Truly Madly Deeply (One Direc...

By WishingOnStars99

23.2K 429 18

"We will see each other again." Louis told me. He was about to go on tour. He had just won the x-factor. "Whe... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64

Chapter 42

238 4 0
By WishingOnStars99

We all sat down in Izzy's couch. Her couch had a place for you to put your feet. Niall and I layed down, and leaned our backs on the end of the couch. He wrapped an arm around my shoulder, and I leaned my head in his shoulder. I placed a hand on his chest, and I could feel him breathing. The movie started. I loved the beggining of Tangled. It was great.

"What do you wanna do now?" Lou asked when the movie finished.

"What about cooking?" Angie suggested.

"Yes!" Izzy and I screamed at the same time. We loved to cook. We always did. Although I would just let Izzy and Angie do all the work while I decorated it. I was actually really good at decorating food. I could be really artsy. 

"Food!" Niall screamed.

"Yes Nialler. We're gonna cook you some food." I said.

"What about the girls cook, while us, boys, just talk." Zayn said.

"Are you lazy?" Perrie asked him.

"Yes." Zayn said.

"Fine. We'll cook." El said standing up, with Perrie.

We went to the kitchen and Izzy got some ingredients from the fridge.

"What are we cooking?" Perrie asked.

"Cupcakes." Izzy said.

"Yay!" Angie and I said at the same time.

"Are you sure you want me to cook?" Perrie asked.

"Yeah. You'll do a cupcake for Zayn!" Izzy said.

"Ok." Perrie said smiling.

We started to cook. We mixed all of the ingredients, until it made a dough. We placed the dough in cupcake forms and placed it in the oven. We waited until they were done, and took them out of the oven. Each of us had to decorate two cupcakes.

"What do I do for Zayn?" Perrie asked.

"I dont know. Maybe a mirror," Izzy suggested.

"Or a varsity jacket." Angie suggested.

"I like the idea of the jacket." Perrie said smiling.

"Offended." Izzy joked.

"I'm doing a clover for Niall." I said. "Is it a good idea?"

"Yes." El said. "I'm doing a carrot for Lou.But then I'll make a cross through it." she said laughing. We all laughed too.

"What should I do for Liam?" Angie asked.

"I have no idea." I said.

"Idea! Maybe I could do a rose!" Angie said.

"Why?" Izzy asked. She was doing Harry a pair of lips. And I was guessing it was because of the kiss or miss game.

"Because he's romantic." Angie said smiling. We all giggled.

"What are you doing for yourselfs?" I asked them.

"I dont know. What if the boys decorted a cupcake and gave it to us?" El suggested.

"That's a great idea!" Perrie exclaimed.

"It is?" El asked.

"YES!" we all screamed at her.

We all ran to the living room, where the boys were all lazingly layed down on random places chatting.

"Guys! We have an announcement!" Angie said.

"The food is ready?" Niall asked.

"No. Not yet babe." I said smiling.

"We decided to do cupcakes. And each one of you are gonna decorate one with something which has a meaning to your girlfriend." Angie said.

"What?" they all screamed at us at te same time.

"You heard me." Angie said.

"Fine. Where are the cupcakes and the frosting?" Liam asked.

"I'll get it!" Izzy said, leaving the room. A few seconds later, Izzy came back with five cupcakes and some frosting for them.

"Here." Izzy said handing Liam the cupcakes.

"You've got an hour." Angie said, and we quickly left the room before they argued.

We went back to the kitchen and went back to our cupcakes. My cupcake was comibg out good. I was actually good at decorating food. My clover was green, and in the middle it was written Mac+Niall, in golden frosting. The clover turned out really good, and the writing was understandable. I was quiet artsy.

"You're actually really good at decorating." Izzy said.

"Thanks." I said.

"Are we all done?" Perrie asked.

"Yeah." we all said, at different times.

"Great! Lets gossip!" Perrie said.

"Ok." we said, and we all went to Izzy's room. We all layed down on the couch and started to talk.

"Guys, I just noticed that I didnt spend valentine's day! with my valentine." Izzy said.

"I know. Niall just sent me a valentine's day card, while I sent him a heart-shaped pillow." I said.

"Liam sent me a huge bear, which holded a sign written 'I loe you'." Angie said smiling.

"Well, the boys were close to my uniersity. So Lou visited me." El said.

"You're so lucky!" Izzy and I said at the same time.

"Harry also just sent me a card." Izzy said looking at me. 

"Guys, having a boyfriend which is on one of the most famous boy bands in the world has its cons. We didnt even have a New Year's kiss!" I whined. "I really want a New Year's kiss."

"Same here." Izzy said.

"Me too." Angie said.

"Girls, we know you're still new to all this my boyfriend is a celebrity, but that's how it is." Perrie said. 

"But its so not fair! I didnt get to spend Harry's birthday with him!" Izzy said, crying. I felt tears falling from my eyes too.

"Niall and I didnt spend Valentine's day together, we didnt have a new year's kiss, and barely spend any time together!" I said, crying too. 

"Girlies, its gonna be ok." El said. "That's just how life is now."

"Exactly. If you really love them, there are some conditions." Perrie said. 

"I know." Angie said, wiping off her tears with her hands. 

"But why does it have to be that way?" Izzy asked. I looked at her, and tears were still falling from her eyes.

"Because they're celebrities." Perrie said. 

"Are you all ok here?" We heard Liam's voice ask. We looked at him. All the boys were there too.

"Yeah." El said. She was now sitting down on the bed. I quickly swiped off the tears from my eyes. 

"Are you sure?" Lou asked.

"Yes." I said, sitting too. I looked at Izzy and she had swiped off the tears from her eyes too. 

"Girls. You're eyes look like they have been crying." Zayn said. 

"Forget it." Izzy said. Angie, Perrie and Izzy sat. "Did you decorate the cupcakes?" Izzy asked.

"Yes. They are in the living room." Niall said. "But are you sure you're ok?"

"Lets go see them!" I said ignoring the question.

"Ok." the boys said.

They all took us to the living room. There was five cupcakes all decorated, in a row, on top of a tray. They told us to sit down, and we did as we were told. Each of them got a cupcake and gave it to their girlfriend. I looked at the other cupcakes. Zayn gave Perrie a song note, with a heart on it. Lou drawed a ring with a little diamond on it, and gave it to El. Harry gave Izzy her cupcake, with the drawing of the moon on it. Wait. I know why! In their first date Harry said that Izzy looked pretty under the moonlight! That's so sweet. And Liam gave Angie her cupcake, decorated with the shape of a heart, and in it, it was written 'Liam and Angie'. 

Then Niall came over to me with his cupcake hidden behind his back. We both laughed a little, then smiled at each other. He took out his hand from his back and showed me the cupcake in his hands. It had a blue circle, with some green shapes on it. It was planet earth. And on top of it all, was written in red, Kenzie Bun. 

"What does it mean?" I asked him. 

"You're my world." he said smiling.

"Aww... That's so cute." I said standing up, and giving him a tight hug.

"So, did you like it?" he asked me.

"I loved it." I said. "C'mon. Let me show you what I did for you."

I took his hand and took him to the kitchen, where his cupcake was. The other couples were already there, and the girls were showing the boys their cupcakes. I got Niall's cupcake and showed it to him. It wasnt that bad. I just hoped he liked it.

"Its a clover, because your Irish, and to wish you good luck, and the writing is because-"

"I loved it." Niall said cutting me off.

"You did?" I asked him.

"Yes." he said giving me a passionate kiss. He picked me up, still kissing me then put me back down. Just then we pulled apart.

"Lets eat it?" I asked him.

"Yes." he said. 

We both started to eat our cupcakes. It was so delicious. And the frosting on top, was perfect. I was now Niall's world. Niall's world. He was my Nialler, which, was so cute eating. He was just so adorable. 

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