Brush Strokes ✓

By Kim_eats

51.3K 2.6K 938

"It's tea. I didn't add poison to it. If that's what you are thinking." ⋅•⋅⋅•⋅⊰⋅•⋅⋅•⋅⋅•⋅⋅•⋅∙∘☽༓... More

A few words.


955 49 8
By Kim_eats

"Yes but," Aera started, biting her lip as she looked away. Seeing her hesitate, Taehyung loosened his grip in her hair, pulling away to give her space, although he didn't like the distance between them.

"But what?" he prodded, pulling her lower lip out of the painful grip of her teeth.

Aera sighed, looking at the handsome boy infront of her. She truly wanted to just jump in his arms and kiss the hell out of him but she was determined to be strong, to become strong.

"Can you wait a little more, Taehyung? I know it's not fair to ask that from you but I just need to sort a few things out. All these years, I've been scared to grow attached to a man so deeply. I haven't had the best example to look upto while regarding men romantically. I've never felt safe with anyone before. I didn't allow myself to lower my guard, afraid that they might turn against me at any wrong move."

She took a long breath, raising her hand to gently remove the crease between Taehyung's strong brows. She smiled at him as her hand moved down to cup his soft face. "You are different, Tae. Ever since I met you, you've been a pain in my ass but in a good way. You've made me think and see things differently. You make me feel comfortable in your presence and I can't help but trust everything you say. But the stubborn part of my brain keeps giving me warnings, it keeps telling me to protect myself. For the longest time, I didn't understand why I run away from the slightest hint of intimacy but now I get it. However, I'm still scared and I don't think I can let go of that fear unless I face it. Just wait for me till I face it and finally be free of it."

Taehyung ran the back of his fingers lightly over the milky skin of her cheek, making her close her eyes and lean into his touch. It warmed his heart, knowing she wasn't running away from him. She just needed time.

"I like you, Aera. I like you very much, unlike I've ever liked anyone. It might sound cheesy but I just feel like we were made for each other. I'm not pressuring you with my words but I just want you to know that my feelings for you are sincere. Take your time and do what you think is the best. I'll be right behind you to support and hold you if you need me to."

His words made her heart flutter. It was a strange feeling, the way her whole body felt electrified and fuzzy just looking in his eyes. She understood now, what Sehee meant when she told her she'd feel it in her heart.

She launched her in his arms, her own wrapping tightly around his neck. With a chuckle, Taehyung held her tightly, pulling her as close to himself as possible. This feeling was his favourite, in her arms, comfortable and protected.


"Thank you for coming, Doyun," Aera said, two days later just as he sat down infront of her in a cafe. He gave her a rather bright smile, contrary to what she thought he would react like.

"No need to thank me. I was going to call you to talk to you anyway," he replied, slurping on his drink. Even though he didn't look particularly angry or annoyed by her presence, Aera still thought it'd be better to be cautious.

"About that day," she started, looking into his eyes, "I'm really sorry about what I said. I was out of line and very mean. You are nothing like my father. You are a very good man, Doyun. And I just want you to know, I really regret saying that to you."

Doyun looked at her with sad eyes. It hurt to see him sad, he was one of her best friend afterall. He caught her hand in his, his thumb stroking her skin, giving her the same sense of comfort and familiarity he always did.

"I won't lie, your words really hurt me that day. They angered me more than I thought they would but after I left, I started thinking about what you said. You weren't completely wrong. I overlooked your feelings and only focused on mine which was really wrong. And I shouldn't have compared you to your father either. You are a good person too, Aera. Nothing like your father. I'm sorry too."

Putting her other hand on his, Aera brightened. "So, we good?" Doyun nodded, chuckling a little. "How about we flick each other's head like old times and end this here?" he suggested, refering back to their high school days when they used to fight a lot and flicked each other's head at the same time to call it equal.

Laughing loudly, uncaring of where they were, the duo flicked each other's forehead as hard as they could, groaning in pain afterwards.

"Couldn't you hit a little more gently?" Aera asked with a playful scowl, rubbing her head.
"Same question. You could have been gentle too. It's going to be red now," Doyun whined, looking at the red spot on his forehead in his mobile screen.

"Ah, one more thing," Doyun said, putting down his phone and becoming serious. Aera gulped her milkshake, her smile falling away with the serious air.

Having her full attention, the man spoke up, "I think, we should just stay friends. I know I said I've liked you for a long time but after our fight, I thought about a lot of things. My feelings being one. I realised, I never took the efforts, nor did I care to know you more than what you showed. I think, I was more infatuated with the image my mind had created of you than what you actually are. I was a real fool to think it was anything more than that."

Aera nodded in understanding, she knew exactly what he was saying. She had liked the image Doyun had created as well and just like him, she never took efforts to know the real him. It's really easy to be infatuated with the image but when the reality starts peeking out, it confuses you and makes you realise, this is not romantic or healthy. It won't take you anywhere with the person you fancy.

Aera had a query though, seeing how chill he was with everything. "Are you really sure this phase of ours won't affect our friendship? I mean, things could get awkward."

Doyun grinned at that. A very charming, boyish grin she had never seen on his face before, along with the slight blush that painted his cheeks.

"I don't think it will be a problem. We've already got someone in our hearts."

"What do you mean?"

Doyun tilted his head, giving her a knowing smirk. "You like Taehyung. Even though you deny it, it's clear as day. You two look good together." Aera laughed nervously, avoiding her friend's gaze under the pretence of ignoring him. The warm blush on her face was a dead giveaway though.

A thought suddenly struck her. "You said we've both got someone. That means you..."

Doyun's grin was back as he looked away shyly. "Yeah, I met someone. More like he forced his way into my life." Aera couldn't help the excited gasp that left her lips. She clutched his hand tightly. "Tell me everything!"

With a laugh, he explained, "Just around the time I asked you on the date, a police officer got transferred to our branch. He was really annoying at start, he still is but I don't mind it anymore. I guess, I was just in denial of what I really wanted. Brain said Aera, heart said JaeSu. I think, you can understand the tug of war." That made Aera chuckle, agreeing with him.

"You are happy with him?" she asked, suddenly concerned about him. Doyun nodded with a soft smile. "He makes me happy and he keeps telling me I make him happy. We'll make it official soon since I have sorted things with you now."

"I'm so happy for you, Doyun. I really am. I would like to meet him someday."

"Surely," he said pinching her nose. "I would like to meet Taehyung again too. This time without the uncomfortable tension." The two friends laughed remembering that particular meeting.

The rest of the evening, they spent talking like old friends, just how they used to before the date. It was like nothing had happened as they fell back in their comfortable relationship.


I didn't have the heart to leave Doyun heartbroken so I gave him a boyfriend. I feel good about it.

I can't tell you how fast this week went by for me. I was really really busy since I had an exam yesterday. But I'm still not entirely free because I have another exam coming up. That means no change in the update schedule :(

I hope you liked this chapter and I've begun to tie up the loose ends in the story now, which means we are close to the climax. But worry not, I have some wholesome, fluffy Tae-Ra (Idk if the ship name works 😅) moments planned to make your heart flutter.

Thank you for reading ❤️❤️

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