Azur Lane - Destiny

By Re_Lynx

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Being the only person who were born with special power in his world, (Y/n) (L/n) was kept secret to outsiders... More

Chapter 1 - The Beginning
Chapter 2 - The Unknown Feelings
Chapter 3 - The Void

Chapter 4 - A plan

943 23 4
By Re_Lynx


When he opened his eyes again, the first thing he saw was a sharp light hitting his eyes, forcing him to close them. Slowly, he opened his eyes and adjusted them to the light.

(Y/n): "Ugh... where am I? I-"

He stopped when he felt pain all over his body, but not as much as before. His neck feels dry as he couldn't mutter a single word out.

Looking around, he could see that he was in a patience room. Someone must have saved him when he fired the last flare gun he had.

Suddenly, the door opened, making turned his attention as he saw...


When the two figures saw (Y/n) was awake and stared at them, one of them dropped the plate that they were holding. The plate hit harshly on the ground as whatever was on it fell down with it.

When (Y/n) tries to ask them who they were, his voice was hoarse as he coughed slightly, feeling sore on his neck. When Vestal saw this, she immediately went to get a glass of water.

Meanwhile, Enterprise started to walk towards the male, who was a little tired despite having been asleep for an unknown amount of time, and carefully touched his face. When her hands reached his cheeks, she could feel the warmth behind them, making her smile as tears started to form under her eyes.

Confused by why the white-haired female started to cry in front of him, (Y/n) didn't know what to do as he felt a slight headache. Holding his right hand on top of his head, he groaned in pain.

When Enterprise heard this, she immediately stopped what she was doing and wiped her tears off; as much as she was emotionally right now, she can't forget to check his current state and make sure everything was okay.

Suddenly, the door was slammed opened, starling the two as Vestal entered with a glass of water in her hand. She walked over to (Y/n), who stared at her weirdly, not knowing why there was a nurse in a nun outfit.

Vestal: "Please take this. I've made sure to put some painkillers in."

He didn't hesitate and accepted the drink. There were, for some unknown reason, that made him trust the two. It was as if he knew them before, even though this was the first time they've met. Realizing that it was the same with Amagi, he couldn't help but feel a sense of deja vu.

(Y/n): 'Where have I seen them before? I can't remember...'

By now, the medicine started to kick in as he felt less headache on his head. In addition, his body felt less painful to move, which was a relief since that means he's able to perform more movements now.

Looking at the two females in front of him, the first thing he asked them was:

(Y/n): "...D-Do I know you two?"

Vestal: "Yes, but not in this form. This might shock you, but we are actually warships with a human body. I am USS Vestal, first of Vestal-class repair ship, and a member of Eagle Union, who's in alliance with Azur Lane."

This shocked the black-haired male a bit, as he couldn't almost believe what he just heard. Of course, he wouldn't have believed it if it weren't for those 'people' mentioning about 'ship girls' in front of him.

Enterprise: "And I'm USS Enterprise, second of Yorktown-class aircraft carrier. Also a member of Eagle Union and Azur Lane."

When the second girl told him her name, (Y/n) was stunned to the core as his heart stopped beating for a second. He stared at Enterprise with two widen eyes and a shocked expression.

USS Enterprise, also known as The Big E, Lucky E, Grey Ghost, and The Galloping Ghost. She was the most decorated warship during World War 2, earning several battle stars. During the war, the ship and (Y/n) were put together and sunk many Japanese ships together, including the famous Akagi during the battle in Midway.

When the war ended with Japan surrendering to the Allies, (Y/n) was requested to be sent back to Pearl Habor for further orders. He didn't sail back with Enterprise, but a destroyer as it would be the fastest way for them to reach their destination.

He made a promise with the ship to meet with each other again in Perl Habor, but that promise was never fulfilled due to an incident.

During their trip back, a mist suddenly appeared, surrounding the ship and the sea around them. When the fog was gone, the ship had disappeared, leaving no traces left to search for. It became a hot topic when it reaches the headquarter.

The first order was to find out what happened to the ship and its crew, which created a rescue mission that lasted for almost three months before the ship and those who were in it branded as M.I.A.

The story became one of the world's top mysteries later on as several speculations arrises on what could have happened, but none of them could prove anything or be any help at all with the incident.

The incident became known as 'Devourer Fog.'

It was also Enterprise's last mission before she was scrapped.


Now the two people who were separated by an incident are reunited once again. Both didn't know what to say to each other after everything that had happened. Enterprise looked down on the floor with a blush on her face, fidgeting her fingers as she tries to think of what to say.

Meanwhile, (Y/n) turned his sights out of Enterprise's eyes, not wanting to face her right now. He, too, didn't know what to say and continued to stare at the wall. Remaining silence.

Seeing this, Vestal couldn't help but giggle at how awkward the two were to each other. She excused herself to get more water for (Y/n) and left the two alone in a room.

(Y/n): "How... long have I slept?"

Enterprise: "Around a month..."

(Y/n): "I see..."

Enterprise: "..."

(Y/n): "..."

No one was saying anything to each other as they kept silent until Vestal arrived at the room, and she was instantly met with a heavy atmosphere that screams 'Awkward!' She couldn't help but sweatdrop with how things were.

Vestal: "Ahem. Anyways, you've just woken up, so I suggest you take some rest for a while. And remember to drink something once in a while unless you want a dry lung. I'll be checking on you once in a while, so be ready."

Leaving behind a tray that has a jar of water, including a cup, and some painkillers for him to take if he were to feel too much pain. Vestal left the room once more, leaving once again Enterprise and (Y/n) alone together.

Unable to handle the atmosphere anymore, she also excused herself and left the room, leaving only (Y/n) behind who turned his head around to where the door was before looking at the tray on a table beside him.

He poured himself some water before drinking it, feeling his throat getting more fresher. It wasn't until the third cup that he finally stopped and went to rest as he fell asleep immediately.


Inside the commanding room, Vestal was reporting to Yorktown about (Y/n)'s awakening to which, the older carrier of her class smiled and was relieved that it was only a month that he woke up. From his previous injuries, she thought it would take at least a year or two.

Currently, they were talking about what they should do now that he has woken up from his one-month coma.

Vestal: "You and I both the rules. He can't stay here unless he has either permission or is the Commander of this base, which he was no experience about."

Yorktown: "I know, I'm thinking about it right now."

It was true that they can't keep (Y/n) in their base if the Navy HQ discovered him. If they see no value in him, they would kick him out of the base and possibly put him in jail. And if it were revealed what powers (Y/n) possessed, he would risk becoming an experiment for the government, eventually turning into a weapon against the Sirens.

They didn't want to risk either option, so they started to think deeper about how they could keep the dark-haired male with them here in the base.

Suddenly, Yorktown had a bright idea, but she wanted something to confirm before saying it.

Yorktown: "Vestal, how long time would we have before the HQ sends a new Commander here?"

The repair ship was confused by her question but still answered, not knowing where the white-haired carrier would go with this information.

Vestal: "I believe around two months or so? The selections usually take a long time since a lot of Commanders are getting kicked out of the base recently. Plus the time they would have to take the course, which usually lasts around a month and a half."

Yorktown: "I see, and if I remember it correctly, the Commander of a base, which is currently me, can permit some individuals to stay here as long as they're in command, correct?"

Vestal: "Yeah. But as soon as the new Commander arrives, the rules won't apply anymore."

Plans already started to form under her head as Yorktown couldn't help but smile more. Her gaze was filled with determination as she would do anything for the plan to succeeds.

Yorktown: "Vestal, I have an idea."


It's currently been five days since (Y/n) have woken up from his coma. Currently, he was following Vestal to where presumingly, the commanding room was.

Vestal has come and checked on him in the past few days and couldn't help but be impressed by his recovering ability. But she still reminds him to still take some more rest until she deems him healthy enough to be discharged.

He hasn't seen Enterprise ever since he woke up, which made him worried—thinking that he should have talked to her more. She must have felt all shy and nervous to talk to him now.

(Y/n): 'I should find a way to make it up to her later.'

Reaching their destination, (Y/n) gulped as anticipation built up inside him, making him slightly nervous.

Seeing his state, Vestal reassured him that everything was going to be okay and that he should relax. She informed him that they would just chat with each other and nothing else. (Y/n) could only nod, obviously still nervous, but not as much as before.

Vestal: "Commander, we're coming in."

Turning the doorknob, she opened the door and walked inside, followed by a curious and nervous (Y/n), who looked at the room in wonder. His gaze soon landed on a mature-looking woman that resembles Enterprise sitting behind a desk and look at them with a calming smile, similar to Amagi.

Vestal: "I have brought him here as you requested, Commander."

Yorktown: "No needs to call me that, Vestal, but thank you."

She monitored them to sit, which they did, and sat on a comfortable couch.

Yorktown: "Now, I know you must be wondering why I have called you here?"

He nodded and waited for an explanation. Yorktown started to explain about his current condition, just as Vestal and her talked about last time.

When (Y/n) heard her explanation of his current situation, he couldn't help but frown. Still, he feels like there were more Yorktown wants to say, so he waited patiently until she finished with the explanation.

Yorktown: "That's why I came up with a plan to let you stay here."

Raising an eyebrow, (Y/n) became more attentive and gestured her to continue.

Yorktown: "We just have to make you the Commander of the base."

The whole world seems to freeze at that moment for the dark-haired male, who didn't know how to respond to the plan. He wasn't a commander but a soldier. He doesn't sit on the backline but in the front.

So now having a plan to make him becoming a Commander for them won't only be hard due to him being inexperienced with it, but also with the fact that he only has two months death end to do so.

(Y/n): "Heh?"

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