
By Hobismoonx

7.5K 290 45

"What is a pretty young girl like you doing in such a dangerous job as a Lieutenant hm?" . Complete . . . . ... More

T W E N T Y - O N E
T W E N T Y - T W O
T W E N T Y - T H R E E
T W E N T Y - F O U R
T W E N T Y - F I V E
T W E N T Y - S I X


483 16 5
By Hobismoonx

"Jeon Jungkook" Chief Jay emphasises the criminals name. The one who supposedly out bested me at combat yesterday.

"How sure are you that this is linked to his case? You already mentioned he doesn't leave a trace of evidence." I ask as he slips the thinnest suspect folder ever over the desk.

"Well obviously no one leaves the station that late at night like you did so he obviously thought he could get away with it but fortunately you were there." Jay explains and makes perfect sence as the suspect obviously didn't have time to hide the victim.

"Hold on a minute-" I open up the file on Jeon Jungkook to find nothing but his name and a few notes about his case. "There's nothing here. No birthday. No family. Heck not even a picture of him."

"Well, he's a bit of a tricky one. We have searched months for information on him throughout the system but he's not registered into anything."

"Then how do you expect me to do anything with a name and worthless facts?" I raise my voice a little without realising, getting irritated for some reason.

"Well, you have the victim to talk to first. No one on the force has even got that. All they get is people saying they had there car stolen end of."

I glace back at the empty folder and scrunch my eyebrows together in thought.

I can do this. All I need is one solid piece of evidence from the victim and I could potential get to a position no officer has got before.

"Okay. I'll take care of this case, Sir" I nod in farewell and gather the none existent file to leave.


"What happened in there?" Jimin has his feet up on his desk while he's flipping through a clipboard.

"I've been assigned a new case to work on, linking to last nights incident"

"What?" Jimin almost throws the clipboard into his desk and stands up immediately. "Your joking?"

"Why would I joke about that?" I know that Jimin still hasn't forgotten about how hurt I got yesterday and definitely won't let it go.

"You got injured to the point of bruising and bleeding and he still decides to put you on that case?!"


"That bastard!" Jimin swears out loud as he glares at Jay's office door down the hallway.

"Jimin, please. Your being unreasonab-"

"Unreasonable?! Seriously Y/n!" He looks down at my scared expression as I am overwhelmed by the amount of anger he's showing.

"I- ugh." He takes a deep breath. "I'm sorry, that was uncalled for." He places his thumb and index finger on the bridge of his nose to calm himself while turning to walk back to his desk.

"Its okay..." I compose myself after his outburst.

Never have I seen Jimin get so worked up about me getting a case to work on. Normally he's really happy that I have been chosen to be assigned something and that he would love to help.

He's acting more protective than ever. Possibly even more than Jin.

"Oh shut it you two, some people are trying to sleep" a voice from behind me says.

"Yoongi, I think the word 'people' applies to only you. Everyone else is actually doing work" Jimin chuckles as he looks towards the cell guard, slouching in his chair and resting his head backwards.

"Whatever, go do Lieutenant-y stuff and leave me to my dream world" a small smirk fits his face as he puts a cap over his face to cover himself from the bright lights.

We both laugh and resume to our job.

"If you want you can come down to the hospital with me to get some information from the victim yesterday?" I enquire while grabbing my coat and lanyard ID badge from my desk drawer.

"Sure, I've finished what I was just sorting out so I'm free for a few hours."

"Off we go then" I smile towards him of which he returnes one and grabs his own belongings.


As we approach the hospital doors, we notice families outside who have been reunited and the people exiting the building in tears.

I never enjoyed these places and I hope that I won't have to be related to one.

Jimin opens the door for me and enters behind me then both of us walk up to the reception area.

"Hi, we are from the police department and are here to speak with a man under the name of Jun-han?" Both Jimin and I present our ID badges then put them back in our pockets again.

"Ah, yes. He told us that someone might come here to speak with him. Please follow me" the reception lady leads us down hall way after hall way before reaching a door with a slate 'Room 403' engraved on.

"Take all the time you need" the lady leaves back down the hallway and leaves me and Jimin outside the room of Jun-han.

As soon as we enter our eyes fix onto the man who is sat up in bed with a badly bruised face and his arm secured above him in a cast.

"I was wondering when you would show up" he chuckles before slightly coughing.

"Nice to see your doing well, I'm Lieutenant Y/n and this is my work partner Lieutenant Jimin" I introduce ourselves as we both bow towards him

We make our way over to the chairs at the side of the room, next to where he is sat in his hospital bed.

"We just wanted to ask you some questions about yesterday evening in the alley way." I smile warmly at him to make his feel comfortable and not in any way intimidated.

"That's fine but I shall say now that I don't remember much as my head got quite the beating" he reaches up to hold his head gently, wincing slightly at the contact.

"No worries, its just a procedure that we have to do for any kind of potential evidence." Jimin explains as he lifts up his pocket sized notepad and pen ready to take notes.

"Okay, first of all what happened before the incident?"

"I was just closing up my small book shop by the corner. I finished inside later than expected so it was dark when I was locking up."

Jimin starts writing small notes down as we continue asking simple questions of which the man happily answered where he could.

"Okay last question, I understand if you don't remember anything to answer but I will be really grateful if you could try"

"Do you recall anything about the unknown man that stood out such as hair, eyes, scars, tattoos?"

The man thinks hard about this question, looking down in frustration as he can't recall anything specifically.

"Don't force it too hard if you can't remember it's fin-"

"A necklace" he mumbles.

"Could you repeat that sir?" Jimin asks as he didn't quite catch what he said.

"He was wearing a necklace" the man looked directly at Jimin and spoke slightly louder than before.

He gave us a sweet smile to express how happy he was to have remembered such a important thing.

"Do you remember what this necklace looked like perhaps?" I carried on.

"It was a chain with a round pendant around this big" he makes a small circle shape with his thumb and index finger. "It had some sort of symbol on it with letters around the outside."

"Would you possibly be able to draw it?"

"I can try, luckily I'm left handed" he laughs as he moves his eyes to over look his right arm in the cast.

Jimin hands over his small notebook and pen on a blank page for the man who carefully draw out what he remembers

[I got bored so I drew it for the ImAgErY :) ]

"Wow, I can't believe you remembered that sir, this could potentially help us so much!" Jimin is shocked as we both analyse the drawing.

"It's definitely rare, not seen something like that since my days"

We both bow to him after we stand and bid our farewells.


We get outside from the stuffy walls of the hospital and finally breathe fresh air of the small street.

"Well that was a complete success!" I skip up next to Jimin with my hands in front celebrating.

"Getting too ahead of yourself there, how will a necklace do anything to help."

"Don't be a party pooper" I pout and carry on walking alongside him.

"You want to grab something to eat before heading back to the station?" Jimin suggests and my stomach answers for me with a loud rumble.

"I guess that's a yes" he laughs at my embarrassed facial expression while I hold my stomach.

"Definitely" I giggle slightly to push off the embarrassment as Jimin smiled and pointed out a cosy little cafe at the corner.

"Their cakes are amazing, we have to go there!" He gets all hyper just thinking about it which makes me happy.

"Better try them then shouldn't I?"

We make our way towards the cafe in the distance, chatting about things other than work, until my eye caught something familiar in front of me.

Jimin carries on talking about something of which I unintentionally stopped listening, blocking out all sounds to focus on what I saw.

"-it totally freaked me out that-" he stops talking as he notices me getting distracted. "Y/n? Are you listening?"

"Uhm, yeah? Hang on, I'm sorry" we stop in our tracks and I turn towards Jimin.

"Are you okay? You seem out of it?"

I reach into his pocket quickly and retrieve the small notepad; opening it on the page of the rough necklace sketch.

That's it.

That's what I saw.

Without a second thought, I turn around and race back the way we came leaving Jimin in total confusion.

I swear that man who walked past was wearing it.

I'm sure of it.

I frantically search every corner of the street to find the man who I just saw. He was all in black so he blends in with everyone else.

I stop for a moment to catch my breath still scanning the area. Jimin is shouting my name far behind me but I ignore it as much as I hate to.


I spot a man who is walking fast pace towards a side street where no one is around. He jumps over a tall metal fence and disappears.

This is my chance to get ahead even further to this case.

Returning to my running speed, I manage to build up enough momentum to hop the same metal fence easily, dropping onto the other side with one knee touching the ground.

The mysterious man with the necklace is no where to be seen so I brush myself off and start slowly walking down the side alleyway. Careful where I stand so I don't make noise.

Where the heck is he?!

I come up to an even smaller alleyway which is between the back of two buildings. It is very narrow and can only fit myself down it by just looking at it.

I place my hand on my hand gun behind my coat and make my way towards it.

Before I could get entirely round to it, a hand grips onto my wrist of which was near my gun and drags me into the narrow way.

I try to scream but a hand pushes against my mouth causing no sound to escape, his thumb pushing my chin upwards to prevent me biting his hand.

He seems like he knows the tricks.

I couldn't move, both my wrists were tightly restrained above my head by their other hand and my body is shoved against the wall by their tall frame.

The narrow alley way barely just has enough room for the two of us causing their entire body to be connecting with mine, stopping me from moving even an inch.

"Well well well, if it isn't the one who caught me yesterday." a deep voice reveals itself.

I still couldn't see their face as they have a black mask and a black cap on covering their identity entirely.

I was frozen in place. Being in such an unavoidable, intimate position with a wanted criminal is not exactly the position I wanted myself in.

I look down towards his neck and see the exact same pendant dangling from a chain. This is definitely the guy.

"If your smart enough as you are skilled, you will not scream" he threatens before slowly removing his hand that's over my mouth.

Even though I have the chance to call for help, I know that means he will run. So I don't.

"Are you Jeon Jungkook...?" I bluntly ask in a low voice.

"So you know my name? I wonder how the Police got hold of that one" his voice changes as I can almost hear him smirking behind his cover.

"Tell me..." He lifts up his cap with his spare hand to reveal his dark eyes. They shoot daggers into mine as they dangerously stare into mine.

"What is a pretty young girl like you doing in such a dangerous job as a Lieutenant hm?" He places his hand on my waist and gently moves it around in small motions.

This jerk thinks he can take advantage of me right now. Hell no.

I take this chance to lift my knee up harshly, knocking in between his legs which causes him to groan in pain.

"You little sh-"

He slams my back into the wall causing me to let out a strained whimper of pain and he places a hand around my throat and his other back at my wrists.

His warm breath near my neck as his face was so close to mine in a way to intimidate me. His grip around my neck was starting to leave red marks but luckily he wasn't pressing hard enough to cut off my entire air pipes.

"Y/n?!" A known voice echoes through the narrow gap between the bricks.

Jungkook flees as fast as he appeared letting go of my throat harshly to not be caught by someone else. He sprints to the other end of the back alley out of sight.

I quickly gather myself together, wincing at the pain in both my wrists where his large hand was locked and placing my hands around my throat trying to regain lost oxygen.

Jimin came around the corner of the back alley and a sign of relief washes his face but instantly changes to worry.

"There you are! What the heck happened!"

I don't reply as I can't seem to relay speech. Nothing like that has ever happened before so I am completely overwhelmed. My heart and breathing rate rise till I can't control myself.

Jimin notices me shaking and taking harsh breaths so he rushes up towards me and we both fall to the floor because of my weak knees.

"Woah, woah, calm down. Your safe now, okay?" He kisses the top of my head for comfort and he holds me tightly to his chest, his hand gently placed on the back of my head.

I start to sob into his shoulder still unable to control myself and my emotions.

"Your okay..."

Jimin always knows how to handle things, that's why I cherish our friendship so much. He knows that when overwhelming things happen I get panicky and need comfort. He knows everything about me. We never keep secrets.



After I manage to calm my mental state down, Jimin and I ditched the cafe and returned to the station to collect my belongings.

Jimin insisted that I take the rest of the day off to clear my head as much as I tried to protest.

"Got everything?" He gathers his own keys to drive me home since he is still worried about me walking home alone.


"Hey guys, new robbery report just came in" Namjoon places a report folder in front of me, as I was about to leave my desk area, as he walks past drinking from a coffee cup.

"She will look at it tomorrow, she needs to get home for the day" Jimin tells Namjoon to which he nods and walks towards his office.

"Hang on, Jimin look at this" I have already started looking through the folder before something caught my eye.

He walks over to my desk and I turn the sheet of paper around for him to look at, pointing at the photo.

Its the same necklace.

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