As bad as we are now

By cakeloves18

289 17 9

Everyone has a crack in their hearts there's where the light comes in. More

Chapter one - last day of summer vacation
Chapter two - first day of school
Chapter three - The break down
Chapter four- Wasted
Chapter five- Cold
Chapter six- relapse
Chapter seven - Field trip
Chapter eight - are we good?
Chapter nine- secrets
Chapter ten - hurt
Chapter eleven- treason
Chapter thirteen- action movie
Chapter fourteen- heartburning

Chapter twelve - babysitting

16 1 0
By cakeloves18

Calum POV

 I make her get in the car after the big argue, she needs to calm down sometimes, I don't know what that guy said to her but she didn't had to call all this attention on her.

"I'm not feeling that great." she says and leans her head back

"that makes two of us then." I don't even know why am I doing this, why is she in my car and why am I driving her home.

"I meant it... I think I'm going to throw up." she says with a weak voice

"no, no. Not in my dad's car!" I say to her, she looks pale and she has a shiny skin from the sweat, even sick she manages to look beautiful.

"can you go slower?!" she says "I think I'm motion sick."

"no, you're drunk sick. it's a different thing." I give a small giggle and I look at her with a smile, she's crying.  My smile instantly disappears with her silent crying, tears drops fall down her cheek.

"hey. what's wrong?" I slow down the car to look better at her

"nothing... I'm really not feeling good." she cleans her tears with her sleeve

"it's okay. you're going to be fine, we're almost home." I say and she nods

" I mean, I don't know if you're crying because of me or not. but please don't. I'm not worth it. " i say after a while, the words just leave my mouth

"the world doesn't turn around you." she says and silence feels the car for a few good minutes, I guess she really hates me then. maybe is better that way, I don't want to make her feel bad or  feeling insecure like me and my family do right now.

"do you really hate me?" the words leave my mouth and i just want to punch myself , why can help myself from saying stupid things I don't believe

"sometimes." she says and turns her head to face me

"what about the other times you don't hate me?" I press my hands harder on the wheel.

she puts her hair in the back of her ear and says "i hate you less."

"good." I say

"good?"she asks but I don't say anything  "what about you? you don't hate me after all..." she states

"apparently not." I say

"good." she says like I did before and smiles

I park in front of her house and I turn off the car lights making everything pinch black. I wish I could kiss her now, right now. maybe in this pinch black scenario I had the guts to do it and no one will see us. but to be honest she would probably punch me.

"thanks for bringing me home." she opens the passenger door

"yeah, it's alright." I say in a cold voice, still don't like when she drinks it makes me vulnerable.

"ouch. fuck" I hear her groan on the other side, I turn the car lights on and I see her on the floor

"oh shit!" I get out of the car in a fast pace

"you're okay?" I ask her and she is already up

"my hand is bleeding... it burns." she says and closes and opens her hand making it bleed even more

"okay, lets go inside. " i say and i grab her arm

"it's fine. i can take care of myself." she backs away from me " I'm fine. thanks again." she says

"no. I can go with you..." i start walking next to her

"Calum, I said I'm fine. I'll just put a band aid or something." she turns at me but she looks down at her hand

"okay, fine I don't care" I turn around and I get inside the car. I still wait for her to get inside the house and then I start the car.

Lara POV

Today is one of those days, early morning, messy hair, big baggy t-shirt,  laying in bed watching a movie on your laptop and eating almost all the food you have inside the house.

I don't remember a thing from last night well, I do but everything seems blur and i definitely don't remember what happened to my hand, the blood is already dry but it still hurts when I close it.

I put a movie on Netflix, and I watch it for the thousand time, the one and only "the notebook", I do cry every time though.

Trying to avoid my mom today has not being that easy has I thought it was going to be, but I managed to have a quick snack(again) before she can see me and I turn back to my room. I decide to put a horror movie for a change and well it's going alright, I almost tore my blanket in two, so it's a big progress.

My phone vibrates in my desk and I almost jump from the bed, how loud it was. Everything seems loud when you're watching scary movies, it's inevitable.

I quiclky stop the movie and pick it up

"hello?" i ask

"hello, Lara? it's your aunt " I recognize her voice from the other side of the line

"oh, hi aunt Julie. " i say and I turn on the light from my desk

"I called your dad for help and he told me to call you and you will help me." she says pretty stressed out

"okay..." what does she want now?!

"I need you to take care of Adrian for me, my baby sister couldn't come. and I have dinner with Dan " she says

no fucking way, I'm not doing to do it "sorry I'm kind of busy..." i say and look at my computer

"I need you to take care of him, please! it's just a couple of hours and ill pay you, promise." she tries to convince me with her pity puppy voice

"fine! ill be there" i say to her

"oh thank God! you're an angel! " she says with a irritable happy voice

"do you still leave in the same place?" I ask her, I don't visit her a lot, maybe I should... she lives close and I only see her on family vacations or when some family event happens

"yeah I leave in the center of town now... I'll send you the address." she says, why does everyone have to move to the center now?!

"I'll see you in a bit then." I say to her and hang up


I just put a warm coat on me and I leave the house in minutes, I park my motorcycle in front of her building and I get in, she quickly shows me where all Adrian stuff are and he sits on the couch watching television.

"okay so you can have dinner with him if you want, I left pizza in the oven, and ... oh, put him to bed at nine, not one more minute." she puts her red curly hair in the back of her ear

"okay." I say

"i'll see you in a bit, baby." she kisses Adrian on the cheek and I sit next to him on the couch

"I'm not a baby anymore mom, I told you!" he says, how old he's he? he looks like twelve. he's my cousin I should know these stuff.

"bye, you two behave!" she points at us and finally leaves

After a while of watching TV and awkward silence I ask him "so how old are you?"

"I'm ten. you?"

"ten! woah... okay. I'm eighteen. " I say to him with a smile

"I wish I had eighteen, I could do what I want." he turns to me

"and what was that?" I lift a eyebrow at him

"now that I think about it, I'm not really sure." he smiles at me, for a ten years old he's quite smart

"enjoy! growing up is a trap. trust me." i say

"maybe... would I still have problems with girls?" he asks

"yes. I think all your life." I say and giggle

"girls are mean. not you. but the girls at my school." he says

"why is that?"

"they say I'm gross and a nerd. maybe I am." he looks down sad

"well I have good news for you. girls like cute nerd guys like you, study hard, have money, they all fall at your feet." i say

"I want to be a physic or maybe a aeronautic , I'm not sure yet." he says

"okay... good luck!" I say to him "are you sure, you're ten?"

"it's what the candle said on my last cake." he says and I laugh

"speaking about cake I'm hungry, we should eat." i say and i get up, i take the pizza out of the oven and bring the plates and glasses to the table in front of the TV.

"my mom never eats here." he says

"well , we can open a exception today." I say while I cut the pizza in slices

"okay. " he takes one part of the sliced pizza "and it's nine already." he says

"dude! you need to chill." i say"just eat your pizza and then you go to bed."

"what's chill?"

"relax, it's relax. you're a kid, you should play with real toys and wanted to stay up all night."

"oh, i do that. sometimes. "

"I'm sure you do."

After Adrian eat the pizza he was quickly in bed and here I am watching TV and almost falling asleep, there's literally no shows that really catch my interest in so many channels, how is that even possible. I just want to leave...

I hear the door open almost silently and my aunt Julie goes straight to the kitchen. Dan is not with her?


I enter the kitchen and i seat in the chair next to the balcony, she's drinking a glass of water "so how did it go?" she asks

"fine, yeah it's not that bad, he's sleeping..." I say

"see told you! how much hours were you here?" she sits next to me

"oh, just 2 hours" i check my phone it's ten pm

"okay well, 40 bucks will do? " she takes her wallet from her tiny bag

"it's fine, you don't have to pay me for god sakes, we are family." i say

"oh that's really nice of you.  " she stares at me, like she's waiting for me to say something

"so... he stood up you?" I finally say what I had in my mind these all time

"what? no! he forgot of course. Dan would never ditch on me, would he?" she says

"yes forgot, of course that's what I meant" I say noticing her sad face.

"he forgot me at the restaurant, I just wanted to talk to him is not a lot to ask is it? do you think?"

"what do you want me to say?"

"have you ever be stood up by a man?" she asks

"haaa well..." I immediately thing about the time Calum make me wait 2 hours but she interrupts me "you know what Lara, work always comes first and we always come second and don't think that is ever going to change for a second, it's not! ever."

she's slightly drunk and sad and it's not a good combination "you know I kind have to go i have this test tomorrow..." i say

"its fine I can wrote you a note" she says "but" I say and she interrupts me again "I guess deep down what I'm really afraid is that he disappoints me even more, and then my brain takes this shit like normal and then I'll be so sad by life then just for a second i will consider asking an homeless guy to comfort me and he will do it because we all know how they are, anyway. because my life would suck even more than his, and well, i will probably enjoy the homeless guy because why not , I'm not getting anything in this house, we don't even have sex anymore!  "

"okay! ... that's enough" i say

 " I'm sorry but that, this what is happening here is what causes divorces and stuff, I'm so sorry this is way out of line. you want some tea?" she asks

"sure... I'm not getting any closer to leave am I?" i ask and i take my coat and smile

"no. " she smiles back

"you should talk to him about this..." I say to her

" you know what?! I'm just going to bed" she gets up of the chair and opens the freezer

"you getting the ice cream out... okay." i say

"I'll call you tomorrow. thank you, love" she hugs me with the ice cream touching my back and it makes me shiver

"I'll just close the door on my way out." I say but she's long gone in to her room.

I put my coat back on and i leave the building, i get in my motorcycle and it doesn't turn on. did I leave the lights on? no way. this can't be happening.

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