๐•€'๐•ž ๐”น๐•’๐•”๐•œ โ• Stranger thi...

By -zirconz

171K 5K 3.3K

๐ˆ๐Œ ๐๐€๐‚๐Š โ”โ” โI'll never leave for good, i've promised that..โž in which a boy who... More

Welcome to Hawkins
Will Byers
"it's really will.."
What is wrong with you??!
I'm the monster..
I can find them..
It got me
เผปโ€ขโ—ŒSeason two
creeps !
Easy-peasy right?
go away
True sight
I think he's going to die
it upset him
It's a trap!!
do you remember?
The Mage
Close it
เผปโ€ขโ—ŒSeason three
It's good to be back
Relationship issues
the new host
bad feeling
the battle
เผปโ€ขโ—ŒSeason four
not the same
Creel House

Russians & headaches

3K 103 150
By -zirconz

[Chapter three: The case of the Missing lifeguard]


THE BOY LISTENED to his friend complain endlessly. His other friend playing as his therapist while his.. other friend sets up their game of D&D.

M/n sighed as he laid down on the floor beside Mike who was on the couch.

M/n listened to Mike's loudass open-mouth chewing.

M/n felt like they were being watched but he felt too lazy to do anything, figuring it was probably El who was spying on them.

Mike continuously asked Lucas what he did wrong while Lucas tried to convince him that he was the victim in the situation.

"Just relax, stop asking rational questions." Lucas fixed Mike's legs to make him more comfortable.

"I know, I know you're right."


"Cause women act on emotion and not logic."

Oh dang, that's definitely gonna bite you on the butt later on.

M/n winced as he sat up, grabbing a bag of chips from the table and eating them.

"Precisely. It's a totally different species." Lucas nodded.

"Guys! It's ready!" Will smiled. M/n got up from the floor before wobbling over to Will and throwing himself onto him.

"Will, not right now." Lucas turned to look at the boy.

"They broke up with you! What else is there to talk about?!" Will shouted in annoyance.


"Yeah, we're trying to solve the great mystery of the female species." Mike paused as he let out a burp.

Mike laughed as he held up a chip.

"Dude, you can smell the nacho cheese."

M/n and Will separated from eachother, shivering in disgust.

"I got that beat." Lucas smirked.

"What?" Mike asked.

M/n's eyes widened as he tried to stop Lucas, Will eventually catching on.

"Woah, buddy, you don't gotta do this. I have a family, wait!-"

A loud fart interrupted everything.

"Lucas no!"


Everyone had fallen asleep. Well, except one certain wizard.

M/n, whose head managed to make its way under the table, along with everyone else were startled by the sudden loud music.

"Yes!" Lucas shouted, half asleep.

M/n's head bonked against the table above him, making him grunt in pain as he held his head.

"What are you doing?" Lucas asked Will who was dressed up as a wizard.

"Yeah, Will, could you turn down the music?" Mike asked as he clasped his hands on the side of his head.

"Please address me by my full name." Will answered.


"My full name!" Will shouted, slamming the staff he was holding onto the floor.

"It's Will the Wise you moron!" M/n grumbled as he tried to get out from under the table.

"Okay, uh, Will the Wise, can you please turn down the music?"

"That is not music.. that is the sound of destiny!"

M/n tried to get up but his massive headache he got from bumping his head onto the table ached badly, he crawled to the bathroom.

"I'll be back, Will the Wise. Let me just go.. take a piss.." m/n yawned as he crawled over to the door, nearly bumping his head again.


Gabe, Steve, and Dustin were back at it again. Gabe was thankful that his coworker was a pretty laid back guy. Otherwise, he wouldn't be able to spend the day spying for Russians.

After explaining what an 'evil Russian' is supposed to look like, they had an objective.

Search for anybody who's:
1. Tall
2. Blonde
3. Not smiling

Also look out for duffel bags and earpieces. This is exciting, we're gonna be the best spies ever.

Okay, I take it back. We're the worst spies in the world.


M/n sat on Will's left, Mike sat in front while Lucas sat to Will's right.

M/n admired Will with a gentle smile as he watched Will talk with enthusiasm.

"Do you guys hear that..? It sounds like.. thunder.." The music adds to the game.

"But no! Wait, that's not thunder.. it's a horde of juju zombies! Sir Mike, your action!"

Mike turns to Lucas with a sigh. "What should I do?"

Lucas shrugs. "Attack?"

"Okay, I attack with my flail." Mike grabs the dice and rolls it.

"Whoosh! You miss."

Mike stares at Will with a blank expression. "Your flail clanks the stone, the zombie horde lumbers towards you, and..!" Will rolls his own dice.

"The juju bites your arm. Flesh tears!" Will groans and shouts, imitating a roar of pain.

"Seven points of damage."

Mike grabbed his shoulder. "Oh no, my arm. Lucas look, my arm." Mike spoke in a mocking monotone voice. M/n sat up straight as he furrowed his eyebrows at Mike.

Lucas snickers as he looks away from Mike.

Will's frown goes away as he turns to look at Lucas.

"Sir Lucas, the zombie horde roars!" Lucas looks up at Will, trying not to laugh.

"Do you fight back or do you run?"

Lucas squints his eyes, thinking about his move. But he is ultimately interrupted by the loud ringing of the phone.

"No! It's a distraction! A trap. Do not answer it!" Will stands up, slamming his staff onto the ground.

Lucas and Mike look at eachother before shooting up and running to the phone.

"What? No!"

Though, when they all look at the phone, m/n was standing up. He used his finger to put the phone back.

"What?! Why'd you do that!" Mike shouts as he grabs the phone.

"Relax, it was just telemarketers. Face it man. She's upset with you and most likely won't be calling you for the next few days." M/n shrugged as he sat back down at the table.

"Maybe we should just call them." Lucas sighed.

"We can do that?" Mike asked.

"I think so?"

"Yeah, but what should we say?" Mike looks at Lucas.

"We'll say nothing! The Khuisar tribe still needs your help!" Will shouts, the music still playing.

"Alright then. I'll use my torch to set fire to the chambers, sacrificing ourselves, killing the juju's, and saving the Khuisar. We all live on as heroes in the memories of the Kalamar." Mike responds while Lucas nods along in agreement.

Lucas hold up his hand. "Victory." Mike high fives him.

"Okay, fine." Will answers, throwing his staff onto the table.

"You guys win." He yanks off his wizard hat and stops the background music.


"Will, I was just messing around." Mike nervously laughs as M/n turns back to glare at him.

"Hey, let's finish this for real. How much longer is the campaign." Mike walks over to Will who was taking off the rest of his wizard outfit.

"Just forget it, Mike."

"No, we want to keep playing right?" Mike turns to his two friends but M/n wasn't going to do anything.

Mike and Lucas got themselves in this situation, and they are going to get themselves out of it.

"Y-yeah totally!" Lucas nods.

"We'll just call the girls afterwards!" Mike nods.

"I said forget it Mike, okay!?" Will shouted this time, startling everyone.

"I'm going home."

"Come on will.." Lucas pleads but Will shoves him away.


M/n sighed angrily. "You guys are jerks."

M/n chased after Will with Mike following after him.

M/n follows after Will. "Hey, Will, come on it's raining. I'll call my mom and she can come pick us up alright?" M/n stopped Will.

Will sighed as he placed his backpack around his shoulders with a sigh. Will nodded but he turned to the door after Mike came out after a few minutes.

"Will, Listen I said I was sorry, alright." Mike walked over.

"Mike, stop, you've already-"

"M/n shut up! I'm talking to Will, not you! You're so goddamn nosy!" Mike shouts at M/n, slightly pushing him to the side.

M/n's heart cracked. He didn't appreciate being yelled at, especially if it involves getting insulted.

M/n stood off to the side, the shock causing him to go silent.

Mike turns to Will. "It's a really cool campaign! It's really cool! We're just not in the mood right now."

"Yeah, Mike! That's the problem! You guys are never in the mood anymore!"

"You're ruining our party." Will stated.

"That's not true!" Mike denied.

"Really? Where's Dustin right now?"

Mike goes silent as he looks away. "See, you don't know and you don't even care and obviously he doesn't either and I don't blame him!"

"You're destroying everything and for what? So you can swap spit with some stupid girl?!"

"Guys come on-"

"El's not stupid. It's not my fault you don't like girls." Mike retorted.

Everyone went silent as Will stared at Mike, hurt.

Mike, realizing what he said, closed his eyes as he sighed.

"I'm not trying to be a jerk, okay? But we're not kids anymore."

"I mean, what did you think, really? That we were never gonna get girlfriends? We were just gonna sit in my basement all day and play games for the rest of our lives?"

Will nods. "Yeah. I guess I did." He sniffled.

"I really did." Will hopped onto his bike, changing his mind about waiting for M/n's mom to come pick them up. All he could think about was getting out of there immediately.

Mike stared at Will's figure through the rain. "Will come on!"

Mike was shoved to side, causing him to nearly slip, but the shove wasn't as hard.

M/n glared at him as his eyes watered a bit. "Congratu-fucking-lations, you won yourself an asshole award. Give second place to Lucas for me." M/n grabbed his bike.

"Wait, M/n hold on."

M/n turned to look at Mike.

"You know, the least you could have done is at least tried to put in the same effort Will was putting in. But instead you are more focused on a girl who dumped you because you couldn't come up with a better lie! You both are in the wrong, no one is the victim. So shut up and get over it Mike!" M/n shouted, the light above them shattered.

Mike barely evaded the shards of glass. He turned to look at M/n in shock but he wasn't there anymore.

As m/n was riding in the rain, he felt a headache come in. He groaned, shutting his eyes tightly to relieve the pain but it made riding in the rain worse.

Since it was raining so much and the water would get into his eyes, it would hurt him, and make everything blurry.

This caused him to crash into a tree after swerving to the right.

He didn't know where he was, but he figured he was in some type of forest. All he could see was tree after tree. His head felt like it was splitting open, and with that he passed out, white engulfing his vision.

He woke up, standing up. He looked around, finding himself in the same place he tried to get in contact with El.

He looked around and found El approaching a red door.

He ran over to her and tapped her shoulder which spooked her.

"M/n..?" She whispered as she panted.

"Yeah, calm down, it's okay." M/n nodded as he grabbed her hand to calm her down.

"Why.. are you here.."

"I'm not sure. I was looking for Will and I think I crashed..? I don't know, I'll worry about it later."

M/n turned to the red door. "You looking for someone?"

"Yes, Heather.." El nodded.

"Heather?" M/n questioned in confusion, that didn't answer his question.

"Oh wait- that lifeguard from the pool? Gabe vaguely mentioned her." M/n mumbled the last part. El nodded.

"Is something happening?" M/n looked at El.

"Billy's gone."

"Oh, so you think this girl might have something to do with him." M/n nodded as they began walking towards the door.

M/n looked at El who nodded slightly, opening the door. The door creaked softly, revealing a bathtub.

M/n and El walked towards it in bewilderment.

It was filled to the brim with ice. They both stared at the ice.

A girl gasped as she came out of the ice. She looked at the two teens in fear.

"Help me.." she was pulled back into the ice water. El screamed as she reached into the tub but it disappeared.

M/n yelped as he landed on his knees as well. He grabbed El hand, but looked down and saw the same girl screaming as she reached towards them. She was sinking deeper and deeper into the abyss.

M/n reached down to her desperately. El following his actions as they both shouted for Heather.

Before they knew it, they were back.

M/n gasped loudly as he tried to breath calmly.

"Holy shit.." he sobbed as he tried to regain his breath. The blood was running out of his nose. He tried to get up, wobbling all over the place.

He grabbed his bike and tried to find a sign that would lead him to his destination.

He was still freaking out over what just happened, wiping his nose furiously and trying to stop his sobs, he only ended up sobbing even more.

He continued to curse under his breath, riding towards Will's house.


Gabe's head began to hurt so he took a small break, heading to the bathroom. He walked into a stall as he sat on a toilet, trying to breath stably.

He massaged his forehead gently to try and soothe the pain but it didn't change anything.

"Oh come on.." he groaned as he succumbed into the pain.

Images and voices flashed in his head.

He saw his brother struggling to breath, sobbing hysterically, wiping his nose as he rode away onto the rainy road.

Gabe's eyes opened as he grabbed a piece of toilet paper to clean his nose.

"Aw shit, Ill calm him right now, please be okay. " Gabe whispered to himself as he stepped out and cleaned his face and hands.

He walked out of the bathroom but was quickly snatched by the wrist to the escalator.

"Uh what the hell? Someone gonna tell me what's happening." Gabe asked the two weirdos that ran past everyone on the escalator.

"We spotted a Russian."

"Holy- for real?" Gabe whispered as he looked around for the target.

He stopped as he saw a blonde man, wearing some sunglasses, holding a duffel bag and wearing a dark blue jacket with matching sweatpants.

He generally looked sketchy.

"Wait, hold on guys-" Gabe sighed as he tried to explain.

Steve shushed him as he placed a hand over his mouth. They all walked to the side, Steve and Gabe hiding behind a plant while Dustin grabbed the phone.

"Hello. Yes. I am fine, how are you." Dustin spoke blankly.

The man turned back and continued walking forward.

"Guys! Will you just let me talk!"


They all walked and stood behind a sign as they looked at the building the man walked into called 'Jazzercise'.

Gabe sighed as he didn't even have to explain anymore.

The man unzipped his duffel bag, pulling out a retro boombox." The man took off his jacket, showing off his purple wife beater.

Gabe walked back to the ice cream parlor. "Yo, Robin. You will not believe who these idiots thought were a evil russian."

"It was all Dustin."

"Nuh-uh! You though so too!"

Robin ran past them, all of them watching as she ran out of the store.

"Robin. What are you doing." They walked up to her after a few minutes of concern and confusion.

"I cracked it."

"Cracked what?"

"Well, what do you think stupid. The eggs?"

"Well, I mean-"

"Omg, she cracked the code, is it really that hard to realize."


M/n ran into the woods, he had left his bike at the front of the Byers home.

He ran around trying to look for the castle but the water and lightning was really obscuring his vision.

He tried to use his abilities to see if he could sense him but it only worked for a bit, since he hasn't really trained himself to use the ability.

"Will??!" M/n shouted, coughing once in awhile.

M/n tried using the ability again, this time, actually getting help. He raced towards the loud banging of metal against wood.

He saw Will smashing his metal bat against his fort, destroying everything inside.

M/n grabbed Will, who was now tearing away pieces with his bare hands.

"Will stop please!" M/n restrained him, Will thrashed around his hold as he sobbed loudly in his arms.

He grew limp in his arms, making m/n go to the ground and hold Will in his arms protectively.

M/n kissed Will's face a few times to try and calm him down. Giving him small pecks near his lips.

"I got you Will. Don't worry."


The Scoops troop wore raincoats as they investigated whatever was happening.

The rain poured heavily on them as they tried to make out what was happening.

"Look for Imperial Panda and Kaufman Shoes."

Dustin looked through his binoculars before shouting back.

"They're with that whistling guy, ten o'clock."

""What do you think is in there?" Steve asked.

"Guns, bombs, chemical weapons?" Gabe listed off.

"Whatever it is, they're armed to the teeth." Dustin referred to the buff looking security guards that guard whatever was behind the doors.

"Great, that's great."

One of the guards opened up the door, letting the man go inside.

"Hey, what's in there?" Robin asked.

"It's just more boxes."

"Let me check it out." Steve tried to grab the binoculars from Dustin but he didn't want to give them.

"No, im still looking-"

Steve let go of the binoculars, causing them to clang down on the metal bit that they were peering over.

They all ducked down before the guards had a chance to point their guns at them.

Gabe intertwined his hands with both Robin and Steve. After a minute they noticed and slowly let go.

They had all ran inside. All of them soaking wet.

"Well, I think we found your Russians." Robin looked towards the guys.

They were all to busy speed walking for their lives to acknowledge that fact.


Billy watched from the door as El and Max rode away.

His pupils dilated as he watched El leave.

A flashback of the girl who shut the gate on them.

But, it wasn't just her.

There was someone else.

Where is he.

The stronger one.

I need to find him.

Will's goosebumps appeared on his neck, he shot up from M/n's hold and looked around. M/n held Will's hand as it tightened around his own.


"Will!" Two other voices shouted through the dark. M/n turned to look at his two other friends who ran towards them.

"Are you guys okay, did something happen?" Mike looked at the destroyed castle.

Will turned back to look at the rat of his friends.

"He's back."


Author's Note
I'm kind of thinking of making another stranger things book, but this time MC came from the lab like El. Would you guys be interested in that? If you guys are, should it be a st x mr book, or a character x mr?

I might add another oc just cuz

(Mr = male reader)

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