The Wrong One

By Taylort1094

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This story follows a small town girl named Grace, waiting tables and singing in her church choir. Her dreams... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8- Jake's POV
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23

Chapter 19

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By Taylort1094

The next morning I had a missed call from my dad. I was nervous as I raised it to my ear to listen to the voicemail. "Grace, uh. I guess I missed ya. Look, I'm real sorry for the way I acted the last time you were here. I'll have your stuff ready whenever you want to come get it. Give me a call when you decide to head over, I'd love to see you." Something sounded different in his voice. He almost sounded, happy. I tiptoed to the kitchen sure not to wake Adam. I decided to make him breakfast since he had been cooking for me all week. I did the best I could with what little skillset I had. He walked in a few minutes later rubbing his eyes. Wearing only his boxers, I admired just how perfect he was. Like seriously, chefs kiss.

"Good morning sleepy head. I made you breakfast this time. Hope you like frozen waffles and eggs." He kissed me and sat down. "Of course, my favorite past time is eating frozen waffles on a Saturday morning while watching cartoons." We both laughed and dug into our luxury breakfast. After, I hopped in the shower deciding today should be the day I go to my dads. Do I tell him what happened? Probably shouldn't, I wouldn't want him to worry about me now that I'm moving further away. Me and Adam hadn't really looked at apartments in California yet but that would come later on the to do list. "Hey, so my dad left me a voicemail this morning. He said he was sorry and would love to see me. So I thought about heading down there today. Would you want to maybe come with?" I said it in a way that made him laugh. "You say it like I would be miserable. Of course I'll go with you. I just need to do a few things at the studio then I'll pick you up. Cool with you?"

I forgot about the world out there. I hadn't been away from Adam in over 24 hours and I wasn't sure I could do it. I had to though. If I never did anything alone again, I wouldn't heal properly. I agreed and put on a brave face before he left. After the door closed, it felt dark around me. I was scared to be alone, scared Jake would somehow pop back up. I decided to distract myself by writing a new song. About two hours into my writing, I realized I hadn't heard from Adam. I started to worry as I dialed his number. "Hey babe, sorry I got hung up here. Headed your way now." Relief washed over me and I went to get ready. I hopped out of the shower and heard the door shut. "Hey, just give me five minutes and I'll be ready." He didn't say anything so I wasn't sure he heard me. 

"Adam?" I wrapped the towel around me and headed for the bedroom where I assumed he was. As I got closer, all the lights were off in the apartment and candles led the way to the bedroom. Was he planning something romantic before we went to my dads? Kind of a strange time for that. I heard rustling around in the bedroom and tiptoed there, sure not to ruin the surprise. Just then I got a text from Adam. "Sorry, stuck in traffic. Be there as soon as I can." My heart started beating fast and my stomach dropped. I tiptoed back to the bathroom in hopes he didn't hear me. I knew exactly who was messing around in my bedroom. I knew he would come for me sooner or later. I put my old clothes back on and texted Adam back quick. Sure not to make too much noise. "Adam, please hurry. Jake is in the apartment and I'm not sure how long I can make him think I'm no longer in the shower." Just as I was about to hit send everything went dark. 

I woke up handcuffed to my bed and half naked. At least this time he had the decency to leave lingerie on me. I shook at the cuffs but who was I kidding, I wasn't getting out of those anytime soon. I looked around the room in panic, looking for him. I noticed pictures of me covered every surface. Pictures of me getting coffee, going to the studio, the gym, you name it. He had been following me too since he got out of jail. Just then he entered the room shirtless and with a knife. I started wiggling around trying to break free. Instincts I guess. "Shhh, baby it's ok. I told you I'd come back for you. Nobody can keep me from you. Not even that idiot Adam. I am the only one who can take care of your needs." 

He was absolutely insane. I wondered if my message even went through to Adam, thankfully I knew he would be here soon. "Oh and I saw the little text you were sending to Adam. I decided to change it for you." He started reading the text that was actually sent to Adam. "No problem honey, I'm going to go ahead and head down there myself. I need some time alone with my dad to talk things out. Meet at your place later?" He laughed a horrible laugh and threw the phone across the room. I heard a loud crack. Just then I caught a glimpse of Adam in the doorway. He hid behind the frame with a baseball bat. I tried pretending like I didn't see him but I think I was just too freaked out. Jake whipped around and Adam cracked him on the side of the head. 

He raced over to me and somehow broke the cuffs from the bed. He picked me up and ran for the door. Jake grabbed his foot as he passed and we both tumbled to the ground. I smacked my head on the floor and everything went blurry. The last thing I saw was Jake stabbing Adam in the arm. Oh no, he stabbed him. I tried to get up but failed. I tried so hard to stay awake but I was too exhausted. When I woke back up I was in a hospital room. I was hooked up to an IV and was so thirsty. My throat felt like the Sahara desert. I looked around the room and saw my dad sleeping in a chair. My dad was here? I studied his face for a few minutes. He looked different. His face was tan and he looked slimmer. 

He rustled in his chair and opened his eyes. He hopped up and walked over to my side. "Grace, oh honey are you okay? A detective showed up and told me everything. Gracie, how could you not tell me? I've been worried sick, thinking you wouldn't wake up." I saw a tear glisten in his eye and I couldn't hold it in. My eyes started pouring and I embraced my dad. The first time in my life I ever truly felt loved by him. "I'm sorry dad. I was going to tell you everything when I came to pick up my stuff but..well we know why I didn't show up." I tried to reposition myself but a pain shot through my side. I tried again and same thing. What the hell happened to me. Not to mention I had a busting headache. Oh no, Adam. "Um, where is Adam? He's my boyfriend. The one fighting off Jake." My dad went to find a nurse and my mind raced. The only thing I could think of was that he was dead.

"Your boyfriend is stable but he has some pretty deep wounds. It looks like he will be ok." She smiled and left the room. Relief finally washed over me and I tried to relax. "Gracie, you want me to leave so you can get some rest? There's two police officers outside the door. Just in case." That must've meant Jake was still alive. Worry set in again. "No, please stay. I just need to shut my eyes for a little while longer and I'd feel safer if you were here." He squeezed my hand and smiled. "I'm getting a little hungry. You want something other than horrible cafeteria food?" I shook my head yes and he headed for the door. "Thanks for being here dad. You look good." He winked and walked out. I tried to shut my eyes but every time I did I saw Jake's horrible face. 

I saw my phone on the table next to the bed and wiggled over to it. I had three missed calls from Sarah and a text from her asking me if I was okay and to call her as soon as I could. I was too tired to even text her back. I laid there thinking about Adam, hoping he was okay. I can't believe this happened again. Now was even more confirmation that we had to move away from this toxic city. A nurse came in my room to check my IV and re dress my wound. Wait, my wound? Apparently I had fallen and cut my side on some glass. It was apparently a pretty deep cut. I also had a concussion and bruised ribs. I asked about Adam but she told me not much had changed. He was still unconscious.

My dad finally showed back up with burgers and fries. I ate that food like I hadn't had any in years. We sat and talked about my music and my apartment. I told him about Adam and how we were in love. He seemed really into what I was saying. It was weird, something was definitely different about him. "Gracie, I have something to tell you. I've been seeing Colleen from the bank in town. We've been going out for about six months now. It's real serious, she makes me happy." He gave me a sly smile and I smiled back. "That's really great dad. I'm so happy for you." I decided I was ok enough to stay by myself for a while. He had to get back to Colleen. 

I drifted off to sleep and had a horrible nightmare about Jake coming into my room and killing me. I woke up in a sweat and noticed it was still night. I hobbled out of my bed and opened the door to see if the coast was clear. I trotted down to Adam's room which was luckily not too far from mine. I opened the door and saw him lying there hooked up to so many different machines. This was far worse than what the nurse told me. I guess she didn't want to scare me. I cried as I held his hand. Seeing him this way, scared me to death. All of this was because of me. Because I trusted too easily. I kissed his hand and started talking to him about our future. What I envisioned for us anyway. Just as I was about to let go he squeezed my hand. "Adam? Are you awake?" He slowly opened his eyes and squinted. 

"Oh Adam, I'll get a nurse." He grabbed my hand and coughed. "Wait. I'm so glad you're okay. I love you." I kissed him and called for the nurse. She came in and looked me up and down. "Girl, you need to get back to your room. Let's go. You and him both need some rest. He will be right here in the morning." I shook my head and gave him one final kiss. After hobbling back to my room I finally drifted off to sleep. This time I dreamed about the future I talked about with Adam. When I finally woke up it was morning and I saw my dad back in that chair snoring. I smiled and tried to stretch. Still sore. I let out a louder ouch then I meant to and my dad jumped. "Hey Gracie, you okay? Want me to get a nurse?" I shook my head no and moved my arms around. "I'm fine, just moved faster than I should've." 

Today was the day I was finally getting discharged. Unfortunately Adam had to stay a couple more days to make sure his injuries were healing properly. I invited my dad to stay at my apartment because I did not want to be alone. I offered for Colleen to come stay as well but he declined. He said they weren't at the stage in their relationship yet where he felt comfortable with her staying over. We stopped at the grocery store on the way home because my dad insisted. He said he didn't understand why my generation was obsessed with ordering everything online. There was the dad I remembered. After we got back to my place and put the groceries away, I was exhausted. My dad offered to cook dinner and I gladly let him. Usually Adam cooked anyway. 

I guess I drifted off to sleep on the couch because I woke up to my dad lightly tapping my arm. "Hey, you should probably eat something. it's been a long day. You got a call from the hospital and I didn't want you to miss it so I answered it. They said Adam could be released today if he's picked up. I thought I would offer so you can get some rest. What do you think?" I really didn't want to be here alone but I also didn't want to be cramped in the back of my dads car. "That sounds great dad. Thanks for offering." After he left I tried to eat some of the spaghetti he made. That was the only thing he knew how to make. It was good but I was so paranoid being alone again. The last time I was, well you know. I decided to try and stay busy again. I finished working on the song I had started on a few days ago. An hour passed and I finally heard the door unlock. Panic set in thinking it was Jake again. 

My dad walked in with Adam draped around his shoulder. I hopped up and helped him to the couch. I sat down next to Adam and kissed his cheek. "How you feeling?" He looked at me with an are you serious look and I smiled. "Right, wrong question. You want some spaghetti? My dad made it." He shook his head yes and laid his head back on the couch. My dad walked over to where I was making Adam's plate. "Hey Gracie, I think it's about time for me to go. I gotta get back to my life in town and you got your guy back. Looks like you guys both need some rest and recovery. But I want you to know, I'm here okay? I'd like to try and repair our relationship. I know you're moving cities but that's okay. I can come visit and vice versa. I miss you Gracie." I could feel tears pecking at the back of my eyes and I tried to push them away. 

"I would love that very much dad. I've missed you too." We hugged and he brought the rest of my stuff upstairs. "I have had this stuff in my car since you called. I had planned on surprising you with it after I found out where you lived." After we said our goodbyes, I plopped down on the couch next to Adam. "Your dad is really cool. We talked on the way here and he seems to really love you." I looked over at him and could tell he was falling asleep. "Yeah, seems like Colleen has really brought him out of his shell." We both drifted off to sleep and I tried to dream of our future together. All I could see though was Jake's twisted grin in every scenario. I woke up in a hot sweat and realized me and Adam were tangled up together on the couch. 

I slowly moved him over and headed for the bathroom. I checked to make sure the door was double locked before jumping in the shower. After I got out I sat on the bed and decided to call Sarah. It was late but I knew she would be up. "Oh my gosh, Grace? Are you okay?" I told her everything that happened and we talked for a bit. I tried to shift the conversation to something more normal. I asked her how her job was going and she told me about some girl who puked all over her and a night club. We laughed and it felt good. For a minute I forgot how crazy my life had been. Adam walked in rubbing his eyes and wrapped his arms around me. I wrapped up my conversation with Sarah and snuggled in his chest. "What were you and Sarah talking about? It was nice to hear you laugh again." I kissed his forehead and we laid there for a few minutes. Most of our day was sleeping or laying around. 

"Just silly girl stuff. It was nice to have a distraction for a few minutes." He slowly started rubbing up my leg and kissing my neck. "How about another distraction." He wiggled his eyebrows and I laughed. "Are you sure you're up for it?" He ripped my towel off and swung it around his head. I laughed and kissed him again. I climbed on top of him this time so he wouldn't have to make much movement. I could feel everything so much more intense this way. Adam gripped my hips and pulled me deeper. I let out a loud sigh and we locked eyes. "You okay?" I shook my head yes and didn't want him to stop. Ten minutes later we both knocked out. I guess that's all we needed  to get some rest. 

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