World Domination at its fines...

By Chimera_Regarion

152K 7.7K 4.7K

What happen when Izuku and Nezu get together and think that the world we know isn't worth living in anymore... More

The beginning
The fatefull meeting
No hope left!
A Lost Case!
Last second safe
Planning murder!
New Family!
School policy!
A normal school day
Not every Villain is a literal Villain
Welcome to the family
I adopted a new brother!
Right on Point!
I go to war with my family!
Finding out All Might's quirk
Don't judge a book by its cover!
Field Trip or Murder Mystery?
How to tell someone you have a new hero killer friend!
Hero Killer in action!
UA entrence exam!
I gained access and full controll...
My family is growing!
Game over!
Ruler of Japan!
World Domination ✔

I won the bet!

4.1K 233 122
By Chimera_Regarion

Dabi: How long does a freaking conference take?

Me: I don't know.

Dabi: Do you know where it is taken place?

Me: No but we can find out.

Dabi: What do you mean?

Me: Let me show you!

My laptop was still on the table and so I took, turned it on and began hacking into the Ua's system. 3 minutes later we could see every single camera feedback from the CCTV's.

Dabi: Did you just.... hack into UA?

Me: Yep.

Dabi: You would be one frightened villain.

Me: I know.

Dabi: I am happy you are not one.

Me: Never was interested in being one.

Dabi: Says the one who wants world domination.

Me: I want a better world where all of us can live happy and be equal. What's so wrong about that? Besides they are.

Dabi: That's just down the hall and a floor above us.

Me: Why did you even wanted to know where they are?

Dabi: Ohh Izu. Sometimes you are soo smart but How the fuck didn't you figure this one out already?

Me: You wanna scare them or surprise visit them?

Dabi: First one.

Me: Okay.

Dabi: No, not okay! You say something on the line of let's go! Where is your enthusiasm?

Me: Obviously not there!

Dabi took me by my arm and began pulling me towards out destination-

Me: What now?

Dabi: I don't know. Don't you have some plan?

Me: You were the one wanting to scare them!

Dabi: Ohh right. Well we could just barge in.

Me: Aha.

Dabi: You fucking got a better plan?

Me: Why don't we go in via the vent system.

Dabi: Do I look like a rat to you?

Me: No but no one would expect us to do that and you could also have your fun in playing a ghost.

Dabi: I am in! Where is the goddamn entrance?

I showed him the entrance and went in first since I had a rough plan on how to get into that room. It was not simply just follow that one way and you will get into the room, no, Nezu made a lot of ways leading to dead ends to ensure anyone trying to get in via the vent system would get lost.

However, I didn't think about the weight limit of these vent system and so the moment we were above their table, the floor below us broke and we crashed into the room by landing on the table.

Me: Ouch!

Dabi: Ouch!

Me: Dabi, you're heavy! Get off me!

Dabi: Oh sorry!

Aizawa: *Sigh*

Every teacher jumped out of their chair and some chairs fell even down to the ground. They all looked shocked at us all but Nezu. He was holding his cup of tea and laughing like a maniac.

Aizawa was shaking his head while also holding the bridge of his nose.

Once Mic realized that it was us, he immediately went and began helping us up and down the chair. Recovery Girl was also in the room. She immediately came towards us and began to check us over before asking the one question we dreaded.

Recovery Girl: Okay, who's idea was this?

Me: HIS!

Dabi: HIS!

We both pointed at each other. Aizawa saw that happening and came over us. once Nezu heard and saw our reactions he began laughing even more.

Aizawa: The vent part sounds like something you came up Izu. I am also pretty sure Dabi don't even know where the entrance of the vent is not even to mention in which room we are in.

Me: Fair point.

Aizawa: As for the idea coming here. Dabi, you wanna tell us something?

Dabi: Nope.

Aizawa: House arrest for a week both for both of you!

Mic: What are you guys even doing here?

Me: Don't look at me like that! I wasn't the o e wanting to come here in the first place!

Mic: But you are here, aren't you!

Me: Undeniable.

Nezu: How about we let this go just this one.

Power Loader: How did you guys even know where we were?

Nezu: Oh I'm sure our dear Izuku over there hacked into our system and found it out that way.

Dabi: He hit the nail right on top of it.

Nezu: Since you guys are here that can only mean one thing... You desperately wanted to tackle one of my tests yourself.

Dabi: What No!

Me: I don't mind that.

Dabi: No Izu!

Me: It can't be that bad!

Power Loader: Not that bad he says. I am sure I lost a bit of my lifespan right there

Vlad King: Not only you.

Snipe: We get this test every year. You could have known that and gotten ready for it.

Thirteen: It still is hard but doable.

Nezu: Now, now, Don't be shy come here and take the test.

Aizawa and Mic began showing us to an empty space, then got us a pen and the test.

Nezu: Alright! You got an hour time from now on.

Just looking at the question I was struck dumbfounded. All these questions were not hard at all. They were tricky but not hard per definition.

The moment I started to fill them all out I came up on multiple question.

How detailed does he want the answer?

Is it okay to just write the answer without the solution path?

Should I write more than that?

I can even write him down how the theses works.

Would that be too much though?

Nezu: Is there any problem Izuku?

He might have seen me over thinking the whole situation or it was the fact that I just force or maybe I mumbled again. Whatever it was I was thankful for that.

Me: How detailed do you want the answer to be?

Nezu: The results alone will be enough.

Me: Really?

Nezu: Yes, since I can see you write the answer there is no need to write more. I do believe that you know how to solve it.

Me: Okay.

Just like he said, I began just flying over the paper and only mark the answer or write it down. In total it took me only about 15 minutes.

Me: Done.

Dabi: WHA- HOW?

I stood up and gave Nezu the test before returning back to my seat while everyone was looking at me as if I were crazy.

Midnight: Sho, Zashi, where did you pick him up?

Aizawa: *Sigh* That's not important.

Mic: I knew he was smart but that is on another level.

Recovery Girl: Even the smartest person in the world can be dumb sometimes.

Nezu: Why do I feel like you meant me.

Recovery Girl: No reasons.

Hound Dog: She definitely meant you.

Power Loader: Ohh you should have seen the drone he made out of junk!

Aizawa: You made a drone?

Me: Yes. That reminds me. Nezu you lost our bet!

Nezu: I still haven't seen it.

Me: It's in your office. Shall I go get it?

Power Loader: Nah, I will go.

Before I could even say anything against it, he was already out of the room.

Midnight: Nice save there.

Mic: Sure is one.

Dabi: I give up! I don't know that shit!

Vlad King: It's no wonder you don't know that since we haven't covered that area in our lessons yet.

Nezu: Now then, let me quickly look over the papers.

time skip brought to you by Nezu correcting all the papers while everyone began talking about Izuku and the junk he used for the drone

Power Loader: Here is the drone!

Nezu: Ahh good timing. I also just finished looking over every paper. I am happy to say that you all passed. On that note, Dabi you haven't managed to finish the test but from I can see you got the basics right. As for Izuku.... You got every single answer right.

Power Loader: Yes.... I manage to survive the harder test.

Nezu: Only with one point above the minimum.

Power Loader: Don't care! Still passed!

Me: Can I get the drone please?

Power Loader handed me the drone. I turned it on and began flying with it around the room while also explaining Nezu what I did.

Nezu: Truly impressive.

Mic: Maybe we should enroll him in the support course for next year?

Aizawa: Nope! He will be in my class!

Mic: How about my class then?

Aizawa: What on he is going in my class don't you understand?

Mic: But!

Aizawa: Nope!

Mic: B-

Aizawa: I said nope!

Mic: Arg, fine Sho!

Nezu: It looks like I have lost the bet. Now you wished for teaching a class for a day right? Please tell me which one and I will be making the necessary preparations.

Me: Who said I want to tech this year's class?

Nezu: You indeed never specified it.

Me: I will be holding on to this favor for later.

Hound Dog: Who would have thought that Nezu can lose a bet?

Snipe: I didn't know that too.

Recovery Girl: That boy is probably the only one that can manage that.

Me: Oh and Nezu. I would love to spend a whole day with you too!

Nezu: Really?

Me: Sure. If Aizawa and Mic are okay with that.

Mic: Why not?

Aizawa: In no freaking hell am I allowing him to stay with you!

Snipe: Why not? They look like they might have fun together.

Aizawa: Izuku asked us for world domination yesterday. Now imagine these two together.

Power Loader: Where can I sign up for that?

Hound Dog: *exhale* I thought we were over this!

Recovery Girl: How many times do we need to talk about this?

Me: Why? What's so wrong?

Vlad King: You seriously asking that?

Me: Yes, I am! I don't get it! You never experienced how cruel society is. What is so wrong wanting to change that?

Nezu: The answer is nothing and we are not in the wrong Izu. Now then, I will be borrowing him tomorrow the entire day and only retuning him back the next day.

Mic: Please take care of him!

Nezu: I will.

Aizawa: *Sigh* Fine but don't get my son in trouble, you hear me!

After that the day went by rather quickly and I couldn't wait for the next day to come. It was not hard to guess that Nezu wanted us to start spreading the facts about All Might's quirk around. It was still better for a couple of villains to attack him before we would make our moves. The chaos was perfect for us to hide in.

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