Make it with you [Sooshu]

By cheongsojomhaji

28.4K 1.2K 376

"I'm sorry." === "I wasn't even aware that I'm already in love with her." === Love is very complex and that... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32

Chapter 8

886 37 7
By cheongsojomhaji


Soyeon stopped walking, her eyes squinted. She's 101% sure that it is Shuhua. "Yeon let's go back." Soojin was behind Soyeon. Soojin actually forgot to buy something so she insisted to go back to the convenience store alone.

Soyeon qas contemplating whether she should tell Soojin that she just saw Shuhua. She thinks that there is no harm in telling Soojin and besides it's not like they are digging into Shuhua's personal space.

But before Soyeon can even inform Soojin the latter has actually caught a glimpse of Shuhua already at the very same playground where they used to meet each other every other day that they can. She took in a deep breath and started fiddling with her fingers.

"You're nervous." Soyeon pointed out as her gaze was on Soojin's fingers. She have known Soojin since they were kids so this habit of Soojin is something that she always have in mind when she brings Soojin to meet other people.

Soyeon held Soojin's hand causing for the latter to stop fiddling with her fingers. "Hey talk to me." Soyeon softly said while rubbing Soojin's hands together. Soyeon will never ever be wrong at those hidden emotions laid beneath Soojin's long term facade.

"Let's go back." Soojin said almost a whisper for Soyeon, she gave the girl's hand a squeeze.

"Where's your mother?" Shuhua asks with the little girl on her back. "Probably in our house by now, I just sneaked out from my tutor." Shuhua giggled as she can picture herself doing the same thing before.

"I know that your mom is worried about you so let me take you home. Remember what we talked about earlier. Don't ever hate your mom. From what I hear in your stories she seems to be a very good mom towards you it's just that you're a stubborn girl. So be good." If Shuhua and her younger brother could get along maybe they can be like this.

Playing around and teasing each other like what normal siblings are.

"Oh no." The little girl whispers which caught Shuhua's attention. "Why? Is there something wrong?" Shuhua tilted her head asking the girl with worry in her eyes. Shuhua is very fond being around children maybe because she really didn't got to experience being a normal child like.

"Shin!" Shuhua faced in front and saw a woman in her 30's if she guessed it right. Shuhua crouched down letting the girl to carefully get off from her back. The woman immediately hugged the kid that Shuhua was with. "We've been looking for you. Don't you ever runaway from home. I don't want to lose you." Shuhua's gaze soften at the interaction of the two feeling quite envy that she didn't got to experience such case.

"Don't worry mommy I won't runaway again. This is ShuShu unnie my new friend." Shin pulled Shuhua's hand. "I guess my daughter made you stay with her." The woman chuckled as she picks up Shin in her arms.

"Anyway thank you for not leaving my daughter but we have to go." The woman added. "Welcome and I just want to say that you have a very strong daughter ma'am." Shuhua said with a smile.

Shin waved her hand in the air as Shuhua did the same. Shuhua starts to wonder what could Soojin be doing at this time. She practically left the older inside their room alone. She huffed out a sigh as she walks back to the playground. She doesn't have any plans on going back at this time.

Maybe a whole hour stay then she'll come back but for now she rather manages her own before letting herself get involve with others.


"I won't push you if you don't want to talk about it. I'm your friend and I'm here to understand you whatever your decision is." Soyeon softly said. Soojin nodded as she lets go of Soyeon's hand because Yuqi's probably already looking for Soyeon.

Soyeon stood up, "Call me if you need something okay?" Soyeon reminded Soojin before completely walking out of the room.

Soojin slumped her body on the bed, worried of so many things. "True love does a habit of coming back." Soojin whispers in the air. She's completely aware that this two days trip will end either she and Shuhua turns out to be friends or her completely ignoring the younger.

Her heart was confusing her again.

Soojin still remembers how Shuhua was always there at the playground sitting at the swing. At first she was hesitating to approach the younger. She always thought that she needed a reason for a way to approach the girl and so she did.

She unknowingly smile at how cute Shuhua's smile was back then but now she couldn't even see that cute smile from the present Shuhua.

Four years was long enough.

Soojin thought that Shuhua changed when in fact Shuhua didn't even change a bit. She's still the same girl whose quiet, alone, good with kids and most especially soft for a certain girl.

And maybe Soojin didn't really knew who Shuhua really is.

Soojin sits up almost immediately hearing the door being unlocked. As soon as the door opened she was welcomed by a silent Shuhua. She started fiddling with her fingers once again didn't know how to form a sentence as she watch Shuhua head straight to the bathroom.

Soojin patiently waits for the younger to come out of the bathroom and when the younger came out.

"I'll sleep on this couch, you can have the bed." Shuhua uttered looking straight into Soojin's eyes. "Huh?" Soojin blurted out completely confused to why their conversation started like that. Coming into her senses she immediately shakes her head.

"No, take the bed. I'll sleep on the couch since this was your room originally." Soojin calmly said. Shuhua comfortably sits on the couch. "Just take the bed, I'll be fine here tonight." Shuhua firmly said that completely shuts Soojin's mouth.

"I don't want you to have a stiff neck tomorrow." Shuhua simply said in a more softer tone, her gaze softly on Soojin.

Soojin suppressed her smile as she nodded her head.

The only sound that can be heard inside the room was the ticking sound of the clock. The two were obviously not talking to each other. One because neither of the two doesn't know how to start the conversation. Two because Soojin was nervous when in fact she shouldn't be nervous at all because there is nothing to be nervous at all. Three Shuhua is peacefully taking a short nap.

They still have at least an hour and a half before dinner time.

Soojin wasn't bored at all as her eyes were deeply focused on the sleeping Taiwanese beauty.

Her eyebrows were creased, lips quivering.


She gulps the lump on her throat before standing up. Slowly walking up to the couch where Shuhua was sleeping on. She sits on the floor hugging her knees. She wonders if Shuhua's ears were fine because the younger was still wearing her airpods.

Taking a deep breath, she stares at Shuhua with much admiration. Forgetting when was the last time that she have been this close to Shuhua.


"Soojin you're so slow." Shuhua yelled while giggling. Soojin glared at Shuhua but she have this wide smile on her face. "Sorry if I wasn't as athletic as you." Soojin retorted slapping Shuhua's arm.

Shuhua whined her lips forming into a pout which Soojin finds adorable all the time.

"How's your sister?" Shuhua asks taking out her handkerchief, stretching out her arms to offer it to Soojin. "She's doing fine. I'll go here with her tomorrow." Soojin said her voice filled with excitement. Looking forward for tomorrow.

Shuhua expected Soojin to wipe her own sweat but instead Soojin reach for Shuhua's forehead and started wiping her sweats away. "You should always wipe your sweats off. You might get sick." There was worry in Soojin's eyes.

"Aye aye captain." Shuhua playfully salutes.

The two shared a laugh.


Soojin snapped out of her thoughts hearing Shuhua groan lowly. She smiled as the younger goes back to sleep again.

"I miss you ShuShu. I'm afraid." Soojin looks down and started fiddling with her fingers. "I'm afraid that you might find my reason petty and very unreasonable. I'm sorry that I didn't get the chance to sent you off. I'm also afraid that one day I'd end up not being able to say it to you personally. I don't want to hurt people. I want to tell you everything, I really do but I'm afraid I'd do something that I shouldn't be." Soojin whispers, afraid that Shuhua might wake up.


She's always been afraid of consequences.

So instead of doing what feels right she rather put it behind and continue what is in the present.

She's afraid that she might hurt people in the process if ever she gets close with Shuhua and she might also hurt herself in the process so as much as possible she wants to stay away.

It was long forgotten but Shuhua being here brings back not only memories but emotions that shouldn't bloom even more.

Soojin immediately stood up when Shuhua suddenly shifted from her position. Afraid that she'll get caught. She went back to her original position which was on the bed.

Maybe this is okay for now.

She feels so embarrassed of what she has done. Palms on her face. 'Why did I do that?' Soojin thought but she also felt relieved that even if Shuhua wasn't awake and aware at least she gets to say what she's been wanting to say though it wasn't all.


6:30 pm

Yuqi and Soyeon together with Shuhua and Soojin who were also patiently waiting for the eldest couple to come down couldn't help but sigh.

"I swear if they don't show up in five minutes, I'll come to their room." Yuqi crossed her arms, foot impatiently.

Of course among the four of them there is one who is impatient which is none other than Song Yuqi. "Omay that's it, I'm going to their room." Yuqi said but she was stopped by Soyeon. "A minute haven't even passed. Let's wait some more. Those two will probably come down." Soyeon calmly said.

Shuhua and Soojin were just silently standing beside each other like they aren't aware of each other's presence. Soyeon glanced at the two.

Yuqi glared at the two eldest couple who keeps on bickering because they were late. "Stop." Yuqi yelled as all of them went silent well only Minnie and Miyeon.

Only the sound coming from the stereo of the car can be heard. "So why are the two of you exactly late?" Yuqi asks looking at the two suspiciously.

Both pointed at each other. "Yah, it's your fault." Miyeon irritatedly said. "But you love it." Minnie said her voice filled with cockiness and by Minnie's response. Yuqi already knows the answer to her own question.

"Horny gays." Yuqi loudly commented earning a gasp from the couple.

"I couldn't deny that." Minnie said with a laugh only to be slapped by Miyeon on her arm.

Shuhua quietly giggles at how the eldest keeps on bickering with each other. She noticed that Soojin was asleep with her head leaned on the car window.

She carefully moves herself closer to Soojin, gently placing Soojin's head on her shoulder. 'Did she not rest earlier?' Shuhua asks trying to level herself to Soojin so the girl wouldn't have striking pain on her neck when she wakes up.

What Shuhua just did didn't go unnoticed to Soyeon. She perfectly witnessed it all.

She was now starting to wonder what the two was to each other to act this way. They were obviously caring for each other secretly.

She also witnessed how Soojin secretly placed the pain reliever capsule when Shuhua was experiencing a hangover.

She feels like she knows something but not exactly what it is.

So yeah I don't really update during Sundays because that's my free day and I'm managing my business right now so I'm quite busy but I'll try to update regularly.

Stay safe

Stay hydrated


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