She-ra and the princess of po...

Flutterknight द्वारा

313 0 0

Follow Skyla and Alison through She-ra and the princess of power! अधिक

The sword part one
The sword part 2
Flowers for She-ra
The Sea Gate

In the Shadows of Mystacor

15 0 0
Flutterknight द्वारा

Skyla POV
I wake up and see the other two still sleeping. 

I get up and decide to get some berries. I am hungry. I go pick some and bring some back to the team. Glimmer covers her head as Bow watches her. "I can feel you staring at me. Why is it the one who snores is always the first one to fall asleep?"Glimmer said.

"What? I don't snore. Adora, Skyla, do I snore? Adora?"Bow said. Glimmer teleports us and we bump into her. Adora gasps. "Sorry, too early to teleport, "Glimmer said. Adora's gaze is fixed on the forest. I bite an apple. "What are we looking at?"I said. 

"I don't know. I heard a noise in the woods last night. And I thought I saw something"Adora said. "What? Like a bunny? Maybe a butterfly?"Glimmer said, teasing her. She stares. "Adora, did you get any sleep at all?"I said. Adora gasps. 

"Someone has to stand guard, "Adora said. "Okay, I know you're on edge because of what happened with Entrapta's infected robots, but it's all over now. You've got to relax. You need a vacation. Which is why we're going to Mystacor" Glimmer said. 

"Mystacor? No way"Bow said. "Wait, what's Mystacor?"Adora and I said. "It's a secret floating kingdom that's home to all of Etheria's sorcerers. It's got tranquil gardens, beautiful beaches, and healing springs. And my aunt Castaspella just happens to be the head sorceress there" Glimmer said.

"You'll love it, Adora, Skyla. Plus you won't have to worry about evil things in the woods. Mystacor is protected by an invisibility spell, so evil can't find it"Bow said. "It's the safest and most peaceful place in all of Etheria. We'll have you relaxing in no time"Glimmer said. 

"Relax...huh?"I said. "You know We've never relaxed in my life, right?"Adora said. "Well, we're here to change that. Just wait"Bow said. I felt a weird presence in the air. I look around and then shrug. Maybe it is nothing.

*Theme Song Plays*

Alison POV

I watch Shadow Weaver press her hands on a glowing red gem. 

She wanted to see me. I wonder why we don't get along. Catra appears behind her. "Shadow Weaver, you wanted to see me?"Catra said. She looks at me and I smile at her softly. "Ah. Force Captain. How kind of you to join me"Shadow Weaver said. 

"What's up with you? You're being spookier than usual"Catra said. "My shadow spies have found Adora and Skyla. They are on their way to Mystacor with their new friends. Mystacor. This is going to be too easy"Shadow Weaver said. Catra groans. 

"Another Adora mission. Fine. When do I leave?"Catra said. "The only place you're headed is outside my door to stand guard. I'm going to use my magic to go after Adora myself. You will see that I am not disturbed. Clearly, no one else can be trusted to bring her back to the Horde, least of all you. I need to talk to Alison. Alone. Now go"Shadow Weaver said.

Catra scowls. "I said, go!"Shadow Weaver yelled. Catra gasps but she stays put. "Please go and stand post...I will be fine" I said, whispering the last part. Catra scurries off, and I glare at Shadow Weaver. "Who thought someone like you needed help from little old me," I said.

She glares as I grin. "Yes. What is the odd? I need you to help me" she said then I chuckled. "Help you? Excuse me but why should I help you? If I recall you hate me" I said, placing my hand on my waist. "I...don't hate you. Remember I used to be your teacher" she said.

I scoff. "Yeah until Hordak saw that I deserve better," I said. "Foolish child. Who do you think told Lord Hordak about you? I gave you that honor so you must help me" She said. I scoff again. "I will help you...If you promise that you won't be rude to Catra" I said.

She glares at me and then sighs. "I don't know what you see in that girl but I...promise. Now bring them to me!"Shadow Weaver said. I glare at her. "Fine. Please do the spell with me...for old time's sake," She said. "Sure," I said. I smile and then touch the cauldron. 

So many memories I had with this cauldron. "From the farthest reaches of Etheria, I command you, be as one!"I yell. A red diamond shape circles in a cauldron and a dark figure rises up to the ceiling. A Shadow Spy screeches.

Skyla POV
We hike to the edge of a cliff.

"We're here!"Glimmer said. "We're on a cliff, overlooking a thousand-foot drop," Adora said as we looked down. "Yes, we are, but not for long, "Glimmer said. "Um, what do you mean by that?"I said. "Woo-hoo!" Glimmer and Bow said as they jumped.

"Uh, guys?"Adora and I said. "Are they dead?"I whisper as I hold her arm. They appear on a floating mountain. "C'mon Adora, Skyla, jump!"Bow said. I sigh and then jump after them. I land and look at Adora. "Come on Adora!"I yell. Adora grunts and then gasps. She falls. 

"Oh, ouch. You okay?"Bow said as I ran to check on her. "I'm fine. I thought I saw--"She said and sighed. "I'm just stressed," She said. "Hang in there Adora. Next stop, Mystacor" Glimmer said. We ride forward on the mountain. 

Adora looks back as the shadow snakes around the rock behind us. Soon after, we reach a castle perched on top of a steep cliff. Glimmer laugh as I gasp in amazement. "We rode a flying mountain through clouds. It never gets old" Bow said. Adora glances behind her. 

"Uh, sure, yeah, heh. It was great" She said. "Just so you know, my aunt Casta can be a lot. But don't worry, I know how to handle her"Glimmer said. "What do you mean by that?"I whisper. "Is that my Glimmer?"A woman with a black bun and a purple dress. 

The woman hugs her. "Hi, Aunt Casta," Glimmer said. "It's been so long since you've come to visit. And Bow"The woman said and hugged Bow. "And who's this?"The woman said. "This is my friend Adora. She's sometimes an 8-foot-tall warrior woman named She-Ra. So, don't get freaked out when it happens"Glimmer said.

"Hi," Adora said and they shook hands. "And this is Skyla" Glimmer said. The woman looks at me and gasps. "'s you," She said. "Um...Hi, My name is Skyla" I said. She took a look at my hand. "It can't be...unless," she said then Glimmer did a fake cough.

"Sorry...How nice Glimmer has started making some new friends. We were all so pleased when she started bringing Bow around. I was sure she had made him up at first"Glimmer's aunt said and laughed. "Oh, you've done something to your hair," She said to Glimmer.

"What? Yes, I cut it"Glimmer said. "I can see that. I also see you're not wearing the sweater I knitted for you. Don't you like it?"Her aunt said. "Sure, I like it. It's great. It's just... it's a little warm for sweaters right now" Glimmer answered.

"But you'd tell me if you didn't like it?"Her aunt said. Dam her aunt is pushy. "Yes, I'd tell you," Glimmer said. "I'm wearing the socks you sent me, "Bow said. "Well, I've always been fond of this one. So, what brings you all the way out here to visit your aunt? Is it once in a blue moon already?"Her aunt said then laughed as she walked off. 

"We're on a diplomatic mission, Auntie. I'm rebuilding the Princess Alliance and..." Glimmer said. "My goodness, you must be starving. I'll have a feast prepared. I'm sure your mother hasn't been feeding you" Her aunt said. We follow and I look around. 

Wow, so many people are doing magic. "Wow," Adora said. "You've come at the perfect time, there's an eclipse this evening. I'm headed right now to inspect the lunarium for the ceremony. And nothing would make me happier than to give my favorite niece and her friends a tour" she said.

"Uh, Bow and I have had the tour before. And we don't want to get in your way"Glimmer said. "It's all right Glimmer. Adora and Skyla haven't seen it. It'll be fun" Bow said. Glimmer frowns. "Oh, well, I guess it's up to them then. What do you say, my dear?"Glimmer's Aunt said. "Uh...sure?"Adora said as I nodded. "Oh, I like them, "Her aunt said and pulls us away. 

Soon, we enter a room with a glass ceiling.

"Wow," Adora said. "The lunar lenses. We use them in the monthly ceremonies to renew Mystacor's magic defenses and keep us shielded from the outside world. You will be coming to the Eclipse Ceremony tonight, won't you?"Glimmer's aunt said.

"Aunt Casta, I've seen the ceremony dozens of times. And we're all really tired from traveling. Maybe we'll skip it this time?"Glimmer said. "Nonsense. Your friends Adora and Skyla haven't seen it, and it's quite a sight to behold for a newcomer. Besides, don't you want to spend more time with your aunt?"Glimmer's aunt said.

"Of course. But we also really wanted to show Adora and Skyla the beach" Glimmer said. "Well, if the beach is the only reason you're here, I really shouldn't keep you, should I? I certainly don't want to waste your time" Her aunt said. Adora pulls my sleeves and then points. 

Is that...a shadow? We follow it. We scan the hallway. "Ah, yes. The Hall of Sorcerers. These are the Great Ones that led Mystacor through the ages. This is Micah, my brother. We trained in these very walls together. Glimmer looks just like him you know" her aunt said.

"He had a beard, "Glimmer said. "Wait, Glimmer's dad was your brother?"Adora said. "Adora, do you know what aunt means?"Bow whisper. "No. I was just hoping somebody would eventually explain"Adora whispered. "I kind of knew since Alison explained a bit to me," I said.

"Auntie, we're going to avenge my dad and ensure the Horde never hurts anyone else. Mom believes in us, and in She-Ra"Glimmer said. "Well, if your mother believes, who am I not to? She's an angelic being after all, and I'm just a common sorceress" Glimmer's aunt said.

"Ugh. Please, not this again"Glimmer said. I look at the statue. "What happened to her?"Adora said. "Light Spinner. A scar on Mystacor's past. She sought power and control above all else, and she was cast out. Although, some say she never really left. That she's only biding her time, waiting to exact her revenge. But those are only children's tales, of course," Glimmer's aunt said. 

I give a nervous chuckle and then gasp as I see the next statue. "Um...And who is that?"I said. She looks and smiles. "That is Louve Wolfclaw. She is the first and last of her clan to train in magic. You know I used to be close to her...until she was betrothed to this uptight spoiled nature prince" She said. 

"She was the last of her clan?"I said and Castaspella sighed. "Yes...It is because of the curse of her first child. Her first child was just like her but rumor had it that she brought bad luck. When they had their twin, a fire broke out, and the Horde attacked. Once it was over, everyone was searching for them but they couldn't find them. People believe it was the elder child who taught herself dark art. There are rumors that she may be out there, wanting revenge for the people who saw her clan as villains" she said then chuckled. 

"Anyway, on with the tour. Are you hungry? I've had the dining room redone since the last time you were here, Glimmer" she said. I look at the lady. So your name is Louve Wolfclaw, huh? I touch it softly. "What do you want from me?"I whisper. I gasp and close my eyes. 

I see fire. People were screaming. Louve ran through. Louve had a tons of bruies and sratch mark. She reaches toward me but then screams when something attacks her. "My baby!"She yelled then something shook me. "You okay?"Bow said. 

"Yeah...I think so" I said then leaned toward Adora. Who would it thought that vision could take a lot of you? "It's worse than we thought. You need warm sand and calming waves, stat"Glimmer said. Glimmer and Bow lead Adora out and I follow them.

Alison Pov
"It's time for something more, "Shadow Weaver said.

"Oh, so how big are we talking about?"I said. "Big. Let's combine our power and make them pay" She said. I let go of the cauldron and walks toward her. "Before we go..." she said and show me my wolf mask. I slowly take it. This... was my first mask. 

I made this with Shadow Weaver on my first day of training. I was so amazed by her mask that I wanted one. She made it with me and I had to earn it. Those days were so fun until Hordak saw how talented I was. I thought I lost this. "I found it, "She said then I hugged her.

"Thank you" I whisper. "It...was nothing. Now, how about you help your old teacher?"She said as I put it on. "Alright...I still don't trust you though"I said. I raise my right hand, letting the shadow consume us. I open my eyes, seeing us in the hall of Mystacor. 

"I can't wait to take this place. I would love to rest here" I said then saw that wolf woman. "Hey Shadow Weaver, do you know anything about that lady?"I said. She looks then lets out a chuckle. "Yes...I know Louve" She said. "What?!"I said as I pushed my mask up. 

"She is a dear friend of mine. Very powerful at the dark art just like you. Sadly she was married to a prince for some strange reason but no time for that. It is time to get Adora back. Come on... Midnight" She said. I push my mask down as I follow her.

Skyla POV

Glimmer and Bow spread towels on the beach.

"So, we just, like, lie here?"I said. "Absolutely. Letting your cares melt away. Didn't you do something like this to relax in the Horde?"Glimmer said. "Uh, no. We hit things" Adora said. "Oh, and sharpen our weapon!"I said. "Well, this is so much better. Right Bow?"Glimmer said.

We see Bow already sleeping. "Just try it, okay?"Glimmer said—Adora sigh. "Okay," We said. We lay on the blanket. I close my eyes. More fire. Why am I seeing this?! I yelp as  I dodge a laser beam. I run off and then hear some laughter. I look back and see a little girl. 

" amazing!"The little girl said. How does she think this is amazing?! "Um little girl, we need to leave, "I said as I walked toward her. "I said...Leave me alone!"The girl yells then flame surrounds me. I scream and get up. 

"Clearly we're going to have to take this relaxation thing to the next level. Bow, wake up" Glimmer said. She claps her hands. "What?"Bow said, waking up. "Come on. We need to show Adora and Skyla the steam grotto" Glimmer said. "Whoo! Steam grotto" Bow said.

No one POV
They arrive at the cave.

The grotto is filled with crystal-blue pools. "Wow," Adora said. "Right?"Bow said. Bow and Glimmer strip off their robes to reveal bathing suits. "Ah. Ooh. Ah"Bow said as he eased himself into a steaming pool.

"These pools are full of magical healing minerals. The sorcerers use them to cleanse themselves of worry and fear before big ceremonies or spells. Now, just clear your mind. Breathe deeply. Focus on the warmth of your skin. Let your body go perfectly..."Glimmer said.

Adora closes her eyes. Glimmer sleeps, and black smoke envelopes them. "Ah," Adora said. "Adora" Shadow Weaver and Alison's disembodied voice said. Adora shouts as she leaps out of the pool and grips the sword. She turns to face the shadow.

Glimmer shouts as she wakes up. "No, no, no, no, no! Help!"Adora said. "Adora! Skyla!"Glimmer said. "Shadow Weaver's here. I saw her!"Adora said. "Adora, Skyla, there's no one else here. Did you bring your sword in here? Are you OK? What happened?" Bow said. 

"Shadow Weaver and Alison were here. In the grotto. And they were the sorcerer's hall too. I saw their shadow on the floor" Skyla said as she held Adora's arm. "What are you talking about? Who is Shadow Weaver?"Glimmer said. 

"Shadow Weaver and Alison raised me in the Horde. She taught me how to read and tie my boots and how to subvert the enemy and be victorious in battle" Adora said. "And Alison always watches over us. She showed me a bit about magic since she used to be Shadow Weaver's student" I said. 

"OK. Sure, mom stuff" Glimmer said. "No, commanding officer stuff...and mom stuff," Adora said. "Adora, they aren't here. They were never here. It's not possible" Glimmer said. "But you don't know what she's capable of, "Skyla said as she looked around. Bow takes her hand. 

"Sounds like this Shadow Weaver and Alison really did a number on you two growing up. But you're okay now. You got away from them. Do you wanna try something else? We could get massages, or find you something to hit if that would work better" Bow said. 

"No. It's okay. I'm okay. I think I need to be alone. Clear my head" Adora said. Skyla nod. "Me too, "I said. "You sure?" Glimmer said. "Yeah," They said. Glimmer and Bow walk away. They glance back and Adora has her head in her hands. They leave.

"I'm not crazy. I'm, I'm not crazy"Adora said. "Come on, let's take a walk, "Skyla said and they walked to the Hall of Sorcerers. She tops at the statue of Light Spinner. "You're just a stupid statue. Pull it together Adora, there's no way Shadow Weaver can be here" She said.

A Shadow Spy knocks her over. "Adora!"Skyla yell. The Shadow Spy growls at them. "For the honor of Grayskull!"She yells, raising her sword in the air and morphing into She-Ra. "Hey, Adora and Skyla"Catra's voice said. "Catra, where are you?"She-ra said. 

"How did you find us here?"Skyla said. They look around. Catra's voice laughs. "Nope. Getting colder" she said. "Whatever you're doing, I won't let you get away with it. Did Shadow Weaver send you?"She-ra said.

"What do you think? Shadow Weaver controls us both. She always has"Catra's voice said. "Catra, wait, "She-ra said. She-Ra and Skyla run down the hall and enter the domed room. Catra's voice laughs. "Catra?"Skyla said. She-Ra looks at Skyla and places her arm in front of her.

Hordak's voice laughed. "The Horde had high hopes for you, Force Captain. Disappointing. Does the Rebellion truly think you can save them? Nothing can stop the Horde, least of all you"his voice said. "Show yourself, "She-Ra said.

"You will lead them all, every Etherian, to their complete and utter annihilation. Nothing will be left of Bright Moon but smoking ruins. Your new friends buried beneath"Hordak's voice said. Skyla closes her eyes and sees Midnight. "She-Ra, no!"Skyla yell. 

She-Ra swings her sword at Hordak and smashes the mirrors. She-Ra yells as the Sword of Protection shatters the lunar crystals. Castaspella runs in. She picks up the pieces. "What have you done?"Castaspella said. "Uh, sorry. I didn't mean... I thought I just saw..."She-ra said. 

"Adora! Skyla"Glimmer said. "Your friend has destroyed a thousand years' worth of sacred writings. She could have destroyed the lenses that protect Mystacor" Castaspella said. "She didn't mean to. Adora would never..."Bow said. 

"Yes, it wasn't her! It was Midnight!"Skyla said. "And a liar. This is the kind of person you hang around with?"Castaspella said. "Auntie, wait, "Glimmer said. "Glimmer, "Skyla said. "It's okay, I'll handle her, "Glimmer said. 

"The Horde isn't here, Adora, Skyla. You need to sleep. Promise me you'll try"Bow said. "Okay, we'll try, "Adora said. Adora and Skyla leave with Bow and Alison's shadow follows. Alison's shadow gave a small chuckle.

Adora lies in bed. 

She looks out the skylight at the moons of Etheria. Then she leans over on her side. "Glimmer. Look, I'm really sorry about--"Adora said. "Save it, Adora. How could you do this? I thought you were supposed to be our friend" Glimmer said. "We are your friend," Skyla said.

"You've ruined everything I've worked for. What kind of a friend does that?"Glimmer said. "Glimmer," Adora said. "And you! Lying! I thought you won't lie to us!"Glimmer yells at Skyla. "Look, I am-"Skyla said but Glimmer put a hand up. 

"You know what? Maybe you should just go"Glimmer said. Glimmer leaves. Adora hangs her head. Skyla pats her back. In the hall, Glimmer morphs into Alison. She sighs as she cleans the dust off her dress and walks off.

Castaspella draws a shape in the air in the Lunarium. 

Bow and Glimmer watch. "Are Adora and Skyla coming?"Glimmer said. "I didn't want to wake her up. She needs to sleep"Bow said. Castaspella looks up as the moon passes over the sky. Beams of light shine down on the gems of Lunarium. 

Midnight appears and Castaspella startles. The lunar lenses thrum as Midnight brings out a staff with a dark blue heart crystal. Castaspella gasps as the gems cloud over and the room darkens. Castaspella uses her arms to hold off the darkness as shadows fill the room. 

Bow and Glimmer gape. Midnight laughs as her sleeves break. Everyone gasps. "No...How is she here?"Glimmer said. "Surprise?"Midnight said in a soft voice. She hisses at them and raises her staff in the air.

Adora and Skyla walk away from Mystacor. 

The sky darkens and they turn around. The citizens of Mystacor scream as they run away. "Adora, come on, we have to get out of here now, "Bow said. "What's happening?"Adora said. "The protection spell is failing. We need to go!"Bow said. 

"Wait, stop. What do you mean failing?"Skyla said. "Where's Glimmer?"Adora said. "Everything that's about to happen is your fault, Adora. You're to blame"Bow said. Bow is a Shadow Spy. Adora turns and runs back inside. 

She finds Castaspella, Bow, and Glimmer sprawled lifeless on the floor. Shadow Weaver and Midnight face her. Shadow Spy Bow hisses at them. "Adora" Shadow Weaver and Alison said. "Shadow Weaver!"Adora yell. "Midnight!"Skyla yell. 

Midnight looks at her and traps them. "The eclipse is nearly over, Adora. When it is, the shield will be down. The Horde will conquer Mystacor and bring you home to me" Shadow Weaver said. The shadows surround her. "No, I'll stop you," Adora said. 

"Come on, Skyla. Let's be a family again. I know you are unhappy here"Midnight said. "I don't even know you!"Skyla said. Midnight sighs and takes off her mask. Her eyes were glowing. "Alison," she said, nervously. 

"Why? To help these people?"Alison said as she stroked Skyla's face. "Who are they to you? They don't understand you. Just as they did not understand me when I walked among them as Light Spinner"Shadow Weaver said. "What?"They said. 

"They feared my dark power. They'll never accept you. Not like I do"Shadow Weaver said. "No, no! You're wrong. For the honor of Grayskull!"Adora yell. The blue gem on her sword flickers. The Sword of Protection blinks weakly. 

"You know deep down what I say is true. You are the ambitious, cutthroat, ruthless warrior we raised you to be"Alison said. "No," Adora said. She drops the sword and falls to her knees. 

"The Princesses don't care about you. They want to use you for your strength. Return now to the Fright Zone. Rule by our side. Look at Alison. I taught her everything and she rose to the highest top. If it weren't for me, she would be treated as a prisoner"Shadow Weaver said. 

Adora glares and they break free. "These are my friends. They've been kind to me. Something you never were"Adora said. "And they would never lie to us!"Skyla said. "We prepared you for greatness!"Shadow Weaver said. 

"I did it to protect you. You two can't face the real world without me!"Alison yell. The room begins to shake. "But you never loved us. You just played twisted mind games. I'm none of the things you say I am. I'm not like you. You are bitter and cruel, and you're the one who used me! This is who I am. You hurt my friends, so now you're gonna pay!"Adora said.

"It's too late. The eclipse will be over in moments. Mystacor will fall and it will be your fault" Alison said as Shadow Weaver laughed evilly. Alison raises her arm up. Flowers tattoos appear on her body. Adora grunts as she grabs her sword.

The Sword of Protections thrums and transforms into a shield. It blasts Alison with a beam of light. Adora looks up at the skylight. She runs and begins climbing up the wall. Shadow Weaver yells. "Huh?"Adora said. 

"I can give you Etheria. We can rule together. You were nothing before I took you in, Adora. And you will be nothing without me! You're weak!"Shadow Weaver said. Adora grunts. "And what about Alison? You will leave her all alone. You will break her heart"Shadow Weaver whispers.

Skyla jumps up and grabs Adora's shield. She whacks Shadow Weaver with the shield, then faces her. "Adora, Skyla enough of this. Come home" Alison said. Adora knits her brows. Skyla holds the shield to the skylight.

A high light appears. Adora struggles and Skyla helps her hold the shield. "We are not going back. You have no power over us anymore"Adora said. A beam of light floods the room. "No!"Alison and Shadow Weaver yell.

Shadow Weaver is knocked backward in the Horde. The gem on her headband fades. Castaspella, Bow, and Glimmer wake as circles of light cover the floor and spread up to the ceiling. Mystacor is shielded in a glowing forcefield.

"Adora, Skyla, are you okay?"Glimmer said. "I'm okay. Yeah, I think we're finally okay. They are gone" Adora said. "I'm so sorry we didn't believe you! We've been bad friends" Bow said.

"No! You're not. This is what Shadow Weaver and Alison do. They manipulate people, she pushes them apart. But it's never going to work on us again. I'm sorry, it's our fault they were here. We endangered Mystacor" Adora said.

"Nonsense, you saved Mystacor. Glimmer has chosen her friends well. I'll knit you a sweater. What size are you in the shoulders?"Castaspella said. The friends embrace. "I'm like, really tired," Adora said.

Later, pink waves lap the shore of the beach. Adora wakes on her beach blanket. "Glimmer?" Adora said. "Right here, Adora"Glimmer said. "Skyla?"Adora said. "I am here too, "Skyla said as she played with the sand. Glimmer strokes Adora's head and Adora smiles and closes her eyes.

Alison POV
I groan as I slowly get up.

That... was weird. How was she able to do that? Catra looks into Shadow Weaver's room. "Hello? Shadow Weaver?"Catra said then she helped me up. "Where's Shadow Weaver?" she said. Shadow Weaver is lifeless on the floor and Catra smirks.

Catra laugh. "You've been going about this the wrong way, old woman. If you wanna take down Adora, you have to go for the heart" Catra said. Catra gazes at an image of Bow. She looks at me. "Wanna help?"She said. "Always," I said as I smiled.

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67.2K 1.8K 21
I watched the new She Ra series, and I ship those two. Don't tell me that I'm a part of Diviant Art for this!!! Catra x Adora forever!!!
34.6K 1K 11
When Catra is banished from the Horde, she wants nothing to do with anyone or anything. But then she gets trapped in a magic building with her ex bes...
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In this reboot of the 1980s original, a magic sword transforms an orphan girl into warrior She-Ra, who unites a rebellion to fight against evil.
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If Tgamm, Gravity Falls, The Owl House and Amphibia had a gc.