FNaF x Reader One shots (Disc...

By FNaF2BalloonGirl

94.8K 1.8K 480

I did one shots for tons of characters from FNaF 2. But they all have a specially given name (what I call the... More

(Freddy) One Strange, but Safe Night with Freddy
(Marionette) Thank You, My Enemy.
(Toy Bonnie) Oh, How I Wish I Was Human...
(Toy Freddy) Only Mine, and Mine Alone *Lemon-ish*
(Bonnie) Cared About for Who I Am
(Marionette) I Just Wanted to See You... *PART 2*
(NightGuard!Jeremy) You Need It More Than I Do
(Foxy) Aye, Lass...
(Balloon Boy) It Doesn't Matter
(Male!Mangle) I'm Not Broken *Trigger Warning*
(Golden Freddy) Only One
(Foxy) 'Cause I Be Here. *PART 2*
(Human!Balloon Boy) Secrets are the Best Blackmail *PART 2*
(Human!Marionette) Not in a Million Years *FINAL-PART 3*
(Toy Bonnie) Don't Listen *PART 2*
(Human!Foxy) A Pirate's a Pirate *FINAL - PART 3*

(Human!Springtrap) What Have You Done to Me?

5.4K 113 43
By FNaF2BalloonGirl

        There was an uneasy silence, one that had settled right after a phone call. It was your first night working at Fazbear Fright, and the atmosphere of the whole building was uncomfortable. You knew that nothing would happen that night, or at least that was what you hoped.

        You kept getting a feeling that someone was going to break in and try to steal things, and hurt you. It scared you, but you ignored it, knowing that you were too paranoid for your own good. Turning to your right, you opened the camera and familiarized yourself with the rooms. Before you knew it, it was six A.M. and you could leave.


        You were, once again, seated in your chair in Fazbear Fright, but during the day. The manager had asked you to watch the people that came through. They wanted you to do it, because they were making renovations or something in a certain part of the building.

        You had to play the child-like laughter in rooms that the customers were supposed to go to next, and the visitors knew to follow the sounds. If you saw someone go off course, you'd have to go and get them. You had to do that a few times, actually.

        But there was one instance of this, that made you leave right after.

        "Where did Arin go?" you could hear some people talking in the room that you were looking at, and realized you were one person short in that group. You played the laughter in the room they were currently in and tapped the screen, searching other rooms.

        On the West side of the building, there was some man you didn't recognize wandering around. You sighed audibly, and got up with your flashlight. That was too close to wear the construction was going on, and you had to hurry before he can get hurt.

        "Arin?" you remembered the people saying his name, and when you saw him you called it out. He looked around, not seeing you. You tapped his shoulder making him jump, and he turned to face you. Behind you, people were working on destroying a wall, but you paid no attention to it.

        "You're not supposed to be here." you scolded him, one hand on your hip. He smirked, looking at you from your shoes to your face, his eyes eventually stopping at your breasts. Instantly you crossed your arms making him look up at your (e/c) eyes. You clearly wanted an explanation.

        "I was just seeing what else was in this old dump," he paused, stepping closer while you moved away in disgust. "and it looks like I found something worth my time." you slapped him, but that just made him more determined to get you. He pinned you to the wall, and when you tried to kick him in 'that' spot, he avoided it.

        "Tsk tsk tsk, play nice now..." he grinned evilly, inching closer. You squinted your eyes and held your head back as far as you could, before very suddenly, you heard a clunk getting louder each time it sounded until Arin was lifted off of you and thrown across the room. You didn't get to see anything, as something had covered your eyes and you couldn't get it off.

        "(y/n), are you alright?!" whatever was blocking your sight left, and was replaced by a very worried co-worker. You recognized his voice to being the same one as on the phone from the night before.

        "Yeah, but I'm not too sure about our customer over there..." he looked to where you were looking, and his eyes widened. He went over to see if he was alright. "Hey man, I'm just gonna go... I don't want to be here if-and when-he wakes up." You quickly walked out, leaving the run-down structure behind.


        When you came back, it was ten minutes from your shift. You had rested at home, with an alarm set for 10:30. You lived alone, moving out after your parents gave you the house for your birthday. They were rich, owning a company that sold kid's toys, but you were an only child, so you got whatever you wanted but never bragged about it.

        "Oow!... What?" you were brought out of your thoughts when you put your bag down on the desk, and looked at your hand. The was a small scrape, just some skin came off. No big deal. It still hurt, but it turns out it was just  from a piece of metal stuck in the table that looked like it was from the fan.

        You sat down in the chair, when the phone started ringing. You let it go to voice mail, careful of the sharp metal.

        "Hey, man- okay, I have some awesome news for you! First of all, we found some vintage audio training cassettes! Dude, these are, like, prehistoric! I think they were, like, training tapes for like, other employees or something like that. So, I thought we could, like, have them playing, like, over the speakers as people walk through the attraction. Dude, that makes this feel legit, man."

        "But I have an even better surprise for you, and you're not gonna believe this- we found one. A REAL one. Uh-oh-uh gotta go man- uh, well-well look, i-it's in there somewhere, I'm-I'm sure you'll see it. Okay, I'll leave you with some of this great audio that I found! Talk to you later, man!"

        Found one? One what? What will I see? you thought, muting the rest of the call and opening the cameras to your right. Flipping through them, you went back to cam 08 as your eyes widened at seeing a large shadow just standing there with bright, glowing white eyes.

        "Huh... cool." you commented, seeing no threat. When it disappeared, however, the icy fear inside of you grew a little larger. With each moment you couldn't find it, you became more terrified. That was when you heard the banging of metal from somewhere in the building...

        "O-okay, not cool anymore." you finally found the animatronic, in cam 12. A vent cam. You sealed the vent, wanting to get it out of there. The whole night, you tried keeping it out of your office. When you were looking at the cameras trying to find it, however, you saw out of the corner of your eye its dark gold shape slink past the window.

        You quickly shoved away the tablet, looking at the door wide-eyed. You checked the maintenance panel and put it down when you saw nothing wrong, but gasped when you saw the mechanical animal's form disappear from the door.

        It was looking at me. You thought, frozen in place. You jumped when something started to ring, and it turned out to be your phone, signaling it was six A.M. and you could leave. You were a little scared that the thing was still near the door, so before you left you checked the cameras for it.

        When you didn't see it, you slowly and cautiously peeked out into the hallway. It wasn't there either, so you fast walked to the exit and left the building.


        Nothing else had happened that day, you just slept most of the time. You really didn't want to go back to Fazbear Fright, but you wanted to show your parents that you could make your own money.

        So as you walked in, it felt like déjà vu when you sat down after placing your bags on the desk and opened the cameras after muting the call. You didn't want to listen to that phone dude's annoying voice.

        It was three A.M. when you put away the camera to reboot the audio devices, but you stopped, seeing the animatronic staring at you through the window. You froze in place, just looking back at it until red lights started flashing in your office. You hesitantly flipped up the maintenance panel, but as you were rebooting the ventilation system you saw it run by through the glass.

        "Oh my gosh, it's here..." you thought out loud, putting down the tablet after the system came back online.

        "I'm more of a 'he' than an 'it' lady," your head snapped to the doorway, where you saw the teared-up bunny peeking in. "but I can see how you'd make that mistake." its-or, his-voice sounded a little like static, and sometimes it seemed like more than one person was talking at once, saying the same thing, but at the most it sounded like three voices joined in. You decided to play it cool, no matter how terrified you were at that moment.

        "Oh... so you can talk..." you said slowly and with a blank, emotionless face, not wanting anything bad to happen.

        But, you couldn't tell if this was bad or not.

        "Why, of course I can," he stood up fully in the door frame, if not slouching a little. "I can do much more than just speak..." you swallowed your fear,

        "Really? Like what?" Shit, I shouldn't have said that. Stupid, stupid, stupid!

        He stepped inside the room and inspected you, looking over your small form compared to him.

        "You seem... crazy... enough." he concluded. You were about to question what he meant by that when he began to shrink, but only by two inches(six centimeters roughly). His ears disappeared, and your eyes widened as you realized he had turned into a human.

        "Wh-wha...?" you breathed, your brain still processing what happened. As you were coming back to your senses he had come over and put his hands on the arm rests to make sure you couldn't run away.

        "The only reason why I'm showing you this, is because you look like people have barely believed anything you've ever said."

        "Well that's nice to know..." you muttered. "But could you get away from me? You're kinda creeping me out..."

        He got a smug look on his face. "Hmm... nah." he then proceeded to sit on your lap, successfully squishing you.

        "G-get off!" you yelled at him, with many failed attempts to push him away.

        "No thanks, I don't feel like it." he turned the chair to the right and opened the cameras, flicking through them.

        "That was not a request, that was a command!" you argued, squirming. You heard him stop clicking the cameras, and he let out a sigh.

        "Looks like we've got company..." he got off and transformed into an animatronic again. When you looked at the camera, you could see it was on cam 02, and there were three men checking out the Bonnie prop.

        "That's really close..." you saw him leaving, and you grabbed your flashlight stood in front of him, pushing him back. "I can't let you run into them." you began heading toward the area cam 02 was stationed at.

        "Why not?" he sounded a little angry, and tried to follow you. You turned and pointed your flashlight at his eyes, turning it on, making him flinch back.

        "I can't risk letting them steal you or something. Stay. Here." you continued down the hall, before adding, "That is a command, not a request."

        When you got to the doorway that connected the two rooms, you turned your flashlight on and waved it around to where the men would see it. You knew they were still in there, because they were saying things like, "This is cool" or "I wonder if we should take this" things like that.

        "Oh shit, I think someone found us." you heard one of them say. It was quiet for a second, before a different voice said,

        "Yeah, we should leave..."

        You heard their foot steps grow smaller as they left. When you peeked into the room, you gasped when your neck was grabbed and you were pulled out of your hiding place.

        "Gotcha'!" they laughed, as the man holding you had you in a head-lock. "Oh, it's a girl.~" the robber in front of you cooed, holding your face and making you look up at them, thinking, Please tell me this is not happening AGAIN...

        "She looks like she'll be a lot of fun to play with..." another one of them said, while they grabbed your bottom. Your eyes widened, and you started struggling.

        "He-elp!!" you screamed out while the the three men chuckled huskily.

        "No one's here to help you, sweetie. It's just us." the man breathed in your ear, voice filled with lust.


        The men looked around, startled by the sudden sound of child laughter. You used this as a way to get yourself out of that mess.

        "That's my cousin, h-he's going to call the police...!" you got out, it was hard to speak when someone was practically choking you.

        "Thanks for the information, sexy." you cringed at his nickname for you while the other two men looked around for the source of the sound. The laughter was heard in another room not too far from where you were, and they left you alone with the one guy.

        His arms were quite suddenly removed from around your neck, and you fell to the ground coughing. When you looked behind you, the animatronic-human-thing was there, just throwing the man away somewhere.

        "Thanks..." he looked back at you as you said this.

        "For what?" he asked in an almost teasing-like manner, turning fully toward you. Sighing, you continued.

        "For... not listening to me when I told you to... stay in the office..." you admitted. He came a bit closer and held his ripped-up hand out, and you took it as he helped you up. Getting an idea, you dragged him over to where the other men had gone. When you were in the room, you let go of the bunny's hand and whistled to gain their attention.

        "This," you gestured to the animatronic beside you, "is my, 'cousin' you've been looking for." you had a partially evil smile on your face, as you whispered up to your 'cousin', "You can kill them if you want..." you felt you needed revenge, and didn't care how you got it. He happily nodded, and inched toward the men menacingly.

        You closed your eyes as you heard a few bones cracking, and only opened them when you felt a tap on your shoulder.

        "I hid the bodies, so no need to worry about losing your job." he grabbed your shoulders and gently pushed you forward a bit. "You'd better get going." right then the bell rang for six A.M. but when you turned around, the animatronic-person-furry-whatever was gone.

        That's what I forgot! you thought. I still need to ask him what his name is.


        The lights flickered as the door closed behind you. Nothing interesting had happened that day, but you had forgotten to set your alarm and woke up late. So, you were late for work. You rushed into the office, and when you looked at the clock it said it was one A.M. which was pretty bad in your standards.

        You hurriedly placed your bag on the desk, when a sudden sharp pain stung your arm. You recoiled, and looked at your stinging limb and realized you weren't being careful and had scratched yourself again on the piece of metal. But this time it made you bleed a bit.

        Grimacing, you started looking through your things and cringed whenever something touched the wound. "Ow..."

        "What's wrong with you?" looking over to the doorway, you saw the animatronic. You looked back down.

        "I cut myself on some metal... again..." you whispered the last part. He was coming over, when he stopped abruptly. All in just the span of two seconds, he transformed into a human and had you pinned to the wall.

        "Wh-what are you doing?!- Ouch!" he had grabbed your arm, and was inspecting it. He was holding you very tightly, so you couldn't do much to get him off you. Without warning, he licked the blood on your arm. You flinched because of the painful burning sensation sent from your wounded appendage, and he stopped, only to look at you for a moment.

        "You taste wonderful, my dear.~ Just once more..." he said with a smug look on his face, as he ran his tongue up your arm, getting the rest of the red liquid. When he brought his head back, he had a thoughtful look on his face.

        "I don't recall learning your name. Could you tell me?" he asked, and you glared at him.

        "Only if you NEVER do this again!" you yelled at him, earning a chuckle.

        "I'll try, but no promises." he released you. It took you a moment before you said anything.

        "My name is (y/n). (y/n) (l/n)." you answered honestly. A small smile pulled at his lips as he mock bowed,

        "Springtrap, at your service, m'lady (l/n)." this earned a small laugh out of you, which made his smile grow a bit bigger.

        "Well, Springtrap. I'm bored, so wanna do something?" you asked as he stood back up.

        "How about we see how long you can last without me getting to you in this office?" you thought about it, then nodded. "Alright, I'll go start in cam 08." with that, he walked out and transformed into his animatronic form.

        Throughout the little game, he moved closer ever so slowly. At five A.M. you couldn't find him no matter where you looked. You began checking the vents when the tablet was yanked out of your hands and Springtrap stood in front of you, stepping closer once you could see him.

        "Holy-" out of reflex you brought your hand up to slap him but he caught your wrist.

        "You shouldn't do that." he shifted back to human form and released you.

        "Sorry..." you said sheepishly. "Now what?"

        "I want a prize." he said. You looked at him confused, tilting your head to the side.

        "What do you mean, 'a prize'? We never agreed on that." you argued with him.

        "Oh well, guess you won't be able to object to my request, then-" he was cut off by the six A.M. bell, and when you looked back to him he wasn't there anymore. You always wondered where he went at six, but you didn't question it.


        A deathly silence filled the building, being shattered by the loud clang of the door closing behind you and the sounds of your foot steps echoing throughout the halls. You walked into the office, plunking your bag down onto the desk. You were about to bring your hand back when someone grabbed your arm. You could feel their body's presence directly behind you, and you watched, frozen, as their other hand came around you only to pluck the infamous metal shard out of the desk.

        "You've gotta be more careful, (y/n)," you heard the man say-that you know realized was Springtrap-before he put his mouth a little closer to your ear. "because I still want my reward for winning that game yesterday." you rolled your eyes.

        "Really? That's the only reason why you stopped me from getting cut again?" you asked in a tone of disbelief.

        "Maybe.~ Maybe not. You'll just have to find out. Now..." he turned you around. His white irises seemed to almost put you in a trance that gave you a floating-like feeling as he gazed into your (chocolaty/stormy/oceanic/shimmering/flawless) orbs. With one hand holding you arm, he placed his other hand on your cheek and slowly leaned in until your lips were connected.

        Your eyes widened, and a blush painted your cheeks. However, you didn't flinch, but you didn't kiss back either. He pulled away after a few seconds, letting you go and walking out. It took a little bit for you to regain your senses, and when you did you were furious.

        "Springtrap,  come back!" you called to him, leaving to go find him. It wasn't long though before you heard some kind of smack! from far away and child's laughter echoed throughout a room next to you. Instantly, you started running toward the office, and ran into Springtrap just leaving.

        You didn't want him to leave again, so you did the next best thing to try and get him to stay; by flinging your arms around his neck and pecking his lips. You looked down right away, putting your head on his chest, not wanting him to see how red your face was.

        His arms could be felt slowly and cautiously wrapping around you just above your waist, pulling you closer as his chin rested on your head. He sighed, subconsciously kissing your head, warming your (h/c) hair.

        "What have you done to me...?" he questioned, not expecting an answer. His hand went to your chin, gently tilting your head to look at him before he softly kissed you. You responded, moving with him. Even though you hadn't known him too long, you felt like you owed him so much. He was there when the men that had broken in were going to... do things... to you.

He was quite charming, with his tarnished gold hair, and his seemingly endless stormy eyes were captivating whenever you looked into them making it hard to look away. So yes, you definitely liked him. But you weren't sure if what was happening was real, or his sick version of a reward; messing with your emotions.

        Before you knew it, he had you against the wall making the kiss deeper. He licked your lip, but you didn't let him in. He was careful with anything else he did, so he didn't try to get in forcefully. When he pulled away he went straight to your neck, trailing butterfly kisses that left a trail of electricity running through you until he stopped at a certain area. He gently bit and abused that spot, making it harder for you to hold in your moans of pleasure.

        "S-springtra-ap... ah...~" you didn't want it to stop, but you were afraid that you were in a camera. You pushed him away after a second, and told him your worries, which he chuckled to.

        "I stand here all the time, nobody sees me. In fact, you were saying one time, 'I can't find him' and I was right here." you remembered that, it was during the little game that he had suggested. Wait a moment... the game.

        "Was all this just your prize?" you asked slowly, scowling at him. His face softened, but his eyes had held a spark of irritation in them.

        "Well, the first time, yes." he admitted, turning away and putting his hands in his pockets. "But this is just a bonus that I was hoping for, but definitely not expecting..." you thought a second, before grabbing his arm and snuggling into it.

        "I see what you mean.  You hadn't seen anyone else for thirty years, right? That was when this place closed..." he looked down to you and nodded, so you continued. "You just didn't know how to say it, huh? You could only show it." once again-but this time hesitantly-he let you know you were right.

        You smiled, nuzzling his arm. "Well, can you tell me now?" he looked away from you, and when you thought he was going to say no,

        "Yes." you eagerly waited for him to continue, and he did. "When those people found me and activated me, I walked out and saw you being harassed." That was him? I thought it was that dude on the phone...

        "I usually don't help others, so I surprised myself even when I realized I got him away from you. You've done something to me. I mean, I spoke to you! I barely talk at all when it's not with you..." he paused, and you waited patiently for him to say more.

        "You've made me soft..." you giggled at that, and he looked at you strangely.

        "No, I'm pretty sure you were soft before I even met you." he raised an eyebrow, and you raised your hand to run it through his hair. "Very soft indeed.~" he chuckled when he realized what you were getting at. Turning toward you, he grabbed your hand, bringing it off his head and held it.

        "To sum it up, though..." He snatched up your other hand.

        "I love you." and he lowered his face close to yours until he kissed you again, but sadly, his warmth disappeared as soon as you heard a bell start ringing. When you opened your eyes, the clock said six A.M. which meant the end of your shift.

        You grabbed your bag from the office, but before you left, you yelled out into the seemingly empty building,

        "I'll see you tomorrow, Springtrap!"


 Thanks for reading!

This is meant to apologize to you guys.

I'm discontinuing this book.

I don't want to put it hold because I'm afraid I'll disappoint you guys when it never gets updated. I still have 4 drafts, and I might upload them if someone wants to work on them for me.

It's not that I don't have ideas, I just don't have the inspiration to continue writing those specific one shots. So if any of you guys want to help, I guess you can, but you'd have to swear not to upload it onto your profile or steal any ideas without permission.

So, yeah... I made this REALLY long chapter (4238 words long) just for you guys so I could (unofficially) end this book.


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