Little Tomlinson™ [✔] Complet...

By ForeverDreamingx

2.2M 23.1K 3.5K

[✔] Completed ©ForeverDreamingx™ 2014 More



80.5K 792 62
By ForeverDreamingx

Audrey's POV

"...he's your dad." I finally spit out. It wasn't that I didn't want her to know, I was just unsure of what her reaction would be.

She placed her juice box on the table and looked up at Louis and then back to me. After a second she jumped down from her seat at the table and ran over to Louis. He picked her up so effortlessly and they gave each other a big hug. It was so adorable, I couldn't help but smile.

Once he put her back down on the ground she came over to me. "I told you mum! Millie will be so jealous! What do I do? I don't want to make her mad...." Annabell said nervously.

"I think it'd be best if you don't tell anyone yet. Okay monkey?" I told her. Monkey was the nick name my mother gave me when I was little and it was cute, so I passed it down to Annabell.

She nodded her head and started to ramble again. I swear, little girls never shut up once they learn how to talk. "Are we going to do something together? I really want to hang out with both of you a lot. Katie can come next week, right mummy?"

"Katie could come next week, but mummy has school and work Mondays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays. I'm sorry, love." I explained, sad to say it myself.

"What about you daddy? Are you busy?" Annabell asked Louis.

"Well sweety, I um...I have a girlfriend and I was going to be with her. But I suppose you could hang out with us if it's okay with your mum." Louis said to Annabell.

Oh no, not the puppy dog eyes. I hate those, they're so hard to say no to. I want her to spend time with Louis, I just don't know that I want her around his girlfriend. Call me overprotective, but I never met this girl and I know nothing about her. What if she's a potential bad example for my little angel? I don't want that.

My phone vibrating in my back pocket tore me out of my thoughts. I unlocked the screen and tapped on the new text message I'd just recieved.

From: Ryan Q.

Hey, I was wondering if you'd want to meet up tomorrow for lunch or something?

I bit my lip nervously. There was something about Ryan that I really liked. He was kind, considerate, polite, helpful, knew how to cook, and got along with Annabell. All of those things were great and I really did like him. Plus he was pretty attractive if I don't say so myself. Maybe I should give him a chance.

I turned to Louis. "What time would you be taking her tomorrow if I say yes?" I asked.

"About 11:00 if that's okay with you." he answered.

I thought about it for a moment. Maybe it wasn't such a bad thing for Annabell to meet his girlfriend. She was bound to meet her at some point anyway; it's not like we'll be getting back together. At least I don't think we would be. As I said earlier, girlfriend, AKA: off limits. Not that I necessarily wanted him in the first place. I wanted him strictly for Annabell, not myself. It's going to stay that way....I hope. I mean, we never even were together. We slept together, that was it.

"Annabell can go with you, but you have to swear that she'll be your top priority and in your sight every second." I said in a serious tone.

"I promise she won't get out of my sight." Louis reassured me. I nodded and decided to text Ryan back.

To: Ryan

Hey! Yeah, I'd love to go out for lunch(: Could you pick me up around 11:30?

From: Ryan

Great! I'll be there :)

**NEXT DAY @ 10:50**

"Hurry Annabell, your daddy will be here soon and we still have to fix your hair and put on shoes." I reminded my little girl. She ran over to me with her shoes in her hands and I knelt down with one knee on the floor. I picked her up and sat her on my other thigh as I put her shoes on her feet. After they were on she stood up and I tied the laces.

I stood up and got the hairbrush off of the dresser. Brushing through her hair wasn't as difficult as usual because I decided to straighten it today. Her natural hair was loose dirty blonde curls, but I occasionally straighten it when I feel up to it. Truthfully her hair is absolutely gorgeous when it's in its natural style and I'm pretty jealous of her perfect hair.


"Hurry mummy, he's here! He's here!" Annabell cheered pulling on my arm. I followed her out of the room and down the steps to the front door. She unlocked the bottom lock on the door handle and I did the one she couldn't reach. Right after the click of the top lock she turned the doorknob and practically flung the door open.

"Hello there sunshine!" Louis greeted Annabell, squating down so they were closer to the same hieght. She ran into his outspred arms and he closed his arms around her in a warm, loving hug.

Maybe I have assumed too much about what kind of guy he was. The whole club thing happened three years ago, it was in the past. People make mistakes, and when they realize what they've done, most try to change. It looks like Louis was successful in that matter.

He had a girlfriend, and from what he told me yesterday, they've been together for a couple years now. His mum was even trying to get him to marry her, but he just wasn't ready yet. I don't blame him. I mean, I'm no where near ready for marriage. I don't even have a boy friend. It might just be because I'm picky with boys due to Annabell, and well past experiences.

"I'll have her back here by 5 O'clock." Louis said as he scooped Annabell up in his arms.

"Okay, have fun you two!" I called after them as Louis walked down the drive with her held in his arms.

I didn't mean to be nosey, but I had to sneak a peek at his girlfriend. She was sat in the front passenger seat and she waved at Annabell as they passed by her to the backseat. She had loosely curled brown hair and looked very pretty from what I could see. He's most definitely going to end up marrying her; I can see it now.

I walked back inside and closed the door, leaning on the back of it and sighing. For some odd reason I was feeling kind of jealous. It has to be because Katie and I are now no longer the only women in Annabell's life now. This can't have anything to do with Louis having a girlfriend. It just can't. That would be absurd.

After reassuring myself about my odd and sudden developement of emotions, I made my way upstairs to my bedroom. I needed to finish getting ready for my date with Ryan so I got out my makeup bag. I put on foundation, eyeliner, mascara, and a light shade of eyeshadow. My outfit consisted of skinny jeans, a plaid red and white shirt, and moccasins.

The doorbell rang not long after I was finished getting ready and I hurried to the door with my jacket.

"Hey, you ready?" Ryan asked when I opened the door.

"Yeah, let's go." I replied with a smile as I came outside and closed the front door behind me. After locking the door, I followed Ryan down the drive where he opened the car door for me. He's a gentlemen too, great!

Ugh, I need to get rid of this attitude. Why it's happening baffles me. I really can't put my finger on what's making me so disheveld lately.

We drove to the restaurant making small talk in the car. It seem strange and very awkward to me for some odd reason. He was only trying to be polite and I've been replying with simple one or two word answers.

Louis' POV

"Hi honey, my name's Eleanor." my girlfriend told Annabell sweetly when we got out of the car.

At first El wasn't for the whole "hang out with my kid" day. She was actually pretty upset. You might even call it jealousy. All I know is that if she's going to keep acting like that  because she's not the only girl in my life, we're going  to have problems. Serious problems and I never thought that would happen with her.



Crappy ending, I know. Sorry about that :\ I was just so excited because this has a  trailer now!!! Yay! Thank you @Penelopeluvs1D for the fabLOUIS trailer! It's on the side and I hope you all like it. Also the story is now #118 in Fan Fiction and #201 in Teen Fiction! Aaaahhhh!

Feel free to drop a comment below with thoughts on the chapter and/or trailer, and any suggestions. Thank you!

~Jenna xo

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