family // bnha

By elisimone_

591K 20.6K 9.3K

bnha x big sister!oc class 1a needs more adult support, let's be honest... AU where eli midoriya, pro-hero, a... More

an exciting (for me) update


12.2K 412 74
By elisimone_

"Midoriya-kun, what's it like having a Pro as an older sister," asked Uraraka, making both Hitoshi and Izuku lookup.  

"Just call me Hitoshi," Hito grumbled a bit as he took a bite of his rice.

Iida had just finished telling them about his family of heroes, so Uraraka decided to take the time to ask something almost all of Class 1A was thinking. At the question, the 3 of them began to ponder, and these 3 were of course Katsuki, Hitoshi, and Izuku. 

Shoto was eating with Eli in the classroom. 

"Eli-sensei is a first-generation hero correct?" Iida asked. 

"Uh, yea, she is," Izuku said stumbling over his words a bit. 

"So do you and your family get to see her often?" asked Mina who sat beside Kiri. Izuku quirked an eyebrow at that, looking over at Hitoshi who shared a similar expression. 

"Uhm, we live together?" Izuku said. 

Suddenly an alarm went off. 

Eli had just got done talking to Mezo about coming to her office he wanted a break from his mask.

Now, she was talking to Shoto when it happened about his hero costume when the alarm, as she tried to understand why he went as far as to freeze his entire left side for the sake of his hero costume. Eli didn't know, she just knew that it seemed impractical. 

"There has been a Level 3 security breach. All students please evacuate outdoors promptly," sounded the voice in the speaker. 

Eli stood up quickly, peering out the window, and of fucking course it was the press. With an irritated sigh, she pats Shoto's shoulder and shook her head. 

"I have to go deal with this, don't worry about it, it's just the press," she told him with a soft smile. He nodded at her and offered her a small smile. 

Eli stalked out of the classroom, racing to the front of the store, seeing a large crowd of students in her path as she did. With a grunt of irritation, she activated her Quirk and sprinted in the opposite direction, finding herself in the front in the knick of time, appearing behind Shouta and Hizashi with an irritated look on her face. 

"Give us All Might! He's here, isn't he ?!" the reporter lady asked aggressively. 

"We told you, he's not here," Hizashi tried to reason. 

"And even if he was here, I don't think he'd be responding to your annoying questions as politely as I am," Eli spoke up, her irritation only growing. 

"E-excuse me?!" the reporter woman asked, clearly offended. Eli suppressed a scoff as she lifted her hair to reveal her obviously irritated face. 

"It's not within All Might's job description to answer any of your questions. Here, he's a teacher, not your next interview. Plus, as of right now you are illegally trespassing on U.A private property. So, here are your options! You can leave now and all this could be over, I could call the police to come to remove you off of U.A property, or I could move you myself," Eli threatened, her green eyes flashing a threatening red as she stared down at the lady. 

"H-how dare-?" she tried but was cut off by the shakiness of her own voice. 

"It's your choice lady," Eli pushed even further, her Quirk activating just enough to cause her hair to float around her, not bothering to cover up her bloody red glare. 

With a scared look on her face and a blush of embarrassment evident on her cheeks, the reporter backed down. 

And with that, they were gone. 

Hizashi and Shouta couldn't help but laugh at the girl's antics towards the press. None of them, not even Eli knew why she disliked them so much, but she did and it was hilarious to them every time she was forced to interact with them. 

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"Congratulations Iida, what you did to calm down your fellow students was admirable! I'm sure you'll make a great class rep," Eli congratulated Iida. 

The boy beamed at the praise. 

"Thank you Eli-sensei, I will do my very best to fulfill my role," Iida said firmly making her chuckle a bit. 

"I'm sure you will honey," she told him making him beam once more. 

Later in the day, Eli walked beside Shouta towards the teacher's lounge once school had ended. This is also after she and the other heroes of the school took a good look at the front gate of the school seeing that it was completely disintegrated. 

"So what was it that you wanted to talk to me about?" Shouta asked with a coffee cup in his hand. 

"It's about... Izuku, and his Quirk," she said briefly before she opened the door to the lounge where Izuku and Toshinori sat conversing, with Toshinori being in his smaller form and Izuku with a particularly anxious look in his eye. 

Shouta sighed before turning to the girl beside him. 

"Eli, what is this?" Shouta asked as he rubbed his eyes with his index finger and thumb. 

This would be a long talk. 

15-20 minutes later, Shouta was hunched over in a chair with his face in his hands making Eli frown. She hadn't known what he was thinking, and couldn't even guess since she couldn't see his face, but she saw the growing tension in his shoulders. 

"From what Toshinori has explained to me, the circumstances of One for All are significantly different for Izuku than they were for him because when he received the Quirk he didn't hurt himself every time he used it," Eli explained. 

"Nee-chan helped me to develop a kind of way to use it without breaking anything, but it's only been a day since so I'm still working out the technicalities," Izuku said with his head down, not even looking at Aizawa as he clenched his uniform pants harshly in his fists. 

Noticing this, Eli stood up and walked over to Izuku, crouching down to his seat position.

Even though Izuku knew that telling his homeroom teacher was the best thing to do so that they had additional people to help him with his Quirk, but the overbearing weight at the possibility of being a burden felt like it was crushing him. 

Too many teachers had ignored him and his issues, so of course, he couldn't bring himself to trust them. But, it was a different story with his sister, just like it was a different story with All Might. 

He trusted his sister with anything, even the things he didn't want to. She raised him, so it only made sense for him to trust her. Her being a TA didn't change that simply because they both knew that she was his sister before she was anything else. 

And All Might was not only his idol but the #1 hero, so in his mind, All Might was his hero before he was a teacher. 

"Izu... no one is expecting you to get a handle on this so soon, and we're all here to help you. You know I'm here to help you right?" Eli told him as she put her hands over his clenched fists. 

Izuku looked over at her with a nod, and she gave him a smile to encourage him. She sighed a bit as she stood up to sit next to him, reaching over to pull his head to her shoulder.

"You can cry," she mumbled. 

Even though Izuku was a crier, he never liked crying in front of people he wasn't too sure of, but today that didn't matter. His shoulders shook a bit as he cried, and Eli simply stroked his hair and let him, not paying any glance to either of the men that stared at the two. 

With a huff, Shouta stood up and walked over, crouching down as Eli had. 

"It's exactly as she said problem child, we're here to help you. Had I known you'd gotten your Quirk not even a couple of months ago, I would've put you on a completely different regime to make up for all years of Quirk Counseling and training that you didn't get. I'm sorry for not noticing early enough," Shouta said calmly, bringing his hand up and patting the boy's head softly.

Eli smiled a bit at Shouta. 

'Such a softy,' Eli thought. 

"Young Midoriya, none of this is on you. It was and is my job to help you become the best hero you can be, so it's my fault for not doing my job correctly. But... you have heart, and because of that I know that one day you will make an amazing hero," All Might said as he put his hand on his shoulder. 

After these words of encouragement, Izuku felt much better. Right as he passed out on the couch when they got home, and Eli retreated to the basement where she'd changed into her work jumpsuit and got to work on the hero costume for Toru after she'd gotten her okay to do so. 

When Katsuki went downstairs to check on her at around 8 o'clock he found her passed out laying against her work table with supplies everywhere, against a greyish white jumpsuit that had been neatly packed away in a case. 

So, he picked her up and put her in bed before he went back downstairs and grabbed a half-awake Izuku by his shirt, dragging him to the kitchen so that they could make dinner.

And so Eli didn't have to. 

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Eli stood outside of a bus, watching as the students chattered outside of it. 

"Ah, you aren't coming Eli-sensei?" Denki asked as he and Mina latched themselves to her arms once again. It was becoming something of a habit to them. 

Neither knew how to explain it really, but they really liked Eli. She let Mina send her playlists she made, which Eli actually listened to and told her she enjoyed, and she kept allergy medicine on her for Denki because last time he sneezed so much he short-circuited, and Denki ended up being taken care of Eli. 

"No, I am coming I'll just be a little late. I have to do a small inspection of the Development Studio to make sure everything is running smoothly. Then, I'll be on my way," she explained to them. 

"Oh my gosh, Eli-sensei! I love it so much, thank you!" said Toru as she threw herself at Eli who chuckled at her. 

"Love what?" asked Ojiro. 

"Eli-sensei made me a special suit that turns invisible when I touch it, I'm wearing it now," Toru said triumphantly. 

Eli just smiled with a chuckle as she watched Iida then begin to hoard the class into the bus before she watched it pull off and she went to go inspect the Development Studio so that she could be on her way. 

As the bus moved, Iida sulked, not realizing that the bus they were in was going to be different than he expected. His classmates could only chuckle at him. 

"There was no point huh?" Mina said with a chuckle before the classes devolved into their own little conversations. 

"I say whatever comes to mind," Tsu said making Izuku turn his attention to her. 

"Midoriya-chan," she said, making Izuku flinch before looking at her with wide eyes. 

"Yes, Asui-san?" he asked timidly. Hitoshi glanced at him briefly before he rubs his shoulder a bit, which calmed Izuku down a bit. 

"Call me 'Tsu'," Tsu asked. 

"R-right, then call me Izuku" he stuttered as his nervous feelings began to falter. He rubbed his pants legs nervously, trying to subtly control his breathing as his sister had taught him so could at least calm down. 

Izuku absolutely despised how anxious he got, but he couldn't help himself. He'd always been a little more timid than normal, but all the bullying just made everything worse. He could beat Katsuki in plain hand-to-hand combat but he couldn't even talk to people. 

And the only people he could seem to talk to as he normally would were the people he lived with. Regardless, he calmed himself a bit, but all this was useless when Tsu told him that his Quirk was like All Might's making him panic all over again. 

"Wait a sec Tsu-chan, All Might doesn't get hurt when he uses his. They just kind of look the same," Kiri spoke up. 

Cue Izuku casually deflating onto Hitoshi who only looked at him before shaking his head. The bus ride was smooth from then on, except for the fact that Izuku and Hitoshi basically doubled over and had to cover their laughs when Tsu said that Katsuki wouldn't be popular because he's always angry and Katsuki started screaming at her to fight him. 

"She's not wrong, you are always angry Kacchan," Izuku spoke up. 

"OI! YOU WANNA FIGHT NERD?" Katsuki yelled, pointing a finger at Izuku as he did so. 

"Why do you do this every single day?" Hitoshi grumbled. 

"HOW WOULD YOU KNOW I DO IT EVERY SINGLE DAY!?" Katsuki yelled again, pointing his finger at Hitoshi, who grew a large irk mark on his forehead as he glared right back. 

"WE LIVE TOGETHER IDIOT!" Hitoshi yelled back. 

And so they bickered as the class watched amused. It wasn't long before they'd arrive at USJ, where they were introduced to the hero Thirteen and told what exactly it was that they were doing here, which of course included some fanboying from Izuku and fangirling from Ochaco. 

Well, that was until a portal opened. 

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