Domestic Girlfriend X Male OC

By Dachss5

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This is a Domestic Girlfriend X Male OC story. I do not own Domestic Girlfriend/Domestic Na Kanojo. I only ow... More

"What I'm thinking?"
Thank you
Come over to my house
Dinner time
Kisses and books
Literature club
Kiriya's secret?
Festival's preparations


391 9 2
By Dachss5

Sota was on his bed, trying to sleep, he kept tossing and turning, trying to find the right position to sleep but it was useless.

Something was bothering him.

He got out of the bed and went to the bathroom in order to wash his face.

He stared himself in the mirror.

«What's wrong?» He asked at his reflection «What's wrong Sota?».

«Well you can't answer me» He sighed.

In the end he was able to sleep for a few hours before the sunrise.

«Someone is sleepy» His sister said staring at him, staring at the bowl where his breakfast was.

«I couldn't sleep well» He replied to her.

«Why?» She smiled mischievously «Oh let me guess, is it related with a girl?».

«Well kinda» He yawned.

«Love bothered your sleep uh?» His sister leaned towards him «I'm sure your Nee-chan can help you».

She touched his cheek, pressing it in order to make him speak. He blushed, finding it embarrassing.

«STOP IT» He shouted her «These are none of your business».

While he got up she continued staring at him with her typical mischievous smile «Oh oh I can follow you today and see her».

«Well you will only see Natsuo then» He replied.

«WHAT?» She put a hand on her mouth «A-are you dating your childhood friend? And how do you call him during the intimate moments? Onii-chan?».

She then laughed while repeating Onii-chan.

«Your imagination scary me sometime» Sota sighed.

After breakfast Sota called Natsuo, they decided to tell Al about Rui, inviting him out but Sota had another plan.

Something he thought during the night.

«Nat, let me handle Al» He said to his friend while speaking to him from the phone «You can take this day off, I'll go to talk to him alone»

«I don't really think is a good idea» Natsuo replied from the other side, his voice was sad and tired «Plus I would like to discuss something with you».

«Fair enough» Sota replied him«Let's meet at the park, I'll call Al myself to let him know the rendezvous point».

After the call he contacted Al and, after it he prepared to go out.

«I'll get going» He said opening the door «See you later».

«Don't do lewd stuff with Fujii-kun» His sister said with a teasing tone.

Sota let out a «Ugh» followed by a sigh and then closed the door behind him.

He met Al and Natsuo at the park.

«HEY~» Al waved at Natsuo and Sota «You two are late, here is so hot that I'm boiling».

«S-sorry» Natsuo answered, scratching his head «It took me some time to get ready».

«Same goes for me» Sota said «Why don't we get indoors first?».

«YAY~» Al jumped out of joy «Let's go».

The three of them entered inside a mall, found a cafe inside it and took a seat.

While ordering the drinks Al asked them «So so, what she replied?».

«Well we-» Natsuo was about to speak but Sota interrupted him.

«She refused, I'm sorry» Sota said.

Those words came out on their own, he was rather confused by it. This was the plan he thought all the night but he never really thought the reasons behind it, he only felt better thinking in this way.

«W-?» Natsuo was interrupted again by Sota that stepped on his foot.


«REALLY?» Al hit his own forehead «NO WAY. SHE SAID NO».

He was shouting in English then he switched to Japanese «I WON'T GIVE UP, WE ARE IN THE SAME SCHOOL, I'LL HAVE A LOT OF CHANCES».

«K-keep in mind that she is shy» Sota said.

«I underestimated the shyness of Japanese girls» The blonde haired guy was with his face on the table crying goofily because of Rui's refusal.

Al raised is head from the table and asked Natsuo «What's wrong? You seem sad».

«I had some troubles in family» Natsuo lowered his eyes.

«Like a fight?» Al asked.

«Well sort of».

«Did you try to speak to them?».

«N-no, I'm not sure what to talk about» Natsuo then sighed.

«That's typical of Japanese people» Al said «You try to communicate without speaking. My parents divorced because they had the same problems. You are not espers, you have to say what you think or they will never know it».

«Then how about you going to Rui and speak to her?» Natsuo asked.

«N-No» Al said and then shook his hand «That's one thing, this is another one. These two situations are not the same».

«Well» Al said standing up «I'm going to the bathroom, wait for me».

Natsuo waited him to go and then asked Sota «Why you told him that?».

«You mean about Rui?» Sota asked back and Natsuo nodded «Well I thought it was the best answer to give him».

«B-but I don't see why...».

«I this is part of our plan, in this way he will introduce to her by himself at school, in a more normal environment and his chances of success will rise».

Sota was making up some excuses, he just felt unconformable with the idea of Rui and Al together.

«Well speaking about your problem» Sota tried to change topic of the discussion «You told me you had something to discuss, it was about that fight you were talking about before?».

«It isn't a fight» Natsuo lowered his face «It's more like... I...».

He wasn't how to properly explain what happened. He tried to think the best possible way to do it but he failed.

In the end he chose the easiest and most direct way to do it.

«I kissed Hina-sensei yesterday, and this morning she told me that she is going to live alone».

Sota listened to him without replying.

«I... I think it's my fault, she said that this was the best way for both of us. I don't want it to happen, I don't want it».

«You should try to speak to her» Sota took a sip of his drink «She kissed you, I think she feels something for you if she did it».

«I'M HERE» Al reached them.

«SO SO» He was so excited while he sat down to his place «What were you talking about? I heard someone about kisses».

Natsuo face became sadder while Al was speaking, Sota noticed it and took the lead of the discussion.

«Nothing you need to worry about».

«Oh come on» Al cried out «We are friends, aren't we? We shouldn't have secrets».

«Yeah yeah» Sota said and ignored his further complaints.

The day went well, even after Natsuo was not in the mood for going out.

They spent most of the day inside the mall, mostly because the A/C there was a lifesaving.

Natsuo went home to confront Hina after what happened between, leaving Al and Sota behind.

«So» Al said to Sota «What are we going to do now?».

«I need to go too» Sota said, he planned to hang out with Miu too, he promised it when they went to camping.

«Ehhh?» Al was sad «Are you abandoning me? I don't want to stay alone».

«I can't do anything about it» Sota shrugged «But if you want we can go out another day».

«Mhhhh» Al put his hand on his chin «Only if Natsuo come too».

«Okay okay we'll see. See ya» Sota waved at Al, that steadily waved back at him, and then went away.

While walking down the streets Sota questioned himself about what happened that day.

He felt strange, like something was bothering him. It was the first time he felt in that way.

While staring at the cars, waiting for the pedestrian traffic light to turn green, he continued to think about it.

"It's a thought that's torturing me but ...."

He crossed the road and after few minutes reached the rendezvous point.

Miu was waiting for him while sitting on a bench, she noticed him and waved goofily at him.

She saw that he had a worried look and asked him «There is something that bother you?».

He shook his head «Nothing, don't worry» He didn't to make her worry about silly stuffs like that.

«Shall we go?» He faked a smile.

She nodded and stood up.

«T-this time no cinema» She said «I saw a cafe just after that corner».

«A cafe uh?» He put a hand on his chin.

«W-what?» The green haired girl asked with a worried voice «Y-you don't like it?».

«No no» He shook his head «Let's go».

It doesn't matter what happened that day. He only had one question on his mind:

"Am I jealous?".



I'm not dead lmaoo.

There are several reasons why I didn't update this story in the last days:

1) I'm working on another Fanfiction, it won't be a romcom and the main source of material that I'm using is not a Manga but a Light Novel (Try to guess which one :)) ) and this "project" will be way more complex than this fanfic you are reading rn (Or at least that's what I'm planning to do :) )

2) I had a sort of block for this Fanfiction, I wasn't sure how to develop the events and stuff like that, that's why I took my time to think.

3) I'm lazy lmaaoo, I wrote this chapter in several days because I'm way too lazy sorryy.

But now I think I should be able to update this story more frequently and in the meantime I'll work on the other one (Stay tuned :) ).

Vote/comment and see ya in the next chapterr.

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