The Second Coming

By 1aNoNa1

800 58 12

Almost five years have passed since Chikako's death. Two years ago her tailed beats just disappeared from the... More

A New Beginning
A New Beginning
A New Beginning
A New Beginning
A New Beginning
A New Beginning
A New Beginning
A New Beginning
A New Beginning
End Part 1

A New Beginning

201 6 6
By 1aNoNa1

⚠️ Warning ⚠️ there is mentions of torture, cutting, dismembering, and other dark themes throughout this part. Please read at your own caution

"Natsu hurry it up! They're going to catch us!" A girl yelled. A boy was on the other side of her holding a body of a girl limp between them. They each had one of her arms around their shoulders and dragged her to what they hoped to be a safe place.

"I'm sorry Tsubaki! I'm trying, but her arms and legs are heavy!" The boy scrunched up his face as he complained.

"Shush! They're close" Tsubaki hushed. She slapped a gloved hand over his mouth as they hid behind a thick tree as the other ninja ran past them.

"We need to get her back! Spread out" A loud voice commanded.

"It's Shion. Damn. She has at least 10 other ninja with her" Tsubaki hissed. She pulled the brown cloak she was wearing further over her face.

"I think we should hurry. Seibara can't hold out much longer" Natsu whispered worriedly. Tsubaki looked around with a troubled expression between Natsu and the forest where the other ninja were hunting them.

"I'll carry the limbs. You grab her body and we might be able to loose them" Tsubaki thought aloud. Natsu nodded his head and grabbed the unconscious females body and slung it over his back while he handed Tsubaki the bag he was previously carrying.

The two of them took off as fast as they could towards the nearest village. One or two ninja managed to find them, but with a few skillfully thrown shuriken, they were taken out and the three of them managed to escape.

The two consious ninja threw the hoods of heir cloaks back to reveal their hair and face. Tsubaki had long black hair that was wavy, but not necessarily curly, that fell to the middle of her back. Her face was and oval shape with a small nose and naturally narrowed pink eyes. Under her right eye were three birthmarks in a line going down her face.

The male had very similar features to the female, but had short pink hair with a widows peak hairline. His eyes were a deep shade of green, the color of healthy grass was the best way to describe it.

"I think we're safe for a now. We need to find this Tsunade person. Seibara doesn't have much time left" Natsu furrowed his brows and adjusted her body on his back.

"We know she's around here somewhere. She has to be or else our searching and her prolonged suffering meant nothing" Tsubaki stated firmly. Natsu nodded with newfound determination as the two of them continued on. The first thing they did was go to the gambling house in the village they were at.

"No! Let's go again!" A feminine voice yelled. The two of them shared a look before rushing towards the crowd of people.

"Excuse me!" Tsubaki yelled. Everyone turned towards her, except for a blonde woman who was staring at the table.

"Are you Tsunade?" She asked. The woman still didn't turn around, but addressed them.

"And who are you? Do I owe you something?" She grumbled.

"We need your help" Tsubaki stated. The woman waved them away.

"Seibara told us that you would help us." Natsu said a bit shyly.

"I don't know anyone like that. Now leave. I'm about to win"

"Chikako" Tsunade went stiff at the name that fell from Tsubaki's lips. Her hands slammed on the gambling table and she stood up with enough force to make her chair tumble behind her.

"What do you have to do with her?" Tsunade grumbled.

"You need to heal her. It's something only you can do" Tsubaki answered.

"She's dead. Has been for five years now" The woman hissed through clenched teeth.

"No. She's not dead." Tsunade whipped her head around when she heard those words. The two could see tears gathering in her eyes.

"Please come with us" Natsu asked.

"It's for her sake. She's badly hurt and won't last the night" He continued. Tsunade got up and looked at the two of them. She could see a large lump under Natsu's cloak. She breathed in deeply before stepping out of the gambling house.

"I'm staying at an inn. Come with me there." Tsunade marched through town and the two followed her. A ninja from the clan had come and was looking for them. Both ninja pulled their hoods back over their heads as they slipped inside the inn behind Tsunade.

The three of them entered her room and right when they did Natsu made a beeline to the bed. He untied his cloak with a single hand while holding the body on his back up with the other. When his cloak fell to the ground and Tsunade saw the body she almost threw up.

Natsu laid the body down on the bed and took off his blood stained gloves and metal forearm guards. Tsubaki grabbed the bag she was carrying and empties it's contents on the bed next to the body.

The scene was horrifying.

Laid on the bed was Chikako, or what was left of her. Her arms and legs were cut off in a very messy way, but only the arms wounds were new. Each stump hadn't been treated or was in a very sloppy way. The cutting was done with a dull knife if the numerous cuts of the injury was anything to go on. Her face was mangled, almost beyond repair. It was cut to ribbons with her pink eye almost completely gone now. What truly was a sickening sight was the squished eyeball and the liquid that leaked out of it. A large X was cut deeply into her chest and neck, but the blood way dry meaning it was on the older side. The injuries were all from different times, as if a new wound was made everyday. Each one were a varying degrees of healing.

In the bag held not only her cut off arms and legs, but her hands that were also separated, god knows how long ago, and her severed tongue.

"Can you fix her?" Natsu asked with a wavering voice. It was as if he was about to cry at a moments notice. It shook like a child's.

"I- I don't know" Tsunade frowned. It was Chikako indeed. Little had changed since the day she had died. The picture Tsunade kept with her of Chikako made the girls face fresh in the woman's mind everyday.

"Natsu knows medical jutsu to, so he can help" Tsubaki offered.

"Yeah. Seibara taught me what she could while she was in the Dark Room" Natsu stepped up to Tsunade's side. Each of her limbs were put where they should be and the two of them began doing whatever they could to heal her.

Tsubaki went out and gathered anything the two of them needed while healing Chikako. As Tsunade studied her, she began to notice the small changes in the female. Outside of the new scars on her face, it was pretty much the same, maybe even a bit paler. She was already to pale to begin with, thought Tsunade. The girls hair was much longer as well. A good amount of the bottom was a light pink while the rest of it was her normal silver color. It was wild and hadn't been taken care of in awhile. Her messy and broken appearance was widely different from what Tsunade remembered. Chikako always seemed put together and  neat even when she was badly injured.

As the two of them healed Chikako, Tsunade could feel tears begin to stream down her face. She couldn't brush them away with her shaking hands because she was heling the girl in front of her. Tsunade had considered her a daughter up until the moment she passed away. The feeling of loosing another person so close to her made Tsunade break down. After the burial ceremony she stepped down from the Hokage position. She no longer felt that she was mentally capable to lead the village.

It took five long, grueling days without much rest or food, but eventually the two of them were able to reattach her hands, arms, legs, and tongue as best as they could. All of her other wounds were close to completely healed, although something was blocking her from healing the scars as well. Chikako's will must be interfering, and if that was the case there was nothing either Tsunade or Natsu could do.

"Now that we've done all we can, tell me everything. How is she still alive? And what happened to her?" Tsunade demanded answers. Both of them looked away in guilt, and that just made Tsunade even more irritated.

A girl she thought of as a child to her was killed and buried right in front of her. And now after five years two random people she's never met before come carrying Chikako in numerous pieces; In even worse condition than when they buried her.

Chikako's life has already been so unfair. How could they bring her back like this?

"Well, it all started three years ago..."


Hey! I want to release this first chapter of the sequel to Kakashi's Sister, The Second Coming. I will once again be writing this story in parts and releasing it when those parts are done! This first part will be called 'A New Beginning' and will be mostly a story of what happened up until this point. I'm not completely sure how long it will take to write this first part, but please be patient as I'm trying my best!

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