The 'hot' list

By tia078

367 17 0

Jason and Cruz started 'the hot list' and now every guy in school has contributed. The hot list orders the t... More

Chapter 1: The bathroom wall
Chapter 2: who in the world?
Chapter 3: the hot list unvailed
Chapter 5
Chapter 6

Chapter 4: he doesnt like me. Does he?

52 5 0
By tia078

I woke up groggily to the annoying beep of my alarm clock. I smacked the top causing it to shut up. I rolled over and opened my eyes, adjusting them to the light. I stood up and sleepily walked across the hall to the bathroom. I shut the door and splashed warm water on my face. I plugged in my flat iron as I brushed through my long hair. Once the iron was hot enough I ran it through my hair. Once I was finished with my hair I did my makeup and trudged back to my room.

I walked into my closet and looked around, the day was supposed to be around fall weather so shorts would be to cold. I scanned through my clothes before pulling out black leggings that had rips all the way to about mid thigh. I threw them over my arm and grabbed a tight/baggy-ish, red sweater that says 'normal people scare me' in white letters across the front. I grabbed my black Uggs and quickly got dressed. I threw some of my waist length hair over my shoulders and walked downstairs.

I ate a bowl of cereal then went back upstairs brushing my teeth and grabbing my back. I tucked my phone into the waistband of my leggings and walked downstairs. "Hey" I greeted my mom who was ushering my younger brother out the door.

"Hi sweetheart, you better get going or you will be late" she smiled as she looked back at me.

I nodded and kissed her cheek before going out the door and getting in my car. I drove to the school pulling into the senior parking lot.

I got out and gathered my things, I turned to walk away from my car and smacked into a rock hard body. I took a staggering step back and looked up at the figure "what do you want Cruz?" I rolled my eyes.

"I want you to go out with my boy Jason" he smirked

I rolled my eyes "no, the only time you both ever noticed me is when you were picking on me, now that I'm not fucking ugly you want me to go out with you guys? Until you can prove you aren't total douche bags leave me alone" I turned my back to him and began walking away.

"That's my new life goal" he called. I knew he had a smirk on his face without even turning around.

I walked into the school and went to my locker throwing my stuff inside. I grabbed what I needed for first period and walked off to class. I sat in my usual seat and organized my things. Once the class had filed in i tryed as hard as I could to pay attention but it wasn't to easy with everyone discussing my statement to Cruz this morning. Damn. News around this place travelled fast.

The entire day went on pretty much the same except I hadn't seen Jason or Cruz, okay maybe I had but I guess I wasn't paying enough attention to notice. Oops. At the end of the day I gathered my things and headed out to my car. I looked around and spotted my car, but their was something on the hood? Paint? I rushed over and was relived to find washable chalk. But what was written with the chalk was...surprising. 'Beach at 6' I looked around and when I couldn't see anybody in particular I got in my car and drove home.

After an hour or so of debating weather to go or not i decided I would, what did I have to lose? I changed into a white frilly bikini and put the clothes I had early on. I walked downstairs and ate dinner before brushing my teeth and heading out the door. I drove to the beach and sat in the car not knowing where to go.

I looked around before finally spotting a small fire, and none other than Jason. Great. I got out slowly and grabbed my phone shoving it in my pocket I walked over to him and crossed my arms "what do you want?" I asked bluntly

He smile "I really do like you, but I want you to tell me how I can prove that to you?" He asked with a smirk.

I rolled my eyes "1. Knock that smirk off your face" he instantly dropped it to a smile. "And second, figure it out. If I tell you then it won't prove anything" I turned around and trudged back to my car before he could say anything.
Hey guys!

I'm so sorry for taking forever to update! But I have been extremely busy and the next few weeks won't be much better since I'm moving.

I think I would update more if people actually voted/commented on my stories because then I would know people actually like them.

Well bye for now!!!!

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