
By esnymybeloved

27.9K 295 9

i do not support ella in any way. this book is a comfort book for a lot of people and some people haven't fin... More

1 - Cleo | Slithering
2 - Harry | Tempest
3 - Cleo | Dangerous
4 - Harry | Temptation*
5 - Cleo | Disguise
6 - Harry | Wrath
7 - Cleo | Poisonous
8 - Harry | Distraction*
9 - Cleo | Coinsidences
10 - Harry | Risk
11 - Cleo | Confrontation
12 - Harry | Puzzle
13 - Cleo | Reputation*
14 - Zayn | Secrets
15 - Harry | Paranoia
16 - Cleo | Invasion
17 - Harry | Surprises*
18 - Cleo | Regret
19 - Harry | Alliance
20 - Cleo | Lies*
21 - Harry | Weakness
22 - Zayn | Careful
23 - Cleo | Careless**
24 - Harry | Peculiar
25 - Cleo | Preparation
26 - Zayn | Hours
27 - Harry | Darkness
28 - Cleo | Tempwork
29 - Harry | Desire**
30 - Cleo | Reality
31 - Harry | Torture
32 - Cleo | Denial
33 - Harry | Irresistable**
34 - Cleo | Chase
35 - Harry | Fear
36 - Cleo | Cold-Blooded
37 - Harry | Homecoming
38 - Zayn | Powerless
39 - Cleo | Frustration
40 - Harry | Sinful**
41 - Cleo | Evidence
42 - Harry | Reckless
44 - Harry | Addiction**
45 - Cleo | Powerful
46 - Harry | Safety
47 - Zayn | Hallucination
48 - Cleo | Familiar
49 - Harry | Worry
50 - Cleo | Craving**
51 - Harry | Feelings
52 - Cleo | Deceiving
53 - Harry | Jealousy**
54 - Cleo | Reveal
55 - Harry | Undercover
56 - Theories
57 - Cleo | Join
57 - Zayn | Forgetful
59 - Harry | Intruder
60 - Niall | Headache
61 - Cleo | Impulse**
62 - Harry | Trust
63 - Zayn | Observe
64 - Cleo | Challenge
65 - Harry | Guest
66 - Cleo | Cruel
67 - Harry | Pain
68 - Cleo | Together
69 - Harry | Lust**
70 - Unknown
71 - Cleo | Recover
72 - Harry | Hateful
73 - Zayn | Friendship
74 - Cleo | Trigger
75 - Harry | Passion**
76 - Cleo | Feast
77 - Niall | Gone
78 - Harry | Wasted**
79 - Cleo | Broken
80 - Harry | Invitation
81 - Unknown
82 - Cleo | Beginning
83 - Harry | Verge
84 - Cleo | Fallen
85 - Harry | Light
86 - Cleo | Ashes
87 - Amber | Choices
Epilogue - Harry

43 - Cleo | Spoiled

209 3 0
By esnymybeloved

"What the fuck is all this, Harry?" I gaped at him as soon as he placed the last of the countless shopping bags on the living room floor.

And most of them were Gucci.

"Clothes, shoes... lingerie." He smiled at me, but there was something behind his eyes ever since he walked through the front door that just gave away he wasn't feeling alright. "You have nothing to wear, not that I'm complaining. But we'll need to get out of the house soon and I figured you'd want something of your own... I picked turtlenecks too."

He reached out his hand to trace his initials branded on my neck, making a chill go down my spine instantly with his sudden touch.

But he was easy to read when he didn't try to hide how he was feeling and maybe I was getting to know him better.

I knew he was worried about Zayn and upset, but this had to be about his father because he barely mentioned anything about their meeting as I watched him unload the car.

He was limping a bit, but I didn't ask what had happened yet, now I was just sitting on the couch and staring at this unnecessary amount of shopping. I rarely had time to shop, that's why most of my clothes were plain black and simple, I didn't care much about it.

I saved my money... Harry was a spender but I had it all in a savings account just in case. I had a feeling I'd need it someday, no one knew how much I had in there or even the fact I wasn't spending it on something else.

And I had a whole fucking lot of money, killing people was an easy way to get it.

"There are over ten bags from Gucci, why the fuck did you spend so much money on clothes that will probably get torn and destroyed." I furrowed my eyebrows and his wicked smirk proved that he had taken it the wrong way. "I mean while fighting."

"Sure you do." He sighed, grabbing a few bags and walking closer to me. "I bought a few things because they remind me of you, and money isn't a problem. Let me spoil you."

I shook my head, reaching out my hands to grab the bags and place them on the couch.

He was right, I had nothing to wear and I was
currently wearing just a white t-shirt of his and boxers. I took a long nap before I managed to walk to the bathroom so I could finally pee and shower. The hot water was very relaxing and painful at the same time, I winced as soon as it reached in between my legs.

I also found some frozen lasagna in his freezer and that was my lunch. Harry only had frozen food in this house, probably because of the way he traveled and he also seemed like the type who didn't cook.

But I had taken extra painkillers after I changed my bandages, so I felt pretty good in comparison with this morning... my pussy still needed some rest, though, but my muscles didn't seem as sore because of the meds and I had a feeling I'd need to keep some strong painkillers around Harry if he ever fucked me like that again.

Which I hoped he would.

I was just glad to be walking and doing things on my own, I hated being dependent or weak.. although I did enjoy feeling the soreness, it was a great reminder of the things we'd done. I decided to check the bags, realizing Harry was expectantly waiting for me to see what was inside as he nervously twisted the rings on his fingers.

And fuck.

He'd bought me Gucci boots that had a snake carved on the sole, it was the usual style of boots I'd wear if not combat boots and it was jaw-dropping.

But that's not all... there was a beautiful black velvet top, with a turtleneck and the design of a snake near the open shoulder.

He'd also picked leather pants and sweaters, more turtlenecks... and then I reached a bag that had some very unexpected contents inside.

The see-through one piece of lingerie had snakes on the front, mostly to cover my nipples but I just knew it wouldn't work much because my boobs were a bit too big for this. Maybe that's exactly why Harry bought it, he never got my sizes wrong and it was quite impressive.

There was another two-piece set, with the same black snakes over the sheer fabric, and it looked so delicate and beautiful that I'd be scared to ruin it. I also spotted black lace and one particular white bra that was just heavenly. And the thongs were very fucking small.

Apparently, we had the same tastes, that wasn't any news... but I was truly shocked by how many things he'd gotten me, and how perfect they were. Even the details of the snakes, it made my stomach flutter like crazy.

"Harry, this is amazing." I smiled, putting the bags back on the floor. "Way too much, but perfect."

"I'm glad you like it, baby." He tried to suppress a smirk, but the way his dimple indented in his cheek gave it away. He was proud of himself, as he should be.

This really was so thoughtful and it was going to be very nice to have clothes of my own again.

"Sorry I got a lot of things, I didn't have much time to pick so I bought everything I thought you'd like." He sighed, running his fingers through his hair and seeming a bit more tired. "I didn't want to leave you alone for long, how are you?"

"I took some painkillers, I'm really good." I chuckled, standing up from the couch so I could step closer to him. "What happened, Harry? Did your father say anything about Louis?"

Harry's expression changed entirely, being taken over by anger and disgust as soon as I mentioned his father. He sat down on the couch, burying his head in his hands and putting down the mask he had been using to hide how he was truly feeling this whole time.

His father was a delicate subject, I already knew that... I really hated Desmond, even before what happened. And seeing the way Harry reacted because of him only made me hate him even more, I was so confident he had something to do with the list.

"Harry?" I sat down next to him, touching his back softly but I noticed he winced slightly. Maybe his ribs were still hurting and he pretended he was alright, he always tried to put up a strong front.

"Does he know anything else about Zayn?"

"No, he doesn't fucking care." He snorted, glancing sideways at me. "I don't want to ask him for anything, he's a fucking asshole. He's already planning on replacing Zayn, as if he could be fucking replaced. He was more concerned about the letters on my neck than on the fact Louis is trying to kill me."

Fuck, I knew he was going to freak about the initials... I had a bad feeling about it, as much as I loved seeing them on Harry's neck. But walking around with it while we're literally hiding this thing between us wasn't a smart move.

"I think he's involved somehow." Harry continued. "I mean, he seemed adamant about knowing if it was you who did this or not, almost as if he was looking for you. People don't know we're working together, it'd make sense if he tried different ways of bringing us together."

"I was thinking about it today, actually... and I did some research and I thought a lot. I also think your father is a strong suspect, but we're still missing a motive. Why kill you? Why kill me and not my entire family? Why now?" I furrowed my eyebrows. "So, the only thing we have linking the targets to us, is my father's name being mentioned. We're back home, Harry. This means we can break into Mark's house and try to find a connection... and I can stop by my mother's place and snoop around my dad's office. I honestly don't know what else we can do, but I figured it was a smart idea so we don't start from scratch once we travel to find the last target. We're already in New York, it's where it all started."

Being alone in this huge house while I had to rest meant I put my brain to good use. I knew we were focused on Zayn, but after we got him back we could focus on the list before we actually traveled.

And I was personally very fucking curious to find out more about my father... I made the mistake of allowing myself to think about him and I was angry and I cried again, but Harry didn't need to know.

I fucking hated that I felt so betrayed and lost, I just had to talk to my mother about this and it could be helpful to our situation, I couldn't resist passing the opportunity when we were here. Harry and I just couldn't be seen together in public.

And I also wanted to stop by my apartment so I could get my personalized knives and some personal things, nothing much. But I did miss my weapons.

"That's smart." Harry furrowed his eyebrows, leaning back on the couch. "My plan was simply to break into Louis' house and kill him and then find Zayn... I think that's a bit impulsive, though."

"We're going to find Zayn, but you can't kill Louis without knowing where Zayn is. I know you're desperate and this is a lot on you, but we have to think so we can be one step ahead... just like we were doing with the list." I told him, placing my hand on his knee. "I can call June now so we can ask her about Zayn... and what if we call him? Or maybe text him? You said the person wanted to know where you were, I say we give them an address and wait to see if they fall for it. Even if Zayn is not there we can torture the person and find him, or follow them to figure out where they're keeping Zayn or anything helpful."

Harry cocked his head to the side, squinting at me as the longest minutes of silence followed. He just stared at me, as if he'd been processing everything I said.

And he surprised me when he reached out his hands, cupping my cheeks and pulling me closer to press his lips against mine. I was very caught off guard but my mouth was always ready for him, my lips parted on their own when I felt his tongue teasing me and I kissed him back.

"I needed that." He whispered against my lips when he pulled away, looking into my eyes.

"So did I," I admitted, I had actually missed him today but he was always a distraction. If he was around then I wouldn't have been able to come up with all this.

"Look who isn't just a pretty face." He smirked and I swatted his shoulder, rolling my eyes. "This is actually a really good plan. I'm sorry my head hasn't been in the best place. Today wasn't a good day."

"Speaking of which... I'm very disappointed." I pouted my lips and his gaze dropped instantly, but I just wanted to lighten up the mood a bit. "Where are my unicorn cotton panties? You got me all this lace as if I'm supposed to wear it for you when a girl really wants the basics."

"You're not gonna wear it for me?" He smirked again, and I noticed his shoulders weren't as tense anymore. "I don't mind, you can stay naked. Less work to take it off."

"Funny." I cleared my throat, still having trouble finding my voice, it was still way raspier than usual and I just knew he enjoyed it a little too much.

He chuckled under his breath, standing up from the couch so he could grab another bag from the floor. He suddenly tossed a pack of cigarettes at me and I could kiss him again for this, my anxiety was already getting the best of me.

And then he threw a small lighter... just like the one I had lost in the crash. I easily caught it, feeling that delicious clenching in my stomach, but I was surprised when he actually threw a whole damn sweatshirt at me.. with a huge tacky unicorn stamped on the front.

"That was all I could find to satisfy your unicorn obsession." He winked at me. "I really like the lingerie I picked better, though."

God, I needed to stop thinking about sex and focus on this.

"Thank you. I mean it, thank you for this." I grabbed a cigarette and I was quick to light it up, desperately inhaling some smoke and feeling that unmatched relief as it filled my lungs. "Now sit down, let's call June."

"You have no manners, smoking inside." He clicked his tongue, taking a seat right next to me again, but he grabbed the cigarette from in between my lips so he could inhale some smoke himself.

"What a shame then," I said with sarcasm, grabbing the burner phone he'd given me, trying to suppress a stupid smile before he placed the cigarette between my lips again.

I dialed June's number, knowing she was probably getting ready for classes at this time in the afternoon, but I really hoped she'd pick up.

"Hello?" She answered after the fourth ring and Harry scooted closer to me when I put the call on speakerphone. "Who is this?"

"It's Cleo," I said, exhaling the smoke and glancing at Harry. "Just wondering how you are, work has been crazy and I didn't get the chance to stop by Eroda. I miss you."

"Oh, my god! Cleo, we were all so worried, you didn't call and you didn't come home!" She raised her voice. "Life has been so shit lately, I really missed you. Zayn is simply gone and he won't answer my calls, I think I did something wrong and this is his way of breaking up with me. It's been days! I was worried sick."

"Really? What happened to Zayn?" I asked her.

"I don't know, but he finally texted me yesterday saying that I should stop calling. He's not like this, Cleo." She sounded like she was about to cry and Harry arched his eyebrows.
We both knew Zayn wasn't the one texting her.

"I'm so sorry to hear that, June. He seemed like such a nice guy." I grimaced, feeling so fucking sorry for her and Harry.

But knowing him and his determination, he wasn't going to stop until we found Zayn.

"I'm sorry, I'm just so confused. Things have been stressful lately and I miss having you around. Your mother and Niall have been so busy with meetings, I barely see your brother anymore and the whole atmosphere in the club is strange, Cleo." She lowered her voice. "But are you okay? I hope you're not stressing yourself and finding some time to relax, you work too much. That's why I told you that you needed to get laid, you know. Men suck but we can have fun."

"I agree, they suck." I smiled at Harry and he squinted at me, almost like a silent warning. "I'm good, don't worry about me. Just wanted to check up on you."

For someone who hadn't had sex in weeks, having it with Harry was a very dangerous thing to do because I liked it a little too much.

"Thank you for calling, please come back soon." She chuckled nervously. "Good luck at work, babe."

"Thank you, bye!" I hung up, letting out an exasperated breath. "So she thinks Zayn is ghosting her and wants to break up... I'm so sorry, I thought she'd know more."

"It's okay, your plan was fantastic, baby." He said honestly. "We should rest and call Zayn tomorrow then. I just need some ice and some rest today, I can't give myself the luxury of being weak anymore."

"I noticed your ribs seem to be more hurt, did anything happen?" I asked him, holding back the urge to kiss him again.

"You should know this by now, baby." He ran his thumb over my bottom lip, clearly on purpose as if he'd read my thoughts. "I love the pain."

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