Blacksmith『 ᵈᵃᵛⁱᵈ ʰᵒᶜᵏⁿᵉʸ ˣ...


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❝BLACKSMITH❞ ⁝ Tower of God 𝕯.avid Hockney × Female! 𝕽.eader ╰─►⚠️ In this book there will be scenes of dea... More

『 ✎ᝰ || Blacksmith 』
『 ✎ᝰ || Disclaimer 』
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▬▬ 𝕿oday was a bad day for you, at least. It was very shitty that Y/N just wanted to go crawl to her bed and sleep the entire day away so she could forget the whole thing ever happened. But she highly doubts that sleep would make her forget what had just occurred.

On the way home, the blacksmith even tried her best to distract her antsy mind, but she only worsened the mental gymnastics she was going through.

In a fit of rage, she punched a nearby wall.

Fortunately, she didn't dent the wall, so she didn't have to pay for the damage but, her knuckles weren't doing so well; It felt like her knuckles were being dipped in the furnace, followed by her knuckles groaning in pain and pleading to be dipped in oil to relieve the pain.

To think that the spear bearer tried to run away from the past yet, to be brought back to her past by the very thing she's passionate about. She just wanted to create something to be proud of and to avoid bothering anyone else, yet the very skill she cherishes brings back her trauma.

Is this her own skill saying to face her fears? If it is then, she'd consider it outrageous. Skills don't speak, it only shows one's capabilities.

The only thing the girl will ever believe in is coincidence. This whole shit was merely a coincidence that was never meant to happen before her eyes.

Yeah, it was just a coincidence. That's it.

Once Y/N recollected her mental state, she hastily walked past the retreating workers, then barged her way into her and Hockney's shared household.

The messy house welcomed her with silent kindness and a fresh atmosphere that didn't remind her of the forgery. The refreshing environment slightly relieved her of the shock.

From the corner of her eye, she saw the artist, aka David Hockney. She was about to wave one of her calloused hands at him as a greeting, but the male interrupted her.

"How was work?" The fair skinned artist asked.

It was a simple question that triggered a scenario that Y/N has been trying to keep in the back of her mind.

Hours ago, the girl was right in front of her workbench; She was aggressively biting the butt of her pencil, desperate to figure out the butterfly knife mechanism.

Unfortunately, creating blades with special trigger mechanisms wasn't within her field. The blacksmith's specialty was more on hammering iron and steel. Yes, the smith can make weapons but not special weapons with hybrid mechanisms.

Y/N could pass this task over to someone else but she really needs the money since she is trying to save up for something, something important...

Accepting the task was stupid, and she was stupid for accepting the task in the first place, which made her sigh at her own stupidity.

The more she examined the knife, the more she realized that there was no point in trying to understand something she didn't understand. If she wanted to understand it, she would have to ask someone who had a formal education on blacksmithing, and that someone was unfortunately her boss, Vihaan.

Of all the smiths she could ask questions regarding the butterfly knife mechanism, it had to be him. If only everyone in the forgery had a formal education on blacksmithing.

Begrudgingly, the female blacksmith took her pencil, paper, and the butterfly knife, then headed for her boss' room.

As she walked past some of her busy colleagues, the familiar hot atmosphere was on her tail. The warmth not failing to abuse her skin into pouring out sweat, followed by hair strands sticking to her skin.

The girl takes a turn, and she's met with some of her colleagues crowding in front of Vihaan's door. It seemed like they were mumbling to themselves about something.

"What's going on?" Y/N asked. Now everyone's eyes were on her, some glancing at the horn on her temple before looking at her directly in the eye.

"The boss isn't answering the door."

"Tsk. Then open it yourselves idiots, it's not like he's ramming someone on his workbench." The female blacksmith mocked, knowing fully well how the boss had difficulty getting into a relationship.

Everyone knew that the H/C-haired girl was joking, but didn't follow through with her suggestion. They can open the door, yes, but confronting the boss was another thing. If they opened the door without his permission, there's a high chance of getting fired.

Ironically enough, the horned girl somehow got away with opening the door four times. Even though Vihaan had shouted how much he was going to fire her, he never did. It's almost like she's sucking his dick or she's extremely lucky.

But it's just speculation, not the truth.

"What are you all hesitating for? Open the damn' door." She ordered, her voice clarifying that she was getting impatient with their cowardice.

No one responded or followed through with her orders, which made the girl scoff. They've been using their backbone and arms to hammer down iron and steel yet they don't have enough backbone to face a mere human. Who would have thought they were more pathetic than her?

"You know what, move out of the way, I'll do it instead since I'm surrounded by pussies." The blacksmith mocked once more whilst disrespectfully pushing past the other blacksmiths.

Which rightfully pissed off her colleagues. It tempted them to speak up, but didn't do so. Fortunately for them, someone will go against her mockery.

"Says the one who's too much of a pussy to climb the tower." One of the new blacksmiths said.

"Eh?" An amused look made its way to the horned girl's face. Finally, someone who had a backbone.

"How about you open the door instead?" She offered.

The newbie went silent. Y/N, who's now by the newbie's side whilst she had her arm around his neck, making him very uncomfortable by the contact. The newbie was now silently regretting his choices. He should have never spoken up if he found out that she was going to use it as an opportunity to pressure him into opening the door.

"What's wrong? Cat got your tongue?" The female blacksmith joked.

"Come on, laugh!" The girl nudged the boy. "You kept talking about pussies yet here you are being a killjoy because you can't laugh at a cat joke."

Y/N's well aware of how much of a bitch she is. Was she doing it to spite them? Kinda. Why is she being a bitch? She's being a bitch because everyone would rather listen to a damn rumor about her instead of getting to know her. She's well aware of how petty her actions are, but she believes in the saying that people treat you how they want to be treated.

If the locals of the 40th floor discard the rumors and they treat Y/N like how they want to be treated, then that's when the blacksmith will drop the act.

"Since Mr. Pussy here can't open the door as well, I'll do it in his stead. You are all free to run when Vihaan starts screaming about firing people." The blacksmith sarcastically offered, before finally setting her calloused hands on the doorknob.

Once the doorknob twisted, Vihaan's door parted. The courage the girl had gained seconds ago was quicker to disperse than water itself. The once dramatically hot atmosphere shifted into a cold one. The cold spiking her body temperature along with her soul, reawakening the trauma she's tried to run away from.

Vihaan was in his room alright, but a wooden long-sword pinned his chest to the desk.

To answer Hockney's question, work wasn't okay but Y/N will obviously not say that. Hell, how the fuck does Hockney not know about it? It's probably on the news or something. If he wanted to know so badly, he could just turn on the damn television.

"I don't want to talk about it." The girl murmured.

"Well, what do you want to talk about?"

"CAN YOU JUST-" She raised her voice, but once she saw Hockney flinch, she quickly decreased it. "Can you just... shut the hell up."

"Well, what do you want besides silence?" The artist questioned his roommate, his back against her as he silently tried to strategize which eggshell he shouldn't blindly step on.


The tired girl isn't that fond of beer. She doesn't like the warm feeling that goes down her throat whenever she drinks the alcoholic fluid, but it makes her sleepy. So drinking beer would probably make her sleepy if she drank it, especially since she's too shaken up to sleep.

▬▬ 𝕿𝐨 𝐛𝐞 𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐮𝐞𝐝. 𝕮𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 5
♡ㅤㅤ ≡ ㅤ➭ㅤ ㅤ⌂
ᴸⁱᵏᵉ ᶜᵒᵐᵐᵉⁿᵗ ˢʰᵃʳᵉ ˢᵃᵛᵉ

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