Famous Last Words! (Frerard f...

By KillJoy998

105K 4.2K 2.8K

Not everything is bad, just a huge portion of life fits into that category. You do the math. More

Frog Croaking
Spreading Like A Plague
I ain't God, Mikes
Fuck it
Jesus Christ, Mikey!
Mikey, Back Away From The Toaster
Let Me Scream
Broken Arrow
Beaten in Everything except Words- Part 1
Beaten in Everything but Words Part 2
Frozen In Place
Waking The Dead
Light In The Shadows
A Chance In The Wind
You're GAY?
Broken Promises
Oi! Watch Where You're Pointing That Thing!
Amnesia My Arse
Overly Exagerated
Voice In A Box
Out Of The Rose Bush And Into The Thorns
Last Thoughts, Last Words

Famous Last Words! (Frerard fic, also a bit of Mikey/Ray)

16.5K 283 501
By KillJoy998

Right okay, I don't own anything but the plot which is such a shame. It is slash guys so if you don't like then don't bother even reading. That's as simple as it could get. Right okay, Frank and Mikey are sixteen, Ray and Gerard are seventeen in this. Well, enjoy. Might have a few swear words here and there, but I did warn you on the rating, if you choose to ignore it then it's your problem.

Gerard POV

We strolled down the hallways, getting disgusted glances from a lot of girls and boys, a few hopeful glances from a few girls here and then, but nothing new. Our High School sucked so bad, and I have prepared a list for you on why it is bad, just a few things....

1) It stinks like a horse's bottom

2) Students don't keep things to their bloody selves!

3) Mikey doesn't stand up for himself (note to self: Bully Mikey to stand up to people)

4) The bullies try to get too much enjoyment in little kids that are new to the damn school, nothing new but completely rotten

5) The School Building itself is far too open, allowing nothing to block the sun, leaving so much light I feel sick, seriously, can't we darken the place?  A stream of black, red seeping in here and there, you know?

6) The teachers suck eggs, they don't listen to you and live to give you detention.

7) You aren't allowed to store knives in your lockers (seriously, wtf? Why would someone do that? *looks guilty*)

8) You aren't allowed to sing in the hallways. Okay now that is a bummer, mainly because singing is the only thing I have going for me, and art.

9) Your phone can't be out in lessons, or they end up in the trash. That's happened to me before, mom went bonkers, hitting me across the head, not hard, but disappointedly.)

10) The older you get, the more you have to produce to the teachers. (I ain't producing anything to them if you like it or not)

Whoa, that list wasn't as short as expected. I've still got more, yeah, like twenty more, maybe thirty. I won't share them, it'll be too boring.

Anyway, Bob practically fell flat on his face whilst trying to look cool. He always does that, pretending to be so fucking hard. It's hard to not laugh with him acting super 'cool'. But his 'reputation' right now ended up with him on the floor, his nose bleeding, his face slammed hard onto the stone flooring. Before I could blink Frank was by his side. I roll my eyes, he's so protective it's unbelievable.

"Are you alright mate?" his soothing voice echoed through the empty hall.

"Yeah, course," Bob muttered harshly, his eyes glaring at me.

I shrug, not being able to produce words. You wouldn't think me shy, but when I'm spoken too, it's so hard to reply back, which may  seem rude.

"Just get up, your ruining our style," Ray hissed. My head tilted in confusion. And what 'style' was he thinking of?

"Excuse me?" Mikey said for me.

"Nothin'," Ray mumbled.

We all exchanged glances before making our way to maths class. I sat next to Ray, at the very back. Frankie and Mikey aren't in this lesson, they're younger than us, such a shame.

The teacher was late, not even bothering to turn up on the dot. The cool people, as they call themselves, sat in the corner, scowling at me. I knew why. My group, as people referred to as 'Gerard's E's', are considered highly as Emo's. I don't give a shit, since that's exactly what I am. They have a problem with it? Then they can shove their problems up their- I won't say that, it's inappropriate.

But out of me and Ray and Bob, (he was also in our Math's class, also on our table, but fast asleep, the big oaf), I'm more of the Emo. Everyone knows that for a simple fact. I don't turn my head at their bullying, it doesn't bother me. I feel bad for Mikey though, so bad. He was the last one of us to turn fully Emo, God knows how people can say they are fully Emo, don't ask. So anyway, he was the last one with turned, him being so innocent beforehand. This meant he was also new to the bullying, the name calling, the fights. He couldn't handle it, so he'd get pushed around. If he got punched, he wouldn't fight back, or tell a teacher. He comes to me, and I sort them out good. This just makes me hated even more.

"Oi, Gerarrrrrrddddddd!" Sasha slurred as if she was drunk. She wasn't, she put tags on us Emo's. She thought we got pissed every night, not true.

I don't even turn my head, I got my iPod out of my bag, grab my earphones, and let me and Ray listen to rock, heavy metal, and everything most people would cringe at. I, however, find it soothing. And that even there made me realise something big. Something huge! Something.......incredible.....

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