A Tale Of A Thousand Stars...

By hamnmayo

5.3K 158 6

Hi! I really enjoyed watching ATOTS and I was so sad to see it end. I've seen many people write One Shots or... More

Chapter 1 - Sick Tian
Chapter 2- The Proposal
Chapter 3 - Telling
Chapter 5 - Adoption (Part 1)
Chapter 5 - Part 2
Chapter 6 - Sarawat
Chapter 7 - Parent's day off
Chapter 8 - School
Chapter 9 - 16 YEARS LATER
Chapter 10 - Love

Chapter 4 - Could we have a child?

551 12 0
By hamnmayo

I don't know if the progress of these chapters are too fast, but I think I'll just space them out in between time spaces to keep what I write about entertaining and fun. Enjoy! 


Recently Phupha and I have been thinking about adoption. We have been together for long enough, and we don't plan to move away from the village. We've sorted most of what we want if we where to have a child together, or at least have options for it. 

I was thinking about where we would put the child to school. As I'm qualified to teach kids, I could do that until sending them off to a middle school that the village kids will be off to soon. The only disadvantages to that would be that they would be the only one I'd be teaching, and I want them to have friends, and good experience with people before moving to middle school. I think the best solution would be to find a primary school for them that's close by to the village, so they can have friends and experience with people. I'd need to look hard for the best one I can find though, I don't want them to go anywhere. 

I talked to Phupha about it and he thought I had a good point, and since it was a weekend and I have free time, I decided to start looking. I was on the little office computer for a while, and I hadn't found many schools, which wasn't really a surprise as this area is small. I had gathered about ten schools and I have them ready to show Phupha when he gets back. 

All the schools have good values, but one in particular stuck out to me. Wittayayon Primary. It's education levels amongst students are one of the highest in Pha Pun Dao, it's relatively close to our village, there are good review reports on it, and the star rating is highest overall. But one thing that stood out to me as well, was that this was the school attached to the one the village kids are going to, so it would be perfect for the child. To be honest I would've thought I could've guessed that, as the name is quite similar. 

I know my parents can always help us with the child, and of course the villagers are happy to help, knowing about the news. Nam seems even happier about the news, as he revealed his wife is pregnant, so I plan to talk to him about the school we choose if we have a child, or just to give him recommendations for his baby. 


"Nam?" I asked behind his office door. 

"I left the pickles near the fridge!" I heard him shout. Pickles? Wait what? 

"I looked a peek through the door and saw the doctor, face down on the table. Sleep talking. I used to do that, and god some things can be embarrassing. I'm praying I wont do it again though, I had medication to calm it but with my heart medication, I have to stop taking them, and I don't even want to remind myself of what I said to Phupha a few weeks ago... 

I walked in to wake him up, and he stretched his arms out and raised his head wryly before I needed to do anything. 

"Hmhh" He groaned before looking up to me. 

"Aow, Tian." He tilted his head towards mine and smiled, which I returned. 

"P' you seem tired. And you talked about pickles some seconds ago. Is everything alright?" 

"Pickles? Ohh, I say that a lot to my wife, she has pregnancy cravings, and she's on the mood for pickles at the moment. Haha, I guess I say it so much it comes in my sleep. But don't worry, I'm fine! Take a seat Tian, if you're able to stay?" 

I sat opposite the doctor and cleared my throat before speaking. 

"I found a good school  in Pha Pun Dao. I don't know if you've heard of it, but It's the one attached to the middle school the kids are going to next year." 

"Wittayayon Primary school?" 

"Yes! How did you know?" I asked. 

"I saw it too. I was talking to Chief roughly-" He stopped to look at the clock on the wall. "3 hours ago! I've been asleep for 3 hours?!" 

"Probably." I answered smiling. 

"Ooff. But yeah, I talked to Chief about it and he thought he would ask you about it if you where to adopt a child. And I think it would be good if we both chose the same school. They could grow up together, and of course meet other kids. and they'd be similar ages too!" Nam seemed excited.

"We haven't decided yet Nam!" We both laughed at our excitement. 

"Oh that reminds me, Chief was also telling me about an adoption centre slightly out of town. You two could book an appointment and start. It's called WCOB. World Centre Of Baby. Quite a random name but I know their one of the best." He said. 

"Ah, okay. I'm sure Chief will mention it and I'll ask about it later on when he's home." 

We talked for another while before we went to our respective places as it was getting late. 


"Where were you?" I walked through the door to see Chief sitting on the sofa with his usual stern face. 

"I was with Nam. We where talking about the adoption centre he told you about and his child. Why? You jealous?" I smirked as I took my shoes off. 

"Maybe. How would you know?" He smirked back. 

I walked towards where he was sat and tried to take the place next to him, but he grabbed me by the hips and pulled me to his lap and started tickling me. 

"No!!! Chief!!" I couldn't contain my laughter, I started scrunching up into a ball as my stomach started to hurt. He saw my reaction and started cuddling me and sniff kissing me everywhere he could get to. Sniff kisses to real kisses, real kisses to a mouth kiss. We sat there kissing for some time before we stopped to take a breath. 

"What was that about?" I was laying on his stomach currently while looking up to him. He grabbed the blanket from the side of the sofa and put it on top of the both of us. 

"I haven't felt you in a while." He sunk further into the sofa and tightened his arms around me. 

" Nam said that we could book an appointment to visit the adoption centre online. I can have have a look to make one for us?" 

"Nooo, stay in my arms for a while. Don't leave me just yet." He sulked. 

"Fine fine, I wasn't intending to leave anyway. I can just do it on the phone. No need to pout." I teased. 

"That would've been fine! It wouldn't have made a difference to me." He tried to justify himself from the situation. 

"Okay I'll go do it by the computer then." I tried getting up but he pulled me back down again.

"I was kidding! Kidding.."  He replied. 

"Hmh, that's what I had thought off with." I giggled. 


"Looks like someone's getting embarrassed." I said, receiving no reply. I looked up to see him pouting, but when he noticed, he quickly pulled a normal facial expression and looked somewhere other than me. 

I take out my phone and open the website that Chief nodded at to show it was the right page. 

After looking through the pages for a while, becoming familiar with the company, we decided to call the number at the bottom to make an appointment. I dialed the number and quite quickly a friendly sounding young man picked up. 

"Sawedee Krup! This is WCOB you're calling, how can I help?" 

"Sawadee Krup, I would like to make an appointment with your company. My fiancée and I are thinking of adopting a child or baby." 

"Oh congratulations! There is a form to fill on the fourth page of out website, if you could fill that through and call us back on this number, it shouldn't take more than ten minutes. If you have any problems let us know." 

"Oh okay, thank you!" 

"My pleasure, talk soon!" 

I skipped to the fourth page and found the link. It asked us a series of questions, like what age of a child we are hoping for, if we have any preferences about the children, and then asking more about us, like where we live, our age, jobs, our salary's etc. We answered all the straight forward questions about our jobs, transport devices, our living area, with all the little help of scattering through papers and making some phone calls.. 

"What age are we going for then?" Phupha asked after he read the question. 

"I think a baby would be best. We're young, Nam's having a child soon so they'll be the same age, and they can grow their childhood here." 

"Good points, I'm happy with that." Phupha started smiling, trying to hide his excitement. 

"And of course we don't mind the gender, race, or sexuality of the child." I added. Phupha nodded in response. 

We finished the quiz and I called the man back. He told us that he received the form and is happy with our answers, and is happy to make an appointment. We decided on Tuesday at five PM. We will arrive at their centre, and we should bring our general documents like passports, drivers licence, insurance papers, criminal records, health records etc. And by then we also each have to write about why we want to be parents, and why we should be parents. We wont start right away though, we still have a while to think about it and give the best answer we can, and we do have a while before it's due. I also really doubt Chief is going to let me get away. 



It seemed early in the morning, the sun wasn't fully up yet, the sky still looked orange, and I saw Phupha writing something by the kitchen table. 

"Chief?" I asked, rubbing my eyes. He scratched his head and kept looking at the page. 

"Chief?" I called again, and he finally looked up towards me, with a smile, but a slightly confused look. 

"It's only six AM, you're never up this early? Are you hungry? I can make you something." He asked. 

"No no, it's okay. How long have you been up already?" I added. 

"I couldn't sleep. My leg hurts, I cut it in the forest somewhere. I'll be fine though, it'll go away soon."

"Aow why didn't you say something? I wouldn't of slept on you! I can disinfect it and dress it for you." I said, getting up from the sofa. I went to the small cabinet near the kitchen and got the first aid kit out. I brought it with me to the floor and sat by Phupha. I started opening it and got the disinfectant, cotton, and bandage out. 

"Tiannn, I'm fine. You don't have to worry about me." 

"Please, let me do this for you naa." I said with puppy eyes for him to let me. He nodded to let me proceed. 

I had started and saw him grimace a little, trying to hide the fact that it hurt. 

"Chief, you can tell me when it hurts, you don't have to put on a face for me naa." He only looked down at me and assured me he's okay, which I did not fully believe. 

"What are you writing?" I asked while bandaging the wound. 

"I'm trying to start the parent thing they asked us to do before Tuesday. I cant seem to think of good enough reasons, so I've been thinking." 

"I can help you if you'd like?" 

"Mm, I will come back from work not much later than you do today, so we can think about it then, but I need to be off soon." 

"Yeah, we can do that." I reply, and see him smirking at me. 


"Nothing. Just admiring how cute you look when you're concentrated." 

"It's nothing you haven't seen before." I try to react in defence, but I realize I only helped him. 

"Oh, yes, I really have." He giggled.

"Shut up! You don't need concentration for that." I growl, only making him chuckle. 

"Fine. I guess your concentration face reminds me of your sex face somehow." 

"Ughhh, how gross! And it does not!!" 

"How would you know? I'm the only one who's lucky enough to see it." 

I finish packing the aid bag and huff off to put it away. As I walk away he tried to touch me but I only swat his hand away. 

"Keep your hands to yourself!" 

"That's not what you said a few nights ago." 



I was already home and working on what to write about in our papers, and I had a basic plan of what to write, but now we just need to extend it by putting actual sentences into it and changing the words up a bit to make two different ones for the both of us. 

I heard the door knob clutch and Phupha came in, looking happy to see that I'm already home, although I'm still sulking at him. And of course he notices and comes over to me. 

"What's wrong?" He asks as he rubs his hands along my arms up and down. 

"I am sulking. I thought you could tell." 

"I can. But why?" 

"Oh, I do wonder that myself." I said sarcastically. 

"Yes, and so do I." 

I turned away from him and kept writing. 

"Say something about my sex face then." 

"I don't want to." 

"I'm sorry." 

"Good for you." 

"Tian, don't be angry with me naa." 

"I'm not angry, I am disappointed." 

"I feel like that's worse." 

"That's why I said it." 

"So you're not disappointed? Just sulking?" 

"Yes. Now go make me a cup of tea and biscuits and sit so I can help you write." 

"Will you stop sulking if I do that?" 


He went off to the kitchen and started boiling the kettle and getting out the biscuits and putting them on a plate. He started writing on a post - it note and stuck it to the mug when he was finished. He brought it over and sat beside me. He scooched towards me but I scooched away. I then pulled the note off and read it. 

Tian, I'm sorry naa. I love you! - Chief. 

He obviously picked up on the fact I'm over it, as he chuckled softly after seeing me smile at it. I noticed his laugh and plastered my sulking face back on. Probably because I want to see how much I can get out of this man.. 

"Tian, please don't sulk, I am sorry." 

"Hm. Let's get on with the writing." 



He got up from his chair and placed his arms either side of me to look seductive. It felt like forever before he broke his pose and started kissing me all over. 

"Chief!!!" I couldn't help myself from laughing and squealing before giving up and surrendering. 

"It tickles!!! Fine! Fine! I wont sulk! Please!" 

He giggled and got off of me after kissing my forehead and smiling. 

We finished writing our form and we came up with some good things to say. We talked about why it's important for every child to have a loving home, and grow up safely. We talked about why we would be the perfect parents, we are young and capable, we have many people around to help us, I have great experience with children, and I will change to a full time parent once I finish teaching the kids in the village and run clubs once they're in middle school, if we were to adopt a child. Phupha has a providing job, that's stable to make a good life out of  for a child.  


That's it for Chapter 4! I will continue this in the next chapter, so I'll try to adapt their lives with a child, and of course not forgetting Nam's baby coming soon! 

Stay well and healthy  :) 

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