Turn Back Time | LISRENE

Oleh _shenanigans_2003

16.2K 861 133

I walked outside the hospital and stared at the building with a satisfied smile. One thing for sure, it will... Lebih Banyak

Chapter 1: It's Going To Be Lit
Chapter 2: A Bunny
Chapter 3: Beep
Chapter 4: It's Her
Chapter 5: Sister-in-law
Chapter 6: You Make Me Want To Live
Chapter 7: Dumbass
Chapter 8: Shooting Star
Chapter 10: It's Fab... Fabulous
Chapter 11: Irene
Chapter 12: My Lili
Chapter 13: Pinky Swear
Chapter 14: Spill It
Chapter 15: The Letter

Chapter 9: Time's Up

817 53 0
Oleh _shenanigans_2003

I opened my eyes and squinted when the light outside the window hit my face. I looked around and noticed that I'm inside her hospital room, I think I slept here after we watched stars at the rooftop. I turned beside me and saw her sleeping peacefully, we're both in her bed. I removed her arms on me since she was hugging me, I got up and sat at the edge of the bed as I took my phone from my desk to look at the time. It's nearly seven, I still have time to go to the locker room and change into scrubs.

I stood up and was about to leave when I hear a murmur

"You're up already?" she said in a husky voice

"Yes, I still have to work" I smiled at her "You look cute by the way"

"I know, can't you stay?" she asked

"Sorry I can't, I'll get fired and if I get fired you'll never see this pretty face again" I went to her side and kissed her forehead "I'll go now"

She pouted "Baby, please?" I looked at her in shock, like whaatttt? I swear I never experienced my heart flutter like this

"What did you just call me?" I smiled

"Baby" she said softly "Why? You don't want to?"

"I like it" I murmured

"What was that?"

"I said, I like it" I smiled from ear to ear. Gosh she's adorable

"Now stay" she pouted "As your patient you have to do what I ask you to do, please" she looked at me with her puppy eyes

How could I say no? "Okay fine, just 5 minutes" I went to her side and lied beside her on the bed

"10" she replied as she put her arms around me

"Okay fineeee"

Her arms circled around my waist and her head leaned against my chest. I occasionally play at her hair and draw circles around her back. This is the most comfortable feeling I ever had. The feeling is foreign but feels like home. I'm scared.

"Penny for your thoughts?" she asked

I chuckled "I was just thinking about something"

"Care to share?"

"It's about your hair, when was the last time you took a shower? You stink" I teased her

"Hey, I took a shower yesterday" she nudged and slapped my arm

I chucked "I was just joking. You smell like a baby"

"I'm not a baby"

"Yes, you are"

"I'm older than you"

"I'm taller than you"

"That's some personal attack right there and I could sue you for that" she threatened

"Oh is the big baby offended? Come here" I pulled her closer to me and messed her hair

"Stop or else"

I continued what I'm doing "Or else what rabbit?"

"Or else..... I'll kiss you"

"You don't have the guts"

"Oh don't test me"

I was about to mess her hair again when she pulled my nape and I felt her lips land against mine. I thought I'll feel butterflies on my stomach but it's different. It's fireworks. My eyes are wide open and I was in a state of shock, I didn't even lost blood but why is my body in shock. I can't move nor push her. She pulled away and looked me in the eyes. Goddammit say something Manobal

"T-Time's.... up M-miss.... Bae" I stuttered. Of all the thing I can say! Seriously, what is wrong with me?!

"What?" she looked at me confused

"10 minutes is up" I hurriedly got up the bed and took my things with me and left the room without looking back. I exhaled sharply when I was out of the room "Nice one Lis, you just blew it" I mentally cursed myself as I walk to the locker room

I'm now at the nursing station busying myself checking some of the patients chart but I can't seem to focus. My minds wander through this certain brunette, and that kiss. Damn, all the fireworks in the world could never amou--

I felt someone poke my cheeks so I looked up to see the culprit

"Hey, you're a little bit red are you okay?"

"I'm fine Doc Jennie" I smiled to assure her

"You sure?" she asked

"Yes I'm perfectly fine"

"Okay, can you give me the charts for room 320-330? I'll be the one checking them for now since Doc Wendy isn't here she has some emergency"

"Here it is Doc" Rosé handed the charts to Doc Jennie "So how was the date yesterday?"

"It's not a date Rosé" I replied "Speaking of date, someone wants to have a date with you" I wiggled my eyebrows

"Not interested, I already like someone"

"And that someone is?" I asked

"It's some idiot that you don't wanna know"

"But I want to know"

"It's Doc Jennie's idiot friend"

Doc Jennie and I stared at each other and back at Rosé

"Kim Jisoo?" Doc Jennie asked and Rosé nodded
"You mean that idiot Kim Jisoo who puked and screamed at you? Rosé nodded again and blushed.

"I need to make a call" Doc Jennie said and took her phone out from her pocket. She was about to dial when she spoke again

"You know what? You call her instead" she took a pen and a paper and wrote a number on it "It's your love life but don't forget to invite me to your wedding. I'm tired of playing cupid" she then handed the paper to Rosé

"Nurse Lisa, accompany me to do the rounds" her heels clacking as she walks away.

Oh crap.

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