Survival - Howl in the Night 2

By maxd01

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I am going to be doing a major edit on this story in Feb 2016. When I finish the edits I am going to delete... More

Chapter 1e - School sucks
Chapter 2e - I want a car
Chapter 3e - Who is she?
Chapter 4e - My mate?
Chapter 6e - How do I deal with having a mate?
Chapter 7e - The Rogue
Chapter 8e - Trying to deal with having a mate.
Chapter 9e - Oh great, a moon night!
Chapter 10e - I am to sexy for my shirt...
Chapter 11e - Damn playful Alpha
Chapter 12e - The joining

Chapter 5e - How do I handle this?

1.7K 128 76
By maxd01

Since the doctors had x-rayed her paw and it was already healing they had a brief discussion with Dan about it. After a short discussion it was decided that Dan was going to break it and realign it and then have her shift. The shifting would start the healing and she wouldn't, or shouldn't, need a brace since the bone should be fixed in place. Dan turned to Mari and met her eyes, "They are going to numb your paw, I will break and reset the bone. Hopefully before the pain meds wear off I will help you change. Once you change you will feel better. Keep looking at me while we work. I will take some of the pain away as well."

Mari whimpered at him as she nodded. At the moment she didn't feel up to trying to send to him. She kept her eyes on his. When they injected the pain meds in she didn't even move and thankfully a few moments later her paw mostly quit hurting. The crack of the bone being broken had forced a whine out though it didn't really hurt. A short time later it felt like Dan had reset the bone but she had chosen not to watch. It was not something she wanted to watch or hear since almost anything medical made her stomach roil.

"Okay Mari it is time for you to shift. I am going to hold your paw to ensure the bone remains aligned." Dan pressed his will against her and forced her to change. While he was doing that he was also using a touch of his power to hold her bone in the right spot. As Mari started changing Dan knew it was hurting since the change would burn the meds out of her system. The change would force her bones to change shape as well as encourage the healing. It was a very painful way to change but it was one of the best ways to force healing on a badly wounded wolf. As he had said he took some of the pain from her to keep her from reacting badly to the shift.

Once Mari was done changing she laid there panting from the pain. Mari also had a layer of sweat on her face as well from changing to heal. After a few moments she finally spoke, "Water please?" Mari's voice was hoarse from the whining and she was also very thirsty. When someone brought her a cup of water Dan helped her sit up and held her while she sucked it down. She did take her time but she was still thirsty. She looked down at her hands before speaking, "Sorry Alpha, it just hit and..." She had to take shuddering breath, "Those memories came back and I lost it. I am so sorry to have disturbed you." Mari was still keeping her eyes down as she was talking.

Dan sighed and called for a gown, as well as some shorts if they had any "I do understand what happened, sometimes shit just happens and we don't have control over that. I am just glad that you didn't actually change in front of anyone even if you ended up in a yard of attack trained kitties." He had to say that to see if she would at least smile.

Mari couldn't smile at the moment even if the joke was amusing. Instead she settled for leaning against her Alpha and let his power comfort her. She was still terrified about what she was feeling even with his commands and his Alpha status helping.

Dan wrapped his arms around Mari and held her close as he was stroking her hair. He and his wolf were still pissed off by what all had happened with Mari. He really did come to think of her as his adoptive daughter even above her being his submissive wolf. Mari had brought something to his house which hadn't been there for a long time.

A nurse came in about then with a gown and some paper shorts for her, "Here you go Hun, get dressed and wrap a blanket around you and you will feel better." The nurse turned and left the room they were in so Mari could get dressed. Even though Mari was a wolf and was mostly used to nudity it didn't mean she wanted to stand there nude in front of just anyone.

Mari held onto one of Dan's arms when she slipped off the gurney to get dressed. While she was getting dressed the scent of her mate was starting to impact on her again. It both attracted her and terrified her and she didn't know what to do. Once Mari was as dressed as she was getting stood there and stared at the curtain that separated Mari from her mate. Her wolf wanted to go and comfort their mate but Mari was so scared of any sort of intimate involvement.

When she looked back at Dan, he gave her a slight smile and nodded in Shanna's direction, *Mari I know you are terrified right now and I respect that. At least go and see her and talk to her if she is awake. Just because you recognize her as your mate doesn't mean you have to do anything sexual or intimate right this moment.* He stood up and moved over to her and wrapped his arms around her, *Take a chance on this being a good thing. Someone to love and to be loved by, the moon goddess rarely ever makes a mistake.* He gave her a gentle nudge.

When Dan pulled her into a hug Mari leaned against him and shivered in reaction to what she was feeling. Eventually Mari looked up at him and grabbed his hand so he would come with. With Dan next to her she could at least see the girl. If he wasn't Mari honestly wasn't sure if she could handle the stress, *Please?*

Dan smiled at her, *All you need do is ask, I am here for you Marissa. Just so you know she is a were-cat and her Pride Leader will be here soon. Chances are good that she is going to spend the night for observation and some additional tests.* Since Mari had grabbed his hand Dan stepped through an opening in the curtain and pulled her through as well, "Go to her and have a seat. Inhale her scent and listen to your wolf. Trust her to guide you well."

Mari slowly and tentatively moved towards the girl and carefully sat down on the edge. Before she realized it she had wrapped her hand around Shanna's. When she did that tingles started up her arm and she simply couldn't let go. Before she realized it she had leaned forward and ran her nose along Shanna's neck. The scent was so very calming, it almost forced her to relax more than she had been for a very long time. As the scent started impacting on her she settled her head on Shanna's shoulder and simply lay there.

Dan had to smile and when he heard Joachim approaching he stepped out of the room. He held a hand, in a non-threatening way, up as he spoke, "My Little Wolf is with Shanna right now. I need to talk to you briefly before we go in so you have an idea of what is going on with Marissa." Once he was done talking he lowered his hand and waited.

Joachim paused for a moment though the hand being held in his way bothered him. The one thing that kept him from knocking the hand away was he did get along reasonably well with the Alpha. They had both been neighbors for years and had long since worked out several treaties, "Let me just peak in and then we can talk. I need to check on her first." He knew that Dan would understand that.

Dan nodded and it only took a moment for the other to check on Shanna and then came back, "There is an office over there we can talk in." They walked over together and into the office. It was just for this sort of meeting when supernaturals were involved. Dan closed the door and sat down across from the Tiger, "I am not going to tell you everything since much of it is Mari's story to tell. What I am telling you has to remain between the two of us."

Joachim listened to him and watched Dan's body posture. Were-cat's nose's weren't as good as Were-wolves, so they tended to use their ears and excellent vision to detect lies and other emotions. In this case what Dan was saying rang true, "I will listen but if it starts getting into anything that might concern the Pride I will tell you. I will ensure what is said is kept between the two of us." They didn't bother shaking since that wasn't how they handled it.

Dan nodded since that was a reasonable and normal response, "Thank you for that and it shouldn't impact on your Pride. Or I should say not as in a danger but I think you will understand. Mari was molested by her father when she was thirteen. It continued till she ran away at sixteen. She ended up as a teen hooker to survive. At this point she met a friend of mine who was working to get her off the street. Before that could happen she was taken by a rogue I hadn't known about."

He had to stop and close his eyes and take several slow deep breaths, "He took her, raped her, changed her, and then tossed her to his men to do with as they wanted. Mari got away from him and eventually killed him. Her parents are no longer of an issue." When Dan mentioned Mari's parents there was an almost purr of satisfaction. The darkness he kept locked away showed briefly as well.

Joachim felt his Tiger reacting to what Dan was saying and a low angry snarl escaped his mouth as he was listening. His eyes had changed some in anger. He was clutching the arms of the chair hard enough that they ripped off which jolted him back to the present, "I hope they are no longer an issue in a very painful way." His thick chest was heaving as he was panting to control his cat even as his voice had traces of his cat in it, "Mari is the wolf you saved from the rogue wasn't she?" Joachim didn't bother waiting for a reply.

He spoke again, "Thank you for telling me. Shanna's story isn't nearly as bad though probably almost as traumatic. She watched her entire family killed in front of her by rogue hunters. She was badly wounded and poisoned when she was shot. If you remember I sent you a report on that about two months ago." Both the pride and pack shared information needed to help protect their territories.

Dan nodded, "I have been keeping an eye out for them but so far we haven't seen anything of them. We can talk about this later. I have to go and check on Mari." He stood and opened the door and then grinned at a nurse, "You are going to need a new chair."

She rolled her eyes and went to make a call. Joachim hissed at him just for good measure for the teasing. At the room Dan walked in first and Mari was still resting her head on Shanna's shoulder. She looked almost asleep from what he could see. He couldn't help but give Joachim a pleased smile at the sight, "Mari can you sit up for a moment please? I need to introduce you to Shanna's Pride Leader." She twitched and sat up while trying to look like she hadn't been almost asleep, "Marissa this is Joachim who is Shanna's Pride Leader and yes he is one of those rotten cat types."

Joachim snorted at him and hissed again for good measure, "Better a cat shifter than a smelly dog type." He grinned at Mari when he said that, "I am pleased to meet you Mari. I was told that they are going to be moving Shanna to a room very soon." He glanced at Dan and his face saddened before speaking, "Dan gave me a very brief overview of why you ran. If you could at least spend the night with her it would really help her. She is my brothers youngest and the only survivor in her family due to a hunter attack." He moved to the other side of the bed and stroked Shanna's scalp, "She was badly injured during the attack and hasn't been responding to the treatment very well."

Mari looked down when he mentioned Dan had briefly talked to him. When his voice wasn't pitying or revolted she slowly looked up and found him stroking the girls scalp. At first she wanted to say no but between what Dan had asked of her and Joachim's obvious concern for the girl she had to say yes, "I will stay or do my best Pride Leader. I, I am really terrified of how she is making my wolf react and to an extent me as well." Mari had to close her eyes and lowered her head as a few tears started to trickle out.

Dan moved over to Mari and stroked her hair before resting his hand on Mari's shoulder, "Thank you Mari and it really does show that you a very strong young woman. I am sorry for how you were changed but I will never regret helping rescue you and bringing you into the Pack."

As he was talking a different nurse walked in and once Dan finished talking she spoke, "We are going to take her to a room. Since the two of you are mates the bed is designed for two people to sleep in. Once we get her tucked in you can crawl in and comfort her." When the three in the room move out into the hallway the nurse got the girl ready to be moved and pushed her out of the room, "Walk this way and I will show you to her room." The nurse was swishing slightly as she started walking.

Dan and Joachim swapped smirks and shrugged. They started walking the way she was and Mari let her shoulders slump as she groaned, "Both of you are horrible people and I am going to hide Robin Hood Men in Tights from you Dan." There was a slight growl in her voice as well, Mari had a feeling Dan was doing it to distract her. It was working for the moment since she wanted to kick Dan for being so annoying, "My Alpha needs to grow up darn it!"

The nurse glanced over her shoulder and rolled her eyes at the two men. Just because she started swishing even more which both males immediately copied. That just got another groan and growl from Mari.

It didn't take that long to get to the room and when they walked in Mari had to whistle, "Good god you could fit three or four of the two of us in that thing." She almost said someone could have an orgy in it but she wasn't going anywhere near there.

Dan snorted at her, "Can you really see me fitting in a smaller bed with someone next to me?" Just because he flexed his muscles and Mari covered her eyes and sighed.

"Dan... Man I would ask if I could move in with Shanna but her Pride Leader seems to have your sense of humor." Just for good measure she gave both of them an eyeball, "Are sure you might not be mates? It is almost like the two of you are made for each other."

Both males stopped snickering and frowned at her, "I am not sure if that was a compliment or insult Dan what do you think?" Joachim placed a finger alongside his almost chiseled jaw as if he was contemplating it, "Mari call me Joachim please. Being called Pride Leader makes me feel old and I am young compared to some in the room."

Before Dan could grumble at Joachim the nurse sighed, "Boys out, the girls need some time alone and some sleep. We will keep you over protective oversized children up to date on how they are doing." She chased them out before turning back to Mari, "You look tired and strained young lady so you should crawl in and get some sleep. When lunch comes they will wake you up." With that the nurse turned the lights down and closed the door behind her.

Frankly Mari wasn't comfortable crawling in bed like this but she knew that having your mate next to you helped. It would calm one down as well as encourage and speed healing since you could draw support from the other. Mari was adult enough to admit that once she had touched Shanna and scented her she did relax. With a quiet sigh she slipped between the sheets. Since Shanna was currently on her back Mari curled up on her side and wrapped an arm around her waist. The tingles started and the warm comforting scent started her relaxing again. Before she realized it Mari had fallen asleep.


When Mari was awoken by food being brought in she realized that at some point Shanna had rolled towards her. Her forehead was touching Mari's and one arm was around her waist. She was still feeling pretty nervous and scared but not as bad as earlier. Mari glanced at the aid that had brought the food in before lifting a hand and stroked Shanna's cheek, "Hey there, it is time for you to wake up. Food is here and I know I am starving." She kept stroking till the other girl's cheek till Shanna finally woke up.

Shanna had slept well as the scent of her mate impacted her cat. There was a low content purr coming from her chest showing how comfortable she was. As she was starting to wake up she felt Mari's fingers tracing along her cheek and turned her face towards the touch. After a yawn she finally opened her eyes and twitched slightly. The other girls face was only a few inches from hers and she had found herself looking into some very lovely dark lavender eyes.

The other girl was really pretty and Shanna could only blush in reaction to being so close. Since they both had the open back hospital gowns on she could feel Mari's soft and warm hand against her skin. Shanna was warm as well and she could feel her cat basking in the warmth of the other as well as the scent of their mate. As comfortable as she was she started tensing up as well since she was scared of getting close and losing her mate. Shanna started to move back from Mari only to feel Mari's arm tighten slightly.

Mari was feeling twitchy herself but her wolf was content. Even though Shanna was obviously ill which showed by being pale and thin she was still very pretty, "You know you have some very lovely emerald eyes." When Mari said that about Shanna's eyes she instantly blushed but didn't look away. "I don't know about you but what I am feeling is scaring the daylights out of me. There are reasons for that and I am going to have to tell you some but not right now. I do feel comfortable here next to you." She was still stroking her cheek as she was talking.

Shanna blushed as well when Mari complemented her eyes, "You have some lovely eyes yourself." When Mari told Shanna she was scared Shanna had to tilt her head slightly and wanted to know why. She lifted her hand as well and stroked Mari's cheek as well, "I am as well, scared that is. I don't want to talk to you about that at the moment either." She yawned and blushed again since she didn't get a chance to cover it, "Sorry and the food does smell good."

Mari rolled over to sit up and froze. Sandi, Kelli, and that one girl were all sitting there watching them. Her blush went from a light stain to a deep red. Her eyes narrowed and she growled at them, "I will get you two later for sneaking in like that."

Shanna groaned and covered her face for a moment, "Aurora next time let us know you are here or else." She grumbled at the third girl, "Now I am going to eat, maybe talk for a few and then get some more sleep." Now that she was sitting up Shanna yawned again and her shoulders slumped.

The third girl was the one from the first day and her eyes were still angry looking. Just to cap it off she was glaring at Mari which Mari returned in spades, "I would suggest you stop glaring at me or you will regret it. My wolf is not amused." The moment that was out of her mouth Mari winced and looked at Sandi and Kelli.

Sandi smirked at her before holding her hand out and called up a flame. As it moved around her hand it slowly morphed into a dancer who was doing a graceful dance across her palm, "I wouldn't worry about it Mari, nobody in this room will tell that you really do get furry and bitchy once a month."

Kelli gagged at her and groaned, "Why am I even considering dating her? She knows I hate it when she makes bad jokes like that!" She pretended to lean away from Sandi as if she was infectious.

Mari decided to ignore the three for now and pulled the tables over. As wide as the bed was they needed the two bed stands. The trays on them were stacked with food and much of it was rare beef. Mari's stomach rumbled and she sighed, "Well Sandi this is my secret to staying thin. You have to work really hard to be fat as a wolf. I suppose I could always bite you but I have a feeling Dan might not approve. Then again your girlfriend might not approve either." Just for good measure she winked at the two of them.

As she was starting to cut her food up Mari noticed that Shanna was having some trouble with her food. Her hands were shaking and she was looking tired and exhausted. Mari pushed her table away and turned towards Shanna's bed table, "Let me cut it up for you. I can see you shaking since you are so hungry." For some reason Mari's protective side was coming out and she wasn't sure why.

Shanna tried to keep Mari from taking her utensils but she was hungry and she could feel the shakes getting bad, "Fine whatever. I don't have the energy to argue with you." She leaned back against the bed and pouted some.

Mari grinned at her, "Such a good kitty, she knows when to let the mean old wolf take care of her." When Shanna pouted even more Mari couldn't resist and leaned over and kissed her pouty lower lip, "Be a good kitty and I will let you feed yourself." As she was pulling back Mari realized what she had done and blushed again, "Sorry but that expression was too cute."

Shanna hissed at her for the teasing before Mari kissed her. She turned as pink as Mari had, "It's okay Mari. Now unless you are feeling brave you might want to move." Shanna gave her a wry grin as her stomach rumbled, "Thank you for your help Mari." Her voice was really quiet and shy.

Mari snickered at her as she moved over to her tray, "Tell me about it. If you weren't to be my mate eventually you might have only gotten part of the tray back." When she turned to her tray she noticed Sandi and Kelly giving her a smirk and Aurora was frowning, "Yes?"

Aurora rolled her eyes at her, "Am I the only straight one in the room? I am starting to worry that it might be catching." When Sandi leaned against her and sighed Aurora jerked away and hissed at Sandi.

Kelli covered her face, "Aurora that is Sandi's reaction to people who seem to have problems with non-straight people. Just ignore her and maybe she will stop bothering you." She thumped Sandi just for good measure.

Mari decided to ignore the others as they were working on devouring the food. As she was eating the odd itch or two started catching her attention, "Grr, I am going to need a shower after we eat. Changing while still wet and muddy is not a good idea." She took one more scratch of her scalp before finishing eating.

Shanna was still eating though she was slowing down. Mari had a feeling it was because she hadn't eaten well for a while. After a good burp Mari massaged her hand and it was still hurting some. It was healing and she could use it but it would be painful for the rest of the day.

Kelli had been watching the two and noticed Mari massaging her hand, "Did you hurt your hand earlier? Would you like me to take a look at it?"

Mari glanced up at her and then at her hand, "Oh, yah I broke it earlier when I slipped on something in the rain. As far as taking a look why? It will be healed by tomorrow morning at the latest." She groaned, "Oh god, I can feel my wolf staring at her paw in disgust now. It was wet and slimy and in a nasty alley." She shuddered again while looking revolted, "And I ate with this hand as well." Mari had to hold her hand out and was staring at it.

Shanna was staring at Mari with wide eyes and finally a tiny giggle escaped which was followed by a snort and finally laughter. Mari's expression was way too good and the way she was staring at her hand was even better. She collapsed against Mari as she was giggling, "That expression was priceless." She had to close her eyes and take some slow deep breaths.

The other three girls stared at Mari and then Shanna before snickering as well. Sandi's eyes were dancing with amusement, "I wish I had my phone on me since that would have been a great picture." Even her sober girlfriend was snickering as well.

When they were done laughing Aurora was still glowering at Mari but her eyes had softened slightly. It had been a long time since her cousin had last done more than smile slightly. She didn't like the other two girls and the way Mari had snubbed her still rankled. For her cousin's sake Aurora would put up with her though if that dog hurt her cousin she would deal with her.

Mari was looking rather miffed at all the laughter, "All of you are rotten horrible people. I might have to downgrade you to frenimies." She growled just for good measure though she did wrap an arm around Shanna, "I am going to call the nurse and see about taking a shower. I do feel dirty after that run. Do you want a shower Shanna? I can ask the nurse at the same time."

Shanna leaned into the hug and contemplated taking a shower. She was scared of how Mari might react to how she looked and the ugly scar on her side. Mates were supposed to be able to look past things like that but she was really scared of Mari's reaction, "I don't know Mari. I am feeling pretty tired and should go back to sleep for a while."

Mari's nose picked up her discomfort and she pulled Aurora even closer, "We can do that if you would like." She glanced over at the other three, "If you wouldn't mind we are going to talk for a few and then get some more rest." She met Kelli and Sandi's eyes briefly and both nodded. When she met Aurora's eyes it was obvious she didn't want to leave, "Aurora we, the two of us, need to talk without anyone else in the room. If you are worried about my hurting her I can't. Now please give us some privacy to talk."

Aurora was debating when Sandi and Kelli stood up. "Come on Aurora Mari is right, she can't hurt Shanna, well not deliberately that is. She is a wonderful girl and very caring." As Kelli was talking to Helen Sandi came over and dropped a bag on the bed.

"Dan had Suzy bring some under things for you as well as a night shirt." Sandi smirked at Mari, "Suzy told me to tell you that they are untouched by male fingers as well." Since Dan had been standing there his expression was rather grouchy looking when Suzy had said that.

Mari snorted at her and rolled her eyes as she took the bag and looked through it. She had to raise an eyebrow since they were brand new in the pack. There were several night shirts as well as some night shorts, "They are in a bag so can you prove they are untouched by man? Isn't inspector number twelve always a male?"

She looked up and smirked back at Sandi. "Thank you for giving these to us. I will talk to you two later. Sorry this evening got messed up. I was really looking forward to having some friends over." She knew one of the two would let the others know what happened.

Before Aurora let them pull her from the room she gave Mari a hard look, "I will talk to you later about what happened this morning." With that she turned and left.

Once the others left the room Mari sat up and after moving the table away turned so she was facing Shanna, "I am not sure why you are terrified and I do want to know but I can wait till you are ready. I am probably more terrified than you are, at least in my mind." Mari was starting to shiver and her eyes were darkening with fear.

Shanna slowly sat up and lightly grasped Mari's hand and gave them a gentle squeeze, "You don't have to tell me right now if you don't want to. I can wait as well if it is too painful." She could see the pain in Mari's eyes as well as sense the tension in her muscles.

Mari shook her head, "I have to tell you so you understand why I react the way I do sometimes." She looked down at the bed and took a slow deep breath. Mari was starting to really shake but she had to tell her some of what had happened to her, "The one thing I beg of you is please don't judge me." Mari had to take another deep breath. When she spoke her voice was shaky, "I am very twitchy about intimate relations. My father sexually abused me when I was younger. I ran away from home and on the streets had to do what was needed to survive." She was shaking to the point she was probably going to need either Dan or something to relax her, "When I was turned by the rogue he almost broke me and then tossed me to his men for their fun." It was too much and she pulled her knees to her chest and started sobbing.

Shanna wanted to tell Mari she didn't need to keep talking but her horror at what her mate had to go through kept her from saying anything. Instead she moved closer to her and wrapped her arms around her. When Mari started crying and tried to pull away Shanna kept holding on and started stroking her back. She didn't know what to do so do the only thing she could think of, *Uncle I need you to bring Dan to my room.* She was starting to cry as well, *Mari just told me some of what happened and is having some sort of panic attack. Hurry please, we need both of you.*

Joachim and Dan were down in the dining area since neither wanted to leave till they were sure both girls would be okay. When Shanna contacted him Joachim sat up immediately since he could feel her emotions. When she finally told him what was going on he replied to her, *We will be up there momentarily. Try to get her to scent you if you can. If not just do what you are doing.* "Dan Mari is having some sort of attack. She tried to tell Shanna some about her past I guess."

Dan growled slightly since he was already starting to be impacted by her emotions. Both he and his wolf knew it wasn't something they could protect her from but the drive was still there. She was a submissive and most dominant wolves were driven to protect submissive wolves. Dan stood and he was still snarling as he almost ran through the hospital and too the room she was in.

Dan didn't quite rip the door off but he almost did. The only reason he didn't was it would scare Mari even more. When Dan entered the room the scent of her fear and panic hit and his eyes instantly changed colors. He moved over to Mari again and after a light touch on Shanna's back he sat down. Once seated he pulled Mari's head towards him and touched their foreheads together. He slowly pulled on the power of the pack and carefully entered her mind. If he was abrupt or not careful enough it could cause Mari even more problems.

With everything that had happened today she was getting close to getting stuck in a loop of terror. Dan very gently moved into the nightmare Mari was reliving. Once there he started spreading calmness and protection. Dan imagined himself as a warm protective light. As Dan sent out the soothing sensations he slowly brightened his light and drove the nightmare away. Slowly he could feel Mari calming down and once Mari was calm enough Dan withdrew from her mind and simply held her.

Mari could feel all the ones who had hurt her circling around her. She could see her father, mother, some of the johns, Alonzo, and his thugs. As they circled around her they were morphing into evil caricatures of what they really looked like. The closer they moved the clearer the whispers became and she was being crushed under what they were saying. Just about when she was ready to give up something came between her and them. It was as if a barrier formed between her and them. It was protecting her for the moment.

Inside Mari felt a warmth starting to grow and she had to smile. Mari wasn't sure where it was coming from but she knew that what was causing it loved and cared for her. Mari felt like she was starting to glow and when she opened her eyes it was as if she was glowing. The light which was growing seemed to be coming from her. The brighter Mari glowed, the more the shades seemed to flinch and scream in agony. It was hard, so very hard, but she started to stand back up. As she rose to a standing position the brighter the light and by the time she was standing the light had chased all the shades away.

Before Mari came back Dan had handed her back to Shanna and moved away. When Mari finally woke up she would find herself in Shanna's arms which would help comfort her. She would equate the smell and feel of Shanna with comfort and protection. It was a slight of hand action but Dan wasn't beyond that, "We are going to leave and give both of you some more privacy. We will be close in case you need us. Hold her and let her cry if she needs it. Give her as much love as you can since she needs it." His voice was very quiet as he spoke. Once he was done he turned and walked out of the room.

Joachim gave Shanna a quick hug before he followed Dan out. When he walked out Dan was leaning against a wall and his muscles were twitching as he was struggling not to do anything stupid, "God damn it to hell I want to go and kill someone. If I could I would dig her parents up and kill them again."

Joachim didn't go near Dan since it was very possible as close as he was to changing he would strike out. While Dan was trying to calm down he made a few gestures to the nurses so they knew to go around him. They were familiar with ticked off shifters so they simply avoided the two, "Dan I know this is going to be hard but please calm down. You don't need this and your Little Wolf doesn't need to feel your reactions. If needed have one of your other wolves come up and stay close. I will take you somewhere they have a nice bloody rare steak."

Dan finally nodded, "I know but every now and then the Mari who existed before her father raped her shows. She will be bubbly and happy till something brings the memories back and then she radically changes. She becomes withdrawn, twitchy around others, and scared." He shoved off from the wall and stalked down the hall as he followed Joachim out.

Inside the room Shanna was holding Mari for all she was worth and as much as she tried not to she was crying as well. She could believe someone could do that. Yes, Shanna had heard the stories of rogues but most of them just killed and then kept going, "Oh Mari I am so sorry that happened to you. I could never reject you because of something you had no control over. Please wake up and let me comfort you."

Mari slowly came out of her panic attack and felt Shanna's arms around her. She was shuddering in reaction but it was slowly fading. Eventually Mari was almost limp in Shanna's arms, "That is what happens when something triggers my really bad attacks. Most of the time I just need to take a deep breath though." Her head was resting in Shanna's shoulder and Mari's arms were wrapped around her.

Shanna was slowly stroking Mari's hair and doing her best to calm Mari down. She finally urged her back some and met her eyes, "Mari I wish I could say I understand but that isn't something I can. What I can say is that it doesn't matter to me. You are more than I can imagine in a mate." Shanna slowly leaned forward and so very gently kissed her.

Tears were still flowing down Mari's cheeks as she listened to Shanna. She couldn't believe that anyone might want her like that. Well anyone other than Dan or Angie. Both knew almost intimately what had happened and still loved her. Both had been through everything with her and had been there when she needed it. The kiss was so out of the blue that she didn't know what to do and it was obvious. Where their lips touched the tingling started again and it was a gentle flow into her body. Finally Mari leaned forward slightly and tentatively returned the kiss.

Shanna didn't push Mari and leaned back. There was a slight blush on her cheeks when she leaned back from the kiss, "My turn to show you one of my problems, I was scared because you thought I might be ugly." She reached back and untied the knot to her gown and lowered it to show the scar on her side. It was ugly and traced with the veins of gray from the silver.

Mari watched Shanna and her eyes widened before the scar was visible. What was even worse in a way was she was now blushing like a new bride. When Mari did see the scar she had to reach over and gently touch it. Before Mari realized it a low menacing growl started coming from her chest. When she finally spoke it was very obvious her wolf was speaking as well, "Who dare do this to our mate? I will kill them."

Oh damn that growl was sexy. Shanna could feel her cat purring in sublime contentment since that was pretty much a declaration. They were going to have a great deal of issues to work out between the two of them, "Calmly Mari calmly please. Now you mentioned a shower and to be honest my back is feeling itchy as well. It is totally up to you and just to get clean."

Mari nibbled on her lower lip at her comment, "I will try. I am not sure how I will do so if I suddenly get out just give me some room." This was going to be so hard to deal with but she could only hope that sooner than later she could overcome her fears.

Shanna gave her another good hug after tying her gown back on. "So what all is in the bag? I don't know about you but even though I am a shifter it doesn't mean I like having my butt hanging out." Just for good measure she pulled the sheet up and tucked it around her bottom.

Mari stared at her and had to cover her mouth to keep the laughter down. It was so not what she had expected that it caught her off balance. When she finally managed to swallow the laugh she rolled her eyes and sighed, "God these mood swings are going to be the death of someone." She handed the bag over to Shanna and picked up the nurse call and pressed the button. When someone responded Mari informed them the two of them wanted to see about a shower.

While she was doing that Shanna was pulling things out and she hissed at the night shirts, "Your Alpha or someone has a horrible sense of humor. Do you want the night shirt with kitties on it or the one with doggies?" When she pulled the panties out there were two packs, one for each in their sizes. She rumbled in annoyance as well, "Now I am offended. I do not need panties with writing on my bottom."

Mari started giggling at Shanna's reaction, "My Alpha does have a warped sense of humor. My wolf growled at him but decided she would take the kitty shirt. As far as the panties I don't care about the writing since I don't plan on showing anyone my butt."

Shanna leaned over and wrapped her arms around Mari and gave her a good hug before giving her another kiss. As before it was very gentle and undemanding, "Well there is one person who might like to see your bottom when you are ready." She rested her head on Mari's shoulder, "Thank you for giving me something to live for Mari. Thank you so very much."

A/N: I hope you enjoy this and there are going to be plenty of drama between the two of them. It ain't going to be sunshine and unicorn farts. As always read and enjoy. Comment and vote or else I will become really evil...


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