Dice Blood (A Ninjago AU) [di...

By TheLotusMask

725 77 38

I don't own Ninjago or the characters... Well, not all of them... If you want to know the cat better, go see... More



28 4 4
By TheLotusMask

Listen, I don't know what the inside of Ed and Edna's camper looks like and this is an AU. We're gonna assume that the camper has a spot for Jay to sleep separate from his parents, a kitchen, plus a table.

Thank you for understanding, have a nice 24 hours.


Jay had gotten dressed in his... er... bed ledge... sure, we'll go with that... and had climbed down before he realized he forgot something important.

"Morning ma! Morning dad!" he said as he quickly climbed back up grabbing his bandana tying it around his neck.

"Morning sweetie," said his mother as she kissed his cheek. "You're just in time, the pancakes are ready!"

"Oh boy! Thanks, ma!"

"Heh heh, morning son," said his old man after he took a sip of his morning coffee. "How did you sleep?"

"Mmm, I slept well!" Jay replied after finishing the pancake in his mouth. There was a small chuckle.

"You know, Jay. You don't have to WOLF down your food, right?"

Jay smiled as he looked at his father.

"I see what you did there," he chuckled. "But you're right. I'm sorry, but I'm excited to have a new friend to walk to school with!"

"Do you think he'll accept what you are, Jay?"

"I... I don't know, ma... But the cat said that she has a plan on getting him comfortable with us before we drop the bomb on him and he already met Nya."

"That's good," said his mother before there was a knock on the door. She quickly turned to Jay who gave her a thumbs up. "Coming!"

Mrs. Walker opened the door to find Cole ready for school.

"Hello, you must be Jay's mom," he said while offering his hand.

"I am and you must be Cole!" Mrs. Walker replied as she shook it. "My son told me so much about you! What brings you here?"

At this point, Jay was finished with his breakfast and gathering his things for school.

"I was wondering if Jay wanted to catch a ride with me and my father to school."

"I'm sure he'd love to, right Jay?"

"Yeah," he said as he started tying his shoes. "I'll be outside soon!"

Meanwhile, a blonde guy was standing outside as he wore a green hoodie over his head that kept his white teeshirt hidden within. He had some toast in his mouth while he tied his red and white bandana around his neck as he wore dark green pants and white sneakers with a bit of red painted on the sides.

A special vehicle had pulled up in front of this guy's house making him smile as the door opened.

"Driving The Bandwagon again, ey Zane?" he said as he entered the "bus". It had room for more, but it also had toys for those inside to play with.

"You know it, Lloyd," Zane replied as they bumped fists. "The cat had a hard time sleeping last night and I'm not letting Kai drive again until he has his license."

"Hey, that other guy came out of nowhere!" said a guy in the back. "He deserved every word I said to him!"

Zane turned around staring at him with his icy blue eyes giving Kai one of those "you've got to be kidding me" kinds of looks.

"Whatever," he said before moving what they call The Bandwagon. "Jay sent me a text saying he caught a ride with his neighbor. We should be at school early today if we don't cross paths with and dumbasses on the road."

Lloyd chuckled as he walked to his usual spot.

"Morning, Nya," he said as he passed her. She was busy looking at some blueprints of a new toy for The Bandwagon. "Are those supposed to be shooters?"

"Yeah," she replied. "I was thinking of showing Jay and we could figure something out so my bestie doesn't have to do stupid shit again."

Lloyd chuckled as he stared at the front passenger seat where his cousin slept. She had done some crazy shit in the past in the name of justice. He's just happy that she's still here.

"You think that'll stop her?" Kai beamed as he leaned forward in his chair. "We've known each other since the beginning and you honestly think adding more toys to The Bandwagon will stop her from doing stupid shit?"

He does bring up a point. The Bandwagon had many goodies attached to it, but she still did stupid shit stating that if she dies, Lloyd would be in charge if she passes first.

He took his seat behind Kai after nudging his best friend enjoying the ride to school.

At school, Jay had taken Cole's hand pulling him to the side against the wall.

"See the second-floor bridge?" he asked while pointing up.


"Okay, now look at the third-floor bridge."

"Okay... What about them?"

"That's The English Wing Floor. We're heading to The Math Wing Floor. After Math, good luck cause I won't be seeing you until lunch."

"That's a shame, but why are you telling me this?"

"Because I'm not letting you think that the wings are connected! We have two second-floors and two third-floors!"

"What!? What kind of architect would allow something like that!?"

"Ninjago High was a small building that got shit added last minute so there's this building that has everything and then The Math Wing that only has a tunnel to get to and one set of stairs! What sucks the most is that there's a library in the middle of the path making the trip from one side to the other extra annoying!"

"At least P.E. seems to be in the middle of Math and English," said Cole as he looked at the map vs his schedule.

"Cool, you'll meet Lloyd next."


"He's a friend of mine. Just tell him Sparky wanted to make sure that the bean wasn't lonely and to make sure the imposter stays away. He'll get it."

"If you say so 'Sparky'," he said as he handed Jay his schedule. "Is there anyone else you want me to meet?"

"Yeah," he replied as he looked over it again. "After Math with me and P.E. with Lloyd, you'll have English with Nya, History with her brother Kai, lunch with all of us so you can meet Zane and Lloyd's pink cousin Aloy there, Science with Zane, and then Aloy has you for Creative Writing and Ceramics!"

"So all my periods have one of your friends. That's cool."

"Damn straight it is! They're awesome creatures!"
Jay's mental record player screeched to a stop and shattered into a million pieces. If the others heard what came out of his mouth, they'd be upset with his poor choice of words. He had to find a way to hide his screw up fast.
"Isn't the human race cool like that?"

Jay was hoping Cole would just gloss over the first half...

"Sometimes, but there's some people out there who just suck or are just plain dumb."

Phew, it seemed like he did.

"Yeah, but there's only so much that can be done about that. Ready for Math?"

"Not really, but I know I don't have a choice in going or not."

"Haha! Aloy would've enjoyed that."

"Is that so? Then I can't wait to meet her."


Word Count: 1231

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