By Shery7888

170K 7.5K 1.2K

"I am small I am short, really short 5foot6 I am feminine My skin is soft, smooth like women I act childish... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22

Chapter 15

6.7K 299 25
By Shery7888

Kyle's POV

"Guys I will see you later" I said picking up my jacket ready to leave when Caleb stood in my way blocking my path "I have to go"

"Not until you tell us what is going on, You get taken in a blind fold, come back in the morning, spend the day on your phone like a teenager in love, never spending time with us anymore on this vacation that was made for us now you are leaving again" I guess I didn't see how I have changed in just days, I don't even recognize myself but at the same time I feel more like myself than I have felt in a very long time

"Spill" Henry added when I just stood there with a wide smile on my lips. I passed my hand on my forehead my face heating up for absolutely no fuckin reason and now I know they can both see me like this 'So fuckin embarrassing, I never blush' "Oh, I can't wait to hear this one" Henry said with a chuckle while wrapping his hand over his chest, I know they can see my blush

"It's nothing, ah, I have to go" I don't feel like talking about it and I know I am going to be teased about this, catching feelings, I was supposed to be the no feeling guy now look where I am. This was absolutely not the time to get teased by them when I have a new thing going on with me now.

"Alright man" I felt relieved when they didn't pressure me to explain myself but actually opened the door for me to leave "Kyle" I turned to Henry who threw the car keys my way "Have fun" I nodded running out of there with a wide smile my heart thumping like a drum at this second date that I couldn't wait to be on.

The night of our date was wild, like wilder than I have ever experienced in my entire life. Spending the night talking and laughing with someone you feel so connected with more than anyone in this entire world. Just laying on that car talking about everything but absolutely nothing was the best time of my life, Rehan had a way he got on me and just filled me whole in ways I didn't know I needed to be filled. This vacation got better the day I met Rehan, My smile only widened when I saw him standing at the front door of the hotel wearing a big shirt that hid his form with skinny jeans, looking as cute as ever, I sneaked behind slowly snaking my hands around him.

He squeaked probably startled by my touch but soon he recoiled into it like an animal searching for warmth. I hummed holding him tighter "Hi" I greeted, he turned around jumping onto me right before he attached our lips together in a bone crashing kiss that made me breathless and at the same time horny as hell, by the time he broke it staring at me with a wide smile with his wet lips I felt like we should just get a room and feel him in me.

"That's how I say hi"

"I like your way best" I laughed lifting him up so that I got a great hold on him "But I hate one thing about your way, it has just made me as horny as Fuck"

"If it didn't I would be worried" I laughed as he jumped off of me getting on his feet "Where were you taking me Kyle Pierce"

"After that kiss I forgot" I teased while scratching my head pretending to have forgotten all about it, he rolled his eyes jumping off of the stairs running all the way to the cars jumping like a child who had just woken up on a Christmas morning, so childish, so adorable "Now I am getting worried if you will be able to handle where I am taking you"

"There is absolutely nothing I can't handle" he yelled back and every head turned our way "So bring it on Kyle Pierce"

"Oh, it's on babe let's go" I laughed jumping into the car as he got into the passenger seat. I drove out of the parking lot of the hotel as Rehan played with the radio searching for a song and when he got the station he wanted he leaned back in the chair with his hands tying his hair into a tiny puff that brought out hit face perfectly, the way he sat with one of his leg up on the chair looking so damn sexy that my thoughts are in only one place 'How it would feel like to be fucked in a car' we have fucked on top but how about in it, that sounded so sexy.

I stepped on the gas turning my attention to the road while shifting in my seat to get rid of my raging boner that is never down when with Rehan or when I am not with him "I wanted to ask you something" I nodded giving him one glance his hazel eyes capturing me in that second that I smiled getting even more excited increasing the car speed "Whoa ooh" Rehan yelled getting his head out of the window letting his hands up in the air as I laughed stepping onto the speed "Increase the volume" he yelled from outside and I did, the song "And tonight I wanna drive so far, we'll only find static on the radio. Will you be my boyfriend" He sang above his voice.

I didn't know the song but his last lyrics just didn't match what whoever sang this song said. He suddenly got back in the car turning the volume down "What do you say?"

"You messed up the lyrics yet you were going so fine"

"No silly, I want you to be my boyfriend" I stepped on the brakes stopping the car and I was so glad we are on an empty road coz if someone was behind us they would have collided into us right away "So?" I was excited but then again nervous, this will be my first relationship and I don't know how this goes, is it right, will it work out god knows how much I want it to work out like really bad but once this vacation is over we will separate and I don't know from there, will the distance work for us, will... There are so many questions "You look hesitant, I am going fast aren't I. I am just excited and I like you, I want you to be mine and for me to be yours and-"

"I want that" I breathed hard while parking the car to the side so that I can focus on him, this "I would like to be your boyfriend" I said comfortingly

"I see a but, give it to me. I know I can handle it" I laughed while licking my teeth, why wouldn't I want to be his boyfriend, of course I would but it is easy here because we can do what we want and we live like just ten rooms away from each other.

"If we leave, how will-"

"I know long distance sucks but I am willing to do it, if you are of course"

"So we will be flying back and forth" That was hurtful, just hours without seeing him and I feel like my insides are rearranging and definitely not in a good way "Where do you live, I need to know what I am getting myself into before I decide" Distance is a scary thing.

"Chicago" To say my heart lipped out of my chest I would be lying, can you imagine the love of your life saying he lives in the same city as you 'Ignore the love of my life part' that was me being dramatic because of the best news that I have just received "Where is yours?"

"You are not going to believe it" This shows it was meant to be, Now he is way too curious "Guess"

"Don't say Alabama, Alaska" I laughed shaking my head no "I am getting anxious now, please don't let it be far, please-"

"Chicago" To say Rehan yelled would be an understatement because I had to cover my ears so not to let them burst out "That was loud"

"Sorry" he smiled opening the door and I wondered what he was doing only to hear an ear bursting scream on the other side that made me laugh out loud, I wasn't the only one liking the news "Will you be my boyfriend now Kyle Pierce"

"Will you not scream if I say yes" he nodded but I know he is not gonna fulfill that promise at how red he was dying to scream "Yes" he opened the door pecked my lips, increased the radio volume so fast before closing the door again and the last thing I heard was his screams on the other side of the car as the song blared out loud. I leaned back with pride seeing him dance around on the song with a wide smile.

"Yap, that's my man"

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