37 - Harry | Homecoming

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Cleo was heavier than she looked

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Cleo was heavier than she looked.

Well, maybe the fact I had a bullet lodged on my shoulder also interfered on that matter, because I didn't have a problem at all when I flipped her over on the bed while we fucked, so being hurt didn't help much with our situation at the moment.

I had just parked this stolen car in my indoor garage, and being back home was... weird.

Yeah, turned out we were back in New York City, as soon as I carried Cleo out of that abandoned warehouse, I was quick to realize we were back.

Louis had probably brought us here because it was where he lived after all, and now we were once again many hours away from our plan and next and final target on our list.

We'd have to start over and get better before we could travel, and I honestly didn't know where else to go if not my own home.

My first thought was that our enemies probably wouldn't think we were dumb enough to go to our own houses, and if they dared to follow then at least I had a whole fucking lot of weapons and ammunition available there. My security system was pretty good and I had more than enough supplies to help Cleo and treat out wounds.

Even though seeing my house again sent chills down my spine, because I remembered the pictures taken from outside... I knew they were from a distance, but either way, they made me feel violated and very fucking pissed. But this was our best and quickest option for tonight, since we couldn't go to a hospital.

I was going to kill Louis the next time I saw him, that was for sure. I hadn't decided how yet, but maybe I would burn him alive after breaking his arms and legs... sounded good enough to me.

The moment he fucking dared to hurt Cleo and actually shoot her, something inside me just made my stomach clench and I had never felt so pissed.

It was one of the few times I'd heard her grunt in pain, the sound was fucking horrifying... Cleo was always so strong, it felt wrong to see her like this.

But I had never seen anyone fight like her, she actually saved my life when she threw that knife. I was glad she was ambidextrous, I knew her dislocated shoulder made it nearly impossible for her to use both hands, and her thigh had a fucking bullet hole.

She was bleeding too much, the adrenaline rush must have been strong because she endured the pain unlike anyone else would, and when I put her shoulder back in place it had been too much... she simply passed out because of the pain and I felt so damn guilty.

But it had to be done, I'd had my share of dislocated bones, and they needed to be put back in place as quickly as you could. That's why I did the same thing with my thumb, I was so fucking desperate to get free of those ropes that I just had to opt for that way out.

Louis underestimated us though, maybe because he didn't actually know us, but three men couldn't take us. And let me just remind you that Cleo and I had just been in a car accident... my ego didn't enjoy that at all, but thank god we didn't have to fight or kill anyone else. Especially since I was on my own.

I carried Cleo out of the warehouse, not seeing anyone else, so after I stole the first car I could find, I carefully placed her in the backseat and I drove home, going as fast as I could without going past the speed limit.

My adrenaline was still high, I managed to ignore the wounded shoulder and broke ribs, I just had to get us somewhere safe. Well, safer.

Nowhere was truly safe.

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