Hannam Hill : Jikook

By Madmoome

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"As Jimin preceeded to shamelessly flirt with almost every female in the room. Jungkook could all but wonder... More

Hannam Hill
The Assembly Room Ball
The Dinner Party
Young Tae
World Fair
The Lady
Southern Guests
The Hunt
The letter
The Engagement
Choosing Love
Family Time
The Other Engagement
Christmas Eve
The New Year
The Wild Sea
Final Chapter - Our Family


367 26 4
By Madmoome

Dust sheets settled over the furniture in the grandest rooms of Hannam. In a matter of minutes Jungkook, would journey South, to join his sister for a whole month.

He didn't want to leave, didn't want to spend his time within a society that had become toxic to him. His physical injuries from the hunt had all healed, but he was filled with nausea every time he thought about all the Mr Culshaw's and Mr Ross' he would have to endure while in the city.

Hannam Hill was where he had finally started to feel at home for the first time since his parents passed away and he did not want to leave even for a day. But Hope had departed the fortnight previous at the invitation of Miss Chambers and after numerous letters begging him to join her, Jungkook had run out of excuses not to go.

With tired shoulders and a hearty sigh, he gave final orders to his steward, readied the carriage to depart and gazed momentarily across the vast estate to see distant smoke rise from the chimney of Snow cottage. He already missed that view even though he has not yet departed.

Or maybe he just missed the man who lived within it's walls. His relationship with the owner had strengthened greatly since he spent those few days recovering from his wound inside Snow Cottage. They had become friends, talked casually, laughed frequently. Mostly he loved the warmth he felt in his chest every time Jimin called him by his first name.

Now he felt guilty at not informing Jimin of his departure. He knew the village grape vine or even Mr Jackson would surely do that for him, probably before he had even made it past the estate gates, but in that final moment, Jungkook felt a compulsion to go over to Snow Cottage and personally tell Jimin of his journey.

Standing down the carriage footmen for a little longer, Jungkook made the journey across the fields to the Cottage. He had not even reached the top step of the entrance, when a maid collided with him, her arms full of Linen.

"I'm so sorry, Sir" she pleaded multiple times, whilst escorting him through to the front parlour.

"If you wait here, I'll announce your arrival to the master" she added then scurried off at pace, leaving him alone, waiting patiently in the homely room.

The day was still early and the rising sun filtered through the large window as he studied the trinkets and photo's around the space, wondering what memories they held and how each arrived to it's current resting place. But as time wore on, Jungkook was still waiting alone in the room.

He stepped to the doorway, looking for the servant to hail, but there was no one in sight.

"Hello there!" he firmly called out, still no one appeared.

In fear or being left alone the whole day, Jungkook decided to make his presence known. He stepped down the hall, daring a respectful peak around the open doors he passed. As he came to Jimin's study, a warmth emanated that was absent from the other areas.

Venturing forward, Jungkook stepped further into the room, seeing a freshly made log fire flickering away, then his eyes fell on Jimin sitting comfortably on a couch, absorbed in a novel of some kind.

"J-Jungkook! whatever are you doing here?" Jimin called, almost leaping from the couch in surprise at seeing his neighbour stood there.

"I announced my arrival but...." Jungkook began, words quickly trailing off, completely distracted by Jimin's appearance and his unusual attire.

He threw out a few more consonants like a rambling fool, none managing to form into actual words. He was just glued to his neighbour's movements. The way he was dressed was so... It was so different. Jimin blushed deeply, clearly flustered under his intense stare and Jungkook felt his heart flux at the sweet shy reaction.

"Ah, it's called a Hanbok" Jimin shakily said, standing and straightening out the smooth fabric of the robe and loose pants that Jungkook, could not take his eyes off.

"I wasn't expecting company so early, so I dressed a little less formally".

"Hanbok?" Jungkook repeated, taking a step closer, almost greedily.

"It's traditional dress from Joseon, have you never seen one?" Jimin quizzed.

Jungkook shook his head sadly. "My mother passed away when I was young, there was no one else to who knew of our heritage."

"Oh! Well, I can tell you a little about them" Jimin replied encouragingly.

"This is just a basic one my mother made from silk and you would usually add layers depending on your role in society" Jimin informed, getting a little bit of his confidence back.

Jungkook was sure Jimin's history lesson was highly informative, but he barely listened to a word. The only sound that registered in his ears was the beat of his racing heart. He wasn't accustomed to seeing a man dressed in so few clothes. There was a lack of layers, to the basic one Jimin wore. No neck tie, no waist coat, no jacket. As he continued to stare, his thoughts suddenly became quite indecent.

"Here!, Have a feel!" Jimin innocently suggested and swiftly took Jungkook's hand, letting his fingers drag along the silky fabric at the collar.

Jungkook instantly ran his hand a little further down the neckline of the Hanbok, until he felt his knuckles graze across Jimin's bare chest underneath the robe and that touch was to be the last thread of his self-control.

Without conscious thought Jungkook pressed his neighbour against the nearest wall, his eyes fliting over Jimin's perfect lips.

The action was so sudden, it shocked them both. A heavy silence grew around them as Jungkook moved close enough to feel Jimin's shaky breaths across his neck. The closeness felt good, but also a little frightening.

Trembling with nerves, Jungkook's lips moved closer still. He had never done anything like this before, he could hardly breathe. When Jimin shivered under him, he panicked, scared of his own actions.

Pulling against the magnetic hold Jimin had over him, Jungkook tried to force his body away, but a greedy fist pulled him back in. Jimin had a firm grip of his lapel, keeping him near.

"Please! - Kiss me!" his neighbour mouthed so softly, it was barely audible, but enough for Jungkook to comply, pressing his own trembling mouth against Jimin's lips.

They breathed into each other ardently, a sense of relief of having finally acted on their desire. The embrace quickly deepened. Intense and lustful and perfect.

Jungkook pressed his body hard against Jimin, wanting to feel every inch of him. Heat rose across his skin as he sucked playfully on Jimin's bottom lip, pushing further, wanting to taste more of the man who lived next door.

Both lost themselves to time, Jungkook's journey to the city all but forgotten, all the troubles of the world, forgotten. The moment was pure heaven and even concerns for societies rules suddenly felt very distant. Jimin was perfect in his arms, nothing had ever felt more right.

But a sudden clang from outside the room, finally put paid to the passionate tryst, startling and propelling both, back to reality. Their perfect moment was over.

The clanging continued a little longer as a maid outside the door scrambled to gather whatever had been dropped and not doubt, was about to enter the room.

Jungkook untangled himself from Jimin's hold and hurdled back across the study as the door slowly opened. His hair dishevelled, attire undone and breathing quite laboured.

"I'm so sorry, sir. Please forgive me, I was supposed to inform Master Park that you had arrived, and I got waylaid. I am so deeply sorry" the maid cried, her head bowed down, not even daring to look at the master, in fear of a reprimand.

Something Jungkook was insanely grateful for, as he held his breath and looked at the view in front of him.

Whilst the maid stood in the open doorway, apologetic and sorrowful. Hidden just the other side, leaned his neighbour. Breathless and breath-taking. Jimin had clamped a hand over his mouth, in fear of being discovered, while the tie of his hanbok fell undone, letting Jungkook see his toned chest underneath.

It was a sight Jungkook doubted he would forget, never wanted to forget. Jimin looked a little wild, standing there and a little ruined, but so utterly beautiful and Jungkook was downright bewitched.

The maid apologised again and Jungkook answered, his words somewhat shaky.

"Do not fret, I managed to find Mr Park and conduct my business. But I think I should be leaving now; would you show me out?" he reluctantly added, realising his exit was the best way to ensure the maid did not venture further into the room and expose their secret tryst.

The girl nodded, grateful of the kind words and Jungkook followed her out, his gaze lingering on Jimin, desperately wishing he were back kissing those perfect lips.

Then, within just a few steps more, Jungkook had left Snow Cottage, trekked back across the fields and straight into a waiting carriage to take him South for a whole month.

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