Dice Blood (A Ninjago AU) [di...

By TheLotusMask

725 77 38

I don't own Ninjago or the characters... Well, not all of them... If you want to know the cat better, go see... More



31 3 1
By TheLotusMask

Looking cool, Morro!... Totally wasn't gonna say "Joker" there!


Once Math was done, Cole made his way to P.E. thinking about Jay's description of Lloyd.

"Just look for a walking dandelion with a backpack," Jay's words echoed through his head as he entered the gym. He was surprised to see that the bleachers were pulled out with some students sitting in random spots. "What the Underworld does he mean by... that guy kinda looks like a dandelion..."

There was a student that wore green with blonde hair sitting near the boys' locker room entrance. He was trying to tune out another guy with black hair that had a green stripe in it who also wore green.

"For the last time, Morro!" the dandelion said as he turned to face the other guy. I think his name is Morro. "Aloy's not interested in you so will you kindly fuck off already!!"

"How do you know what she wants?" said Morro as he placed his finger on him.

"Because she's my cousin and she told me!"

"Hey, Lloyd!" said Cole as he approached the blonde with a smile. "Glad to see we share the same P.E. period. Maybe we can get lockers next to each other so we can talk more."

"Who the Underworld are you?" Morro asked.

"This is Aloy's new boyfriend!" Lloyd said quickly standing up and wrapping an arm around Cole. Inside, he was screaming at himself making him think of something to fix it. "Well, he's not her boyfriend yet, but by looks alone, he seems to be her type!"

This was true. Lloyd knew that Aloy liked those who weren't afraid to show how different they are and Cole's Vitiligo made him one of a kind.

"What the fuck is happening?!" Cole thought as he ran the situation over in his head again.

"If he is her boyfriend, then what's her favorite color?"

"Pink," Cole replied thanking Jay in the back of his head. "She likes pink."

"Wrong. Her favorite color is magenta!"

"But that's a shade of pink!"
Cole wasn't wrong.
"There's literally- Look! You're NOT wanted right here! Don't you need to be a pain in the ass somewhere else?!"

"You're a dick."

"And you're annoying as the Underworld. Glad we're on the same page. Goodbye!"

Morro grumbled as he walked away allowing Lloyd to breathe.

"Thank you so much," he said as he removed his arm and sat back down. He offered his hand to Cole. "I'm Lloyd Garmadon."

"Cole Steel," he replied shaking his hand and sitting next to him. "Sparky sent to make sure that the bean wasn't lonely and to make sure the imposter stays away."

Lloyd chuckled.

"Why do you keep calling me that, Jay," he mumbled. "But I swear, Morro is an imposter."

"Why's that?"

"Ever since we met, he's been trying every trick in the book to be better than me and to score a date with my cousin Aloy... How did you know her favorite color is pink?"

"Jay told me you had a pink cousin so I just assumed he meant her. You have more cousins?"

"Biologically speaking, three girl cousins named Wolveya, Aloy, and Skylar in that order."

"Biological since Wolveya's Nonbinary, right?"


"Did I say something wrong?"

"No... it's just that... Wolveya's dead..."

"Oh! I'm so sorry for your loss..."

"It's okay... At least her gang is thriving just fine as if nothing happened almost."


"I heard that you're aware of The Die. Is that true?"


"Well... Wolveya used to be the leader of that gang."
Cole's jaw dropped.
"They never did anything out of line besides seek revenge for their peers like for my father. They found the guy who paralyzed my father and killed him. Wolveya said it wasn't intentional, but it worked out in the end."

"Okay, you guys talk about The Die like they're the good guys!" Cole said as he leaned forward. "Killing people isn't good! They're murderers, for fuck's sake!"

"Neither is ruining others' lives like Sky's..."

"Let me guess, The Oni ruined Skylar's life, didn't they?"

"Not The Oni, her father... the same man who tried to kill my father for money..."
Cole raised an eyebrow as he looked back at Lloyd.
"Skylar's father was a total piece of shit... I didn't even know I had a third cousin until Aloy found her body on the street... She was like a walking skeleton that looked a lot like her mother and Wolveya... It took years to fix Skylar and now she's missing... I'm glad that Dragon said he'd kill the kidnappers for me..."

"You want justice served to the cruel, don't you?"


"I can respect them for that but..."

"Not how they're serving justice?"

"Not how they're serving justice..."


"I don't know about the others, except maybe Wolf, but I think Dragon would like you."

" 'Dragon'?"

"The Die go by animal names. My favorite would have to be Dragon. Maybe if you're lucky or unlucky enough, you'll see him in action..."

"I'll take your word for it..."

The rest of P.E. was filled with talking between the students until the bell rang. English with Nya was nice since the two knew each other well, but now comes History...

It's not that Cole was bad at History, it's just that he couldn't find the damn classroom and he was running late.

"I wish I could kill Krux right now," mumbled a guy behind him startling Cole. He wore a lot of red with a fire symbol on his jacket and shoes. "I swear, he hates ME. Not the class, ME!"

"Excuse me!" said Cole as he got the guy's attention. The brunette's golden brown eyes. "Are you Kai Smith, Nya's brother?"

"Yeah... What's it to you? Can't you see I'm busy?"

"Nya said we shared the same History class, but I'm lost..."

"Pfft. Figured. Just follow me..."

Kai was pissed off if you couldn't tell...

"So why do you want this 'Krux' guy dead?" he asked as he followed Kai. "What did you do to each other to start this?"

Kai stopped and turned around with fire in his eyes matching his wild hairstyle.

"I did NOTHING to him, but he keeps my grade low, makes me ALONE late to History on purpose, spreading false rumors about me, and he brings up my parents when they're not even in the picture! I'd do something about it, but... Ugh!"
Kai punched the wall in frustration before he quickly turned to Cole with a murderous look on his face.
"Not to mention the one time where I thought he was trying to hook up with my YOUNGER sister... Nya says that I'm overthinking, but I swear his lock screen had Nya in a bikini before that grey-haired bastard changed it."

Cole cringed at the thought of an old man even looking at Nya the wrong way. He shook his head so his stomach would stop trying to turn upside down.

"Okay, from what you said, he deserves to die or at least be locked away," said Cole. Kai loosened a bit as he nudged the taller lad. "I'm guessing you and the rest of your friends favor one of The Die members right?"

"We all do. Mine is Fennec Fox or Fox as the others call him, but Axolotl's cool too. She's Jay's favorite while Nya likes Wolf. You don't know them, do you?"

Cole shook his head.

"Not really... I've only heard about them through your other friends... I'm kinda... iffy on what they do..."

"I understand but know this. If The Die catches wind of your existence, I don't think you'd be in danger from what I can tell."

Cole made a mental note about Kai's statement as he entered the classroom with Kai... Could The Die be trusted?... Who even are they?...


Word Count: 1307...

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