Lunar: End of Magic (IMPORTAN...

By LemonMilkJUICY

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20 1 0
By LemonMilkJUICY

Sirius walked down the pavement towards his school. He is a middle schoolar and most of his friends had transferred to another school. The only ones that stuck around were the ones that were with him since daycare. He stopped in front of the cafeteria where his two besties supposedly wanted to meet up. He waited until they walked out the cafeteria with breakfast in hand.

'Hey Siri! Why didn't you get breakfast?' The blond had questioned. Sirius was used to the nickname for now, but it still ticked him. 'I'm busy trying to worry.' He simply replied. The trio then walked to wherever the gymnasium was supposed to be.

'Genie, you said you were worried about something. What about it?' Tyran, his dark skinned friend laced in concern. 'You guys really didn't look at the school board?' Sirius looked at them with piercing red eyes. 'Sorry, who said that we look at spam letters, love letters, and advertisements?' Edeni had replied shortly after. Their exasperated friend released a heavy sigh and looked at them dead in the eye.

'The school board is not about some high school girl anime locker letter stuff retards. It holds all of the missions students are to be sent out to, important news, high alert notices, watch list, and whatever else.' He looked at their faces being molded with reality. They scoffed as they huffed out their stupidity. 'We are in the Advanced class for having "Advanced Advances" our powers are to not be used for anything.' Sirius continued.

'I mean, have you looked at the country side of our state? It's a literal apocalypse.' Tyran sneered over to his blond friend. Edeni leaned away. They sat down cross-legged and discussed the entirety of the Advanced Modern Era and how screwed up it is during these times.

'Like bro! Back in the old days, they didn't have to stay inside of safe zone and shields! Nor did they have to undergo hideous amounts of overwhelming missions sent out to students!' Edeni babbled on. The bell rang soundly as the intercom announced the daily notices and other stuff that people don't listen to.

Their gym coach entered the gym and went over the rules of the gym for the newbies. They all understood and followed his demands. They first did ten leg exercises, then ten push ups, then ten sit ups. Then they were allowed to chose whatever sport they wanted to play. Many people chose dodge-ball. The two teams were separated by selection and everyone readied themselves for the game.

Whistle blew, shoes squeaked, balls bounced. A few peers did not participate as much. When one side won, the bell had rung soundly once again. Everyone hassled into their new classrooms. Edeni was talking about what type of new spells he was expecting to learn this year. Tyran was contemplating if he should change his wand to a medallion. Sirius stayed quiet.


to be sent off to mission in two months.

It has been said that a forest near family owned property has lured Ceres into it. Annihilate the unknown Ceres species with a team of your own. Other teams from other schools will be participating in the case as well. Retreat if this is an Elite Ceires, report back immediately. Remember, search at night, you will stay there for a week. Reports have been stating that no one has a glimpse of what the Ceres looks like, also, teams have been reported remarking crew members attacking each other.'

He remembered the paper clearly. The school reopened after the Ceres infection had become a minimum, new buildings were installed and new stuff, even a new principal. It was around the Christmas time of the year. Weather was becoming colder.

'Sirius.' The said boy perked up at the sound of his name. His teacher gave him a concerning look. 'You alright?' Sirius gave an affirmative nod and refocused on the lesson. His teacher must've known what mission he has been given. It was quite serious since he was one of the best students for the job. In spells to wit. Sirius trailed off of the lesson again and thought about his plans for his team.

The day came to a closing. So did the week, it felt too fast for the lad since he didn't want to go on the mission. For some reason he didn't want to. Many of his classmates would want to be a part of his team. He knows the reason why for that, they want to skip classes and enjoy magic for a week. There were reasons why certain Advance students were able to go on long-term missions and have a larger team than three.

He was walking home with his bros. They lived fairly near the school. 'Bruh! Wanna hang out tonight? Anyone wants to hangout with me?' Edeni asked as his put in his earbuds. 'I will come by today. Just gotta ask my ma.' Tyran replied as he awaited his fellow ravenette friend to answer. 'Don't worry too much. Expect me by five.' With that, Sirius took his leave as his friends went down the side walk towards their own homes.

He watched his friends go inside of their own dwellings. Sirius sighed as he fished out for his house keys. He pushed it into the knob and opened the door. He quietly shut and locked the door before zooming upstairs to his room and locking that door as well. He quickly stuffed most if not all of his belongings into a few bags. He striped his bed fee of the covers and sheets. His room was almost empty with the help of the levitation spell.

Knocks were adorning the echoey and empty room. Someone was knocking on the other side of the door with stressed syllables. 'Hey Siri! Opeeennn thhhee doooor.' The words were slurred out and drunken. The said lad only quickened his pace to packing his stuff messily but firmly. Securing the bags, he hopped onto his flying board and flew to a certain house. Of course, locking his window and placing an illusion spell that replaced the empty room.

Sirius saw his destination coming into view and used the flick of his wrist with a spell and wand to open a window. He rolled in with a thud and the window closed by someone else's command. His bags safely landed in the corner. Sirius sat up and dusted himself off.

'There's a reason why we have doors and windows. We have a front door man. You looked you were bout to rob us or somethin.' Tyran shook his head as Edeni was clearing his throat. 'Clearly in mind, this is a code blue. We must keep Sirius hidden at all costs until we find him-' Edeni was talking in a scientific tone until a phone was thrown at his face. His green eyes shut closed.

'Read those messages as proof. I don't know when I'll report but...I'm already tired of this self given mission.' Sirius huffed out as he organized his things nicely. Sirius entered the bathroom and locked the door. A few moments after, water was heard running. Edeni and Tyran peered over the messages Sirius had provided them.

Man I want to kill:
When are you coming home?

Maybe in an hour.

No. I say right now. If you don't come right now, I'm breaking your wand.

I said in an hour. But don't worry I'm coming home right now.

Belt = Mattress

Sorry, my programming says that this is assault and I am not coming home until next year.

Do you really think I care about that? You can't report otherwise I'm gonna murder your mom.

Come home now and I'm gonna take it easy.

I won't talk to you for a week if you come home.

If you don't come home, I gonna board your mom.

'Holy (poopy cuss word) Sirius...You gotta report.' Tyran suggested. Edeni agreed as they looked at their fresh friend who is wearing some drip clothing. 'Like this is a very serious situation that is some tough gum. Not using your name in a joke or anything.' Edeni continued after as Sirius took note of that.

Edeni patted the raventte on his shoulder before resuming back to his thinking. Tyran was trying to reason with Sirius to report this case. 'Just do it! I could take your mind off of the case and then you could focus on your upcoming missions!' Tyran reminded as Sirius snarled.

'I'm just exhausted mentally and physically. I'm too tired for anything, give me some space to think before I go further.' Sirius scoffed as Tyran shut his mouth with slight panic and motioned to his daydreaming friend. Edeni jolted back to reality, Tyran slapped his back. 'Maybe of you take your mind off for a moment and go for a breeze, maybe we could-I dunno.' Edeni sputtered out as he tried to think of the words to carry the tense atmosphere.

He suddenly smirked as Tyran only gave out a huff. 'Wanna play fly ball?' Sirius turned around with a luminous look, his magic powering. 'Game on.' 'Bet! Bet is that you have to bring us to your mission! If you win! You lose, you gotta bring us to your mission! But we get frontline!' Edeni declared as Sirius gave a deadpanned expression. 'Game off.' Sirius turned around and walked towards the door with wand in hand.

'I don't have an upcoming mission, besides that barn mission.' Lying through his teeth, something he didn't like doing as it roars up trouble. Edeni tapped his foot in anticipation. Tyran was waiting for Sirius to admit. But he simply walked out of the bedroom. Edeni suddenly tripped as he lunged for Sirius. Sirius dodged that tackle but felt a tingling sensation in his right hand.

Suddenly, a surge of magic destroyed the house and engulfed Sirius. Edeni dramatically gasped as Tyran rushed towards the commotion. Sirius and his wand were encased in a surge of magic. Edeni performed a releasing spell but to no avail, his friend was still caged. Tyran performed another and different releasing spell, the results were the same. Clearly, panic arose their bodies and they started to desperately send spells towards the pillar of magic.

They cried out his name in sync, when he didn't respond, they collapsed to the ground in despair. The magic diminished and Sirius fell limp. The duo quickly shot back up and rushed towards their once ravenette friend. His hair now tinted blue. The bluenette had stirred and opened his eyes. He stared right into emerald and golden eyes. Six eyes widened as the duo had gasped at Sirius.

'Bro.....who are you?' Edeni breathed out as he leaned a bit. 'I don't think none of us casted a makeover spell....' Tyran huffed out. 'You ok? Seem a little off. Don't see any owies.' Tyran lifted his chin. Edeni crouched down. Sirius stood still, processing and buffering upon what had just happened. The two poked and prodded with his body until he suddenly jumped up onto his feet. Sirius even had wide eyes as his friends.

"The (f-word)?' Tyran cursed. 'I-It came like an instinct. Naturally. I feel fine in all angles right now.' Sirius sputtered out, he looked at his hands before picking up his wand. Still in good condition like he expected. Relief washed over him but the overwhelming feeling of missing something didn't click right.

'Ummm...what about my house? My mom is gonna so kill me if she finds out that it's destroyed again...' Edeni trailed off as Tyran stood in manner of readying to perform a spell. 'Tick Clock Reverse!' Tyran shouted out as green magic began to seep out of his wand. The house began to slowly rebuild itself as it was before the explosion. Edeni tapped his foot in worry and Sirius was checking himself out. The house seemed finished and everything looked stable and same. Tyran regained his composure as he wheezed out loudly.

Patting where his respiratory source should have been located. He breathed normally as he coughed for the final time. Edeni was patting his back for extra measures. Sirius closed the mirror spell and quickly made his way towards his friends. Edeni inspected the house for any sus evidence that may lead to his blaming and grounding. The three gave each other affirmative nods before heading back into the blond's room to not make any suspicious activity.

'I think I know who should be on my team now.' Sirius spoke as Edeni and Tyran gave out smirks of victory. Still weary of the previous situation. 'Do you guys know Izutoko?' Then all of a sudden the two had confused looks. Those looks only signaled their red-eyed friend that the don't know who "Izutaco" is. 'Imma let you know now Siri, we look at the school board. I mean, how else do we know when our missions start and get prepared?' Tyran confessed and Sirius only gave a small nod.

'Izutoko. You guys don't know him? He takes that long-term missions back-to-back.' Sirius began. Edeni was rubbing his temples because he wanted to see if he knows or remembers anything about this lad.

'Izututaco?' Edeni declared the moment his hands gripped his hair. 'Izutoko Mabadono. A Japanese transfer student. He has black slick up hair with green highlights? Bluish grayish eyes? His confirmation uniform coat is green-gold like yours Edeni.' Sirius continued. His two friends shook their heads in denial. Sirius huffed before taking a deep breath.

'I've been to a mission with him a few times before the opening of school. He has some great skill in magic, wit, and trickery when it comes to manipulating the enemy. He also doesn't really come to school because he-' Taking another deep breath, 'To be honest, I dunno at all. He is a really cool guy but seems really cold and scary. I think he has pet bird.' Sirius caught his breath, his two dumbfounded friends were stumped.

Summoning a spell that reflects his complexion, he looked at his new feature. Tinted blue hair. It used to be pitch black. His dull red eyes remained, along with those feminine long bottom lashes that seemed to protrude outward. His eyebrows were black. Maybe if you looked closer you could've seen blue. Shiny.

'Done admiring?' Edeni whispered. Sirius huffed so loudly that he fell to the floor backwards. 'This mission sucks already. Gotta find a team and stay for a week! Along with other schools! It's gonna be a death zone!' Sirius whined out like a child despite being very mature.

'My team shall consist of people who know who to control their magic and themselves. Which is me, you, Tyran, Izutoko, and more team members that have yet to be chosen.' Sirius explained as he flopped himself onto a spare sleeping bag. Tyran was safely packing his wand away in its safe carrier. Edeni was shuffling around his bedroom desk furiously.

'Ta-daa! It's a note from Izutoko when he told me about some very important people!' Edeni majestically held out a paper that had names written in English and Japanese. Edeni gave it to Sirius while fanning it. 'He told me that if we ever meet these people with those names, we should be respectful and challenge them to a battle of alliance. If you win, you should know their name and rank. They might take you in as a trainee or you could side with them.' Edeni explained in the way he remembered it.

'He said that they all have a red ribbon wrapped on them somewhere. Be careful and not to provoke, offend, or anger them in anyway, they can whoop our butts so fast like the butter meme. If you ever meet these dudes with the fabric around their heads, always obey them. At least that's what I can recall.' Edeni put his index finger up to his chin and released big brain energy. Tyran looked at him like he was being a lunatic. Sirius gave off a pissed aura. Edeni snapped his fingers as he pointed up without looking.

'Ahh! I think has said something about being careful with people with the Lunar blood. Like they can be very powerful creatures-' Sirius cut him off with an angered look. 'Izutoko already told me about that ranking stuff. You know all of this? Did you even report anything about it to the officials!? Obviously, he knows something that can cause hierarchy! Lunar blood? Sounds like nonsense! I thought the blood stopped being passed on when the Eclipse Gods didn't want to kill off all mortals on this miserable planet!' Sirius exclaimed but held back in his breath and anger for lashing out so suddenly. Tyran and Edeni had shocked faces for their usual stoic friend for being such a loud mouth.

'Sorry, I just had a really bad week. Everything had just been taking a toll on me and it sorta just overflowed.' Sirius turned over onto his stomach and buried his face further into the pillow. 'Oh, by the way, where is my phone? I gave it to you guys after I broke in.' Sirius reminded as the two just looked at each other in dead silence. 'Um, it's on you side.' Edeni said as Tyran quickly let out a spell that summoned Sirius' phone next to him. Acting like nothing happened, Sirius turned over and grabbed his phone, proceeding to ignore the new text messages from Man I want to kill. He just started to play games while Edeni went downstairs to make dinner, Tyran reading a book from the dusty untouched shelf.

'Gods, has this day been rough. A rollercoaster, we went from normal, to panic, back to normal but sus, then to angry, now to normal again.' Edeni quickly rushed in with a towel in hand. 'Come on broskies. Tonight we have Pizza and fries, let's go binge watch anime with popcorn.' Edeni suggested as he rushed back downstairs and called dibs for first bites. Tyran and Sirius scrambled after.

They all together had found places to relax. Sirius took the couch surrounded by pillows and his own blanket, Tyran dibbed the large bean bag with his blanket and food, Edeni took the egg chair and transformed it into a small hut and his own share. Sirius had the table so he didn't need to dirty his path. They decided to watch Spirited Away and My Neighbor Totoro. After the movies had ended, Edeni made sure to clean the dishes and the other two had tidied the living room so his mom wouldn't scold him for living like a pig again. Then they traveled back upstairs into the bedroom where they all slept together on their respective places.

New Characters Unlocked

Sirius Gene+Transformed Skin

Edeni Walksman

Tyran Goldencore

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