FUCK IT ⚠︎ skins, jc

By ams_r3ads

25.5K 526 92

I'm Kalani Cole. I'm best friends with Cook, Freddie and JJ. Except, I love Cook. Not like how I love Freddie... More

summer 1.2
summer 2.2


1.4K 31 10
By ams_r3ads

Effy wants us to help
some guy sell drugs.
Are you coming?

don't think i will

for me?



I sighed and dragged myself out of bed, still feeling drained after last weeks ordeal. I hadn't spoken to Cook, and barely spoken to Freddie or JJ. Cook keeps meeting up with Effy apparently. If they start dating I don't know what I'll do.

I walked up to the meeting spot, my stomach doing flips on me. I tried my hardest to still be pissed at Cook.

"Hey Kal. Long time no see eh?" He said, offering me a cigarette.
I decided not to take it, and instead turned to J.

"Hey Kal" JJ said, holding his arms out.
I hugged him tightly- JJ's hugs are the best if I must say.
"Got any new tricks for me J-kins?"
"I'm working on it" He beamed.

"Don't I get a hug?" Freddie asked, smiling.
I went over and hugged him too, grateful to see them again.

"You guys have been acting as if i've been gone a year, It's only been about a week" I replied, into his arm.
"Still missed you though, i'm used seeing you curled up in the shed everyday" He smiled, pulling out of the hug and tucking my hair behind my ear.

"True. I'm still pissed at you, mind" I said,
turning to glare at Cook.
"If looks could kill! I said i'm sorry" He shrugged.
"You still haven't apologized to me! I'm never going to a brothel with you again" JJ said, also glaring at Cook.
"Brothel? What?" I responded, confused.
"I was just trying to get him laid, he didn't even do it in the end" He said.
JJ looked annoyed.
I slapped Cook on the back of his head, cursing at him. JJ smiled, silently thanking me.

"Anyway, why are we selling?"
"Not sure. We're helping Pandora's new boyfriend apparently" Freddie replied, shrugging as he did.
"Anyway, how've you been Kal?"
"Good. No thanks to you, you tit" I hissed at Cook once again.
"Here why am I getting attacked? How many times have I got to tell you retards, tit works"

Katie, Emily, Effy and Pandora walked up to us. Some guy was behind them too.

"Girls! We were just discussing breasts and here you were" Cook exclaimed.
"Tosser" Katie muttered, smirking.
"Hey guys, hey Eff" I greeted, while she smiled at us. Mostly looking at Cook.

"This is the guy you're gonna help out tonight" She informed us, nodding at him.
"Hello! I am Thomas, so glad" He smiled, taking our hands and shaking them warmly. He had a thick accent, and matched Pandora's energy perfectly.
I held my hand out, indicating for Thomas to hand the bag to me.

"Fuck me! Look at all this!" I exclaimed, sorting through the little bags of weed in the bag.
I passed it to Cook, who had the same reaction.

"Thomas has got to get 300 quid by desperate housewives, and that's tomorrow, otherwise Johnny Whites gonna make him get-" Pandora started.
"Jonny White!" Freddie interrupted, in surprise.
Cooks expression suddenly changed, and he nervously stared at the floor.

"He's got 13 ounces of weed in the bag" Effy told us.
"If you could help me, I could give you much" Thomas said.
"That's ok with me" I shrugged.

Naomi walked up last, waving a hand. Emily automatically shifted from foot to foot, getting worried.
"Oh christ. Not again. Who phoned her?" Katie hissed, glaring at Naoms.
"Shut up Katie" I moaned, already tired of her voice.
"Whatever" She replied.

Sorry I couldn't find a bus... said someone needed a hand?" Naomi said.
"Yeah, you like giving hand don't you Naomi" Katie sneered.
Cook laughed, before I shot him an angry look.

"Fucks sake Katie" I swore, rolling my eyes.
"Katie! She didn't kiss me, ok?" Emily admitted.
"Yes she did she practically jumped on you-"
"I kissed her! I was drunk and...someone gave me MDMA and.. I felt like felt like fucking kissing someone! Satisfied?"
"I'm satisfied yeah! Would be even better if you showed us" Cook laughed.
"Don't be a dick, Cook" I sighed, beginning to get pissed off at this whole situation.
"Yeah, you promised me a party, where is it?" Effy asked, looking around.
"Cant you feel it kids?"
I stared at him, wondering what he was gonna pull out the bag this time.

"Its the sound of the underground! Come on you suckers, let's go" He shouted, opening a manhole cover, to reveal a rave below.
Music and smoke erupted out, taking me by surprise.

"Unbelievable" I whispered, staring down into the hole.
"Only the best" Cook laughed back, grabbing my hand to help me down.


We all delved into the bag, grabbing the little baggies of skunk and passing them between us.
I took about 8, and lost myself in the crowd, selling to anyone and everyone. There were some guys rapping on stage, making the underground vibrate with the bass of the music.

I eventually bumped into Cook, who was looking a little loopy. He'd clearly taken a bag for himself.

"You're meant to be selling them, not smoking them" I laughed, trying to shout over the crowd.
"I asked Thomas! He didn't mind" He shouted back, putting his joint between my lips. I puffed on it, before blowing the smoke into his mouth. Time slowed down for a second, just Cook and I, before we were jolted back into action when Effy said,
"Look! Thomas is on stage"

He'd swapped his t-shirt and put on a cap, and was on stage rapping in French. We all cheered for him and danced, before Cook lifted Panda up as she waved and blew kisses to Thomas.

We made it out into the open, safe and sound with handfuls of cash. Thomas counted it all and a grin rose on his face when he realized he had enough money.

"Got enough Tommo?" I asked.
"Yes! This is.. you are good people. This is everything ive ever dreamed of and...now you are my friends too" He smiled.
We all grinned silently at each other, before a couple vans screeched up beside us, causing us to flinch. Johnny and a good few of his men hopped out, clutching bats and looking angry.

We're fucked.

"Oh god"
We all murmured.

"Morning fella. Now we're really gonna folate you" He hissed, looking at Thomas.
He shifted his focus to the rest of us, and locked eyes with Cook.

"Didn't I say i'd kill you if I ever saw you again?" He said.
Cook looked worried, and looked everywhere but Johnny's face.

"What the-" I started, before JJ put his hand on mine, indicating for me to be quiet.
"Believe this is mine" Johnny said, ripping a chain from Cooks neck.
I was wondering where he got it. Stupid twat.
"I love my work, love it" Johnny repeated, gripping his bat.
I held my breath, grabbing JJ's hand harder.

"You must be some kind of English pussy cunt!" Thomas said.
Was he crazy?
"You heard me. I think you are afraid. Possibly your father was a homosexual donkey" He said.
I stared at him, a little stunned. Not even Cook had the guts to step to Johnny, and he steps to everyone.

"I will fight you by myself, you can choose any weapon"
"You just made my day" Johnny hissed.

Considering the ten men behind Johnny holding bats, I would say that Thomas is royally fucked.

We were dragged back to Johnny's flat, and stood around the table. Thomas and Johnny sat at opposite ends, staring each other down, while we looked around at the gangsters that surrounded us.

"So, in summary, I win, you're my gimp forever, I take all your money, beat you and your mates to a pulp, and my boys rape all the women" Johnny said.
I frowned at the rape comment, and Cook pulled me closer towards him, keeping one hand around my waist.

"Erm..boss the lads- the lads aren't too keen on- on the rape" One of his goons said, looking a little worried.
"Fucks sake!" Johnny shouted. "I'm talking dangerous! Can nobody talk dangerous anymore? Jesus! Fucking Bristol, no ambition, no edge, no style y'know?"
"Sorry boss" The gangsters muttered.

"I'm ready. How do you want to fight?" Thomas asked.
He didn't look nervous at all.
"I promise you, you are gonna shit yourself"
Johnny clicked his finger, and a plate was brought to him, with a cover over it.
What the fuck?

"You ever seen a Naga Jolokia before Thomas?" He said, pulling the cover off of the plate, revealing a good few chillies.
I cringed: they looked deadly.
"Hottest chili on the planet" He carried on, picking one up. "Whoever flinches, is fucked"
He bit one off it's stem, barely flinching.
Cook held my waist tighter, which I was secretly loving.

Johnny swallowed the chili down with a glup, and pushed the plate towards Tommo.
"You" He said.
Thomas looked back at us, before grabbing a fist full of the chili's and stuffing them into his mouth.
"What the hell!" I mouthed, as he chewed, almost straight faced.
"Delicious" He smiled, swallowing them with ease. We all giggled in surprise.
Johnny suddenly looked worried.

"What?" He gulped.
"My mother, she grows these in our garden. We are forbidden to eat them, she will beat us if we disobey, but boys will be boys, and I am a very naughty boy" Thomas replied.
I laughed a little at his statement, and patted his shoulder.

"If I win, I pay you no money, and you leave me and my friends alone forever"

Johnny pulled the plate back to him, and attempted to copy Thomas, grabbing and handful and stuffing them into his mouth. He made an uncomfortable face, and grimaced as he tried to swallow.

"What is that?" One of his men asked, while Johnny made some questionable noises.
"He's shat himself!" The other one added, making a disgusted face.
"Oh my god" I laughed, leaning into Cook.
"Let's get out of here" They said, walking away and leaving Johnny to disgrace himself. His face looked red as a tomato, and he hung his head in shame.

We went back to Thomas's flat, and smoked and drank in celebration. The room filled with smoke, and we all laughed wildly. Katie and I were perched on JJ's legs, passing the spliff between us, while Thomas sat in his arm chair, munching on doughnuts. He soon walked to his bedroom, probably with Pandora.

JJ actually looked happy for once, instead of nervously glancing around like he had done for the past couple of weeks.
"You ok curlynob?" I asked, ruffling his hair.
He nodded, grinning.

I suddenly heard an unfamiliar voice coming from the hall way. They had the same accent as Thomas, and two other voices shouted his name.
"One sec J" I said, standing up and poking my head into the hallway.

Thomas seemed to be talking to.. his mom? She tapped her cheek and indicated for him to kiss her, while he wrung his hands out nervously. I don't think she'll be happy to know that there's a bunch of drunk and high teens hanging out with her son.

"Guys! I think Thomas's mom is here?" I said, looking back at the others.

They all came out into the hall, still with their cigarettes and wine bottles in hand, and Cook and Effy making out, and pushing themselves into the bathroom. I grimaced, trying to ignore them.

"Oops.." I whispered, staring at Thomas's moms expression. She looked confused, and her face eventually twisted up in anger.

"You gonna come and flippin' well jump me now? Ive taken my bra off and everything!" Pandora suddenly said, also walking into the hallway. She was topless, just wearing knickers, and holding a spliff in one hand.
I winced, knowing this wasn't gonna end well.
"Look! Aren't they fucking amazing!" She exclaimed, removing the arm that covered her chest.
"Shit" I laughed, covering my mouth.

Thomas's mom shot warning looks at JJ, Emily Katie and I who were in fits of laughter, before looking back to Thomas. He desperately pleaded something in French, before his mom replied something, looking both angry and disgusted.

She walked past us all, with Thomas's little siblings, and glared at us, cursing. Pools of tears welled up in Thomas's eyes, before he gestured for us all to leave.

AN: I hope y'all like the story so far😭
edited: ✔️

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