By killiths

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❝You're a cheat.❞            ❝No, I'm a winner.❞ © killiths | 2021 More

Two Sides of a Coin
House of Slytherin (ft. Oliver Wood)
 𝐢.Harry James Potter
 𝐢𝐢.Boner For a Dead Man
 𝐢𝐢𝐢.Troll in the Dungeons!
 𝐢𝐯.Murder on My Mind
 𝐯.To Domesticate the Giant Squid
 𝐯𝐢.Snape Haters Club
 𝐯𝐢𝐢.The Serpent Beats the Eagle
 𝐯𝐢𝐢𝐢.The Shortest Game in History
 𝐢𝐱.Quidditch Cup Winners
 𝐱𝐢.Aboard the Hogwarts Express
Hogwarts Has a Secret Chamber?
 𝐱𝐢𝐢.If Three Is a Pattern
 𝐱𝐢𝐢𝐢.Too Early For Trouble
 𝐱𝐢𝐯.First Hogwarts Defenestration
 𝐱𝐯.Enemies of the Heir

 𝐱.Crying Over Spoiled Potion

316 16 2
By killiths

No Point Crying Over
Spoiled Potion
june, 1992

   QUIDDITCH SEASON IS OVER, but Mikaela Song's life becomes much more hectic.

   As a fifth year student, she can now be found with her nose buried in dozens of textbooks of several subjects, trying to cram every and any information into her brain for the upcoming O.W.L. exams that will be taking place in the last two weeks of June.

   On top of that, Harry Potter still hasn't woken up from his coma. Mikaela finds it concerning.

   She's been to the hospital wing to check on the boy a few times. The matron assured the Song girl that Harry is just fine, and he'll wake up any time soon. But he's been unconscious for weeks now.

   Mikaela has written to Aster and even told her dad. Both (plus Remus Lupin) wanted to come to Hogwarts, so they could check on the boy.

   To this point, Mikaela's convinced Aster's been in contact with Madam Pomfrey, trying to suggest every and any potion that could possibly help. But she isn't a Healer, so her suggestions aren't that helpful.

   Lia Lupin filled Mikaela and Theo in on everything. From the Philosopher's Stone hidden at Hogwarts to Voldemort trying to acquire it.

   ("Why didn't you tell the teachers?" "We did. They didn't believe us." "What?")

   Harry, Hermione Granger, Lia and Ron Weasley have uncovered those plans. Though for the longest while, they were convinced Snape was the culprit. Mikaela couldn't blame them.

   Apparently, You-Know-Who really resided on Professor Quirrell's head. But he had to kill unicorns and feed on their blood for it.

   Quirrell's stutter was also fake this whole time. Which Mikaela found infuriating as that meant he was pretending to be a worse teacher than he actually could have been. So much lost potential.

   Personally, Mikaela would not mind being taught Defence Against Dark Arts by the master of Dark Arts himself. It is weird and stupid, yes. But You-Know-Who has experience with this kind of magic. So, him teaching Defence would be extremely effective.

   Maybe it would help her more in preparation for the upcoming O.W.L. exams.

   The Slytherin Keeper has been thinking of going to the quidditch pitch for a while, simply to blow off some steam and relax.

   But being on a broom makes her think of James Potter, and consequently, of Harry who is lying in the hospital wing.

   The copy of Quidditch Through the Ages lays on her bedside table. The Song girl has yet to give it back to Harry, despite having retrieved it so many months ago.

   She kept forgetting about it, and now she's afraid she won't get to give it to him.

   "Fuck, why do I feel like I have a bigger chance befriending the Giant Squid than passing any of my O.W.L. exams," says Natalie, hiding her face in the palms of her hands.

   Robin looks at the girl, narrowing her eyes. "Probably because you really do."

   Natalie glares at the Kingsley girl, sticking out her tongue at her.

   "I actually went to ask Snape if he couldn't offer some advice and tell me what I should focus on," informs the Slytherin prankster, sighing. "He just said, 'definitely not Potions.'"

   Kim snickers at her friend's misery and shakes her head. "I'm glad I know I want to work with magical creatures," the Ainsley girl says, earning envious looks from her friends.

   "Rory said she's going to pursue a career in art," says Robin, sighing. "Doesn't want to work at the Ministry."

   "I can relate to that," Natalie nods.

   "Well, that's several possible jobs off the table, then," says Mikaela.

   "Y'know what could be really cool?" Natalie says suddenly, an idea comes to her.

   The three Slytherins raise their eyebrows at the girl.

   "Being a party organiser. I could totally do that," Natalie says with a grin.

   Kim hums. "That doesn't sound so bad."

   "If your ideal party always ends with an explosion at the end, it really doesn't," says Robin, earning another glare from Natalie. The Kingsley girl grins.

   Mikaela shakes her head. "She's just being mean because she doesn't know what she wants to do."

   "And you know?" Robin raises an eyebrow at the Song girl challengingly.

   "No," Mikaela shrugs. "But I've got ideas."

   "Fuck," Robin curses, "am I really the only one who has no idea?"

   "Seems like it," Kim presses her lips together. "You'll figure something out. It's not like you don't have the options."

   "Both of you do," says Natalie, slight bitterness slipping into her tone as she glances from Mikaela to Robin.

   Mikaela raises an eyebrow at her. "You would, too, if you weren't more worried about whether you've made a statue dance over studying."

   Natalie scoffs, waving her hand dismissively. "But it's so much more fun."

   Robin rolls her eyes. "Obviously."

   "I was simply not made to spend my days studying. Burning the candle at both ends is not my thing."

   Natalie looks at all her friends with a grin, shaking her head.

   "Especially when you don't even have the attention span."

   "She's got attention alright. Just not for school."

   "Wait, but weren't you up till five o'clock in the morning just yesterday because you're trying to best that prank Blair Diggory managed to pull off?"

   Natalie glares at Kim for pointing it out. Though she really has been trying to come up with something good.

   A week ago, Blair Diggory stole a Niffler from Professor Kettleburn and released the magical creature to roam free around Hogwarts castle. A lot of students lost their shiny possessions. Though when the Niffler was caught, their things were returned.

   "Busted," Mikaela laughs.

   "That's different," Natalie argues.

   "Of course, it is," Robin nods. "It doesn't matter."

   "You weren't saying that when we were pranking the Gryffindors with my dungbombs."

   "You see, now, that was different."

   "For Merlin's sake, shut up. The both of you," Kim rolls her eyes, giving significant looks to both Natalie and Robin as the two girls bicker. "Arguing about your different priorities really won't make this dispute any less pointless."

   "Rude," chorus the two Slytherins.

   "Oh, now you've chosen to agree with one another," the Ainsley girl scoffs, shaking her head.

── ❖ ──

   "OLIVER, THIS YEAR HASN'T even ended yet. Shut up."

   A group of five Gryffindors walks inside The Three Broomsticks. Mikaela is minding her own business, working, though she does hear a snippet of the conversation. Specifically Wood being scolded by Reyna Castell as she glares at him.

   The Slytherin Keeper catches the attention of Russell Quinlan, however, and the ginger grins at her, choosing to break away from his group of friends. He's come to work anyway. This time being at the pub before his shift.

   Points for punctuality. First and perhaps the last time ever.

   "If your friends want butterbeers, you can get them some yourself."

   Mikaela looks at the redheaded Gryffindor, and he chuckles amusedly, shaking his head as he gazes back at her.

   "That's it? No hello?"

   "We've seen each other in Charms, you git," says Mikaela with a raised brow. "Besides, when's the last time I said hello to you of all people?"

   "Fair enough."

   Mikaela catches sight of the Gryffindor Keeper, noticing he's watching her and Quinlan. She winks at Oliver Wood. Quinlan laughs and turns his head to see the embarrassed expression on his friend's face.

   "I dunno what you told him," says the Gryffindor, shaking his head as he recalls seeing Mikaela and Wood in the changing rooms after the Gryffindor versus Ravenclaw match. "But he can't stop talking about quidditch next year."

   Mikaela chuckles. "Aw, that's adorable," she says. "He's already planning Gryffindor's loss in the Quidditch Cup."

   "It's funny, y'know," says Quinlan with an entertained smile playing on his lips. "Thinking about quidditch and thinking about you is not even mutually exclusive for him."

   "How sad for him."

   Mikaela shakes her head, chancing a glance at the Gryffindor captain who is now engrossed in a conversation with his friends. The other two boys sitting with him are Maven Faulkner and Aidan Boyd, she's learnt from Quinlan.

   "Not really," Quinlan shrugs. "I find thinking about you quite festive."


   The redheaded Gryffindor laughs nervously, scratching the back of his head in embarrassment. "Forget I ever said anything."

   "I'm sorry but my memory works much better than Natalie's," she says, realising that Quinlan essentially doesn't know Natalie besides the fact that she likes to pull pranks. Pursing her lips, she chuckles. "I mean, I can hardly forget that."

   "Think I'm gonna go get those butterbeers for my friends now," says the ginger, completely deflecting the conversation and where it was headed.

   Mikaela cocks her head to the side, a confused yet amused smile decorating her lips. She watches his back as he departs, a different person approaching the dark-haired Slytherin.

   "He's handsome," comments Aster Song, looking at Mikaela.

   "He's a Gryffindor," Mikaela shakes her head.

   She watches him get four butterbeers for his friends and bring them to the table, her gaze lingering on Oliver Wood for a while longer than it should.

   Aster chuckles. "Oh, yeah, I totally see the problem now," she nods, her lips pursed in thought. She doesn't think the Gryffindor part is the problem here. "So, is there someone who is not a Gryffindor that you like?"

   The Slytherin Keeper ignores the fact that her aunt is implying that Mikaela fancies Quinlan. Of all people. He wishes.

   "No," Mikaela shakes her head. "I don't fancy anyone at the moment."

   "Hm," Aster hums dubiously, biting the inside of her cheek. Instead of saying anything, she glances at Leo, who is talking to Remus Lupin.

   Aster, Remus and Dinah decided to visit Hogsmeade, and are currently doing their best, trying not to barge into Hogwarts and check in on the Potter boy. He doesn't have his parents to worry about him, so the people that were his parents' closest friends worry instead.

   Mikaela shakes her head and gets back to working, joined by Quinlan once his shift actually starts.

   Despite her curiosity, she does act like Quinlan never said that thinking about her seems to be an enjoyable activity. Or that Aster suggested that Mikaela might actually fancy him. Which he's grateful for. But Mikaela still glances at him every other second, unable to get his words out of her head.

   ("Damn, you, Aunt Aster.")

   "I'll just owl Dumbledore and tell him I'm coming to check in-"

   "Aster, for Merlin's sake, the boy will be fine! He's in Madam Pomfrey's care; she's able to take care of him just alright. Especially when you've owled her about five times already, too."

   Leander Song shakes his head, looking at his younger sister. Admittedly, he is entertained by the concern that Aster displays for James Potter's son. But it is getting a bit out of hand. He, too, cares about the Potter boy's wellbeing, but nothing can compare to Aster.

   When Aster Song cares about something, she has a hard time dropping it. After all, she worked on the lycanthropy cure for over a decade (if you count her being eight and reading everything and anything about werewolves to help her older brother, too) because that is how much she cares for Leo.

   Mikaela approaches the older Songs, donning a smile. Her mum and Uncle Cass are both at work. Tara Dowling-Song works as a Curse-Breaker for Gringotts and Uncle Cass is at the Ministry, doing Merlin knows what.

   Tara's curse breaking job is actually the reason why Mikaela and Theo spent so much of their childhood at The Three Broomsticks with their dad or around Aster's potion-making kits. Though it doesn't change the fact that she is a great mother to them.

   "Dad's right, you know," says Mikaela to Aster. "All we can do now is hope he wakes up soon. And that next time something like this happens, it's not gonna be just him, Lia and his other friends dealing with it."

   "It's strange, isn't it?" Aster shakes her head. "Dumbledore generally knows about everything that happens at Hogwarts. Why would he let a group of eleven to twelve-year-olds deal with something like this? Don't Ministries around the whole world claim that he's the most powerful wizard to ever be since Grindelwald's defeat?"

   "That man works in weird and mysterious ways," Leo shrugs. "But he's a good headmaster, Dumbledore, right?" The man looks at Mikaela.

   "I dunno. Just this year, I found out that he let You-Know-Who teach us of sorts, he's still keeping Snape as a professor and if what Aster said is true, then he deliberately put Harry, Lia and their friends in danger without providing any help from the other teachers."

   The Songs press their lips together as they think about what Mikaela said.

   "But it's fine, right? We're all happy and in one piece," the Song girl shrugs. "Except for Harry, of course, he's in the hospital wing in a coma."

   Aster and Leo glance at each other.

   "Well, it is what it is," says Mikaela. "No point crying over spilt potion."

   "More like spoiled potion."

── ❖ ──


   Mikaela is so happy to have gone through the last O.W.L. examination. That being a written exam on History of Magic. Which, admittedly, was quite boring but Mikaela was confident she knew most of it and had sat through it.

   She has nothing to worry about anymore. No more studying until she falls asleep on the textbook she's reading. No more stress and anxiety about failing.

   Mikaela might not have her results yet - they'll come in the summer - but she's free for now.

   Four Slytherins are sitting under a huge old oak tree, relaxing after a straining day. There are other fifth years, hanging around the Black Lake, but the four girls don't pay them much, if any, regard.

   "What d'you reckon you'll be doing in the summer?" asks Natalie.

   The girl with green highlights in her hair is more than ecstatic about the exam period being over. In fact, she even thinks she's handled some of them pretty well. Especially Charms and Transfiguration, as those happened to be the subjects she looked into the most as she planned her end of the year prank.

   It's quite innocent, really, as she got the inspiration from her purple rabbit, Vermin, but still, it will make for one hell of a spectacle. Natalie plans to turn the Great Hall into a meadow and all the goblets and plates into different coloured rabbits.

   "Mostly working," says Mikaela with a shrug. "Maybe see a bunch of quidditch matches. Holyhead Harpies are playing some this summer."

   "Predictable," Natalie scoffs at the - in her eyes - tedious answer.

   "Rory asked me to come visit her this summer," says Robin, a soft, content smile on her lips. Her Slytherin friends look at her, raising their eyebrows.

   "So, you're going to ask her out, finally?" inquires Natalie.

   "No," replies Robin instantly, a hint of fear in her voice. Her cheeks grow red, however.

   "Merlin, Kingsley, how d'you get through life?" Natalie shakes her head.

   "Oh, leave her be. You're not the right person to speak right now," Kim defends Robin, rolling her eyes. "At least she can talk to the person she fancies."

   Natalie gasps, "that was a low blow, Ainsley."

   "Truth hurts," says Robin.

   "Either way, my parents are planning a trip to Egypt." Kim's voice goes higher as she grows more excited, talking about a trip to the country where her eldest brother currently is. "Damien promised to take me to the Phoenixes he's studying," she says enthusiastically. "Raquel said she can get the Gringotts to send her there, too, to do some curse breaking. But apparently, Bill Weasley is stationed there, so it's a bit complicated . . . Margaret's going, though. And Leith can't go because he's in Auror training, which is very strenuous and he can hardly take a break."

   "Egypt sounds like fun," says Natalie. "You can look inside the pyramids, maybe get a few cursed objects, steal one of those golden bugs they have - dunno what they're called. Or a piece of a mummy-"

   "That is exactly why nobody wants to take you to Egypt," says Robin, and Natalie glares at her, making a mocking face.

   "These are merely suggestions that could make the experience plenty more enjoyable," Natalie argues.

   Mikaela laughs, shaking her head. "What are your plans for the summer, then?"

   "We're going to the United States with my family," Natalie replies, "I've only now learnt that we have a second cousin there who is about to have a wedding. Think we'll do a bit of sightseeing, too, though."

   Kim chuckles. "So you're going to the wedding of a cousin you didn't know existed until now. That seems normal."

   "In my family? Absolutely." Natalie shrugs. "My grandma's siblings just scattered through Western Europe or went to the United States because of that one Muggle War ... the first one?"

   "I forget that your family are Muggle-borns sometimes," Kim notes, chuckling.

   "I do, too, honestly. But my dad did introduce me to this really cool thing called a Walkman that I can play music on. It helps me focus, y'know. Doing tasks and listening to music. Only Muggle music, 'cause Dad refuses to listen to wizard music. Think that's mostly grandma's influence on him, though."

   "You know what I find really confusing?" asks Robin, cocking her head to the side. "If your dad is the child of a Muggle-born witch and wizard, and your mum's also Muggle-born, does that make you a half-blood or are you still technically Muggle-born? Because you still have fraternal magical grandparents . . ."

   "Wait, you're right," notes Mikaela, her eyes widening. "Because if your maternal and fraternal grandparents are of magical background, you're considered a pureblood on a technicality . . ."

   "So technically, that means you could have a family full of just Muggle-borns and children of Muggle-born parents and then they could eventually become purebloods on a technicality . . ." adds Robin, nodding.

   "What the fuck, you guys?" Kim glances between the two Slytherins, shaking her head.

   "But then again, nobody has ever bullied Natalie for being a Muggle-born," says Mikaela plainly, remembering the few times she's witnessed some Muggle-borns be called mudbloods or made fun of by other Hogwarts students. (No, it wasn't just the Slytherins.)

   "So she is technically a half-blood," Robin nods.

   "I hate you guys," says Natalie. "That was not the point of the conversation."

   "Lia, hi!" exclaims Kim happily as the Lupin girl's arrival means the end of the conversation that Robin and Mikaela started. She watches the blonde Gryffindor approach them with a bright smile upon her lips. Both are happy for completely different reasons.

   "Hi, Kim," says the girl.

   "What's with the smile?" asks Mikaela, smiling back at the girl as it's been a while since she saw her genuinely happy. Harry being in a coma made her quite upset.

   "Harry's awake," Lia informs the four Slytherins delightfully. "Thought you ought to know." She glances at Mikaela.

   "Did you see him?" asks the Song girl.

   Lia nods. "But only for a while. Madam Pomfrey didn't want us to stay long, because Harry needs to rest, apparently."

   A tone of irritation makes its way to her words, and Mikaela tilts her head to the side as that is uncharacteristic of the Lupin girl otherwise.

   "Didn't he rest enough? I mean, it's been about a month," says Natalie with a raised brow.

   "He didn't really get a choice in that, did he, you daft cow."

   Robin earns a glare from the Slytherin prankster, sticking out her tongue at her as the two girls begin bickering, whilst Kim and Mikaela roll their eyes.

   "Here we go again," they both sigh.

   Is this what Quinlan meant when he said there's a thin line between love and hate?

   Lia only giggles, shaking her head. "You guys are funny," she says.

   "Not sure if funny's the right word."


you know what, the talk
of how blood purity works
has always bothered me lol

alongside the fact that
dumbledore is supposedly
the most powerful wizard
in the world and has been
for decades by this point
but he's done absolutely
nothing to try and stop
voldemort HIMSELF cos
he totally could ...

golden era dumbledore
slander is welcome here,
this is a safe space for
dumbledore haters

i mean ... you can't tell me
that you guys haven't thought
about this ... especially with
how much i studied shit about
fantastic beasts and the wars
for my theseus scamander fic :D

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