family // bnha

By elisimone_

591K 20.6K 9.3K

bnha x big sister!oc class 1a needs more adult support, let's be honest... AU where eli midoriya, pro-hero, a... More

an exciting (for me) update


15.7K 537 476
By elisimone_

The 3 boys couldn't help but be totally and completely embarrassed by the situation at hand. Hitoshi and Izuku Midoriya stood beside their childhood best friend, faces hotter than the sun as she fixed up everything about them, before taking dozens of pictures of them in their U.A uniforms.

After many months of training, she now stared at Katsuki and Hitoshi who were now taller than her, with Kat standing at 5'8 and Hito at 5'9. Izuku had grown but remained an inch below Eli, at 5'5. 

Eli was a bit envious of them, she wanted to at least be 5'7. 

"Nee-chan, w-we're gonna be late!" Izuku told her but she just smiled at him before attacking them with hugs and embarrassing kisses on their forehead and cheeks.

"Alright let us go now, jeez Bell," Katsuki grumbled with an irritated look on his face, but that didn't wipe the redness from his cheeks.

"We can't be late on the first day," Hitoshi sighed, holding a portable coffee cup in his hand making her grin at them again, having mastered these little affectionate outbursts of hers. 

"Okay, okay, have fun, feel free to visit me in my class or workshop if you need anything," she told them with a smile.

Little did she know her number of children would go from 4 to 20+. 

·٠•●♥ Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ ♥●•٠·˙ ˙·٠•●♥ Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ ♥●•٠·˙

"It took 8 seconds for you all to quiet down. That's too long," Aizawa said, peering at his classroom. 

He didn't look at the roaster, because he found that when he did this in the previous year, he quickly became disappointed. This also meant that his teacher's assistant hadn't either, trusting him, and deciding to just meet them.

"Hello, My name is Aizawa Shouta, and I'm your homeroom teacher. It's nice to meet you," he said blandly, clearly tired. 

Cue the shocked faces of the homeless yellow caterpillar's new problem children.

"Come in now," he grumbled, looking over at the door.

In walked someone that made 3 of the students in the gasp, 1 look extremely surprised, and 1's eyes widen.

"Hello, my name is Eli Midoriya, I'll be your TA for this year,"  she said with a bow.

"Now, put these on, and we're going to head outside," Shouta said, pulling a gym uniform.

4 boys stayed behind to talk to the TA, all of them making her laugh a bit when she realized the number of kids she already knew.

"...Midoriya-sensei," Shoto called making her look to him first. She chuckled a bit at the formality of it all, knowing she'd be hearing a lot of it. Though it did make her feel a little weird since Shoto usually called her Nee-chan.

"You're our TA!?" Katsuki questioned loudly.

"Well, that's what it looks like. I'm as surprised as you," she said calmly looking at the 4, a small smile playing on her lips.

"Now, go get changed, you'll be late if you don't leave now. We can talk later," she told them, shoo-ing them away. WIth uneasiness in their gut, they nodded at their sister, before going off to change into their gym uniforms.

"Of course all of your kids are in our class," Shouta said with a huff.

She rolled her eyes at him before she turned to him.

"Email me everything alright, I'm still overseeing all the hero costume designs. I'll make sure they're done in time for Hero-training. The course syllabus and all that are on my laptop and I assume you'll hand all that out tomorrow so I'll have it ready. I'll have my own ready for them when I get back," she told him. He nodded, and pat her head a bit making her smile.

"See you tonight," she told him with a wave before she left the classroom. He smiled in her direction before he began to make his way outside where he'd wait outside for his students. 

She walked her way to the Development Studio, waltzing in to see Power Loader talking to an overly eccentric pink-haired girl.

"Morning, Maijima-kun," she greeted Power Loader upon walking over. The girl gasped loudly making Eli look rather kind of concerned.

"Are you okay there honey?" she asked lifting her hair to look at her. The girl's face flushed profusely as her body vibrated in excitement.

"Oh my baby, you're Kinetic! Oh, I'm so excited to meet you, you're the reason I'm even in the Support Course. Oh, I have so many questions for you! About how you switched to the Hero Course in your 2nd year at U.A but you still ended up becoming the manager of Development Studio! You know there are not too many heroes that have expertise in the Support Item area? Did you know you're my favorite hero? I heard somewhere that you had your hair infused with your hero costume so it'd be able to withstand your Quirk. Wow, you're wearing your hero costume! You know I always wondered why you wore all black but the stitching to your costume had purple and orange. I meant the green and red makes sense, because of your hair and your eyes, but oh well. Can you tell me what you used to make your suit so durable, I mean, I once saw a video of you coming out of a building that was on fire and your costume wasn't even burned..." she began rambling about everything and all the questions she may have had for Eli.

Honestly, she reminded her a lot of Izuku when he was ranting about different Hero attacks, Quirk discrimination, or mumbling about Quirk details that he comes up with himself a lot of the time. The funny thing was he was right most of the time.

'Why do I have a bad feeling? I hope Izu isn't mumbling again, it creeps people out,' Eli pondered.

"Woah, slow down huh? What's your name?" Eli asked, trying to appear less flustered than she was. She'd only met a couple of her fans since she was an underground hero.

This was still new to her. 

"My name is Mei Hatsume! I'm a 1st year," she said with a bright smile.

God, she was like Izuku. 

"Well, you look like fun. I was on my way to check the 1st years' hero costumes, would you like to come with me?" Eli asked, figuring the girl had more questions.

Hastume eyes sparkled as she nodded, her pink hair moving furiously as she nodded her head. And so, Eli and Hastume excused themselves from Power Loader, with Hatsume following behind her excitedly. Power Loader couldn't help but be relieved because he didn't know how to answer the curious girls' questions about Eli.

And so, Eli let the girl tag along with her, answering all of her questions as she checked the costumes, and then some. In the end, Hastume left, waving goodbye and promising more questions for her the next day. Checking the time, Eli started on her way back to class 1A, figuring that now was probably the best chance to get to know them all or at least have them introduce themselves.

She didn't expect to be yelled at as soon as she walked into the classroom though.

"Bell! There you are! DID YOU KNOW THE NERD HAD A QUIRK?!" Katsuki yelled from across the classroom. 

He stood next to Hitoshi who was looking at Katsuki like he'd lost his fucking mind even if he was also confused at how his once Quirkless brother had a Quirk.

This made Eli a little nervous. Had he not told Suki and Hito? I mean, it wasn't her place to reveal such a secret, especially since it had to do with the very fragile foundation to that their entire society existed. 

So she decided that for now, she'd skim over the Quirk thing until Izuku decided to tell them, that was if he ever did tell them.

"Of course I knew, he took down that 0-pointer during the exam. I do work here," she told them with a kind smile as she closed the sliding door. 

This wasn't a lie, she knew he did take out that 0-pointer, but she hadn't seen it because she was too busy in her workshop. It's not like she'd been worried or anything because even without a Quirk, Izuku knew he still had the option of Support Items created by yours truly. 

Especially along with the training from both All Might and Eli.

It was the same situation with Hitoshi, except for the fact that he had support items during the Entrance Exam that he used along with a couple of knives, and maneuverability devices Eli made based on something she saw on a pre-Quirk era show called Attack on Titan.

"Bakugo, you can not speak to Midoriya-sensei like that, it is extremely unprofessional and rude to address someone of her status in such a way," a kid said, his rectangular glasses gleaming as he did some choppy motions in the air. They made her chuckle.

"DON'T TELL ME HOW TO TALK TO HER!" Katsuki hollered loudly.

"It's fine. In fact, I'd prefer if you didn't call me that, I don't want anybody to get confused," she said.

"Ah, of course, is there anything you'd prefer to be called Sensei?" the boy asked again, his choppy motions continuing.

"Ah, just call me Eli," she told him.

"Sensei, I cannot possibly call you that, it would be very rude," the boy continued.

"I agree, we couldn't possibly," said a girl walking up. She had a large black ponytail and a calculating look in her eye.

"DON'T IGNORE ME!" Katsuki yelled again. He was ignored.

"Why not just call her Eli-sensei?" beamed a pink girl with horns at the top of her head.

"That's fine! I wouldn't want any of you to be uncomfortable, but it's probably easier with so many Midoriya's in one room," Eli chuckled.

'Sheesh, they're a lot more energetic than Power Loader's kids,' Eli pondered.

The class watched the girl before Fumikage finally gained the courage to go up and talk to her.

"Eli-sensei, if I may ask. Are these the brothers you mentioned?" he asked, them all leaning in, not understanding how she was related to them. 

I mean look at her, she was so kind. Meanwhile, Katsuki looked like he wanted to kill somebody, Hitoshi looked like he wanted to kill himself, and Izuku looked too afraid to be alive honestly. 

"Ah, yes Fumi-kun! These are 2 of them," she said happily, clapping her hands in the process. 

'FUMI-KUN??!' Hitoshi and Katsuki thought. 

'Her ability to just find children is kind of scary,' Hitoshi thought. 

'WHO THE FUC-' Katsuki's thoughts were cut off by Eli speaking. 

"It's nice to see you again, how are you?" she asked lifting her hair as she did so, throwing him a smile.

"I-I'm doing alright," he told her.

"Eli-chan," said a happy voice. She looked to see Dark Shadow looking at her in utter delight. She smiled at him and Dark Shadow, even petting the little shadow's head.

"Ah, this reminds me. I never checked the roaster for the class so I could get to know all of you. So please, introduce yourselves," she told everyone.

The classroom had almost immediately fucking exploded as the kids took the chance to introduce themselves to their new teacher's assistant. 

Eli although was used to chaos, so smiled and nodded, taking in all the different names and Quirks of the kids in her new class. While this went on although, Katsuki and Hitoshi's phones went off, not that anybody noticed since they were all too busy talking to Eli.

Text Message thread:

[chaotic but iconic]

okay ik you're mad, but not only do i prmise to explain, i promise free information or blackmail about one person each !!!

i'm listening nerd

you have my attention

do NOT tell nee-chan that i brok emy finger ! if she asks where i am, say toshinori yagi wanted to talk to me

whom the fuck toshi ?

bro shut the fuck up with that whom shit, i really can not stand you



do they sell chargers for social batteries ?

shut the fuck up before i start snitching

bro im asking for YOU

hope yo stutter act up next somebody call yo name

ain't shit lmao

you look like one of the purple minions from despicable me, shut the fuck up talking to me

okay ouch

get his ass LMAO

okay fine ! blackmail for one person each ANd ill buy the pizza next time

even though i still don't understand why you're so afraid to tell her
whatever it is
it's not like she's gonna get mad dumbass

no but she could still freak out
+ its only been a few months since thee incident

you not wrong

@ imtired ???

idk, i'm still very hurt by that

im near a ledge

and i'm near a window

do it pussies

fine np

it sure sounded like it was a problem 😐

i genuinely hope she kicks your ass

"You're an underground hero right, what's your hero name? I've never seen you on TV before?" asked Ururaka, a smile on her face and an even brighter tint to her already blushy cheeks.

"Oh I'm the Strength Hero: Kinetic," she said with a kind smile.

Conversations ran easily after that, all the kids quickly warming up to the girl. She smiled, made them laugh, and tried her best to answer all their questions. She had to admit, this particular class was an odd one. Quite the powerhouse, honestly.

For fucks sake, one of them secretes literal acid.

That didn't stop Eli from thinking they were a cute group of kids.

Katsuki, Shoto, and Hitoshi couldn't help but stand pretty close to her, jealous of all the attention they weren't getting. Hitoshi and Katsuki didn't understand why some peppermint kid had decided to join their stance, but neither said anything as they observed him.

The boy didn't say much, standing quietly next to her, only being maybe about 2-3 inches taller than her. Hitoshi watched as he smiled lightly at Eli, and how she looked at him the way she looked at him and his brothers.

'Please do not tell me I have another color-coded sibling,' Hitoshi thought grimly.

"Alright, I have to get going, I think Aizawa is coming back soon, so I'll see you all tomorrow. I have an early patrol," she told them all, the same smile on her face.

"Aw, really?" Ashido pouted latching herself onto the girl's arm.

"Yeah, really?" asked Kaminari, latching himself onto the other arm.

"Y-" Mineta started.

"Finish that sentence, and I'm sending you to God," Katsuki said, a glare on his face as he stared at the little grape boy.

"Same day shipping," Hitoshi agreed.

The grape shut up.

He had already pushed his luck when he made a comment about her hero suit he thought nobody heard. Shoto had heard it and gave him a glare that he thought was only reserved for his bastard of a father. 

Mineta almost shit himself. 

"Yeah, I have to go," she told them, brazenly lifting her arms allowing the two teenagers to dangle from them, to which they giggled like maniacs.

"Dude, you're so strong! That's so manly!" Kirishima cheered making the girl giggle herself before she thanked him and sat the two teenagers down.

"Ah, I almost forgot!" Eli said quickly, rushing towards the desk in the corner and pulling out a stack of paper from a drawer.

"Tomorrow you get the course syllabus, but today you get mine," she told them as she handed out the papers.

"Ah, E-Eli-sensei," called Yaoyorozu, the young hero-in-training stuttering a bit at the small informality.

"What do you mean by, your syllabus?" she asked.

"Well, the course syllabus outlines the things you'll be expected to learn, it goes over academic integrity, the grading scale, the course schedule, etc, etc. Mine is a list of the different emails, and ways of contacting the teachers you'll have this year. Then it goes on to tutoring options if you need them, then confidentiality protocols between students and teachers if any of you need to talk to anyone, counseling services, food programs, and whatnot. Feel free to talk to either me or Aizawa or anyone else you feel comfortable talking to about anything that's bothering you okay?" she said, passing them all out and flashing them a bright smile as she made her way to the door.

"Don't tell him I told you this, but Aizawa only looks like he'd rather jump off a cliff. He's a real softy," she told them, stifling a small laugh, beaming as the students join in on her laughter before they all began to say their goodbyes to the girl.

"Oh, boys! Make sure you tell Izuku not to worry too much about his hero costume, you too Toshi, alright?" she told them. Katsuki and Hitoshi nodded, and Hitoshi found himself about to ask about dinner. 

But he decided against it when he realized he was surrounded by his classmates.

When the girl left, a solid 3 minutes had gone by before Izuku had burst through the door and slammed it before looking at his brothers in worry. He quickly greeted everybody and made his way over to Hitoshi and Katsuki. 

"Okay long story short I have a Quirk, it came extremely late, and I told Nee-chan about it of course, but she doesn't know that my Quirk breaks my bones and stuff," Izuku huffed out, panic etched into his eyes as he stared at his brothers with his hands clasped together and wide eyes.

This was true. He realized that she didn't know when he came home from the entrance exam and she said no word about the fact that he'd broken both his legs and one of his arms that day. 

Eli even asked him what had happened when he came home with bandages on his arms.

She truly didn't know. There was no way she knew because if she did she would've freaked during the entrance exam. If not after, during it!

"Izuku, I'm only giving you until the end of the week. I'm not letting Eli put the fear of God in me, just because you don't want to tell her about how every time you use your new Quirk your limbs match my hair," Hitoshi snorted while Katsuki snickered loudly.

"SERVES YOU RIGHT HIDING THAT FROM US!" Suki cackled loudly, a wicked grin on his face.

"You literally said that it's not like she'd get mad," Izuku argued.

"Yea, she won't. But she could cry," Hitoshi smirked.

"And it'll be all your fault nerd," Katsuki chuckled as he pats Izuku on the back before flashing his grin again.

Seriously, it was a face only a mother could love. And I'm not talking about Mitsuki either.

Class 1A watched the 3 boys bicker and argue with each other, still trying to put together how they were all related. Still, they argued like brothers so there was that. Though eventually, school ended, and the 3 brothers + Uraraka and Iida walking with them to the train station.

Izuku had been the one to meet them, and since they'd taken a liking to the boy, they went home with him and his brothers, eventually somehow warming up to Hitoshi's monotone but actually hilarious tendencies and Katsuki's unhealthy addiction with exploding both literally and figuratively.

Before Eli was off for her patrol, she made dinner, deciding on shrimp tempura with some vegetable onigiri on the side. She ate a bit of it before she put it in the fridge with a note and then she was off for her patrol.

It was around 7 pm, and Eli found herself on a city building, watching out and swooping in during small muggers and such. Well, that was until a bomb went off and a guy began to float up in the air, and suddenly a van pulled up with a dozen or so people with masks on.

"Hear us and feel it inside of you that it is true. Heroes, heroes disgust me, flaunting around, wreaking havoc in our streets. Why are they are the only ones allowed to cause violence with their blessed divinity! I am Oracle, your savior, and messiah..." the villain began a rant about who he was, why he hated heroes, and what he thinks everyone should do about the fact that he hates heroes.

Eli had to admit, she listened to the guy for a while. She wanted to see where he was going with his story, deciding to stop after he started talking about how everyone was basically a God in their own right and that a God bowed to no one so that meant that Heroes were fundamentally wrong. 

He honestly had had her attention but then a dozen or so of his fellow villains in masks had cocked and pointed their guns at civilians. In a flash, her Quirk was activated and she grunted as she laid a hard kick to the guy's face.

"Oh lookie here, a hero. Look at her, coming from nowhere to flaunt an ability that makes her believe she is above us. Well, we'll see-" the man tried but Eli didn't even give him the chance.

'Dude shut the fuck up,' Eli thought. 

She simply didn't feel like listening to his monologue anymore. 

She cracked her knuckles as she made a fist and she punched him in the shoulder, keeping her power at its normal 10%. She wasted no time following it up with a kick to his side, that knocked him to the floor with a loud thud before she moved on to his little underlying.

Her power surged through her body, and like always, she grits her teeth to make sure she never used too much because it wasn't like she was allowed to kill them. 

Even if she had to, the busy city street was filled with cheering civilians with their phones out due to her earlier patrol hours so that wasn't really an option unless she wanted to traumatize any kids that were around.

So she leaped towards the men, swiftly and quickly taking out the men. She heard a gunshot go off, and instinctively her hand flew to take off one of her gloves. Her body exploded with the 55% of power she now allowed to flow through her body to unlock greater speeds and strengths than earlier. 

She shot towards the sound of the gunshot, her body moving faster than the speed of light as she shot towards the little girl it was heading towards.

Her hand opened, and her feet cracked the ground below her leaving small craters in the ground. The crowds gasped, but then suddenly they stopped, staring at the hero with floating green hair and brilliant red eyes who'd just caught the bullet that was heading towards the little girl.

And before they could even cheer, she'd grunted and swung her body, kicking the absolute shit out of the guy who just almost shot a child. The man flew back making Eli silently curse since she hadn't meant to kick him with the 55%. 

Luckily, he hit a nearby building and no further damage other than some guaranteed broken limbs which Eli personally thought was well deserved because who the fuck just points a gun at a 5-year-old?

The crowds cheered and Eli tried to ignore them as she checked on the little girl.

"Are you alright?" she asked, lifting her hair so that the little girl could see her face.

"Uhm-" the little girl tried but she was cut off.

"Izumi! BABY!?" a man screamed making the girl look up with teary eyes towards the sound of the voice.

 Eli flinched at the name, squeezing her eyes closed to shake her head of such thoughts. A large man broke through the crowd and the little girl cut and run to the man, sobbing loudly the whole way.

Soon she'd tied up the knocked out the criminals, talked to the police briefly, and was off. As she walked towards the nice apartment complex and had unlocked the door. She greeted her best friends in the living room as she slugged her body to the bathroom she used here and showered.

It had been a long day.

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