you serious about this? I mean can't they ever look good enough?"

She rolled her iris. "How would I know? I haven't met any in reality! You don't believe me right? Go to the police station and find it out yourself. And if possible let me know about it too."

"Of course I believe you! They must be ugly since their acts are uglier," you tried to convince her temper.

She let out a sigh. "So what's the plan? You are trying to adopt a thief to appoint him for going to the boss's house and get the token of your salary?" she spoke as a loquacious parrot.

You flinched, "Yah, what are you even saying? Do I look like the who can do such a thing in life?"

"Nope, I just fell a bit gross since you asked about thieves out of the blue. I wasn't judging you by any chance."

"Great, what a friend you are!" you averted to look outside at the running vehicles on the road. To be honest, you always loved this view from the first floor, obviously from the spot you were currently perching at.

"Woohoo looks like some hot conversation is going on. Time to take a chill pill?" Wonho approached your table with a tray and served three glasses of smoothies as he joined you two at the same.

"Hot convo my ass. She was asking me about the looks of a thief, god knows why," she sipped her drink.

"Really? Why thieves? Why not some celebrity? Some actor? Some idol? Or why not me?"

"Why do I need to ask about you?" you mocked annoyingly.

"Yeah do you think you're some celebrity?" Aera broke in.

Wonho expressed his behavioural tactics, "I'm just kidding. Don't mind me. It's just to make you feel light, that's all."

"Did we even ask for it?" she poked.

"Okhay, I'm sorry!"

"What sorry? You always poke your nose in others' businesses unconditionally."

And the battle began. You smacked prior to gaping back at the sky. Only if everything could be as pure as that clear atmosphere.


Never choose a day by its weather. This was probably the new convention that kept revolving in your brain when you saw the immense course of heavy rain beating on the streets below. It commenced nearby eight in the evening and was yet not in a mood to surrender. The elite, classy temperature dropped in a moment. You felt the cold surface of the glass that was blurred with rain drops trickling down on the other side.

The dispatching hours arrived in a while. However you were not ready to head any further out of the exit into the voluminous natural shower. Carrying an umbrella seemed to be a forever workload to you. You disliked it like anything as you had to cling to it while walking, taking a call or even claiming a seat in the public bus. Still you wished that you had one right at the moment.

Gradually all of the colleages left in their waterproof rain coats, boots and umbrellas while there you were, waiting for the heavens to drop a miracle for you.

"Y/N! I guess you haven't got an umbrella. Wanna join me?" Aera appeared before you with her cute pink polka dotted parasol.

You winked "Can I catch up?"

"Sure," she sniggered, "I'll drop you home before going to my place."

"No need, just drop me by the bus stop. That'll do."

Before she could reply, her phone drew her attentions. "Oh eomma!" her expressions blackened after a few words. "I'm coming." She checked out of the call.

"Sorry Y/N, my dad is really sick. I think I need to head to a doctor."

"It's okay. You can go. The rain is going to stop anyways!"

"Thank you so much for understanding," she squeezed your shoulder and rushed to the door.

Heaving a sigh you turned back at the wide glass panes, "Hopefully it'll stop tonight."


"Need some help, miss Y/N?" a male voice was dedicated to you from some other direction.

You rotated your head to find Wonho packing up his stuffs at his desk.

"I guess you do not own any umbrella tonight. I can give you a lift if you like," he said.

You bit your lips and had a quick glance at the dark clouds, "Can I just wait for a little long?"

Almost an hour glided by. The only difference that appeared was the strengthening of droplets instead.

Wonho raised, "Y/N, I need to shut the door. It's already 11."

"Alright, let's go," you said, finally giving up.


Hello everyone! Are you enjoying this book? Hope it's not being a bore? Is it? Love ya!

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