Dice Blood (A Ninjago AU) [di...

By TheLotusMask

725 77 38

I don't own Ninjago or the characters... Well, not all of them... If you want to know the cat better, go see... More



30 3 4
By TheLotusMask

Real quick, shout out to @nanimaus5 for voting for my story. It makes me happy knowing that besides my number one fan Trilokik is reading this.


Five morphlings lined up as they held their school stuff.

"I still kinda don't understand why we're doing this," whispered Lloyd to Kai. "We've been doing this for how long and no one caught that we're morphlings yet."

"It's because of all the screw-ups that happened prior," answered Kai. "Remember that one time Jay sneezed and his wolf nose appeared in 9th grade IN THE MIDDLE OF A PRESENTATION?"

"Oh yeah."

Aloy was going around checking her party of morphlings while Cole was waiting in The Bandwagon. By the time he fell asleep in Aloy's old spot, the morphlings boarded.

"Do we wake him up?" Jay asked as sat in his spot.

For the record, from left to right, it's Zane, Aloy, Nya, Kai, Jay, Lloyd, and then a seventh spot way in the back where Cole now slept where Aloy used to sit while things in between were open spots for passengers.

"No," said Aloy as she turned her seat to face the back better eyeing Cole. "Let 'im sleep. We'll wake 'im when we're near the school. 'sides if 'e c'n sleep with da earing we stapled in 'is ear, 'e's golden."

No, they didn't use a stapler in his ear. Cole had gotten his ear pierced so he can wear a special lion earring that could listen. Each morphling had an earring similar to the picture above that worked as an earpiece for cases like this or something along these lines.

The drive to school was quieter than usual as thoughts of what Harumi could want from Cole were dancing like sugarplums on Christmas Eve.

When they were trying to find parking, Aloy got up and went to the back of The Bandwagon where Cole slept. She gently shook him awake.

"Wake, Shar-Cole," she said. His eyes fluttered open. "We're at school. Turn your lion on."

Cole had turned on his earpiece as he grabbed his bag. He yawned rubbing his eye.

"Cute," Aloy thought. "If that albino bitch wants Cole himself, then I'll see to it personally that she stays away."

Stairway W was the last stairway added to Ninjago High. Much to Cole's surprise, no one was there besides Harumi as she played with a jade pocket knife.

"Harumi," Cole growled a bit.

"Cole," said Harumi as she played with some loose hair. "How have you been?"

"Is my house still standing or did you blow that up too?"

"I asked first."

"Mine is more important."
Harumi presented her jade pocket knife to Cole.
"You better answer my question... I'm decent..."

"Then your house is... mostly okay."

"What do you mean?"

Harumi pulled out her phone showing him her lock screen. His eyes widened.

It was a selfie of herself and Morro with the puppy filter as they stood in front of Cole's house as it was burning.

"You burned my house down!?"

The Die's eyes widened.

"I didn't mean for it to happen," said Harumi innocently. Yeah right, you're innocent; bitch. "But when blowing up the junkyard, one thing let to another and your house caught on fire."

Cole was raised right. He knew better than to hit a girl, but all of the pictures he drew for his mother, family pictures with his mother, even some of her old clothes he planned on giving to his daughter if he had a family...


...at least he still had her ashes safe in The Lying Forest with a picture of her in her uniform...

...he was happy that at least was safe...

"You burned my house down, bombed Jay's home, sent a psychopath after me, causing trouble for The Die plus their fan club, and don't think for a second that I haven't seen you tossing the things guys had been giving you!"

Harumi frowned. Truth be told, Cole was aware of Harumi's existence prior. He had seen some guys woe over her and her locker would be overflowing with nice things like chocolates, flowers, all that jazz.

She would eat the chocolates and seem like she was enjoying the cards, flowers, and EXPENSIVE jewelry, but one day he saw her burning the cards and flowers while tossing the jewelry. Since then, he'd randomly watch her and take the fine works of wearable art. It's a good thing his father managed to take Cole's box of "stolen jewelry" to The Lying Forest.

At the moment, Cole's box was almost overflowing with jewelry that Harumi threw away and he's looking for a new box for his goods plus stands to display his favorites.

I digress, let's get back into their conversation.

"So what about the past?" she spat as she drew her blade to his neck. Cole wasn't afraid. "I need something from you now."

"Oh yeah? What the Underworld do you want? What do I have that's so important that you would make me have to experience what the Underworld is like!?"
Harumi grabbed his hand and brought it to her lower region...
"What the Underworld!?"

Cole quickly retracted his hand from her grasp before his hand could touch her. Harumi smiled wickedly.

"Stairway W has a second name," she said as she grabbed his shirt and slammed him against the corner. She had two handcuffs so she cuffed him to the railing as she whispered into his ear unknowingly into the lion earpiece. "It's called Stairway 69~"

This was it for Aloy. She rushed from her History class across the building leaping from the third to the first-floor landing on whatever to soften her landing along the way down. With anger pumping through her veins, she busted into Stairway W grabbing Harumi's hair dragging her away as she had just taken off her undies.

"YOU ARE NEVER TO TOUCH CHAR-COLE AS LONG AS I LIVE!!!" Aloy roared hurting her party's ears. Truth be told, they didn't even know she could run that fast across the building as some had just stepped out of the classroom. "CHAR-COLE'S UNDER MY CARE AND I'D RATHER RELIVE MY SIBLING DYING AGAIN THAN LET HIM JOIN YOU ONI BASTARDS!!!"

Aloy flipped Harumi over her shoulder making her land on her chest. Her eyes glowed for a bit before she turned to Cole.

He was shocked that Aloy, of all The Die, had come to save him and how angry she was. Not to mention that she didn't use her accent. She still seemed to be pissed as she walked towards him and held his hands.

"You hurt?" she whispered while locking eyes.


"She touched your skin?"

"Only my hands..."

"Against the wall."


"Back up!"

Cole did as he was ordered to do as Aloy kicked Harumi's jade pocket knife out of her hand then knocked Harumi out cold.

"Tigress what the Underworld!?" Lloyd whispered into his earpiece. He must've stepped out to a quiet place. "That was so risky! I even saw you rush by!! What were you thinking!?!"

"Don't get your tail tied, Dragin," she responded as she took a picture of "the crime scene" as a whole. "Ya don't think I got dis? I'm proud a Shar-Cole fer havin' 'is stuff with 'im."

Cole smiled a bit as he looked away.

"Why? There's nothing useful to protect you from Harumi-"

"If she does try ta press charges or whatever, I got it taken care a. I don't wanna hear it from any a ya... We're makin' Shar-Cole a colla an' a bandana ta ensure dat people know 'e's with us when we get 'ome."

Hums could be heard through Cole and Aloy's earpieces as she went over to him once more.

"Be still, my human," she said as she caressed his cheek. Cole could feel his heart get faster. "I promise dat when ya die, you'll come back an' be one a us. Die in as few pieces as possible, understand?"

"I understand," he replied as he locked eyes with her.

"Good," said Aloy as she broke the handcuffs off of Cole's wrists, but kept them attached to the railing. The five-minute bell rang. "Come, your Math class will begin soon."

"So will your History class."

"Sure, I'll piss Kai off, but fuck History. Today in particular. I get why it gotta be enforced, but we know dat 'Da Overlord' was a piece a shit... I don't need ta write notes in dat..."

Cole chuckled as he thought about what just happened. Now he had an idea of what he could do with the jewelry Harumi threw away.


Word Count: 1453

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