Stay ✔

By chicagogirl24

72.2K 5.1K 493

Kim Seokjin is the perfect Alpha and an excellent Cardiac doctor from Seoul, he is asked to come home and hel... More

Characters and Disclaimer (Edited)
Dr. Kim Seokjin (Edited)
The Jeons
Coming Home (Edited)
First Look (Edited)
Confused (Edited)
Operation (Edited)
Visitor (edited)
Epiphany (Edited)
Stay (Edited)
Omega Day (Edited)
Forgiveness (Edited)
First Time (Edited)
Getting Closer (Edited)
Causing Trouble (Edited)
Love Endures(Edited)
Omega Night (Edited)
Mating Ceremony (Edited)
Plans Diverted (Edited)
Aftermath (Edited)
Civil War (Edited)
One More Loose End (Edited)
Epilogue (Edited)

First Date (Edited)

2.8K 203 7
By chicagogirl24


"Jimin, Namjoon should be here soon so that I can check his incision and hook him to the EKG to make sure everything is pumping right, can you holler when he gets here I have to run down to the basement", I say. "Yes I'll let you know", he says. Jungkook and I's first date didn't go as planned, it was ruined by some Alpha Jungkook fucked and he knows I'm upset with him.

Flashback to the previous night...

"Jungkook if this is how my life is going to be, fighting every Alpha you have had sex with, I don't want it, I didn't sign up for this, I don't like phasing unless I have to", I say sternly. His eyes look so sad and it's breaking my heart, "I'm so sorry Alpha, I swear Jai is the only one who will give us trouble, he has wanted me to be his since we were kids."

I search the shelves for the supplies I need, I grab a couple boxes of gauze and a bottle of antiseptic, taking it upstairs. My phone goes off...

Little Wolf 💗 - Good Morning Alpha

My Alpha 🐺 - Good Morning Little Wolf, are you at school

Little Wolf 💗 - Yea, waiting for class to start, I thought I'd text and tell you that I am thinking of you and that I really am sorry about last night and that I cant wait for tonight

My Alpha 🐺 - it's ok, I'll handle Jai if he doesn't back off and I cant wait either, Ill pick you up around 7, dont dress to nice, we aren't going any place fancy

Little Wolf 💗 - Ok see you then, teachers here, Ill text you soon 😘

Namjoon and Hoseok walk in to the clinic and greet Jimin, "Hey guys, come on back, lets get you hooked up", I say. Namjoon walks into the room and takes his shirt off, he lays down as Jimin applies the electrodes to his chest. I start the machine and Hoseok sits next to Namjoon holding his hand.

"You have a date with Jungkook tonight huh", Hobi asks. "Yea, after last night's fiasco I'm actually nervous, I don't want to do anything to make him recoil into his old ways of thinking, I need to show him some Alphas are good to their mate", I say checking Namjoon's incision. "I have no doubt that you will be good to my son Seokjin, and he better be good to you, no one changes that quickly, so I do worry", Namjoon says. I worry about the same thing, but I won't tell Namjoon that, I want him to know I am putting my faith into Jungkook.

A few hours later I leave to pick up Jungkook, damn his tight jeans and low-cut T-shirt really shows off his body, he truly is like no other Omega I have met. He gets into my car, "hello Alpha." "You look really good little wolf", I say. "Where are we going", he asks taking my hand and holding it tightly. We drive away, "it's a surprise."

When we pull up to the place I chose for our date Jungkook's eyes widen, "seriously, we are going to zipline, this is awesome." He jumps out of the car and waits for me to get out, I didn't want anything to romantic our first date, I thought we would just do something fun and exciting. We climbed the stairs to the platform, and they help us into the harnesses. "Here you go gorgeous, let me wrap this around that tiny waist, damn your hot", the guy says.

 I hear Jungkook growl, "excuse me, don't talk to my mate that way, especially in front of me." "Oh, my bad, I didn't see a mating mark on either of you, I thought you were just friends", he says throwing his hands up in defense. I feel my omega's distress, so I walk over to him and wrap my arms around him, "it's okay Jungkook." I release my pheromones to calm him down, and he leans into my chest, "let's have fun Little wolf." He pulls back and smiles, nodding his head.


We took turns, Jin going first and then myself, it was exhilarating and the view at night is so beautiful, we each went twice and when we decide to leave we were both on a huge adrenaline rush. We get to the car and I can't help myself, pushing Jin against it, I crash my lips to his, he reciprocates, grabbing my ass and lifting me, wrapping my legs around his waist.

 He turns with me still in his arms and presses me against the car, grinding his cock on mine, making me whimper, I feel the slick running out of me, all because of my alpha's touch. "I need you Alpha", I whine. He sets me down on my feet and opens the car door, "get in." I do as he says and in seconds we were driving, before I knew it we were pulling up to his house. 

He comes around and opens my door, offering me his hand which I gladly take, we walk into his house and he throws me over his shoulder before I knew what is happening. In his bedroom, he sets me on my feet and closes the door pushing me against it, attacking my mouth, letting his tongue roam and taste every corner of it. "I'm not sure we should do this yet Jungkook", Seokjin says hesitantly. 

"Dammit Alpha, I am not going anywhere, I swear to you, its you and only you I want, that guy at the zipline place pissed me off, I want us to mate as soon as possible, I want everyone to know you are taken", I say adamantly. He smiles, then kisses me again, harder and deeper this time, making my whole body tremble, tightening his arms around me, "please make me yours Alpha, ruin me for anyone else."

A/N OMG New and Taye have a new BL series coming soon!! I CAN'T WAIT!!!! Cherry Magic 30, they are so good together!!

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