Never Forgotten

By Kurolan

216 5 0

The next heir to a well known family, Ludwig Beilschmidt, finally decides it's time to get a personal butler... More

Fateful meeting
Things to learn - Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6 Part A
Chapter 6 Part B
Chapter 7
Chapter 9
Chapter 10

Chapter 8

17 1 0
By Kurolan

Upcoming smut......... it ended up becoming some sort of roleplay and dirty talking oop-

Austria trip though, yay!


/ Monday morning 07:00 /

Time had passed quickly for the pair. Ludwig had prepared everything for the trip, making sure the remaining staff at the mansion knew what to do and double checking every detail before leaving. Feliciano had tried to help, but Ludwig figured it would go quicker without, much to his disappointment. 

"I can at least carry your luggage" 

"It's heavy though" Ludwig replied. "To be honest, it probably weighs more than you" 


Elizabeta laughed as she trailed next to Feliciano. "It's fine, it's not often he lets me carry things"

He gave her a pout. At least he had trusted her with his luggage. "At least my delicate frame will stay the same" he figured, shaking his head.

The three took turns putting their luggage in the car. It was a sturdy black car, for some reason Feliciano had anticipated a limousine or something, but that would be too flashy for Ludwig on second thought. The car they would drive in looked like it could survive a jungle and some more. Elizabeta took the wheel, allowing the two of them to sit in the back seats. 

Feliciano looked over to his right, studying Ludwig who was checking out the travel documents in his lap. He was focusing, controlling everything like the enigma he was. The butterflies were noticeable in his stomach, considering the whirlwind that had happened, although nothing new had happened since the picnic. He had told Ludwig that he loved him and now they were dating. 


Nothing had happened since.

None of them had taken the initiative. It was awkward at times, but mostly it was business as usual. Waking up early, eating, doing work (or chores), dinner, more tasks and reading in the library before bed. It was so frustrating! Feliciano was an affectionate person and with girls it was straightforward: give compliments and smile, a soft pat on the shoulder or buy flowers. He shivered at the thought of doing the same at Ludwig. Swapping out the image of a sweet lady with a tall, fit German man, was almost scary, yet.. he wanted his affection and love. 

And now they were sitting in a car, heading to the airport to fly in a private yet to Austria. 

Feliciano glanced towards the front seats. There was a glass frame separating them from Elizabeta, put in place to block out sounds so there would be no distraction, which also meant she wouldn't hear anything unless she opened the vents. 

"Ludwig?" Feliciano asked, looking in his direction. 

He looked up from the documents, wondering what Feliciano wanted. 

"How are you feeling? About soon going to Austria and all?"

He took a moment to gather his thoughts. "I'm sure it will be fine" Ludwig finally said.

Feliciano groaned inside. Such a Ludwig-answer.

"I'm a bit nervous, if I am to be honest" His fingers were twinning around each other, becoming clammy at the atmosphere. 

"Ah" It seemed like he finally got the cue. "Is there anything I can say to calm you down?" His face showed genuine concern, and it felt good to finally get some attention. 

"Do you still like me?" 

"If I-" His eyes widened and Feliciano could see a slight blush appear on his face. Ludwig quickly glanced towards the front seat before returning to look at him. His lips were slightly separated from the shock. A small cough came to kick-start the reply. "O-Of course" 

"It's just that.. we haven't acted like a couple"

His own cheeks were red with embarrassment. It was awkward doing it in the car, but the chance had slipped between his hands at previous attempts. 

His blue eyes were piercing through him. It was a sad look.

"It's not like I.."

He paused. Feliciano could almost hear his brain working hard to produce a fitting answer.

"It's fine.." Feliciano reassured.

Ludwig breathed out as he said it.

"I thought... this was how a pair should be... mostly" Ludwig said slowly, looking worried. His brows were bent slightly upward, with his body looking stiff and awkward while turned towards him. "I've never dated anyone before" His tone of voice was low, as if afraid someone would hear.

"Really?" He talked before thinking. "Next time we're alone we can try things out.. you know.. if you want to do things that couples usually do besides the.. routine stuff" 

His voice faltered the more he spoke. There was no way Ludwig didn't hear how suggestive it sounded. It was definitely the result of him pining after his boyfriend. How he had been touching himself to the thought of Ludwig before going to sleep, imagining how Ludwig would fuck him senseless.

Feliciano instinctively crossed his legs.

When he dared to look over at his partner in the seat next to him, his face was tinted a bright shade of pink. His expression was nothing short of shocked. Without Feliciano knowing, Ludwig was happy he had documents seated in his lap. 

Ludwig thought carefully before answering again. "Could you.. elaborate on what that means?" 

Oh he had definitely dug his own sexual grave. 

"I mean, we could begin with hugging... or holding hands" 

Good going Feliciano, he thought.

That was totally the plan with saying what he did. Holding hands in a room with only the two of them. Totally. As if they hadn't already kissed before. He facepalmed mentally.

Ludwig shifted in his seat. His gaze was glued to the empty space between them.

"Is that all?"

His stomach was doing flips. He was disappointed??

"W-We could go further and kiss.. make out"

He studied Ludwig as he said it, suddenly feeling more confident.

"And even... take it further" Feliciano said playfully, looking up at him. He checked the front seat to make sure Elizabeta wasn't looking at them in the mirror before leaning over.

"My body is all yours... Master"

The reaction he had was nothing below amazing. Never had he seen Ludwig at such a loss for words, and the blush spread to the point of taking over his ears.

"It is" Ludwig said between heavy breaths. His mind was blank and his pulse was going crazy, but that didn't stop Feliciano. If anything, his reaction only fueled him.

Feliciano reached for Ludwig's left hand, dragging it towards his body. His hand was warm, but not warmer than another place on him. He made sure to stay out of sight for Elizabeta as he kept his posture below the angle of her mirror.

It was safe to say that Feliciano was thinking with the wrong head.

"Want proof my body is yours?" Before he let Ludwig reply, he took the much bigger hand over his hard bulge. He finally did it.

"Sheiße" Ludwig said under his breath. "You're.."

Feliciano could see the effect he had on Ludwig, his body was screaming for more and Feliciano was more than happy to string him along.

"If we were alone, I'd let you do anything to me" he breathed into Ludwig's ear, making sure to moan with every gentle and exploring stroke he dared to give. 

"Anything?" He played along, letting himself get caught up in the atmosphere.

"A n y t h i n g"

Before Feliciano could even say more, Ludwig pulled him into a passionate kiss. It took him by surprise, but he let Ludwig explore every inch of his mouth, their tongues danced between breaths of air and soft moans. Testing the water even more, Feliciano reached his left hand towards Ludwig's lap, shoving away the carefully placed documents to find his crotch. The other man was too preoccupied with the make-out session to notice, until Feliciano found his throbbing member. 

Fuck he was big. 

The moment he found it, Ludwig moaned unexpectedly louder to Feliciano's surprise, and it turned him even more on. 

"If only you knew what I'd do to you" he whispered into his ear. 

"I'd let you do everything to me" Feliciano moaned back, before returning to the sloppy kisses.

There was no way for them to do anything else, and before they knew it they had arrived. They both received a huge scare at the sound of the vents opening, with Elizabeta excitedly announcing they had arrived to the airport. She was surprised to see Feliciano leaning over to his side, before seeing the documents scattered by their feet. 

"Geez, did I drive that badly?" Her expression was genuinely astonished. 

"I sneezed and accidentally dropped it between my legs, Feliciano tried to catch it. Don't worry" Ludwig said swiftly. 

Feliciano thanked his quick thinking and the fact that the car was still dark. If not she would have seen everything, like the disheveled hair and looks, the redness around their face and the swollen lips. She would also have seen that he looked way less composed than he sounded, much to Feliciano's delight. 

"Here's the documents... Master" Feliciano said after gathering them, giving him a look after lingering extra as he said master. He definitely knew. 

"I don't know which order you had them in though"

"I'll find out on the plane"

"Let's go!" she beamed, eager to go. 

If only she knew he thought. And thank God for the luggage they both thought. 


Usually when you'd go to an airport, it would be stressful, tiresome and time consuming.

When you're the butler of a known man, it was easier to be at the airport than finding the way to a bathroom in the mansion. The staff treated them like royalty and before they knew it, they were in the jet. 

"I don't think I've entered such an expensive airplane in my entire life" Feliciano said in awe. Romano would die to experience it. 

"Really? I guess so" Ludwig wondered. It was obvious he hadn't known much else. 

There was good space onboard, leaving more than enough room for the three of them. 

Elizabeta showed Feliciano the different mechanics of the beige-massage chairs and where the mini fridge was, all while Ludwig had to re-arrange the documents he was (supposed) to go through. It reminded him of the ride, making him sort them in shame. Feliciano caught it, smirking inside.

"It's not often I get to fly, but I know how to make the best out of the trip!" She said with confidence. 

"It's definitely luxurious" he commented, looking around while she studied the travel route that laid on the table in front of them. It would be a short trip. 

She put the travel route down. "I wonder how Roddy's doing, it's been so long I've seen him!" she said with a big smile. 

Feliciano and Ludwig looked at her, not without her getting embarrassed. "Roddy?" 

Her hands covered her face as she shook. "Bad habit"

Ludwig did a small smile before "returning" to his papers. His attention was in reality everywhere else.

Feliciano thought it was affectionate of her. "Is he special to you?" It was a good opportunity to learn more about him. 

"Ah- I mean, he's first and foremost an important frie- um figure in Ludwig's life. I do know him though, of course. I was stationed there for quite a while and we're closer in age" 

Feliciano smiled widely. "It's nice to hear!" She smiled with a big grin back at him before turning more serious. He dropped his own smile, but figured out maybe it was a bittersweet thing. With the gaze of them both, he reached for the champagne. "Let's celebrate!" 

Elizabeta got eager along with him, eager to get it popping. It was a mess with the two of them. 

The flight was short under the influence of champagne. 


/ Arriving at the Edelstein Manor /

The ride had been uneventful and they had arrived. 

"This place is huge! Look at all the fields surrounding the manor!" Feliciano commented with his mouth wide open. It looked straight out of a painting!

She nodded. "Yeah! I've actually never been to this mansion before" Elizabeta chimed in.

Feliciano turned to her in confusion. "This?"

Elizabeta gave Ludwig a short look before answering. "He has another one, but for this stay it's best we stay here"

Feliciano saw her demeanor and didn't ask further. Weird.

"This one is further out in the country-side. When I was younger the fresh air did good for my lungs" Ludwig mentioned, seeming thoughtful at the remark.

They didn't stand long before a butler from the manor came out to greet them and guided them inside.

He walked behind Ludwig along with Elizabeta, but none of them said a word. They both looked around in awe, it felt like they had traveled back in time, only with the inclusion of modern technology. Roderich was nowhere to be seen.

"Herr Roderich won't be back until later. I will guide you to your rooms, feel free to sit in the lounge after settling in." The butler said with a stiff smile.

The butler, who was a relatively short man with a lack of hair, swiftly guided Elizabeta to her room first. Her room was the closest to Roderich's, while Ludwig's room was more or less in the other end. His own room would, just like back home, be across the hall from his. It was a big mansion, and it was a lot to take in. 

Just as the butler had guided them, he left once they knew where they'd stay. Their suitcases were already placed outside.

"Now that's efficient" Feliciano said with a whistle, as he looked towards Ludwig.

He nodded without saying much.

Feliciano grinned. "I guess we have time before he comes back" He moved closer to Ludwig. "What do you think we should do?" Feliciano teased, poking him with his finger.

Ludwig looked down at Feliciano. 

His usual neutral face turned into a half smile. "I think you should come help me" 

Feliciano gulped. He'd really done it now. 

"O-Oh, of course" He opened the door to Ludwig's room. "Ma-ste-r" 

His heart was beating fast, and Ludwig followed suit entering the room. As he walked in he turned around to look straight at him. "Open the bigger suitcase, reach the item in the top left pocket" Ludwig said with a deeper voice, even though the blush was exposing his true feelings.

Feliciano did as he said, reaching into the suitcase and found the item. What he pulled out looked like a door sign. He flipped it, revealing the text "Busy". Feliciano felt the adrenaline rush through his entire body. Ludwig had even planned this!

"I'll hang it on the door" Feliciano said nervously. 

He clumsily applied it to the door handle before closing the door behind him. Ludwig stood stiff as a brick in the middle of the room, looking vaguely at the queen sized bed in front of him. It was obvious he had realized the situation too. They were both virgins. About to lose it. Oh man. 

Feliciano couldn't help but feel really nervous, now that his fantasy was about to happen. 

"L-Let's sit on the bed to begin with" he offered, hoping it would de-stiff the German. 

Without saying anything he did as he was told. Feliciano sat himself next to him. 

So awkward!!

One of them had to initiate this. 

"You got me really weak in the car" Feliciano began, putting one hand on Ludwig's thigh and gave it a squeeze. "It was really hot" he continued, blocking out the embarrassment of his actions.

"You think so?" Ludwig replied back, carefully. His eyes were on the hand on his thigh. His Adams apple was going up and down, probably from being nervous Feliciano noted.

Feliciano nodded. "Mhm"

"I thought I'd lose all my self-control" Ludwig admitted. 

His heart was beating so fast. 

"Please be gentle with me.. I'm all yours" Feliciano whispered into his ear.

It was as a light-switch was turned on.

Feliciano found himself laying on the bed with Ludwig on top, pinning his arms down. Never had he seen Ludwig with such an expression; it was pure lust. It turned him on too much

He leaned in to kiss him, and Feliciano took kissed him back eagerly. He wanted more, he wanted to be entirely his.  "Make me yours" he managed to say between deep kisses. 

Feliciano managed to take off his vest and shirt, leaving his chest exposed for Ludwig to explore. He didn't need any coaching, as his lips were excitedly peppering him with licks and kisses as he trailed down. 

"Undress.. ah! Please" Feliciano uttered between moans. 

"Ah- say that again" he commanded as he stopped the kisses, looking up at him. His eyes were darker, just like his tone of voice. 

"Please, Master" he begged, looking directly at him. It did the trick as the German started to undress, revealing a toned physique you'd see on a magazine. His entire body was chiseled and fit to perfection. His body really was a twig in comparison. The size difference turned out to be a bigger turn on than he ever could have thought. "Fuck, you're so handsome" Feliciano said at the sight. 

The comment had an unexpected effect, as Ludwig flipped him again, this time making him on top. Only dressed in boxers, the size difference of their members was obvious, leaving him feeling embarrassed, along with the desire to have him fill him up inside. Feliciano wanted him inside. 

"Please, I need you inside me Master" Feliciano begged, grinding his hips into the German, causing him to moan. "You're the most gorgeous man I've ever laid eyes on" he said deliriously, grinding as he bent down to kiss him. Ludwig was getting into it, as the kisses were getting harder and more passionate. 

"I want to fuck you so badly" Ludwig said under his breath, while humping Feliciano on top. "I want to make you my little slut" he added, using his hands to explore the Italians body, taking in the entire sight. 

"Fuck me senseless" was all Feliciano managed to say, before Ludwig released his dick from his boxer. Pre-cum had already leaked, sending small beads down his shaft. 

"Tell me how much you want me to fuck you" Ludwig commanded.

His kink for submission was clear, and Feliciano was happy to oblige.

He began touching his own cock, stroking it for Ludwig to see. "Please Master, I need you so badly. My cock is already so hard... I want you to fill me up like a little play toy" 

It didn't take more for Ludwig to completely lose his restraints, as he flipped them again, having Feliciano on his back. Before he did anything else, he pulled his own boxers down, freeing his swollen dick. Feliciano couldn't resist touching it, stroking it to the grunts he made. It made him feel good to see Ludwig moan under his touch. Fuck he needed him so badly. 

Feliciano didn't have to say a word. "Turn over" Ludwig said with gritted teeth, the pleasure was making even speaking difficult. He did as he was instructed, spreading his legs with his ass up. 

"L-Like this, Master?" he asked, feeling exposed under Ludwig's gaze.


He didn't know how Ludwig found a bottle of lube, but it was suddenly laying by his leg. The bottle was cold compared to his skin, making him shiver. Ludwig picked the bottle up and squirted some on his hands. 

"I'll begin with my fingers" he murmured, visibly nervous and excited at the prospect. 

The way his fingers felt outside his rim, teased him immensely. "You're making me so horny.. please Master" he begged again, bucking his hips in hopes of getting what he wanted.

Feliciano gasped when the first finger slipped in, reveling in the feeling of him feeling around inside him. "Master... more" he whimpered, it wasn't enough. His desire was to be stretched further than he ever had been.

Without any question he slipped in a second finger and a third. Feliciano hadn't experienced much with a dildo, but none stretched him as much as three of Ludwig's finger, and the thought of his even larger dick sent chills down his back, in a good way. He was a moaning mess when Ludwig found his prostate, rubbing it in circles with his fingers. "Fuck, ah!" 

"Does it feel good? Beg for me" Ludwig growled, obviously pleasuring himself to the sight while using his fingers inside him, rubbing his prostate. 

"Yes! It's so fucking good... I need your cock inside of me" he said impatiently, as he upped the pace of his hips, reveling in the feeling of his fingers sliding in and out of him. "Fuck me good Master" He was drooling at this point, only thinking of the thought of Ludwig fucking him. 

"Fuck" was all Ludwig said under his breath, before sliding his fingers out and rubbing the lube from his fingers onto his own dick, in addition to adding more lube. 

The tip of his throbbing dick was warm as he slowly pushed his member inside him, giving him time to stretch his asshole enough to encompass his entire girth. "Aah-" Feliciano winced, making Ludwig muster the last remains of self control he had to go even slower. 

"Are you okay? Should I pull out?" Ludwig asked quickly, afraid of hurting him. 

"N-No, just stay there" Feliciano said with closed eyes. Slowly he moved his hips, allowing himself to stretch more and more, as he rocked back and forth. Hearing Ludwig groan to the movement turned him on to the point of more pre-cum dripping. "I think I'm ready for more" 

Ludwig didn't say more before slowly pushing in, until everything was inside. 


"Is my asshole tight enough for you Master?" 


Ludwig began slowly thrusting in and out, listening keenly to the feedback of Feliciano's moans. 

Feliciano couldn't resist stroking his own cock to every thrust, craving more. "Fuck me"

"Are you sure?" he asked doubtfully.

The thought of Ludwig just fucking him so hard was almost making him cum.

"I said Fuck Me" 

Increasingly the thrusts became harder and faster, making Feliciano cry out in pleasure. Once Ludwig found the angle to hit his prostate, he lost full control of his sounds and moans.  

"I'm- I'm going to c-cum if you continue" Feliciano said between each thrust, making the pace go even faster. His stamina was a blessing.

"Fuck, you're so tight I-" was all Ludwig managed before Feliciano screamed.


"I'm so close, you're so .." Ludwig said before pushing Feliciano down from all fours to laying flatly on his stomach. "You're.. ah... mine" 

Feliciano could feel Ludwig sucking on his back as he continued to fuck his ass. He was really marking him as a little fuck toy.  

"Cum for- me" Ludwig growled into his neck. "I'm gonna fill you up with mine" 

The sensation of being rocked back and forth with every movement rubbed his dick on the bed.

"I'm.. ah! Cumming" was all he managed to say, having the loudness muffled by the sheets. 

"I'm- nnhhg" was all Ludwig managed to say between strained breaths, shortly after.

"Ah.. ha" 

Feliciano felt every twitch Ludwig's dick made, as he cummed inside of him. He felt like he was in heaven, until the much larger man collapsed on top of him, still inside. His breathing was rapid and heavy, but it was all worth it. 

For the first time since the picnic, he felt like he really had a boyfriend. 

"That was.. really hot" Feliciano whispered drowsily. He wanted to look at Ludwig and what expression he had, but he wasn't strong enough to move with him on top. "Are you.. ok?" 

"Sheiße" was all he heard for feedback, before he carefully lifted himself up. "Oh God" was the follow up. 

"Eh!?" Feliciano said before turning to look, still connected by the ass. His face was red and his hair was sticking to his forehead. 

"Y-Your back is... covered" Ludwig said horrified, knowing he was the creator of the marks. 

Feliciano breathed out. "Don't scare me like that! he said tiredly. He knew the German man wasn't too scared, as his dick twitched again. "Your dick seems to like it" he teased. 

Ludwig looked bashful at the remark, looking to the side. "Did you..?" 


Feliciano lifted himself more, showing Ludwig the sticky mess he was laying in. Again he could feel Ludwig's dick twitching inside him. He would've continued, if it wasn't for his entire ass hurting from the pounding. 

When Ludwig saw him pained by small movements, he realized he should pull out. "I-I'll slide out" 

"G-Gently" Feliciano cried, it didn't really hurt that much, but the thought of it hurting more did it for him. The good news was that he slid out without much issue, the issue however was cleanup. 

The bedroom was connected to a bathroom, which Ludwig took care of, handing both paper towels and a damp washcloth for them both to wipe the mess away with. Feliciano couldn't help but feel vulnerable after they had gotten to the point of taking their boxers on. 


His eyes looked worried at the question. "Yes?"

He laid on the bed with outstretched arms. "Can you please come here for a second?" 

Without saying anything else, Ludwig crawled over and went into his arms. 

It felt good to just cuddle after everything. "I need your affection" Feliciano whispered as he gently stroked Ludwig on his back, which was back to being warm and not clammy. Every now and then he stroked his disheveled hair, admiring how soft it was despite the appearance. 

The sex was fantastic, but just laying there as a couple was enough. Feliciano had often thought that Ludwig needed a good hug, and it really seemed so as he had just melted in his arms. His sexy boyfriend was also a big muscular softie. 

"Thank you" 

His eyes widened, but his face was adorning a smile. "Hmm?" 

Ludwig was still laying in the same position. "For everything"

"You have no idea how long I've liked you.. I should thank you" Feliciano replied. "Honestly who would even want someone as useless as me" 

That made Ludwig move and look directly at him. His hands went to either side of his face, and his expression looked angry. The tears were already forming in his eyes. 

"Don't say that!" Ludwig said, his voice raised. His expression quickly became sad as well, seeing the tears threaten to fall down his face. "You're not useless, not to me"

Feliciano was already crying, he had always struggled with those thoughts. 

"I just.. don't want you to stop liking me for-" he sniffled before being interrupted. 

"Your worth is not measured in how useful you are" Ludwig stated. "Besides, I became attracted to you for so many beautiful reasons. You're stunning, your charisma and how you make me feel" Feliciano saw his eyes become glossy. "You're the only one who has treated me as Ludwig, as a regular guy and not a man born to be heir" 

He pulled Feliciano into a hug. 

"I need you" he whispered, giving chills down the Italian's body.

"I need you too, Ludwig" Feliciano whispered back. 


"I forgot to mention dinner is being served later" the butler from before mumbled as he found his way. It was a pleasure to see both Elizabeta and Ludwig again, although the young man with them seemed familiar too. He didn't bother thinking too much about that though.

Elizabeta had been notified, so it was only them left. He hadn't seen them in the lounge, therefore they were probably packing their stuff out he reasoned. Or maybe they were tired. They had only been there for roughly a hour. 

He swore he could see the luggage outside their doors still as he rounded the corner in the corridor, and he wasn't mistaken. The closer he came he saw that it really was. He could practically feel the dread traveling down his back. Without thinking, he turned around.

Today, he decided to not discover something he didn't want to. 

Not today. 



I returned from the dead, somehow

Ok so I had a draft laying around for months (school and mental health kicked my ass) and when I returned I hated it, so this is all different lol.

And I haven't really written smut before so have mercy (I sure beg for a lot of mercy huh). 

I hope this is fine, and you all are so kind to me in the comments, thank you so much!!

I hope to see you in the next chapters <3 

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