Climbing out of the Shadows [...

Por duuuuuude12

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[TWO] Jeff and Marry Stylinson never imagined being parents one day. In their school days at Hogwarts, when t... Más

The Family
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Por duuuuuude12

Hope was determined to make this Christmas the best one anyone had celebrated in all their lives. She knew that was a very ambitious goal to have, but she really was shooting for the stars here. 

On Christmas eve they had celebrated Louis's birthday as well as placing out some decorations along with the tree. It was nothing big or grand, and so Hope set out late that night to change it all up.

"Lottie," Hope hissed at her sister as she accidentally dropped a present too hard on the ground admitting a thud into the house. "You have to be quiet."

"Oh I'm so sorry," Lottie gave her a disinterested look. "My bad for being woken up at 3 am to start the Christmas celebrations. Oh wait, we aren't. I am just putting everything together that you want."

"Yeah, because you can use magic outside of school," Hope rolled her eyes. "Just think of it like your that muggle guy, Santa Claus."

"Great, I'm a fat old geezer with a long white beard," Lottie threw her hands up in the air with a huff.

"I just need you to finish doing the stuff in the Kitch and then you can go back to bed," Hope handed her a sketch on how she imagined the kitchen to look.

"Alright, yeah, that's easy enough," Lottie looked it over. "What are you going to do then, because you better not go up to sleep and leave me here to finish everything."

"No," Hope rolled her eyes once more. "I still have my present for Sirius I need to finish."

"Oh, right," Lottie nodded her head, remembering what Hope had explained what she wanted to do for Sirius. "Do you want my help with that, could go by a lot faster."

"No, I want to do it on my own. Makes it feel more special," Hope said, as she gathered up the supplies she would need. 

It took Hope well into the morning to finish her surprise gift for Sirius. She wanted to do something special for him because he was trapped inside this reached house for so long and just dying to escape from it. Lottie had long since gone back to bed at this point, she tried to stay up with her sister, but was just too tired.

Once she was done she went back into the sitting room to admire their work. There was a large tree practically touching the top of the ceiling, only giving it enough space for the sparkling star. She and Lottie had decorated the tree in very bright and vibrate decorations that covered every inch of the three. As well as the fact that they had placed in the homemade decorations from both their home and the Weasleys that they had placed on the tree the night before. With many a presents sat under there.

Throughout the room, it looked so much different than what it normally looked like. The once dull and dark room was now a winter wonderland of sorts, and from the ceiling came little snowflakes just like the ones at Hogwarts. With many silly and fun decorative stuff placed all around the room. 

There were far too many people to place stocking along the fireplace- that would surely end with a fire- so Hope lined the staircase with them. Each of them filled to the brim with stuff, because Sirius really should not have allowed the girl access to the Black Family vault. 

But she made sure to only use the money for good things for Christmas. And some other things she's not going to discuss, because she really wanted that fancy quill set. 

Hope heard the stairs creaking behind her and looked up to see her mother walking down the stairs.

"What's all this?" Marry smiled very brightly when she got down to the bottom of the stairs. "Did you spend all night working on this darling?"

"Yeah, Lottie helped me out," Hope smiled. "Merry Christmas mum."

"Merry Christmas dear," Marry pulled her daughter in for a hug and kiss her cheek. "Oh, this is so wonderful dear. I say Molly and I were quite worried about having so many of you children in the house all at once. But this just makes it feel so special. I could... I could..."

"Mum, are you crying?" Hope asked as she pulled away to see her mother fanning her face as to try and prevent some tears from spilling out.

"I'm fine," Marry waved it off. "I'm just- oh this is so nice of you to do Hope."

"Well if everyone gives me this reaction I might have to do this again," Hope smirked, but then she saw some color drain from her mother's face, and she put her hand over her mouth. "Seriously mum, are you alright?"

"I'm fine," Marry took some deep breaths. "Just the food from last night didn't sit well with me."

"Well, you did eat Hagrid's rock cakes he sent it," Hope pointed out. "Mum there is a reason us kids were going to use those as target practice."

"Oh hush," Marry laughed a bit as she hit Hope's arm. "I'll be fine, I just need some water."

"Well, Lottie decorated the kitchen as well, so go check that out. I need to go upstairs and change," Hope said.

When she went upstairs to her room, she saw Lottie was still passed out and happily dreaming about something. Hope didn't want to wake her yet, it was only half past five in the morning, she deserved some sleep. 

So instead, she took a quick shower and changed into her festive pajamas her mother always got each year. Marry got them for everyone this year. Hope knew her mother would love the Christmas decorations most out of anyone due to the fact that Christmas was Marry's favorite holiday. Every year she would go to the most extreme lengths to decorate their home. One year a Ministry worker even had to come to their house because Marry had gone a little too far on the decorations. 

Once everyone was up, they were equally as shocked and amazed by all the fun decorations and the massive stack of presents waiting for them. They hadn't cried like Marry had done, but they were never the less thrilled with everything. 

"I think I smoked too much," Harry Stylinson had rubbed his eyes when he walked down the stairs. "Did the house change overnight or am I hallucinating again?"

"No, it changed," Ashton told him. "But you probably are hallucinating."

"Yeah, Christmass weed is great," Harry grinned. 

Molly had made quite a big breakfast for everyone, probably because all her children were here. Well, not all her children. Percy had sent back the present Molly had sent him the night before. Not even opening it. When Luke and Calum saw that owl arriving, they quickly took the present and tossed it out the window, knowing it would only make Molly cry to know Percy could not even budge to accept a present from his own mother. It was best if she simply did not know so that it did not ruin her day.

Arthur was released from the hospital the day before, and even all banged up still with some stitches, he was still as excited as anyone to celebrate the holiday with his family and friends. 

Hope noticed that when they all sat down, Harry- her friend- was not down here yet. So she wandered back upstairs in order to drag him out of his room. She didn't even bother knocking, just walked in to see him sitting on his window ledge looking outside at the snow.

"You know there is a great view downstairs of the snow as well," Hope smirked as she walked closer to him. "But you know if you do stare at it long enough up here, I think the snowmen might start dancing."

"Shove off," Harry muttered under his breath.

"You really are in the Christmas spirit," Hope giggled as she took a seat next to him. "Want to tell me why you got a wand up your arse."

"Hope you wouldn't understand," Harry breathed out a harsh breath. "He's in my head, I can't be around anyone. Just being here could hurt The Order."

"Oh, so it's a pity party," Hope nodded her head. "Right I see, yeah, okay. Want us to move you upstairs in the attack with Buckbeak? Bet Voldemort would love to see a great big Hippogiff staring back at him."

"It's not funny Hope," Hope grumbled. "I'm-"

"Being a prat, right," Hope finished for him. "Because you don't think anyone in this house knows what it's like to go against Voldemort, to have lost people to him. You don't think that Dumbledore, literally the most powerful wizard of our time, didn't consider safety in placing you here."

"He's in my head," Harry knew she would never understand this.

"He was in Ginny's as well," Hope gave him a look. "Remember, second year, Chamber of Secrets. Any of this ringing a bell? Because there is someone in this house that knows what you're going through, you're just choosing to think you stand alone in all this instead of looking or asking for help. Because this is your family Harry, you basically got all mine and Ron's siblings that would do anything to help you, as well as our parents. You have Sirius, Lupin, McGonagall, Tonks, the Shacklebolt's, even Dumbledore who stand by you and only want to help you. At some point, you need to stop letting Voldemort trap you in your own mind and see that there are people here that care deeply for you."

Harry looked a little perplexed by this, "I never, well, I forgot about Ginny."

"She didn't forget," Hope said as she stood up. "So when your ready, put on those pajamas my mother gave you, and get your but downstairs because I'm pretty sure Molly won't let us open up our gifts unless you are there."

Harry did eventually join them all in the festive Christmas, and he seemed to be in much better spirits then he was before. He even helped pull Ron into the jumper his mother knitting for him this year. Ron never seemed to like his because she always made him a maroon one, and that wasn't his favorite color. 

"Hope, this ones from me," Liam passed her a gift as they were all opening up presents in the sitting room.

"Thanks," Hope grinned as she ripped off the package, and she tried really hard to keep that grin on her face when she saw what was inside. "Oh nice, a book on navigating adult life."

"I read that a while ago, I thought you would like it," Liam seemed proud of himself for getting her that.

"I really do love it, thank you," Hope gave him a quick hug. She knew it wasn't all about what she was given, more the thought behind it. But really, Liam should have thought a bit harder. 

"Oh, sick!" Michael held up a new record he was given. "Is this signed by all the Beatles?"

"Yeah, found that on sale in a muggle shop," Zayn told him. "Might not be real signatures, but we can pretend they are."

"Thanks, mate," Michael chuckled as he and Ashton examined the very nice new album that would go in his collection back at home.

"Here I got something for you," Fred handed her a medium sized box that he clearly wrapped himself.

Hope tore off the paper and opened the box to pull out a long sleeved shirt that said 'Weasley Wizard Wheezes first customer.' "Thank you, Fred, I love it."

"I thought you might, since well, you did eat the first batch of Nose Bleeding Nougat," Fred's cheeks turned pink a bit.

"Ah, and the last time I ever eat any of your products," Hope giggled as she pulled out a small present from behind her. "This is for you."

Fred, much like when Hope opened up Liam's present, tried to look happy when he pulled out a pair of socks. "Wow, thanks."

"Here, look at the top of them," Hope flipped them over to see why she had picked them out for her boyfriend.

And Fred gasped in amazement as he watched a little quidditch player racing around the top of the socks trying to hit a bludger. "Okay, these are wicked cool."

"I saw them in Hogsmeade, thought you would like them," Hope leaned over and kissed his cheek.

"I should have gotten you a shirt that said best girlfriend ever," Fred told her.

"Thats can be next year's gift," Hope winked as she stood up, the hep of paper sitting on her falling to the ground.

She stepped around a lot of the mess and people passing around presents till she got to Sirius. He was sitting in a chair looking very happy with the scarf Molly had made him warped around his neck.

"You look like your enjoying yourself," Hope grinned at the man.

"I really am," Sirius grinned back. "I don't think this house has ever had this much... happiness in it."

"Well if it breaks we know why," Hope said causing Sirius to let out his bark like laugh. "Hey, I have my gift for you."

"Oh you didn't have to get me anything," Sirius told her.

"Well you got me a set of gold diamond earrings and a firebolt this year, so," Hope gave him a look. "Mines not that expensive, but I will be the factor in bringing this house down with happiness."

"Just wait till your birthday, I got sixteen presents," Sirius told her.

"Well just come and see this one now," Hope pulled him out of his seat.

"See?" Sirius asked as Hope lead him down the hall. "See what?"

"Your present," Hope told him. "Now close your eyes."

Sirius did as he was told closing his eyes as he let Hope lead him down the hall. She stopped in front of a room before she pushed the door open. Leading him inside of it, she placed him in the middle before turning him around. 

"Okay," Hope took a step back. "Open your eyes."

Sirius opened them up and gasped in surprise. "Oh Hope..."

On the wall in front of him, which once sat the large Black Family tree, was now painted. In its place stood a different family tree, an actual family tree. There was Sirius and Olivia in the center of it and scattered through there were many of paintings of other people. There was Hope and her family, the Wealsy family, Harry and his parents, Remus, and his cousin Andromeda Tonks with her family on there as well. 

"I thought you might like to see your actual family up here," Hope told him. 

"I do, I really do," Sirius smiled as he sniffed a bit. "Thank you princess, this is wonderful. Did you do this yourself?"

"Oh hell no," Hope shook her head. "I'm a decent drawler, not this good. Zayn's been helping me since break started in doing all this. Thats why they look very well drawn and can move a bit. I drew the wall behind you."

Sirius turned around and his eyes widened as he could not help but laugh. "Well that is just as good."

The opposite wall was painted as a child would paint the beach. It wasn't anywhere comparable to what Zayn had painted, but you could tell it was meant to look like the beach.

"I thought you could come in here when you feel like you're being trapped inside and just look at the beach and your family," Hope explained. 

"I love that idea," Sirius placed his arm around her as he pulled her in for a hug. "I think I will be using this room a lot more than I used to."

"Yeah, we can move a chair in here and some other things and make it Sirius's quiet room," Hope said.

"More like Sirius freak out room," He chuckled once more. 

Once Sirius had examined every piece of painting in the room of all the people he called family, and then they had made fun of Hope's poor drawing and the fact that she had drawn a seagull that looked like an egg with wings, they made their way back to the other.

"Oh, there you two are," Marry smiled as they saw both her and Jeff holding hands as everyone seemed to be waiting for them to say something. "I didn't want you to miss the surprise."

"What surprise?" Hope asked as she went to sit between Niall and Louis on the couch. 

"Well, you know we love each of you children very dearly," Marry said first. "Being your mother has been my greatest joy in life."

"Are we getting unadopted?" Calum asked. 

"Can you even be unadopted?" Michael furrowed his brows.

"None of you are getting unadopted," Jeff couldn't help but laugh. "Just listen to your mother, alright."

"Yes, we love you all so much," Marry looked to each of her children. "And all the new family we have added on. I didn't think I would ever be a mother to so many children, but it is my greatest joy. And we can not wait to bring your little brother or sister into it."

"What?" Niall asked. "I'm very confused, are you adopting another child?"

"No," Jeff shook his head. "Your mother is pregnant!"


Several of their children had jumped up all at once, leaping of wrapping paper and people to get to hug their mother.

Hope sat in her seat, completely shocked out of her mind. She couldn't even move.

"Hope, you're going to be a big sister," Louis chuckled as he nudged her arm. 

"I'm going to be a big sister," Hope repeated, still in shock. "Wow."

"This is amazing mum," Harry was smiling with joy as he hugged his mother. "But aren't you too old-"

Niall and Liam had never hit Harry so hard and so fast in his life, only to prevent him from saying the rest of that sentence. 

"So amazing!" Gemma yelled over Harry's cries for help. 

"Oh your first pregnancy," Molly gushed hugging Marry in a much more delicate way than she normally would. "It's a wonderful experience, truly magical to go through. Well minus the cravings, the morning sickness, the swollen feet, the way you feel your body changing in such-"

"I think she gets the picture dear," Arthur chuckled from his wheelchair. "Congratulations Marry."

"Thank you," Marry smiled. "I honestly didn't think I could conceive, and you know, with all our children already we were content."

"Beyond belief," Jeff added getting a wack from his wife that only made him chuckle. 

"I'm just excited to get to go through the experience and have another baby, what with all our leaving," Marry sniffled a bit. "Oh, Jeff this child is going to grow up to leave us as well."

"You still have like two years with Hope," Luke sent his sister a teasing look.

'I'm going to kill you,' Hope mouthed to her brother. 

"Our little baby isn't going to be the baby anymore," Marry fanned her face. 

"Really," Hope smiled with excitement. "Well, that's just another blessing then mother."

"Oh, Arthur, isn't it exciting to have a baby around," Molly kissed her husband's cheek.

"Don't even think about it," Arthur shook his head. 

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