The Dark Lords Daughter 2: Sl...

By StephaniexEdwards

59.7K 2.3K 306

The second instalment of my Dark Lords Daughter series. When the chamber of Secrets is opened in Hogwarts Ann... More

The Dark Lords Daughter 2: Slytherins Heir
Diagon Alley
Train Tracks
Distant Memories
Livid Letters
Whispering Walls
Hallway encounters
Rough Bludger
Meet Myrtle
Family History
Nothing to Tell
Talk to Me
Favorite Colour
What isn't wrong?
Feeling Feline
Seasons Greeting
Good day
Thrown Books
Does Not!
His Name
Listen to Me
So Many Almosts
Dysfunctional family
Authors note

A Centaurs Promise

1.4K 62 5
By StephaniexEdwards

I left the common room needing some space to think. I headed down to the barn, ignoring the whispers of my fellow students. I opened the barn door to find Grace not in her stable, the back door was open so I wandered out into the paddock. The cold air hit me, knocking the air from my lungs and my hair whipped round my face, stinging my cheeks.

"Grace?" I called into the pasture, the grass swirled changing direction in the undetermined wind. A faint whinny sounded and I began to make my way further out into the wild roar. I shouted again, but my voice was lost, unable to see my precious friend I stumbled over the grassy hill. I gasped, the great evergreen trees of the forbidden forest rose up blocking out all light from the clouded sky. There she stood neck leaning over the fence trying to reach something on the other side.

"Grace!" I shouted again and began to run towards her. Tripping and sliding down the slick vegetation. Movement in the shadows caught my eye.

"Hey?" I shouted breathlessly. The figure was blocked by Graces huge form. As I approached I quickly pushed her back away from the decaying place. I flung my arms around her neck, in a desperate embrace.

"Don't ever do that to me again." I scolded and she snorted as though in answer. I heard a shocked breath from behind me and I spun, catching only a flicker of movement from inside the shadows.

"Hello?" I called cautiously, my experiences with the forest had never been good and I preferred to keep my distance, but sometimes thing don't always go your way. From behind a tree a face emerged, before disappearing again. It was the face of a boy, intrigued and seemingly alone.

"Hello? It's ok." I soothed, waiting patiently for him to appear again. He snuck another peek and held my gaze for a few moments. I was right a boy, more a teenager than a child, stared back at me. I smiled softly.

"I promise I don't bite." The young man chuckled and took a step forward, as I took a step back.This was not an ordinary boy. His chest was bare, covered only slightly by a leather waistcoat, which was torn and stitched roughly with vines. his skin was golden brown, making his sculpted torso shimmer in the dim light. his ear were long and pointed, his eyes a vivid leaf green. His sandy coloured hair was mirrored in his muscles haunches, where his legs should have stood was the body of a horse, the fine hair covering it gleamed and the long tail was a light blond. To his back he had strapped a quiver and a bow, both seemed worn with use. His waist held a leather belt, embellished with a embroidered design, tucked into it was a knife, it's silver blade winked at me.

"Hello." He voice was like honey and the air seemed to leave my body upon hearing it.

"H-hello." I couldn't help my stuttering, I had not expected to find, from the dark forest.

"I am sorry if I startled you," he smiled, "I was simply admiring her." He lifted he hand and gestured to Grace who stood behind me.

"Thank you." I blushed. In my mind I was screaming at myself for being such a bad conversationalist. Normally I could talk for the whole wizarding world.

"My name is Alderas, Son of Firenze master and leader of the Centaur herd." He bowed low and I watched a the muscles in his back rippled. Stop it, Anna!

"I'm Anna."

"I know, Eruanna Lurina, your name has become famous among us. Your bond with this beautiful creature earns you good stead in the centaur's hearts. You are a friend to us, Miss Riddle. You are the light in the approaching darkness and we are here to serve." Our eyes met and I felt butterfly's in my stomach. His words seemed rehearsed, but natural, it was confusing. As though he had said them a hundred times, but only now truly meant them.

"Why are the centaurs to serve me?" I questioned, trying to figure out what was going on.

"We have waited many years for your return."

"Return?" My mind suddenly conjured up the image of the bloodstained wall. Slytherin's heir.

"Yes, return. Not as yourself but in the form of another." My brows furrowed, why must all magical beings speak in riddles?

"I don't understand." He smiled kindly.

"Equsdemancus." He whispered, I gasped memories of being sat in the library returned to me. Equsdemancus, spirit of the horse.

"Many years we have waited for someone to bare the jewel, that would give life to those pure who have fallen." What? What jewel? Who had fallen?

"You speak in riddles Alderas. I do not follow, the jewel of the animagus was lost, stolen by grave robbers." He shook his head slowly, his golden hair sweeping back and forth over his toned shoulders.

"That is what the books say, before she died she passed on the jewel to the wizard, who saved her's, son. The jewel was never lost, but simply did not want to be found." The cogs in my brain began turning.

"If everyone thought it was lost, no one would try to track  it down?" He nodded.

"You seem to know a lot about this legend." It was a statement, but its questioning undertone put his on edge.

"She used to run with our herd, many years ago. My great, great, grand father was the one who found the two hunting wizards and begged for their help." He dropped his head, "he loved her very much." I suddenly felt very guilty for making such a beautiful creature, feel such sadness.

"I am sorry, Alderas." I whispered. Looking down at his hands I caught a glint of gold. Pulling back my sleeve I smiled at the golden bracelet, Oliver had given me.

"The jewel was passed down many generations, Miss Riddle. Between mother and oldest son, to be given to his intended." I looked up.

"Intended?" His green eyes were kind, but sparkled with mischief.

"The one he intends to spend his life with, the jewel protects its barer from death." My breath shallowed as I looked back down to the bracelet. Looking up I noticed he had moved closer and was watching my fingers as I played with the small charm.

"Alderas?" I took a cautious step back, but his eyes never left my wrist. I went to pull my sleeve back down, but was stopped as a firm hand wrapped round my arm. I struggled in his grasp. How had such a peaceful creature become so violent so quickly?

"Alderas!" I cried squirming and trying to pulled away from his grasp.

"To think such a small thing could prevent death, bring those back who were lost. Tis a powerful thing." His eyes seemed glazed over and he drew his lips back over his teeth. I whimpered as I tried to pull away again.

"Alderas let go!" I cried again.

"Anna!" A voice called from behind me.

"It's a powerful thing!" Two powerful arms suddenly wrapped around the centaurs waist pulling him backwards.

"Alderas release her!" A booming voice echoed through the forest, the teen's fingers released quickly  and I fell backwards, landing heavily, only to be scooped back up into two protecting arms. I looked up to my holder, Seamus? The boy held me protectively against his chest as he glared at the mythical beings before us. I stared up at the two centaurs from his embrace, Firenze kept hold of the struggling teen.

"Relax, Alderas. I mean you no harm." He tried to calm his son and it seemed to be working, his struggles lessened and his breath deepened from the shallow frenzy it had been. Until he stilled.

"Father, I am sorry. I-I don't know what happened. I-I-"

"It's ok, son. The jewel makes each of us react differently. It can bring out our most loving side or our darkest form." He let go of the blond and I was pulled a step back away from the fence, by Seamus. My eyes met briefly with the younger of the two creatures, his leaf green echoing his life in the forest. His face burdened with sadness.

"I'm sorry, my lady." At with that Alderas wheeled round on his haunches and galloped into the darkness.

"He is young and he may be strong physically, but his mid is weak to temptation. Please forgive him and allow my service as payment of his debt." Firenze bowed low and I shook my head.

"Firenze, Lord of the centaurs herd. I wish not for your service, we all make mistakes." I shrugged trying to throw off the formal atmosphere.

"Then allow me to promise you something." I nodded. "If ever you are in need of help, please do not hesitate in summoning me. I will always be ready to serve." His deep brown eyes reminded me of Oliver's and I sighed. The memory of his face after the duelling club made me sadden. Seamus must have felt it as his arm wound tighter around me.

"Your mate?" I looked up to see Firenze eying my fellow Gryffindor cautiously.

"No, my friend." I corrected an the centaur huffed.

"Not the one who gave you the jewel?" His elongated eyebrow arched daintily.

"No." I answered again, barely over a whisper.

"Very well." He began to turn but paused. "My Lady, the one who gave you that." He pointed to my wrist." Does not mean for his feelings to be taken lightly. The magic of the jewel does not work upon someone who is not meant for a lifemate." I stared at the grand beast in bewilderment. Lifemate?

"He will not share with others." His eyes flitted to Seamus an back to me.

"Goodbye, my Lady. May we meet again." Then he too, was gone.

   I stood for a few moments, still wrapped in Seamus' protective arms. My mind full of so many questions.

"Anna?" I looked up to be net with the worried and slightly scared eyes of Seamus Finnigan.

"I don't know what just happened and you don't have to tell me, if you don't want." He paused staring into the inky blackness of the forbidden forest.

"But I do think we should be getting back to castle." I nodded and allowed him to turn us back towards the barn. Grace walked obediently behind. I flitted round, doing jobs and making feeds. Until I was finally finished, Seamus waited with me, sitting upon the ever full stack of hay. He picked at strands quietly.

"Seamus?" I called up to him, having fed Grace and got ready to leave. He looked down at me and slipped down the bales, landing lightly on his feet.

"Ready to go?" He asked, I admired his ability to act as though nothing had happened, that we hadn't just been speaking to two centaurs or I hadn't nearly been dragged into the forbidden forest. I smiled, when a question rose in my head.

"Seamus, what were you doing when you found me? Why were you in the barn?" He smiled shyly, dropping his head he chuckled.

"I was coming to make sure you were alright. Like I said last year, your like a sister to me, Anna." I beamed up at him and threw my arms around his waist.

"Thank you." He laughed, but returned the embrace, before steering me out of the barn and into the castle. We began to wander through the halls gradually making out way to the common room. We had just reached the end of the corridor when I suddenly had a thought.

"I left my bag in the barn." I groaned and Seamus chuckled.

"You want me to come with you?" He quirked and eyebrow almost pleadingly, it was a long way back to the barn. Especially if you so the trip twice.

"No, it's ok I'll go. Just save me a seat ok?" I smiled to him before beginning my journey back down. I had almost reached the first floor when I rounded a corner and froze.

"Blood...I want blood...They all must die. Kill...Kill..Kill! Time to kill!" My heart leapt into my mouth as I listened to the familiar hissing voice, it echoed round my head. Bouncing through every corner, leaving no where undisturbed.

   Water on the floor, the gleam of the newly risen moon shone in from the stained windows, reflecting off of the cold liquid. I began to run, heading towards the end of the hall where I took a sharp left and stopped. My veins turned to ice and a shiver ran down my spine.

"Justin?" I whispered. On the other end of the marble floored hall stood Harry. He looked as shocked and frightened as I did. The scene was chilling. There the middle of the hallway stood Justin Finch-Fletchley, hovering above him. Sir Nicholas. They both were stock still, their eyes glazed over and flesh growing cold. Nick's head was hung down to the side as though a noise was place found his neck. I approached cautiously, mirrored by Harry, his hand coming up to touch the outstretched fingers of our fellow student. Why us?

"Caught in the act!" The hoarse voice made us jump as Mr Filch appeared from the corner. He eyed Harry's placing as grimace wickedly.

"I have you this time, Potter and your little friend too. You mark my words." His yellowed eyes scanned over my body and I shifted uncomfortably under his gaze.

"No! Mr Filch! Y-you-you don't understand!" Harry cried to the caretaker. We hadn't done this, we could be punished if we had done nothing. I jumped as a gasp sounded from behind me. Whirling round I met the horrified eyes of Minerva McGonagall, I opened my mouth but no words seemed prepared to come out, leaving me gaping like a fish.

"Professor...I swear I didn't." Harry pleaded to our Head of House. Her gaze flocked to him and then to me.

"Anna?" She whispered.

"Professor I promise, we did nothing." I could feel tears welling ing my eyes and straightened, drawing back her shoulders proudly.

"This is out of my hands, Potter, Anna." Her voice held an air of disappointment as she spoke my name.

"The Headmaster will want to see you two." I nodded dropping my eyes to the saturated floor.

"Mr Filch, will you make sure that these two get to the infirmary, as quickly as possible. We don't want anymore students raising questions." She gestured to the two frozen figures.

"Yes, ma'am." The caretaker replied respectfully.

"Once I have escorted these two to Professor Dumbledore, I will inform the other teachers of the attack." The ragged man nodded again and scuttled off to find some help to remove the petrified, from the hallway.

   We walked silently, Harry and I, the only noise being the sound of our wet shoes on the slick flooring. Minerva never once looked back at us, but I could tell she was troubled. Her usually unreadable eyes were now awash with worry and fear. As we arrived at a grand bronze statue of a gargoyle, covered in feathers, with big brutish feet and sharp beak. McGonagall stopped drawing her wand, she spoke for the first time since leaving the scene.

"Sherbet lemons." She said clearly and I was amazed when the statue began to turn, revealing a stone set of steps which led up to the Headmasters office.

"Potter you first." Minerva ordered and I tried to smile encouragingly at my spectacled friend, but it was weak and unconvincing. As he ascended the stairs I waited, under the sad and disappointed eyes of Minerva McGonagall. Please hurry, Harry.

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